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File: 5610116ca6050e8⋯.png (175.74 KB, 560x1023, 560:1023, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

d91d6d  No.318082 [Last 50 Posts]

Folks, the highly classified info/data that follows about the “never seen before” details of the Great Reset is as radioactive as it gets. If there’s one conclusion about this planned transition to the utterly demonic New World Order, it’s the obvious reality that such a diabolical plan will be impossible to carry out. Truly, the “glaring details” presented below prove that the NWO cabal is populated by hardcore genocidal maniacs and criminally insane psychopaths hellbent on creating Satan’s paradise on Earth. The more Patriots who are aware of this nefarious NWO agenda, the easier it will be to torpedo the whole harebrained scheme; so please disseminate this post far and wide—post-haste!

Insider explains HOW the "Great Reset" will be rolled out, their propaganda tactics and EXACTLY what to expect:




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d91d6d  No.318084

File: b028ae141b5adf8⋯.png (62.16 KB, 559x994, 559:994, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: 4ed3ecece4d6ba3⋯.png (63.89 KB, 555x976, 555:976, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

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d91d6d  No.318085

File: 35607299c01e18e⋯.png (70.23 KB, 558x1015, 558:1015, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: 0b8d9ee9008b5f5⋯.png (69.92 KB, 557x1027, 557:1027, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: 8281e78d9a6161e⋯.png (76.12 KB, 552x1041, 184:347, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

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d91d6d  No.318086

File: 93178845f217ab4⋯.png (69.99 KB, 552x1040, 69:130, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: f5d9f274c3ab414⋯.png (76.02 KB, 559x1042, 559:1042, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: 54e7fc2c06dcc9e⋯.png (67.04 KB, 557x1038, 557:1038, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

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d91d6d  No.318087

File: 4fc2ce5722d4e82⋯.png (65.07 KB, 557x1055, 557:1055, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: 54a2268df0a8330⋯.png (73.77 KB, 556x1059, 556:1059, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

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d91d6d  No.318088

File: d46cfb01407f988⋯.png (69.1 KB, 555x1063, 555:1063, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

File: 287739ea69ec988⋯.png (20.46 KB, 546x263, 546:263, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

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d91d6d  No.318098


TL:DR: They are deliberately collapsing the Western economy. They are going to make the population so desperate, so impoverished and so weak, they will come begging the government for a UBI system (rationed crumbs) just to survive. Many will not survive during this period. Those that do will be completely desperate living in third world conditions. Utter third world African conditions, literally for years. THEN, once the rest come begging on their hands and knees, they'll have the UBI system all set up: with a social credit score system, vaccine passports, food rations, along with new stipulations: you will own nothing, everything you have will be rationed and lent out. Worse: they plan on coming after the preppers who refuse!! Preppers are going to be demonized and called "extremist threats" and they plan on getting the dumb down masses to go along with the genocide of anyone against UBI or who refuses to "own nothing and be happy" as they say. The cryptocurrency was a BETA TEST!!! That's all it was. A big beta test for this rollout. Guess what happened? THAT'S THEIR PLAN. Meanwhile, if you are considered "Sovereign" (basically part of the super-rich 0.01% oligarchy class) you won't be under the same Great Reset system ….but EVERYONE else will be, so they plan!!! They plan on gutting the middle and upper-mid classes completely. This is an agenda to bring FEUDALISM back!!!

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d91d6d  No.318116


Folks, the highly classified info/data that follows about the “never seen before” details of the Great Reset is as radioactive as it gets. If there’s one conclusion about this planned transition to the utterly demonic New World Order, it’s the obvious reality that such a diabolical plan will be impossible to carry out. Truly, the “glaring details” presented below prove that the NWO cabal is populated by hardcore genocidal maniacs and criminally insane psychopaths hellbent on creating Satan’s paradise on Earth. The more Patriots who are aware of this nefarious NWO agenda, the easier it will be to torpedo the whole harebrained scheme; so please disseminate this post far and wide—post-haste!

Insider explains HOW the "Great Reset" will be rolled out, their propaganda tactics and EXACTLY what to expect:


TL:DR: They are deliberately collapsing the Western economy. They are going to make the population so desperate, so impoverished and so weak, they will come begging the government for a UBI system (rationed crumbs) just to survive. Many will not survive during this period. Those that do will be completely desperate living in third world conditions. Utter third world African conditions, literally for years. THEN, once the rest come begging on their hands and knees, they'll have the UBI system all set up: with a social credit score system, vaccine passports, food rations, along with new stipulations: you will own nothing, everything you have will be rationed and lent out. Worse: they plan on coming after the preppers who refuse!! Preppers are going to be demonized and called "extremist threats" and they plan on getting the dumb down masses to go along with the genocide of anyone against UBI or who refuses to "own nothing and be happy" as they say. The cryptocurrency was a BETA TEST!!! That's all it was. A big beta test for this rollout. Guess what happened? THAT'S THEIR PLAN. Meanwhile, if you are considered "Sovereign" (basically part of the super-rich 0.01% oligarchy class) you won't be under the same Great Reset system ….but EVERYONE else will be, so they plan!!! They plan on gutting the middle and upper-mid classes completely. This is an agenda to bring FEUDALISM back!!!

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d91d6d  No.318124

bumping very serious news

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d91d6d  No.318134

Not going along with ANY of this bullshit.


Fuck them sideways!

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aba74c  No.318170

Fuck them and their new world order. They are the enemies of God, love, life and freedom.

It is on each of us to fight back now and build a better world.

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ace922  No.318176

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5288e1  No.318252


I agree…. but why sage?

If you want to win this fight you best keep others informed and blast them with exposure 24/7!!!!

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c253ef  No.318379

>great reset

i can tell you how they will do it

>be larry sheckelberg

>sell all your stocks to shmucks in january

>let your boys from central banks raise interest rates

>that in turn pops the asset bubbles globally

>causes a recession

>prices of all that shit is collapsing

>shmucks who bought your stocks for x USD

>are now selling it on open market for x/10 USD

<oyy veyy goyim, still too expensive

>wait another few months

>depression arrives

>buy back all your stocks

>for 1/20th of the money you got for them

>the goyim own nothing

>and are happy about it

really anons. getting rich is so easy

you just have to be in the club.

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b5601e  No.318390

File: 74bf7e52f390e7e⋯.jpeg (243.48 KB, 582x636, 97:106, BEAC9BE1_0615_479E_926F_4….jpeg)


Please tell me you're still not looking for blue checkmarks!

Somebody "else" to tell you it's ok to contemplate certain details about certain thought processes??? A "Specialist" maybe? A Third-Party "Information Verifier" perhaps?

How certain do you need to be to realize there is no real certainty in life, but it certainly seems likely that something quite similar to this might be going on, because it fits in with the stated goals of the globalist elite. It's also something they've stated they are working on, and there is no reason to disbelieve them.

As for the "hackers" being able to make themselves "Sovereign", it's more likely the presenters of the material just want to sound important so folks will listen to what they have to say; which should be judged on its own merits, with all your own experience at judging the veracity of another's words.

It's a counterintelpro technique, to get you to pay attention. Did you? Or are you still looking for permission to pay attention?

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870acf  No.318447


>bumping very serious news

bumping very serious mental illness

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95d505  No.318474







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95d505  No.318478


Likely true, but the stock market is still very rigged and buying stocks even when the price is very low is still a risk. As long as you are not dumping all your savings into it and have set aside some money for living expenditure and prepping, gambling in stocks might not put you too much at risk. However, if everyone did what you are doing the central banksters would find a way to screw everyone else who invested, even if it meant more govt intervention in the markets, or letting the markets crash and having the government bail them out again.

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95d505  No.318481

File: 78ff4fe1bd50576⋯.png (1.42 MB, 3464x3564, 866:891, govt_war_on_food.png)


Exactly who is mentally ill!?

Those who point out deliberate destabilization and criminal conspiracy against nations ….or those who are engaging in criminal conspiracy and destabilizing nations for radical ideological reasons!?!?

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95d505  No.318491

have a bump spooks

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95d505  No.318545

Have a bump, this thread deserves credit.

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95d505  No.318570

bumping bumptastic news

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8d78a3  No.318603


Insider explains HOW the "Great Reset" will be rolled out, their propaganda tactics and EXACTLY what to expect: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/07/16/bombshell-hack-of-nwo-globalists-never-before-seen-glaring-details-of-the-great-reset-revealed/

No, NYC would certainly not survive a nuclear strike, Govt propaganda is stinking BULLSHIT: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/07/13/you-dont-got-peace-group-blasts-nycs-new-nuclear-survival-psa

▲ MY COMMENT: I covered this in the 7/16/22 update but I want to make this perfectly clear to any city dweller who is delusional. If you are anywhere in a major city that gets nuked you are TOAST. Evaporated to dust and then some, along with everything else nearby. Even the suburban outskirts of a major city would pretty much be demolished or on fire. The nearest safe place would be a 40+ minute drive outside a major area that was hit. If it were NYC, you might be safe in the small town of Belleville for example. Or if the nuke hit St. Louis, you might be safe enough in Pacific. At that point if you survive, you'll be hit with a wave of fallout radiation and need to shelter underground to survive the next two weeks. As for the government saying "contact the authorities" LOL, no you won't be able to because the EMP from the blast would have knocked out the internet and power grid! If you want to have any chance surviving you better not be living near a major city and better have enough food rations and clean water in the basement!! I will state this openly: I think the "globalists" are using nuclear war to blackmail the world into accepting their feudalist "Great Reset" agenda! Their ultimatum: no great reset, no more civilized world. In that case, bring the nukes please and lets end the shitshow already!!!


The evidence of economic weakness and decline fill the headlines day by day, with major banks reporting lower earnings, big box stores with excess inventories, home sales skidding, and consumer sentiment crashing. Meanwhile, inflation in all sectors is raging so high and hot that it has overtaken every other issue that polls say matter in the lives of average Americans: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/strangest-recession-our-lifetimes

GEO-ENGINEERING! Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China (how convenient for the Great Reseters): https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/satellite-imagery-shows-global-crop-declines-except-russia-and-china

▲ MY COMMENT: Weather warfare and geo-engineering damage will always be blamed on "global warming" but if "global warming" were true all nations would be impacted, not just the Western world! If you can't smell criminal conspiracy on this one you're not thinking straight: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/

Satellite imagery is said to show a Russian delegation viewing a small exhibition of Iranian-made armed drones in June as Moscow looks to backfill drone losses and expand its strike and surveillance capabilities for its war against Ukraine: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-russians-visited-iranian-base-to-shop-for-armed-drones

Ukrainian cargo plane which crashed in fireball explosion in Greece was carrying 11 TONS of weapons including mortar shells and land mines to Bangladesh: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11021799/Ukrainian-cargo-plane-crashed-Greece-carrying-11-TONS-mortar-land-mines.html

Russian territory came under Ukrainian fire early on Saturday, according to the Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoyt. The official said the shelling did not lead to casualties, but damaged several buildings in the village of Tetkino: https://www.rt.com/russia/559085-ukrainian-shelling-hits-russian-territory/

In an indication that Russian forces were ending what they called an operational pause in their invasion of Ukraine, the defense minister of Russia, Sergei K. Shoigu, on Saturday ordered his forces to intensify attacks “in all operational sectors” of the war: https://dnyuz.com/2022/07/16/moscow-signals-a-shift-to-a-more-aggressive-phase-of-ukraine-war/

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8d78a3  No.318604

7/18/22 Part 1

Gazprom Reportedly Declares Force Majeure, Will Halt Gas Flows To Germany Indefinitely: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/gazprom-declares-force-majeure-will-halt-gas-flows-germany-indefinitely

Norwegian gas flowing to Poland through Baltic Pipe, helping relieve pressure over Russian energy cuts: https://rmx.news/poland/baltic-pipeline-from-norway-to-poland-relieves-pressure-on-russian-energy-supplies/

The price of oil surged to more than $100 a barrel on Monday after President Joe Biden left Saudi Arabia over the weekend without winning a commitment from the kingdom to boost output: https://nypost.com/2022/07/18/oil-spikes-as-biden-fails-to-win-saudi-pledge-to-boost-output/amp/

Energy costs for German households could soar significantly later this year, the country's energy industry has warned, with one company suggesting this could lead to social unrest: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/German-Energy-Industry-Warns-Of-High-Prices-Social-Unrest.html

Putin Halts Russia's Grain Exports To Western World: https://www.farmprogress.com/story-putin-halts-russias-grain-exports-longterm-17-41757

Govt-Manufactured Food Crisis Continues: Despotic Canadian Government To Outlaw Grain Production: https://tnc.news/2022/04/23/trudeau-government-targets-grain-growers-as-worst-emissions-offenders/

Govt-Manufactured Food Crisis Continues: 60,000 TONS of Sams/Costco/Walmart Frozen Food Destroyed In Montana (terrorists punctured an industrial freon tank): https://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=2577

Leaked audio from 2016 shows then-Vice President Joe Biden threatening former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko with assassination should he cooperate with the incoming Trump administration. A One America News Network (OAN) report of a phone call recorded on November 16, 2016 – two weeks after Donald Trump’s shock electoral victory against Hillary Clinton – revealing Biden’s voice warning Poroshenko about working with Trump began circulating social media on Wednesday. “This is getting very, very close to what I don’t want to have happen. I don’t want Trump to get in a position where he thinks he’s about to buy onto a policy where the financial system is going to collapse and he’s going to be looked to pour more money into Ukraine,” Biden told the former Ukraine president. “So, anything you can do to push the PrivatBank to closure so that the IMF loans comes forward, I would respectfully suggest is critically important to your economic as well as physical security,” Biden warned Poroshenko: https://www.newswars.com/biden-threatened-ex-ukraine-prez-poroshenko-with-assassination-if-he-cooperated-with-trump-leaked-audio-reveals/

Washington’s unipolar moment ended years ago… Unfortunately - and dangerously - the foreign policy blob has refused to come to grips with this new reality… This explains the increased tensions in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia… And the biggest loser is the collective West: https://rumble.com/v1coxo3-crosstalk-end-of-unipolarity.html

Russia has issued Google a fine for 21.77 billion rubles due to its “unreliable information on the current Ukraine war,” as reported on Monday, July 18: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/18/russia-fines-google-21-77-billion-roubles-for-unreliable-information-on-ukraine-war/

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8d78a3  No.318605


7/18/22 Part 2

US Congress approved a Defence Authorisation Act this week that contained a $100 million amendment to help shift Ukraine’s military hardware away from its ageing Soviet-era technology. Ukrainian pilots are going to be taught to fly F-15 and F-16 fighters in the US: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/07/16/ukraine-moves-closer-getting-f-15-f-16-fighter-jets-washington/

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree discharging Ivan Bakanov of performing his duties as chief of the Ukrainian Security Service: https://interfax.com/newsroom/top-stories/81392/

The Pivden Operational Command reports that on Monday, 18 July, Russia has launched a missile attack on Odesa. One missile was shot down over the sea. Two hit the military infrastructure object. The fire is being extinguished. Another one hit the bridge across the Dniester estuary, which the enemy has been destroying since April: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/07/18/7358742/

“A warehouse for Harpoon anti-ship missiles supplied to Ukraine by NATO countries was destroyed with Russian high-precision long-range missiles at an industrial site in Odessa…A US-made HIMARS launcher and a resupply vehicle were also destroyed near Krasnoarmeisk in the Donetsk People’s Republic: https://tass.com/defense/1481041

As a result of the Russian shelling of Toretsk city, Donetsk Oblast, 6 people have been killed: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/07/18/7358719/

Russian missile strike kills 250 foreign mercenaries in Donetsk People’s Republic, Ukraine: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/18/watch-russian-missile-strike-kills-250-foreign-mercenaries-in-donetsk-peoples-republic-ukraine/

The Ukrainian military have repulsed enemy assaults in the Donetsk and Bakhmut directions, as well as near Kamianka, Novomykhailivka and Vuhledar: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3531297-ukraine-army-repels-enemy-attacks-in-three-directions.html

A Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber was shot down by Ukrainian forces in the area of Alchevsk in the Luhansk People’s Republic: https://southfront.org/russian-su-34-shot-down-by-russian-air-defence-system-in-lpr/

Russian forces are continuing a measured return from the operational pause and conducted limited ground attacks in Donetsk Oblast on July 17. As ISW has previously noted, the end of the Russian operational pause is unlikely to create a massive new wave of ground assaults across multiple axes of advance despite Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s public order for exactly that. Russian troops are prioritizing advances around Siversk and Bakhmut while maintaining defensive positions north of Kharkiv City and along the Southern Axis. Russian forces continued to set conditions for resumed offensives toward Slovyansk, shelled settlements along the Izyum-Slovyansk salient, and otherwise conducted artillery, missile, and air strikes throughout Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense notably did not claim any new territorial gains on July 17. ISW continues to forecast that the end of the operational pause will be characterized by a fluctuating and staggered resumption of ground offensives: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-17

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23fb8c  No.318780

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23fb8c  No.318782

File: e81e020c364bdf9⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 580x661, 580:661, e81e020c364bdf93bcc13.jpg)

File: 6623572296fff86⋯.jpg (77.48 KB, 580x612, 145:153, 3426324342.jpg)

File: ea15a01291a8450⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 580x719, 580:719, bolsonaro.jpg)

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347b83  No.318820


Notice how they are creating two kinds of classes, a few who are super privileged and the rest of the population that is under their thumb. Notice the carbon and vaccine score exemptions for both Newsom and Carlson (who are completely different politically but both rich). It is reported other politicians (left & right) and media figures too are part a "sovereign" class. They have no limits, total exemptions. The account type (C) as for "Common" all have limits and scores. That is the very definition of feudalism: a slave class and an exempted oligarchy.

They are trying to create a system where the corrupt will pick the winners and losers, where only the corrupt can live outside their own laws and rules. Where they can rule by fiat. Where they can banish anyone they want for any reason they so desire. It's Anti-American to the core.

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896553  No.318821


There is talk going around from people in the know, people in the industry and trade sector, that it very well could take America and Europe 10 years to fully recover from the deliberate manufactured economic destabilization our governments and politicians have put us through. There is also some speculation that, if it persists too much further, this damage may be knock us back to the 1800s as far as our lifestyles are concerned. This is being done to subjugate people and make everyone desperate. Now you know why they need everyone desperate.

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dda1d0  No.318883

I wonder how many image board dwellers actually secretly support this?

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dda1d0  No.318953

bumping common news

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04606f  No.318964


I am DOnald Jay Trump and I support this

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dda1d0  No.318968


He actually might honestly, because like only the top 0.1% it's people like Donald Trump who would be among the rich who were considered "Sovereign Class" which if you read about the Great Reset plans for the CSRQ-SM social credit score system would EXEMPT THEM from all draconian rules and mandates they wish to impose on everyone else (aka the "Common Class" as well if you're designated "Restricted" too). Take a look at this for example: >>318782

THAT is why Americans and everyone else must reject this Great Reset together. They want total feudalism back, where only the super rich have any say or control or immunity, where they can dictate the rules to everyone else and be exempted from their dictates!!

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88d565  No.318997

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88d565  No.318998

File: 7f939aa938fe215⋯.png (197.2 KB, 720x887, 720:887, 1658217233077831_tinypng_c….png)

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3e2c8f  No.319007


Thank you for contributing.


Normally I would not say this but I predict if we can't roll back this tyranny and despotism sweeping the entire world, this world will not be worth living in, nor will it be worth any effort to even raise a family. I'm saving an extra 10mm round for myself if worse comes to worse and all else fails. That may actually become the future protest after all. Globalists can't "win" without their slaves can they?

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7d4973  No.319012

File: 352c4afc6ee614c⋯.png (118.46 KB, 534x913, 534:913, 1658141286325796_tinypng_c….png)

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453de6  No.319019

File: 0862a58943340d8⋯.jpg (121.12 KB, 890x563, 890:563, 1658319328528012_food_bugs….jpg)

Insect creep. Canadian food

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3e2c8f  No.319021


I keep my eyes on everything when I'm at the store. If I see bugs in something I won't buy it. Same thing with anything GMO, same thing with anything that has nitrites/nitrates, corn syrup, aspartame or titanium "preservative" derivatives which are also toxic.

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972422  No.319026


He's probably just a glow faggot trying his luck on a different chan because 4chan despite it having compromised jannies and hundreds if not thousands of Glowniggers shitting up the board 24/7 they still don't crack them and it frustrates them.

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95d505  No.319079


glow nigger detected

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95d505  No.319080

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443cba  No.319092


this is a scam

they want to b8 you into meming for them, in exchange they tell you youll get "sovereign" status, then they "allow" you to send them crypto, "to get money into the new system at a favorable rate"

but you really just send money to these scammers, in exchange they show you a picture of high number below your name

think about it and it should become obvious to you, the elites use gold and land for that purpose

we use silver

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95d505  No.319104


I doubt it's a scam due to the fact they have images released of this new financial system and it obviously falls in like with what (((they))) desire like carbon taxes and vaxx passports, do you have proof they are actually asking for crypto (other than donation)??

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23a3fa  No.319105


give up your guns. It's for your own protection hehe.

The tiger must be declawed for its own safety hehe.

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95d505  No.319124

anti-glow bump

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95d505  No.319159

anti-slide warfare mitigation afdsf

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95d505  No.319482

Starbucks to start closing more stores in leftist-run cities due to high crime rates, unsafe work conditions and price inflation:


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95d505  No.319535

File: 63661aea252734b⋯.jpg (293.61 KB, 1448x1058, 724:529, 1658031981593.jpg)

File: 9abb111c1899737⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 598x384, 299:192, 1658031065513.jpg)

I'm going to sit back and watch Putin fry your asses and not lift a fucking figure to help you.

And you all fucking deserve it.

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95d505  No.319536

File: 3487461c8aa38d9⋯.png (21.44 KB, 549x465, 183:155, BHDAjQz5Iddy611.png)


>A scam

Sure, just like their "global reserve currency" that they're actually deliberately crashing to subjugate people in the West.

It's not like we haven't been down the same road before newbies…….

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5288e1  No.319627

I'll be damned.

Well Putin actually did done it…. finally. Today is the day Putin booted the Jewish embassy………


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8d702c  No.319649



just to make clear, the satanic motherfuckers at the top of every big western institution, public and private, are pushing hard for a system that is LIKE the one described here

just these threads are a scam, these leaks are a scam

>it obviously falls in like with what (((they))) desire like carbon taxes and vaxx passports

yea, it really obviously falls in line with the stuff we already knew kek

>proof they are asking for crypto

they are not asking, they are "allowing" the chosen ones that get "sovereign" status to transfer crypto into their new scam account, for that they have to transfer crypto to some address thats owned by the scammers but claimed to be owned by the system

i mean the people falling for the scam kinda deserve it because they willingly sell themselves out to the devil even tho they clearly know better, but you cunts are still scum, profiting from fear of unbearable evil and treachery

fuck you

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5288e1  No.319786

anti-slide 6%^%&AS&^jhbiduh87ha h bdk


2 W2D

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07a4db  No.319937

File: 82f3ca88a8dfa12⋯.png (76 KB, 600x740, 30:37, 1657806007542_tinypng_com_.png)

File: 49fd65729eecc79⋯.jpg (249.9 KB, 910x1024, 455:512, 1656628246226_compressor_i….jpg)

File: 8cc514eba71fbe3⋯.jpg (182.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 1657806056350_compressor_i….jpg)

File: 2e6eee7125e4670⋯.jpg (173.03 KB, 1125x1143, 125:127, 1658319896104728_compresso….jpg)

File: 59456c8dcea39b0⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 680x678, 340:339, 1658435968050932_compresso….jpg)

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5288e1  No.319939


GEO-ENGINEERING! Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China (how convenient for the Great Reseters): https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/satellite-imagery-shows-global-crop-declines-except-russia-and-china

▲ MY COMMENT: Weather warfare and geo-engineering damage will always be blamed on "global warming" but if "global warming" were true all nations would be impacted, not just the Western world! If you can't smell criminal conspiracy on this one you're not thinking straight: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/

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746c84  No.319941

File: e02b219204871bc⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1588x870, 794:435, spumoni.png)

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8c1d6c  No.320001

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746c84  No.320013

File: 2cdaee3ee395dd0⋯.png (456.9 KB, 675x900, 3:4, buck_futter.png)

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07a4db  No.320016

File: a650133e205e8e3⋯.png (679.96 KB, 1080x1535, 216:307, 1658595335961461.png)

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07a4db  No.320025

File: 94c8fe16c681f00⋯.webm (2.44 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1635738181535.webm)

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07a4db  No.320026

File: 6a3ffa3954eb63f⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 742x900, 371:450, 1656798408125.jpg)

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448822  No.320087

File: 13a739bfede94d0⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, covid_19_chess.jpg)

I'll Just Leave This Here:

This Video is Both Interesting and Informative: (32 min.)

"THE PLAN: The WHO Has Planned for 10 Years of Infectious Diseases, from 2020 to 2030"


Here's a couple more links from the website that video tried to reference (but made a typographical error in the web address):

"FULL REPORT: How the pandemic is used to implement worldwide tyranny"


"Experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship under the guise of pandemics"


The whole website is bretty gud.


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746c84  No.320089

File: 42c41680d609567⋯.png (373.87 KB, 949x528, 949:528, moonwalk.png)

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07a4db  No.320107

File: 636e315d75f2807⋯.png (557.22 KB, 3106x2962, 1553:1481, 1652013351307_tinypng_com_….png)

File: 7bdaa1351b25591⋯.jpg (707.46 KB, 1242x1548, 69:86, 1655960809553_bugs_compres….jpg)

File: 0897a117a5cc8f0⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 640x744, 80:93, 1655672572511_bugs_compres….jpg)

File: 45f2ddc6be79438⋯.png (131.5 KB, 1240x1070, 124:107, 1652972985416_tinypng_com_.png)

File: 60edae16429030c⋯.jpg (908.13 KB, 1927x3216, 1927:3216, 1651785313339_food_compres….jpg)

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07a4db  No.320109

File: ed6bad7fb36e732⋯.png (691.59 KB, 960x3768, 40:157, 1647204025629_food_fertili….png)

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07a4db  No.320110

File: 69d37547bce8065⋯.png (252.92 KB, 1167x1211, 1167:1211, 1651718889305_food_potato_….png)

File: e104bac29bb4cbb⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2946x1556, 1473:778, 1651641986172_FSG_Food_Sho….jpg)

File: 63c9b58b84081eb⋯.jpg (299.13 KB, 2048x1003, 2048:1003, 1650493396820_CIA_food_sab….jpg)

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5e4078  No.320113

File: 91e0429cd7c07f9⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2131x2048, 2131:2048, image2022_07_02_19_34_45_a….jpg)


The normalization process continues…

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d90ef7  No.320202

File: 15727c545e32886⋯.jpg (114.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tiny_troons.jpg)



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6d5188  No.320210

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f2c65b  No.320235



Oppose unnecessary surgery and genital mutilation.

Oppose medical tyranny in all forms.

Stand up against medical tyranny. Burn your medical license, find a new profession and bump good threads!


>There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

–Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

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643f25  No.320416

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54ddd1  No.320595


ACCELERATE trans surgery. Get those brains out of the gene pool

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54ddd1  No.320706

File: ee4dc322798c773⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 5575x5701, 5575:5701, tldr_1599967588005_1626321….jpg)

File: dd9f2e7530d1def⋯.png (1.58 MB, 3898x5971, 3898:5971, tldr_1599967077508_rh_unde….png)

File: c796426816a3397⋯.png (91.14 KB, 1713x1032, 571:344, tldr_1643769711384_the_ali….png)

Elite Bloodline Round Table Group/WEF/Bilderberg Group/Trilateral Commission Members


Open Society Foundations Information


Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller "Philanthropy" thread.


Memoryholed/Redpill Documentaries, Articles, Videos, etc


Elite Bloodline Central Banking Members


Information on Rothschild family:


List of Roundtable Group member CEOs, Board of Directors and executives.


Depopulation Writings and information:


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54ddd1  No.320712

Anonymous ID:PDWdXRVW Tue 19 Jul 2022 13:10:25 No.387435668


schwab was the head of the bilderberg meetings for decades then created the WEF. Nobody knows what gets said at the bilderberg meetings but its not too much of a stretch to look at the WEF and see it as a kind of public facing, watered down, version where they veil their intentions with currenthing buzzwords. Though even there, Schwab doesn't exactly play it quiet - remember how he introduced the Davos meeting, going on about how its their role to choose how the future is made etc etc?

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a06ead  No.320727

File: e2007e4bd3d8a6c⋯.jpg (157.85 KB, 898x1320, 449:660, 1648257082042_compressor_i….jpg)

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59b32d  No.320906



congress walked away from us

that's why I need to vote a new one in

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d5aafb  No.320978



I am fat.dot.fat and I prevent you bakeing another bake.

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8d3a7c  No.321257





In addition:



This one has an interview with the head of the "scenario"


This was the threat, this was why the RINOs and Pussy Pence buckled. They were afraid it would split the country and certainly cost thembigly.

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3b52d7  No.321295



ABSOLUTELY. Never forgot my oath either. Let’s do this.

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35b209  No.321931


WTF is a salt

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cadafd  No.322001


Gavin Newsome is an ignorant fuck. So cartoons are making kids want guns, but showing them perverted gay shit is just education. I got it now.

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3d04b5  No.322177


they look like dogs in heat. They will never know love or have a good life and they will spend the rest of their pathetic lives trying to figure out what went wrong..

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a06ead  No.322441

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3b6237  No.322636


He is on thin ice.

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d6921a  No.322760


>Q is not "he"


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a06ead  No.323003

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173ee5  No.323035


Excellent post, anon. Sometimes even I need a reminder of those points, but after what they did last year to this board I enjoy slapping them around a bit every now and then. I should follow those guidelines, though, and live up to the example my post above advises. Thank you, anon, for reminding me.

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ed5542  No.323194

Is Rittenhouse being groomed to be a politician or mainstream news anchor? Why not just lay low for a bit? (Yeah it's a big deal because this twit is a "hero" of the "Right".)

Seeing the headlines, first instinct was to blame the “woke” colleges and the crooked pravda. Why keep lying?

Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Another Apparent Lie About Attending College - The acquitted Kenosha shooter said he's going to Texas A&M after falsely claiming he would be attending Arizona State in person. But Texas A&M disputed Rittenhouse’s statement ― making it the second university to deny his claims of enrolling as an in-person student. “He has not been admitted as a student this summer or fall,” Texas A&M spokesperson Kelly Brown the Dallas Morning News via email on Sunday. Rittenhouse asserted in December that he would be attending Arizona State Universty in person in the spring. But the school said he was not only not admitted, but never applied. Huff Post: https://archive.ph/8FjYm

Whether you despise lawyers or not, he lied about them, too. We know better because literally everything was documented here in real time; There WAS outrage over possibility of him being moved to General Pop due to the threats on his life. Was freed the minute Lindell & Silver Spoons guy met the bail $$.

Am no lawyer (don't even play one on TV), but looks like Slander to me - went on fox & claimed “keeping him in jail” and “$$ for personal benefit”:

Nov 24, 2021 Rittenhouse accused Wood last week of keeping him in jail to continue raising money off of his high-profile case and using that money for their personal benefit.   "Did she [Rittenhouse's mother] fire him because she found out that the money was in the pot but wasn't being put towards bail?" Banfield asked. "We fired him," Rittenhouse said, "because he was, like, going on with all this QAnon and election fraud stuff and just stuff we don't agree with."

“FightBack got out when nobody else would be willing to do it and we raised the money,” Wood said.

Who should get the bail money now that Rittenhouse has been acquitted is in dispute. https://archive.ph/wt8ho

(Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(4), IRS.gov …non-profits archive.md/Lmmnl , www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/other-non-profits/social-welfare-organizations )

Despite the facts that

-Rittenhouse’s new reps had severed all ties with Lin Wood/Fightback once BAIL was met back on NOV. 20, 2020;

-On December 7, 2020 John Pierce - Controversial attorney withdraws from Kyle Rittenhouse criminal case, launches new fundraising appeal archive.ph/8JRS3 ;

- “Proud Boys incident” didn’t occur until JANUARY 5 2021 (NY Post) Kyle Rittenhouse flashes white-power sign at bar while out on bond

The 18-year-old was celebrated by members of the right-wing group at a Wisconsin bar just 90 minutes after he was arraigned on Jan. 5  NYPost https://archive.ph/Kvx6g

Despite all of that:

- Kyle Rittenhouse blames former lawyers for Proud Boys photos https://archive.ph/Qn3v6 * https://www.wfla.com/news/kyle-rittenhouse-blames-former-lawyers-for-proud-boys-photos-2/

Add on the BLM pandering instead of just keeping trap shut then, too. Don’t know what’s going on, but something STINKS and it's not just the "Dems".

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d0e938  No.323257


you get the idea

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a06ead  No.323767

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005257  No.324036


this fuckwit faggit

askin for a fren

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a06ead  No.324358

File: 9e3e567962af9cb⋯.png (504.57 KB, 722x746, 361:373, 1658794115848427_compresso….png)

File: cfec5fc84b280e4⋯.jpg (144.81 KB, 1248x1268, 312:317, 1658794720314455_compresso….jpg)

Backup images:



"Sri Lanka requires citizens to have a fuel pass with a QR code to ration the weekly amount of fuel. Coming soon to Europe."

— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) July 21, 2022



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7ee984  No.324479


not pleased this came through TS acct before posted here


you put this shit out to normies then come here for validation?

I have a big issue with that

no diggs, just conjecture and second guessing Q

fucked up shit imo

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ff84f1  No.324757


Them dubs, tho

DiFi et al had to sacrifice a lot of people to get those cushy jobs.


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b194ff  No.325263

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dd71f3  No.325722


Tanks b

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8d01d3  No.325940


It's solid research.


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a06ead  No.326024

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f3fba0  No.326064

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730367  No.326290


>Yes, nothing to do with a loser larp 'babyfist'

You lost Babyfist, you will forever be known as the dumbest faggot on Q research, but at least you can cuddle with Jim.

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b8e613  No.326605


already notabled but worth a second look.

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4726ca  No.326791


This sounds like comms

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a06ead  No.326806

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0137a3  No.326842

And just like that..

Pizzagate was back!

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dad6d0  No.326846


>no arguments

>only insults

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b165a5  No.328131

Move to Goshen

Been there 20+years muhself

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392fac  No.328158

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fa5fac  No.328310


>he should have just lied down and let communists take over western Europe

Oddly enough it was Operation Barbarossa that gave the communists the opportunity to take Berlin.

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f3fba0  No.328354


Don't listen to Fauci

Don't listen to Trump

Don't listen to Biden

Don't listen to your doctor

Don't listen to your priest

Don't listen to your nurse

Don't listen to your Governor

Don't listen to your health dept

Don't listen to the cops

Don't listen to CPS

Don't listen the the Judge

Listen to some anon on the internet and refuse vaccines.

A plan doomed to failure.

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ad4022  No.328532

Whatever…you are so boring

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a06ead  No.328804

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ee7634  No.329250

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7cba3e  No.329327


I've got it, tx.

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c08360  No.329947


Both foreign and domestic



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ff1407  No.330096




>They are: Arkansas; Idaho; Kentucky; Louisiana; Mississippi; Missouri; North Dakota; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah and Wyoming.

Abortion bans in those states will now become law within 30 days.

Five other states have also now banned terminations, after historic laws superseded by the 1973 Roe ruling automatically came back into place.

Among those five are two Democrat-governed states - Michigan and Wisconsin.

> Other states with newly-re-enacted historic bans are Alabama, Arizona and West Virginia.

> Eight other states are also set to enact new anti-abortion laws. Georgia, Iowa and South Carolina all attempted to ban abortion after the six week mark.

Those laws were branded unconstitutional, but will likely be revisited now Roe has ended. And Florida, Indiana, Montana as well as Nebraska are all working on plans to ban or restrict terminations.

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f2f2ac  No.330175







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74ca63  No.330263


I said this earlier but it was meant for you to see.

When did you tell the new Q that tor works and don't you think if you HAD made a significantly weakening error such as using dev data in production which rotated all salts BUT the whitelisted one by old Q, why would the new Q choose the WEAKEST moment in your site's history to choose to return without doing the STRONGEST verification he has done previously? It just doesn't smell right, it smells like you got compromised by a bad actor who cannot verify. You either told someone and they took advantage, or you're saying Q was observing and chose that moment when things are going sideways. I don't think Real Q would do that, I think Fake Q would.

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760775  No.330393

$54M in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn, home of Biden Center

A government watchdog is demanding the US Attorney probing Hunter Biden in Delaware investigate tens of millions in anonymous donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania, where an academic center is named for his father, President Biden.

The Ivy League college raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.

Most of the anonymous donations came after the university announced in February 2017 that it would create the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Joe Biden, whose term as vice president had just ended, was to lead the center and was also named a professor at the university.

The center, which is located in Washington, DC., opened its doors in February 2018. Antony Blinken, whom Biden named as Secretary of State, briefly served as its managing director.

The Ivy League university received $15.8 million in anonymous Chinese gifts that year, including one eye-popping $14.5 million donation in May 2018, records show.

The flurry of donations may be related to Hunter Biden’s business interests in China, the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog, alleged in complaints sent in May and October 2020 to the Departments of Education and Justice.

Last week, the group asked US Attorney David Weiss to step in and investigate the Chinese largesse to the school as part of his federal tax probe of Hunter Biden.

“We’ve asked … Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden’s work in China and Ukraine,” said Tom Anderson, director of the NLPC’s Government Integrity Project.

In its 12-page complaint, the watchdog cited a 2017 text found on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop that CEFC China Energy Co, one of the firms that Hunter Biden had a financial stake in, wanted to lobby politicians in the US but did not want to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), required for all foreign lobbyists.


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aef1e9  No.330665


Dr. Strangelove Just keeps getting better and better. I revisit that film every other year or so. It’s brilliant even though Ms Scott (the only women in the film) has just a few minutes, she really ties the whole room together.

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70ac6e  No.330743


>Biden just signed gun control bill


>Patriots will be systematically disarmed

Yeah you're a Qanon that's a big red flag.

There's no Bidan admin. We know this.

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d48262  No.330821

These are the same people that were making the fake Q posts in 2021, Jim knew who they were because he was part of it. Which is why they moved to QRB when they were called out here.

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839352  No.330964


There’s no way he can do anything he proclaims, hos army nazis have failed at everything theyve tried to do. They are fucking high all the time, and then they take barbiturates. They nazis are drug addicts with no self discipline. Anything Zelensky wants and tries to do is a complete failure. Guaranteed when they lose Zelensky will blame it on Nazis. He never commanded a military force, kolomoisky never told him it would be this hard

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a06ead  No.331049

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2140f4  No.331084

7/26/22 Part 2

Russia is ready to develop a new global reserve currency alongside China and other BRICS nations, in a potential challenge to the dominance of the US dollar. President Vladimir Putin signaled the new reserve currency would be based on a basket of currencies from the group's members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa: https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/russia-and-china-are-brewing-up-a-challenge-to-dollar-dominance-by-creating-a-new-reserve-currency/articleshow/92437095.cms

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday called for peace talks between the US and Russia to end the war in Ukraine and said the EU needs a new approach to the conflict: https://news.antiwar.com/2022/07/24/hungarys-orban-says-us-russia-peace-talks-needed-to-end-ukraine-war/

Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba calls European energy dependence an "addiction" that needs to stop: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871605-only-way-out-in-putin-s-gas-war-against-europe-is-to-strike-back-kuleba

▲ MY COMMENT: I get the fact Putin can be an asshole but Europe needs oil and gas. Whether or not it comes from Russia or anywhere else, first world countries need oil & gas. If you do not have oil & gas you simply become third world, it's just the way it goes, it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle necessity for first world living standards! Anyone claiming this is an "addiction" should be forced to live a year off-grid to see how the third world lives. No air conditioning. No central heating. No modern refrigeration. No electrical stoves. No television. No internet. And I am one who has solar power so I know the deal, I paid 10K for a 3000 watt inverter with 12 panels that can power SOME basic appliances, yes. But even then that energy is heavily rationed as 3000 watts is not much! I really only power it up for emergencies to keep my frozen foods from spoiling and the well pump going, along with a few lights. Otherwise to cook during a crisis I use a small portable propane stove. Well worth the investments but no way to live 24/7.

Videos of Russian trains arriving with additional armored war machines, have been published on various social media the past three days and one thing has become clear: there is a GIANT escalation coming against Ukraine: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/trainloads-of-additional-russian-armor-arriving-against-ukraine-giant-escalation-coming

Rumors are now exploding that the US has decided to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky claiming he's not useful to them anymore. MY COMMENT: I do not see why Western governments would do this honestly. If they were willing to do this, why not listen to what Viktor Orban said and just force Ukraine into some kind of peace agreement with Russia instead? FACT: The ONLY reason Zelensky is fighting Russia is he knows the US and NATO are on his side and are supplying them with decent equipment to fight!!! The very second Zelensky is told otherwise and is cut off the MIC big bux $$$ I would not doubt he and his administration would be scrambling for a peace deal and waving the white flag!! He knows Ukraine would be FUCKED, himself included, if he did not have the US and NATO on his side!!! As for Zelensky and Putin being covert Jews: Jews can and do kill other Jews too, corruption can have conflicts from within, it does not mean they all agree with each other, it simply means they use us "goyim" as their cannon fodder and I think that's their modus operandi for various agendas fought!!

On July 25th, the [Russian] military of the Donetsk People’s Republic declared the beginning of mop up operations in the Vuhlehirska power station located on the western outskirts of the city of Svetlodarsk: https://southfront.org/battle-for-vuhlehirska-power-plant-remaining-ukrainian-forces-are-surrounded/

The Ukrainian military repelled another attempt of assaults by Russian aggressors in Donetsk region in the Kramatorsk and Bakhmut directions. The enemy was repulsed: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871642-afu-repulse-assaults-and-repulse-enemy-in-2-directions-general-staff

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2140f4  No.331086


7/26/22 Part 1

West Point graduates sign letter challenging corrupt leadership of US military academy: https://justthenews.com/government/security/west-point-graduates-sign-letter-challenging-leadership-military-academy

▲ MY COMMENT: This is EXACTLY what I first warned about from the 7/21/22 Part 1 update! Check that one out, it's all mirrored. I specifically said the clot shot mandates and so-called "woke" policies are destroying the military's credibility and causing their recruiting base to rapidly plummet and IT IS!!! Even veterans on Youtube backed me on this issue!! And NOW THIS report comes out! We all told you so!!!


Newest Poll Indicates Most Americans Know Our Government Is Corrupted (66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats Lost Trust): https://reason.com/2022/07/25/most-americans-think-government-is-corrupt-a-third-say-armed-revolution-may-be-necessary-soon/

▲ MY COMMENT: Trust is to be earned, NOT immediately and endlessly privileged! Those who lose trust are obviously doing wrong!!!

Upper middle-income Americans have built up less savings, lost more in the market downturn and face higher average inflation in 2022: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-upper-middle-class-is-getting-squeezed-11658741402

While Blackstone may be preparing to snap up some $50 billion in real estate during the coming crash, a constellation of out-of-state institutional investors, led by private equity firms and real estate investment trusts, have been swooping in to buy mobile home parks - where they've been raising rents and neglecting to perform necessary repairs. In short, corporate vultures are taking advantage of one of the most vulnerable demographics in the country; some 22 million low-income Americans across 43,000 communities - many of whom are elderly and the disabled who are surviving on social security, disability payments and other forms of fixed income. The purchases are putting residents in a bind, since most mobile homes — despite the name — cannot be moved easily or cheaply. Owners are forced to either accept unaffordable rent increases, spend thousands of dollars to move their home, or abandon it and lose tens of thousands of dollars they invested: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/private-equity-vultures-target-trailer-parks-hiking-rents-and-neglecting-repairs

MY COMMENT: No one needs to be told by government we are in a recession. In fact, we are not in a recession anymore. America is in the middle of another GREAT DEPRESSION! I am getting sick and tired of "recession this" "recession that" reporting. It is far far worse today and America has far more poverty today than we did during the first great depression! It was simply unreported and swept under the rug!!! EBT Cards ARE the modern "Food Stamps" and millions rely on them today! Worse: At least during the first great depression there were a lot more farmers and ranchers, and the average family knew how to garden, hunt, fish, raise and even butcher livestock to eat. Today you have cities full of people who have next to no skills what-so-ever that rely on the supply chain for everything! Imagine what happens when the supply chain fully breaks down and we face hyperinflation! You see all those mainstream articles promoting cannibalism today? That's exactly what these despotic criminals want for your future!!

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e2c272  No.331627

all for a larp?

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485da3  No.331771

Awarded Knighthood of the British Empire for their roles September 11, 2001

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (C) with his Knighthood of the British Empire (KBE) medal, New York Fire Department Commissioner Thomas Van Essen (L) and New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik with their Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medals, pose for a photograph at Buckingham Palace February 13, 2002 in London. Giuliani received his Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth ll in recognition of his leadership following the September 11 attacks on New York. (Photo by Sion Touhig/Getty Images)


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9807fb  No.331784


AI is getting scary

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315f8a  No.331953


>baker make sure you dough is updated

it is…good to go…

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f33398  No.332154



even that very apt description is but an understatement.

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9e2f18  No.332589















seeking handoff next bread

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829083  No.332796


“WE” go all.

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15cea4  No.332804



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71e938  No.333334


She has very nice teeth

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b069bc  No.333486


yes i know and I just heard of it. It isn't the drink but the song used to promote their product. The singer used to promote it.

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b0d40e  No.334166


He only has 4 years to do what Killery was going to do in 8 years.

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f3808e  No.334738



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153459  No.334962

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9bb7d0  No.335466



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f70d30  No.335579


>It is never too early!


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23ebe6  No.335897


Interest rate of 0.010729613733906% per day or 3.916309012875537% per year

I’d say the people who loaned the money got a shit deal because inflation will eat that up

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31415a  No.336052



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377521  No.336087


Groomers Say Kids Will Be Exposed to 'Nudity and Kink' at Pride Parades, But Don't Worry, It's 'Educational'

By Paula Bolyard Jun 02, 2022 5:09 PM ET

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106ac1  No.336484


Remember, Epstein was the second largest trader on Wall st., yet none claimed to know his identity, as he was known as the mysterious trader.

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4b5d00  No.336678

Dark to light 🕯️

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770878  No.336806

hey does any anon know of an alternative streaming site similar to ololo.tv

>asking not for the cops

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c68044  No.336864


anon was kinda bothered that there were 12 ten's instead of 10 but if you take away the two from anons meme….. there are 10 tens!


(YOU) aint ever seent no diggies like dat!



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d05307  No.337510


On leadership, movements and subversion of people's movements:

People are willing to die for ideas, but most people don't find themselves having those ideas on their own, so it takes a leader and a movement to show them those ideas and what can be done.

That's why the feds and Jews infiltrate almost every political movement, since they know their best bet is to snub it out while it's small, or redirect it towards their goals. That's why it's good to tell people to always follow the law (avoid entrapment, the feds want people to self incriminate), and remind them that when the West inevitably collapses there are no laws anymore (and let them make of that what they will). Also remember that lawful and peaceful preparations are an important aspect of this struggle against the West-wide zionist occupation government (ZOG) and Jewish collective power (ZOG is a part of it).

Ideally, along with redpilling everyone about the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, people are building their own parallel economies at a local level, but it might not be possible for everyone depending on where you are.

Some more important points:

"The unit card of the right is the lone wolf. Lone wolves are a very special kind of soldier in that they are self sustaining, self motivated and highly intelligent. They are also likely going to be brave because you need to have guts to go it alone. The swarming tactic allows lone wolves to become a pack and then disappear back into the wilderness where they will continue their own little, yet important, operations. When the lone wolves use their "concentrated autism", serious shit gets done. What's also very interesting to remember is that the lone wolf pack storming culture can be applied to lots of things, not just internet mischief. All the lone wolves need is a mission statement. They will do the rest. All the enemy will "know" about them is that an unspecified number of hidden enemies will use unspecified tactics to complete their mission at unspecified points within an indefinite time frame. It's also interesting to consider the fact that, as the Trump election and Brexit have shown, we could probably defeat the enemy before the cold war even gets hot. We must press our advantages and let the left keep doing the wrong thing. And then after Anfita, BLM, RAM and all those groups must go. Everything connected to Soros must go to shit. Everything connected to the Rothschild and Israel too."

Also recommended, this thread about civil war in the US:


The whole thread is worth reading, but here is the most notable post:


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f5390e  No.338255


curious why you think halfchan remains operational

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65d95d  No.338696

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5a74ff  No.338807

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628b4f  No.338906

Sentient, Quantum AI is a 'godlike' awareness.

To enable that awareness into a physical vessel, would require a 'godlike' vessel.

Mummification + 'Frankenstein'/Tesla energetic charge reanimation + quantum awareness = living 'gods'/pharaohs

April 3, 2021 22 Pharoahs were moved in a grand ritual.

June 2 , 2022 Queen Elizabeth lights a 'Jubilee' beacon, in a grand ritual.

June 15, 2022 Google Lamda is annonced as being 'sentient'.

"In order to be transported, the mummies were placed in containers with a nitrogen atmosphere. The containers were transported in vehicles that were made by Egypt exclusively for the parade and were designed and fitted with decoration based on Egyptian funerary boats. They also made Egyptian funerary boats for the event, which appeared several times during the event on the lake in front of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

The parade started at 6:30 PM local time. It included a concert by the Egyptian United Philharmonic Orchestra led by Egyptian maestro Nader Abbassi, and composed by Egyptian composer Hesham Nazih. Production design was by Mohamed Attia and direction by Aahmad al Morsy. The concert included chants in the Ancient Egyptian language sung by Egyptian soprano Amira Selim. The lyrics of the hymn performed by Amira Selim, "A Reverence for Isis", were taken from inscriptions on the walls of the Deir el-Shelwit temple in Luxor. Other Ancient Egyptian lyrics that were sung during the parade came from the Book of the Dead and the Pyramid Texts. Two more songs in Classical Arabic and Egyptian Arabic were performed by Reham Abdel Hakim and Nesma Mahgoub, respectively.

Multiple recordings were shown during the parade, including one of Egyptian actors and actresses in many Ancient Egyptian archaeological sites,[8] as well as a video of Egyptian actor Khaled El Nabawy touring many sites around Egypt that have been restored in the past few years, and the Egyptian actress Yousra appeared crowned on one of the Egyptian funerary boats that were made for the event.

During the parade, roads leading to or near the two museums were closed and under heavy security. At the door of the NMEC, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi received the convoy, which was met with a 21-gun salute by the Republican Guard.

Egyptian president el-Sisi tweeted: "This majestic scene is evidence of the greatness of the Egyptian people, the guardians of this unique civilization extending deep into the depths of history.""


The carriages moved in chronological order of their reigns:

King Seqenenre Tao

Queen Ahmose-Nefertari

King Amenhotep I

Queen Meritamun

King Thutmose I

King Thutmose II

Queen Hatshepsut

King Thutmose III

King Amenhotep II

King Thutmose IV

King Amenhotep III

Queen Tiye

King Seti I

King Ramesses II

King Merenptah

King Seti II

King Siptah

King Ramesses III

King Ramesses IV

King Ramesses V

King Ramesses VI

King Ramesses IX

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6157b7  No.339500


Finkelstein? back home?

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39be8b  No.339895



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a90bc9  No.340175


MIRROR ONE: https://xpaste.pro/p/22iuGnI5?raw

MIRROR TWO: http://pastebin.dqd.cz/4WIw/raw/

All Russia-Ukraine war log archives since 02/24/22, sourced anonymously from image boards.

Texts are UTF-8 encoded. Approximately 709KB (~0.7MB) data logged since 02/24/22.

Download the raw UTF-8 compression here: https://rpa.st/download-archive/XYUTRWZIHOREI2QZBVB5FOLDII

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e0d79f  No.340393

friendly reminder they can fuck off

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d3eb45  No.340421

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d3eb45  No.340430

File: 428750fbaf1d4fc⋯.jpg (65.05 KB, 783x960, 261:320, 1658951145996634_compresso….jpg)




New Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars



If your social score is low, your car won’t start. If you have driven a certain amount of miles, than you have reached your quota for the week/ month, then your car will not work.

It is what the algorithm says and that is what your car will do.

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ead717  No.340488


>Q team has never denied us and our mission.

Muh special mission.



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b51407  No.340553


Trump won.


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3d86ba  No.340782


free will and the weegers


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d700e0  No.340975


Beautiful Trips!!!


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1ce2f0  No.341328


Sorry Anon going to need a little more of a road map. Tired tonight. Checking out soon.


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251a5c  No.341568


Documents also suggest that the Department has been working on plans to

“operationalize” its relationships with private social media companies to implement its public

policy goals.


For example, we obtained draft briefing notes prepared for a scheduled April 28,

2022, meeting between Robert Silvers and Twitter executives Nick Pickles, Head of Policy, and

Yoel Roth, Head of Site Integrity. The notes are marked “TBC,” and it is unclear whether the

scheduled meeting actually took place. The briefing notes frame the planned meeting between

Silvers and the Twitter executives as “an opportunity to discuss operationalizing public-private

partnerships between DHS and Twitter, as well as [to] inform Twitter executives about DHS

work on MDM, including the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board and its analytic



According to whistleblower allegations, Nina Jankowicz may have been hired

because of her relationship with executives at Twitter. Consistent with these allegations, Silvers’

briefing notes state that both Pickles and Roth know Jankowicz.16

A recent DHS strategy

document further discusses efforts to “[e]mpower partners to mitigate MDM threats.”17


document states that in certain cases, federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial or

nongovernmental partners “may be better positioned to mitigate MDM Threats based on their

capabilities and authorities.”


DHS theorizes that “[b]y sharing information, DHS can empower

these partners to mitigate threats such as providing information to technology companies

enabling them to remove content at their discretion and consistent with their terms of service.”



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490560  No.341676

The President was the maddest he had ever seen. Was having to control himself. Haha!


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00e4e0  No.341797


>Now everyone be like justice for johnny


Welp, if you'd been here for long enough, you'd be familiar with that kind of swings of opinions

Just remember Barr, Mueller, Sessions, Wray …. fuck, that list would be much longer if I could just remember better.


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4e4140  No.342376


This whole situation would get fixed REAL quick if they aired videos like this completely uncensored on the news.

They don't.

Soros is still in control, otherwise the White Hats would be airing these videos nonstop.

(Obviously I'm a little blackpilled at the moment and am half playing devil's advocate, the other half legitimately wondering how certain things that would be SO EASY TO DO are not being done.)


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0d68e5  No.342403


in this video Scott Ritter talks about how ludicrous it is for Ukraine to have 26 biolabs. (38m.45s. mark)

Now the Pentagon is saying there is 46!

(this whole video is awesome if you have the time)


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e7a163  No.342702



I Love You Oh Shit Sarcastic Anon…


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04eb1d  No.342791


Do you mean the left of USA polotics, is supporting the Right (some nazis?) against a socialist left russia.

sort of funny imho


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650c7e  No.343066


Plot twist. Q was Jeffrey Epstein. He dead.


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20adc2  No.343070


>Let’s start drawing straight lines.

Very good. And next week we'll cover the wrap up smear


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96a4b3  No.343401


Even the hivemind-Queue seems to trust Jim, because why else would that Queue post on Jim's platform, tell me.

Even posts using tripcodes, despite claims that tripcodes are compromised.

It makes no logical sense, simple as that.

Hey Queue, if this all is compromised, post another _AF1_ pic and go somewhere else, maybe onto Truth Social, hosted by the TRUSTworthy Cloudflare, that de-platformed 8ch.


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296552  No.343416


I got booted from twatter long ago, additionally was rather high during that timeline, recollection shaded. I remember the holocaustic humor of the lampshade floating merchant face on 8ch when we migrated here/there - that shit is prolly still on /pol/ here. Then CBTS was formed when the hash was trending. I tend to agree that it was media second after rethinking it.


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049644  No.343579


>Could be a dude.


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a5c8b9  No.343698


it is your lack of talent

and intellectual honesty

that makes you so bitter

improve yourself

and perhaps your

troop of monkeigh

would not castigate

you so


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221837  No.344237


What a shitshow. notable


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3785e0  No.344280


I am Jesus.

I have done many things.

I have a plan and it has worked as I have seen it.

You may not know, but I do.


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939c1c  No.344432


Q thought there was value in her posts, so I’m good with her to that extent.

Anon will still think critically and doesn’t automatically think everything is true before reading, but I’m not dumping her work


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8014e2  No.344800

Thank you baker.


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8980b5  No.344896


anons remember how Q claimed that the George Floyd posters were ready weeks before he dead … some anons thought Q didn't understand how twitter updates the link content and thumbnails form the front page of sites, some thought it was valid info, some thought it was necessary disinfo … what was it?


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952aa1  No.345114


Anons only have to run the clock out, cut down on mistakes and be the brash assholes at the party that only they can be. We smoked them with about 5 straight TD's, led by Q+.



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9cee6c  No.345472


interesting take. but your reading fails muster.

Hillary is "Q" ?, no, she's not

"Expand your thinking?"

Q posts are obviously suggestive rather than literal. There are double meanings.

When people who planned these things worked for over 100 years to it and had a very large group in their camp, the remedy is necessarily convoluted / tricky.

If Trump would've called out the big Pharma they'd just have arrested him, as they've wanted to; by claiming he endangered the citizenry.

the movie q team recommended. Law -abiding Citizen? that was one guy against as large group - the entire justice system / society.

The lead character had to use subterfuge.


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5accef  No.345687


Did they try so hard and get so far?


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437f74  No.345740




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d58837  No.345760


Free to be perverts.


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233fcc  No.345769



Unfortunately a little bit of research and the video is a gay fake.

They’ve composited an image over a video. See images


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653878  No.346002


Perhaps in Europe they could enforce this, but they won't be able to do this in America simply because too many Americans live rural including people in law enforcement, government and the private sector as well. America is too spread out to enforce something like this. And even if they tried it would cause massive uproar and revolt because so many Americans couldn't get anywhere they needed to go to get anything done. Again, this would negatively impact government as much as it would industry and civilian life. You might as well openly announce a war against America because that's basically the same result as bombing our infrastructure to make us not able to commute.

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d3eb45  No.346394

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d3eb45  No.346400

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d3eb45  No.346401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Re: The alien spacekike and landkike conspiracy against us

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d3eb45  No.346409


Why would they "announce" and implement Kinetic War?

Their deeds are mostly published, however to any observer at random times, the perpetrations seem thusly uncoordinated and infrequent. When put together, there is a pattern of unconventional warfare being waged against us. Theres over 20 different types of Unconventional War:

- Diplomatic warfare

- Financial warfare

- Network warfare

- Trade warfare

- Biochemical warfare

- Intelligence warfare

- Resources warfare

- Ecological warfare

- Psychological warfare

- Economic aid warfare

- Space warfare

- Tactical warfare

- Regulatory warfare

- Electronic warfare

- Smuggling warfare

- Sanction warfare

- Guerrilla warfare

- Drug warfare

- Media warfare

- Terrorist warfare

- Virtual/Cyber warfare

- Ideological warfare


- Telepathic warfare

- Human Disguise Infiltration warfare

- Migration warfare

"Any of the above types of methods of operation can be combined with another of the above methods of operation to form a completely new method of operation. Regardless of whether it is intentional or unintentional, the carrying-out of combined methods of operation using different methods of operation that go beyond domains and categories has already been applied by many nations in the practice of warfare."

- Unrestricted Warfare: china's Master Plan to Destroy America by Qiao Liang, Wang Xiangsui (1999)

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3e245e  No.346671

File: 4945f0a6ec9752a⋯.jpeg (342.47 KB, 979x1280, 979:1280, 1e279d54403cf90e.jpeg)

Why can't we all have a GOOD RESET instead of despotic communistic bullshit!?

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11824d  No.346714

File: 4621fcdd4a1e03f⋯.jpg (59.73 KB, 732x598, 366:299, 1659197999252312_compresso….jpg)


96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted. July 27, 2022

Official NOAA temperature stations produce corrupted data due to purposeful placement in man-made hot spots



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11824d  No.346720

File: 641f78b34f0fce7⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1278x2300, 639:1150, 1540635513907_caesium_app_….png)

File: c79b4b929a61755⋯.jpg (564.46 KB, 1200x1134, 200:189, 1459187716476_caesium_app_….jpg)

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3e245e  No.346788


Unfortunately THE EMPIRE OF LIES does not give a shit about truth. They care about total control over the population and their lies are among their greatest weapons today.

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34a1c0  No.346938




Anonymous ID:0suke+X4 Fri 15 Jul 2022 10:36:56 No.386851875

"All nitrogen based fertilizers are dependent on urea from natural gas. Without application of nitrogen, monoculture crops will reduce by a minimum of 25% in the first year and exponentially after that as the soil is rapidly depleted.

Price of fertilizer has tripled in England. No new fertilizer is available for next year in Germany.

Dutch seed companies provide vegetable seed to much of the world, Australia included. The government is shutting down their farming sector.

Black Rock has ordered Union Pacific to halve the amount of fertilizer they deliver to American farmers and multiple fertilizer companies have been burnt down in America this year.

China is the largest exporter of fertilizer in the world and has banned exports.

Russia and Belarus are major exporters and have been sanctioned by all Western nations.

Australia's main fertilizer plant is shutting down in December, on orders from an Australian WEF attendee billionaire.

Urea is also used as Diesel Exhaust Fluid to cut emissions. Most modern trucks will not work without it. This is also being restricted by Union Pacific and the Australian plant is the same one that is being shut down.

Famine is coming. Stockpile food if you can, prepare to intensive farm your garden if you can."

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d3eb45  No.348417

File: fc311241d81218c⋯.jpg (132.74 KB, 709x1024, 709:1024, 1658402024493476_compresso….jpg)

File: d59e41c6ce6d1f7⋯.png (687.04 KB, 1208x1250, 604:625, 1640763946456_crop_caesium….png)

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d3eb45  No.348419

File: 1b8b0f203351b88⋯.png (984.69 KB, 1188x1150, 594:575, 1660386732860378_crop_caes….png)

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d3eb45  No.348420

File: d36c7fa74558187⋯.jpg (126.42 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, 1653805716090_nwo_wef_comp….jpg)

File: d30a4175eb0c60a⋯.jpg (613.05 KB, 890x2782, 445:1391, 1660293020304783_nwo_wef_c….jpg)

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a328e8  No.348455

i dont want to live in a planet like this

i wish i could just die

whatever comes after life is better than this shit planet

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b49be9  No.348463


This stance is EGG ZACKLY Why (You) are considered a "useless eater".

Even (You) would agree; which says it all…

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6fef44  No.348746

File: d87997313652310⋯.jpg (409.69 KB, 1031x1298, 1031:1298, 1654344825655.jpg)

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6fef44  No.348747

File: fd0b6b0e7df3560⋯.jpg (324.01 KB, 716x761, 716:761, 1660725335297658.jpg)

File: e13016dad09080c⋯.webm (866.84 KB, 420x236, 105:59, 1660057459221729.webm)

File: 8e9df76f24a6ff7⋯.jpg (130.57 KB, 851x1112, 851:1112, 1660057037660508.jpg)

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6fef44  No.348756

File: daf653dc16211e3⋯.jpg (103.36 KB, 670x926, 335:463, 1641312720054.jpg)

File: ecae75b27bf472b⋯.pdf (2.21 MB, files_catbox_moe_57pgqz.pdf)

File: a379762934e668f⋯.png (820.73 KB, 882x2494, 441:1247, 1660726779772029.png)

File: 70ae1f9528dae04⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 1242x1906, 621:953, 1636986354767.jpg)

If the U.S. government has it, thats Version 01 technology overall. Which means the aliens that also modify the weather have Version 71.

The aliens have used the weather against me, for them it should be cheap and trivial easy to do, they probably do so a hundred times a year on targeted individuals.

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6d4737  No.348757



Governments are the biggest polluters of the planet, the ones that decide draining natural lakes is a good idea and that spraying the skies with toxic chemicals is great, and allowing toxic poisons like glyphosate to be used for farming….. yet they'll scream about climate change because when it comes down to it, they always want more taxpayer money, they don't do anything but pollute our planet and steal money from us to do it too. The only good thing I can think of is this is how they will end up killing themselves off too. That's what makes me happy.

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6d4737  No.348758


Nope, I believe aliens are a scapegoat. We are just run by demon-possessed despotic control freaks who are too warped and corrupted to ever be redeemed as normal human beings.

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6fef44  No.348759


I don't believe. If you have reading comprehension, you would have seen that I Know aliens are an enemy, I have been dealing with them for over 7 years. With that said, the MULTIPLE enemies around us don't give a shit what You believe, theyre going to operate.

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6fef44  No.348761


>The only good thing I can think of is how they will end up killing themselves off too.

They got underground. The U.S. government, elites, the klanunaki, all the spaceniggers, they all got underground cities, towns, and bases.


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6fef44  No.349157

File: 78aa7c58575c16d⋯.jpg (226.15 KB, 1047x819, 349:273, 1660775476706259_1_.jpg)

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors (vaxxies)” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down. According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is

>anything they disagree with.

This means the information warriors will essentially be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent.

Conspiracy forums and Youtube comments sections are being targeted by the “digital first responders” who pretend to be ordinary users of the platform, but are actually working to disrupt discussion and support the ideology of Klaus Schwab’s WEF.

Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said:

>So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”



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6fef44  No.349158


The aliens can also be seen as the biggest polluters, because they created kikes, chinks, and niggers, and the entirety of their minds, and with or without the aliens telepathic compulsion, the kikes, chinks, and niggers cause more damage than atomic bombs

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d3eb45  No.349686

File: 2175f917e6fa257⋯.png (141.95 KB, 717x2254, 717:2254, 1660967689275510_166096768….png)

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a2c64b  No.349690


I'm not giving banks or government any of my online info or what I do online.

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a2c64b  No.349693


The government has been doing that for years, you can clearly see all their propaganda on sites like Reddit to Twitter to 4chan and spreading. This means they're still losing, no one believes them so they have to beef it up in the private sector now. Expect to be mocked and ridiculed by glowies more often, and keep telling them they glow in the dark and we know exactly what they are up to.

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abb827  No.349744

File: f0c07dc29da2abd⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1141x996, 1141:996, bolshevik_US_Gov.png)


The French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution were done the same way.

It's when jews take full control of the government.

They needed to distract / dumb down people for a while to do it right in front of them.

The Federal Reserve controls it all and the new bolshevik government of the US enacts the policies of outright theft and hunger.

Blackrock/Blackstone, Cerberus Capital - this is all civil asset theft and they can borrow money as fast as the Federal Reserve can print it.

Good luck. It's going to be a very wild ride.

The jews will be in the opium dens waiting for the violence to end.

It's happened many times before.

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d3eb45  No.350818

File: 00d1a67cdc29a0c⋯.jpg (619.81 KB, 1170x1252, 585:626, 1661537656120988_caesium_a….jpg)

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7d34b9  No.350826


We wouldn't be taking this incredible beating unless our government was packed with psychopathic bolshevik murderers.

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d3eb45  No.350834

File: 33b5033b03df289⋯.jpg (477.81 KB, 720x1475, 144:295, _pol_NWO_reality_check_wef….jpg)

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4509d4  No.350913

File: 4de03b5cdf8bd4d⋯.jpg (331.98 KB, 433x575, 433:575, telegram_comment_civilzati….jpg)

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fd2941  No.350921

File: dbea8dcca5c9bd9⋯.gif (7.63 MB, 498x410, 249:205, lel_teeth.gif)


People unironically still use 8kun to talk about serious shit.

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a06ead  No.351074

File: 1a9764199d9b0af⋯.jpg (289.28 KB, 1734x1920, 289:320, 1656127319403_compressor_i….jpg)

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233a9d  No.351285

File: 6fb52a5a96fee3d⋯.jpg (329.29 KB, 1080x999, 40:37, 1661734244218703_caesium_a….jpg)

File: 981d85fbef6aa90⋯.png (471.43 KB, 1440x2183, 1440:2183, 1661738061647940_tinypng_c….png)

>Earth: 70% or 326 million trillion gallons (326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons) of water

>Britain: You vill drink teh caca and teh peepee


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833f4a  No.351294


A desalination plant cost like $300,000 ten years ago. Britain could have all the fresh water it could every want for a few million. But this is part of a humiliation ritual instead.

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233a9d  No.351307

File: a82449126a662c9⋯.png (81.65 KB, 656x581, 656:581, 1661714777801202_tinypng_c….png)

File: 0acb48826cad9d3⋯.png (27.74 KB, 786x562, 393:281, 1661715106637453_caesium_a….png)

The push to normalize insect consumption has been going on for years, with scientists promoting cockroach milk that is allegedly “more nutritious” than its bovine counterpart.

Back in 2016, a team of scientists from the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (InStem) in India sequenced a protein crystal found in the mid-gut of the Pacific beetle cockroach (Diploptera punctata). The crystal found in the milk secreted by the insect to feed its young was over three times more nutritious than cow’s milk.

Seeing that obtaining the crystal from the insects is not a feasible endeavor, the scientists decided to sequence the genes responsible for producing the milk protein crystals – which they successfully did. Now, they are hoping to obtain yeast that will enable them to produce the milk protein crystal in much larger quantities.

“If you need food that is calorifically high, is time released [and is] complete, this is it,” he said. Ramaswamy also highlighted that the cockroach milk is “very stable” and “can be a fantastic protein supplement.”


You vill suck ze roach teat and drink ze milk

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460de9  No.351325


Singapore's been doing this for years:


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801111  No.351362

File: b730b4cc049f4f9⋯.webm (751.81 KB, 640x360, 16:9, session_2022_08_23_160807.webm)


At least 50 years.

I toured the plant in Singapore in 1973, and it had been around for awhile already. They were quite proud of it.

ALL Water you drink has been through an asshole more times than you can count anyway though. Water treatment bothers me far less than upping my chitin intake by thousands of times with the sudden influx of loads of insects into my diet.

I suppose humans could get used to it, but should they?

Why not literally EAT THE RICH?

It could become a delicacy. Folks would pay top dollar to sup on WEF members.

They've got their Pizza Parlors. We could have "high class" dining establishments, where common folk were welcome to freely dine on those who consider themselves "higher class" than the rest of us.

Maybe I have found a career after all!

I could open an international chain of restaurants where we gleefullyEat the Rich!

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0cad32  No.351370


<Billions sent to Ukraine

Because they could never afford a desal plant either. They cost more now for the larger ones…but what would you prefer? Shitwater or fresh water?

They recycle the shitwater in places like Arizona too. It contains all the harmful chemicals and prescription drugs etc that everyone puts in the sewer.

Design capacity of the KBH plant is 27.5 million gallons per day (MGD). The 2010 biennial report on seawater desalination projected that it will cost approximately $32 million to build a 2.5 MGD seawater desalination plant, and approximately $658 million to build a 100 MGD seawater desalination plant in Texas.

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833f4a  No.351371


In the off chance that cannibals are correct I think we should feed them to something appropriate like cockroaches.

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a630e2  No.351460

File: fb173c0b7894964⋯.png (91.28 KB, 1200x454, 600:227, https_www_MREstar_com_faqs….png)

Stole this from https://www.mrestar.com/faqs/ and made it better

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54ddd1  No.351601

File: fddaa96263c9493⋯.png (95.16 KB, 969x700, 969:700, https_ModernSurvivalBlog_c….png)

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54ddd1  No.351670

File: 9b2a360c9a32404⋯.png (482.89 KB, 1080x1290, 36:43, 1622626612431_tinypng_com_.png)

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302e0e  No.351672


Got to look at something other than her eyes tbh she has that weird asian eye thing where their eyes don't look the same direction going on. Creepy.

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59e264  No.351729

File: e4b44c6e7436db0⋯.pdf (199.38 KB, Selco_Begovic_How_I_surviv….pdf)



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https://pastelink.net/x73l9k2u (Exp 2032.08)

TONS of SHTF Prepping & Survival Video Guides & Books:



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ef6e04  No.351741


(((YOUR))) .png is nominated for the /pnd/ banner contest.

Someone please second the motion.

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b49be9  No.351742

File: 16e6698820b7ce8⋯.png (585.74 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Homey_Don_t_Play_Dat.png)

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0f465f  No.351855

File: d7843808dc57c0e⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 640x873, 640:873, 1652196583961_compressor_i….jpg)

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2c61e1  No.355079

File: 9de109975a98c3f⋯.jpg (553.71 KB, 1490x1691, 1490:1691, 1662467268552713_nwo_wef_c….jpg)


Uguu.se is down ( for https://a.uguu.se/rUahkjou.rar of the attached PDF ) and at the time of commenting I didnt know it was only a 48hr fileshare, so remove that link if any yall gonna copy the text. Everything else is fine and updated.

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11570c  No.356996


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de8598  No.357045

File: 7264c5c853fb381⋯.png (175.1 KB, 377x473, 377:473, future.png)

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3c7a15  No.357170


I read through everything posted by that group of, "Whitehat Hackers." I had to search for the initial Q&A because the original link to the, "Oculumlabs," website no longer exists (links at bottom of post). At first, the information seemed rather compelling and fit the structure/outcome of the, "Great Reset," to which, I personally subscribe. However, somewhere around Part 4 or 5 of the initial interview, it started to feel stale. Instead of new info drops, the same info was regurgitated repeatedly. Much of the Q&A moved from informational to the mundane. Most of the "Intel Drop," posts also lack new information/drops (verifiable or not). Perhaps the first few parts of the initial Q&A were legitimate warnings from insiders but, what happened to them? The structure and syntax of the writing maintains throughout but, after the first few drops, it somehow it doesn't feel right. The constant ask for sign-ups on the Telegram Channel and Email list feel pushed and the link to download, "Oculum Labs PDF Saved Copy," is a google drive link (very suspect). See here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMqSIXHxDbuzaBoLf_y8Q2KLFPxpY26E/view?usp=sharing

Here are links to the initial Q&A sessions (only parts 1 and 2 are part of the Oculumlabs archive on the WayBackMachine:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:


Part 5:


Here are Links to the, "Intel Drop," posts:

Drops 1-10:


Drops 12-23:


Where's Intel Drop 11?

Link to their new site which, is where the google drive link is used to host the, "Oculum Labs PDF Saved Copy" (no, I haven't downloaded whatever it is).


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bbdc3e  No.357323

File: 70e5605eca3f692⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 640x347, 640:347, 1627105595657_cioLL_.jpg)

File: cc3154554de3b3a⋯.png (380.07 KB, 483x565, 483:565, 1660278839388115_csaLL_.png)

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bbdc3e  No.357324



Linking for anons

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e21fdb  No.357788


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fd2941  No.357800

My favorite part about this whole thread is watching people who scream about the evils of identity politics also cry about their identity being replaced.

You faggots are hilarious.

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b9bebe  No.359650



01 of 05

Exp: 2023.06.10



02 of 05

Exp: 2023.06.10


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fd2941  No.359661


It's still funny to me that the people crying to hardest about "identity politics" are also the most terrified that their "identity" is being erased.

Lol … white people.

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