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aa50b6  No.318667 [Last 50 Posts]

I am not questioning whether the simulation topic is outside science. I am asking what evidence there is or could be to resolve whether we are or not.

Living in a simulation has been a topic for philosophy since at least Descartes, with his 'evil demon not less powerful than deceitful'. Zuangzhi's 'Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man' could be argued to be a statement of the same idea. What I am interested in is, is can we get beyond speculation and make headway on this? How does the evidence stand, what tools do we have, and what implications might the different answers have?

Here I quickly summarize some of the main positions:

"Are you Living in a Computer Simulation?" [PDF] (2003), Nick Bostrom, makes the case we are in a simulation, on the balance of probabilities


"Quantized gravitational responses, the sign problem, and quantum complexity" (2017), Ringel & Kovrizhin, makes the case such a simulation is impossible using classical computers. But that leaves quantum computers.


"The Case for Libertarian Compatibilism: A Brief Overview" (2014) gives a more detailed idea of what being in a simulation might mean, as a kind of peer-to-peer reality


"Fermi Paradox: a simulation solution" [PDF] demonstrates a serious argument that the simulation hypothesis is the best answer to the Fermi Paradox. Although as recently discussed on here, the existence of this paradox is open to dispute, and relies on a range of assumptions.


Anyone got anything else evidence based? Any models, or discussions of implications?

Another Interdasting Link:

Saints and Simulators: Did Bostrom Prove the Existence of God?


Moar Thoughts:

I would like to argue that the topic (especially the search for proof for it) is rather useless. With a search for evidence, this topic is very similar to the topic of the search for evidence that God exists - which is, naturally, an assumption that brings the term "God" into a field it simply cannot exist in. You can't search for an ontological evidence for something that by definition isn't in the ontological field (or, at least not in the human sense of ontology).

If you want to talk in the logical field, then sure, you can present many arguments for and against the simulation argument, but from your description I see that you know at least some that's enough.

So, my point is, the question is pretty much "worthless" (not really, or else I wouldn't want to answer it, so it is worth replying to at the very least), as a search for evidence in simply not realizing the difference between the fields in which evidence lies and the simulation argument exists.

And for a final note, I think Kurzgesagt (a Youtube channel) presented some excellent points on the hard time it'll be for "aliens" to create a simulation in which we exists (although it does assume these "aliens" live in the same world we live in, with the same physical laws limitations we have, but it's still a nice video to watch - they have amazing animations skills…


> embed related

It must be tough for BELIEVERS, who have to Believe They Know What IS, or What Isn't.

Of course, from their stance they probably think it's tough to be OK with Not Knowing!

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aa50b6  No.318671


Yes, I often have discussions with myself.

Or copy / paste links..

But at least I thinks I thinks!

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45780e  No.318756


Only if somebody intentionally programmed you to be a closet homosexual who doesn't have a job and sits in front of a computer asking himself if his miserable life is real or perhaps it's just a bad dream

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45780e  No.318757


It's not uncommon for schizophrenic people too think they are living in some kind of surreal fantasy

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45780e  No.318758


I'd imagine in this simulation, there's a maniacal evil plot against you somehow?

That's surprising. Who would have ever expected a paranoid schizophrenic to believe he was in a delusional state where people were out to get him for some reason?

Does this simulation also involve you somehow being a biblical character that's saving the world with his amazing copying and pasting skills in an empty chat room?

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45780e  No.318759


Are you important in this scenario?

If so, it's definitely not real

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45780e  No.318760


Do you have a tiny little penis in this scenario?

If so, it's reality. It's not a simulation

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45780e  No.318761


Does this simulation involve you eventually finding a woman who will have sex with you?

No ?……. yeah, that's reality. Not the simulation

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45780e  No.318762



You've obviously got way too much time on your hands

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d4dbe1  No.318763


Perhaps if you went out there and got a job, you wouldn't have all this extra time on your hands to sit around postulating about stupid bullshit like a little child

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d4dbe1  No.318764


If I had an 8-year-old son and he asked me this question, I would make him go get a job at McDonald's

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d4dbe1  No.318765


You've never held a job, have you?

Not even once…

Be honest with us….

You've never had a job before, have you?

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6b926f  No.318766

File: 429946842d47f82⋯.jpg (78.35 KB, 580x645, 116:129, 429946842d47f82fa5a7.jpg)

File: e81e020c364bdf9⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 580x661, 580:661, e81e020c364bdf93bcc13.jpg)

File: 6623572296fff86⋯.jpg (77.48 KB, 580x612, 145:153, 3426324342.jpg)

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6b926f  No.318767

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6b926f  No.318768


They plan to bring this system online within the coming few years, if not sooner. It's a social credit score system, vaccine passport AND carbon tax system that is being planned to REPLACE the United States Dollar and international SWIFT system!!


What you see here are restricted "elite" accounts. Note their total exemptions!

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d4dbe1  No.318769




You're stupid as shit

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d4dbe1  No.318770


You're the most gullible fucking uneducated idiot I've ever seen

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6b926f  No.318771



Nearly all corporate and alternative media celebrities (from Anderson Cooper to Alex Jones) are considered "sovereign class" and therefore have total exemptions. So do most politicians, left and right.

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6b926f  No.318772


The Western world is being played hard, like a fiddle. There are good people trying to expose this treasonous plan in the works before they roll it out. Once they roll this out it may be too late to do anything about it.

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25b561  No.318773


What is worse is there will be too types of classes. The "common class" (99% of the global population) and the "sovereign class" (1% rich elites/political/oligarchy/celebrity). Common class with be severely restricted in how much wealth they can accumulate or own IRL. They'll have carbon footprint restrictions, vaccine mandates, etc. If they refuse, they get "quarantined" aka completely cut off the financial system and have their wealth confiscated. While the sovereign class is exempted and can own as much as they want, do as much as they want, no limits.

It's fucking feudalism.

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6b926f  No.318774

File: ea15a01291a8450⋯.jpg (79.2 KB, 580x719, 580:719, bolsonaro.jpg)

File: c52c0728b5e8d6b⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 580x632, 145:158, paul_watson_1.jpg)

File: 80ce15766fea437⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 580x638, 10:11, dennis_prager_1.jpg)

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9b6598  No.318785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Does this particular simulation involved dried sperm on your chin?….


Yeah, that's not a simulation….

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9b6598  No.318786


Does this simulation involve you becoming intelligent somehow?

Yeah.. that's not reality

That's got to be a simulation

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9b6598  No.318787





Dude.. shut the fuck up occasionally

Have you never had friends before?

Is this the way you acted around your friends?

Why don't you shut the fuck up sometimes?

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45780e  No.318788


I'm not being an asshole

I'm asking you, just as if you were my friend in real life…

This is exactly how I talk to my friends in real life


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45780e  No.318789

Or do you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS talk about the same fucking thing?

It's monotonous

It's boring dude

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45780e  No.318790


So why are you so insistent on being awkward?

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45780e  No.318791

Can't you just be like a normal person occasionally?

Can't you just be cool and talk about something normal?

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9b6598  No.318793


Does this particular scenario involve my nuts on your forehead?

Yes?….. yeah, that's reality…. Not a simulation

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25b561  No.318796





















This seems like one of the unhappiest people on the internet.

He seems to be emotionally invested in the thought processes of other people, and it upsets him very much that some folks think different thoughts than him.

Funny how he thinks it's everyone else who's thinking is askew, or who is not open to thinking about things in different ways!

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273f2a  No.318797


> inb4 whose

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45780e  No.318804


lol @ you not knowing who I am

Kids these days, huh?

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25b561  No.318806


lol @ you thinking being a science fiction chat room culture douchebucket is an original 'creative different perspective'

Fuck yourself, you lonely little computer bitch

Because no woman is fucking you…

that's for sure

Kids these days, huh?

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25b561  No.318808


Please.. please.. don't ever stop being "UN-askew"……

If you started getting pussy, I wouldn't be able to ridicule you anymore

Kids these days, huh?

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45780e  No.318810


If you suddenly figured out how to get some pussy, and stopped your chatroom culture fagshow…

I would no longer have any material

Kids these days, huh?

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aaff61  No.318811


>thinks he's capable of thinking he knows what I think

Kids these days, huh?

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45780e  No.318813


Since you seem to think you know what I think, I think it's funny you didn't mention that I think you are white trash…

And you never mentioned that I think you are a closet homosexual…

If you never said anything about how I think adult males that don't get any pussy obviously don't want any pussy, so that makes them homosexual, but they don't mention it when they're in chat rooms, because they prefer to keep it a secret, the creepy sexual attraction towards other males they've been experiencing ever since they first started watching science fiction movies and playing video games

Kids these days, huh?

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9b6598  No.318814


Blow me, Sassypants…..

Kids these days, huh?

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315775  No.318823


Even Johnny Neptune admits and broadcasts he's a piece of shit.

But the truth is…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………get ready for this one………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….he is just a sad man who can't deal with stone cold real news. And while I'm here /pnd/ will always be my own personal stone cold real news blogspot.

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aaff61  No.318829


kids these days………….

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aaff61  No.318830


by the way ……

You know I love you

So don't take anything personal

as I slowly torture you and jerry

you know I don't dislike either of you


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45780e  No.318831


I mean YES…. yes yes I'm a duckweed

because I'm being cruel

but you two guys kinda asked for it

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9b6598  No.318833

Warning: The following may be distressing to some readers. Please prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for what is to follow.

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9b6598  No.318834

Bill: Can you describe what’s going to happen when this Financial Reset happens?

Gideon: “The transition will happen over a few days during a period of collapse. You login one day to your bank account, you see you have $708 U.S. Dollars. Right? It doesn’t buy much, because milk is $50, gas is $40 a gallon and your rent just went up double digits.

Then the next day you login and you have this thing called USDR in your account, a new section for your social score, you say, ‘What’s that?’ and you see you have $1,000. You go outside and down the street, you see gas prices are now set to $1 per gallon. You go in the store and milk is $2. The world has changed.

You go online and you go to your prepper group and you say, ‘This is Communism, we have to fight this!’ and within seconds, $25 is deducted from your bank account and you receive a notice about your online behaviour, with helpful articles on how to correct it and avoid future fines.“

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9b6598  No.318835

Bill: Ok, but a lot of people will be anonymous, won’t they? Prepper groups are pretty smart about that, so how will the bank know you said that?

Gideon: “If you’re paying any attention at all, know a lot of VPN companies are merging. They’re going to make sure when this happens, only a couple are left and they are all keeping logs. So they will have direct access to your real IP. They’re also going to do a lot of things in terms of restructuring the Internet while this collapse happens, so on the other side of it, it’s a lot less free.

This also circles back to their AI systems that can link writing styles to personal profiles. Since they have years and years of your real data online, they can see you typing anonymously, too. Virtually no person has used the Internet 100% anonymously in their lifetimes, so there are writing samples always connected to you. The AI can then find you writing somewhere under an anonymous account, based on your unique style, almost like a fingerprint. It can be fooled, but you have be aware this technology exists. Does anyone talk about this? No. They’re not aware.

This is why deleting your social and personal data within CSRQ-SM is so important.

Bill, since you and I, and your team are now Sovereigns, we can take a breath and relax a little. What my guys do is replace our old profiles with a ton of writing samples of a random Democrat or liberal, maybe their Reddit comments over the years, and make some random changes. Now that’s us. That’s our writing sample.

You and I writing or talking now won’t be linked to it, because we’re not writing anything like that spoofed sample. Now that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use precautions, we do, of course. Having Michael edit all this is key, he comes in and cleans it up.“

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b6406b  No.318836

Bill: Ok, ok, stop. Hold on. I know a lot of this, but if we’re going to put this in article form at some point, let’s slow down. People reading are going to get confused. Let’s go step by step on this writing sample stuff.

Gideon: “So, for those reading the article, Bill, and myself, and a few others involved, we have all had our data deleted and we’ve all been moved into Sovereign status, as of this moment.

The system thinks we’re a bunch of Democrats who got vaccinated. That’s the data my guys put in and spoofed so the system thinks that’s who we are. The system loves us.

If we write freely as ourselves now, bashing the Reset and speaking our minds, it doesn’t matter. The AI can’t link us to our Sovereign account, yet. It can’t link us to our old, real data, because that’s deleted.

After the Reset, if we keep talking the same way as we are right now, then it can! It will look back and see our old writings and it will say, ‘These Sovereigns over here sound just like these people complaining about the Reset on Oculum Labs.’ Then they got us.

We avoid that by adjusting our writing style after the Reset. In this case, we’ve made changes before the Reset, so that we can go back to our natural writing styles after it. We won’t say anything that will flag us after the Reset, of course, but we can at least be ourselves again.

Did I wrap it up better?“

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b6406b  No.318837

Bill: Yes, thanks. I just felt it’s got to be explained because it’s a bunch of concepts wrapped together.

Gideon: “Sure, it’s a lot.”

Bill: For people right now, who are Restricted or Quarantined, you’re saying they don’t need to do anything now in terms of their writing style?

Gideon: “Well, it won’t matter. They’re already in a bad class. I guess if you think you’re Restricted and don’t want to go into Quarantined, you could hold your tongue? It just doesn’t matter, though, it doesn’t. At the end of the day, you’re already in their system and they know your political views.

After the Reset, though, this is where it’s different, if you try to go online and be anonymous, this is where you run into problems. It will be much harder to be anonymous, and their AI writing tech will be able to catch you. It will be able to link you to your identity. You can throw out the idea you can coordinate anonymously after the Reset, unless your technical skills are at an NSA-level.

That’s why I’m saying, if this Reset goes through, they have all the bases covered, Bill. All these groups will get online after it happens, under fake or anonymous accounts, maybe using VPNs or maybe not, and to their surprise and shock, they will get caught instantaneously.”

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b6406b  No.318838

Bill: You’re right, it won’t be as easy as it is now.

Gideon: “It’s not really easy now, either. They’re still tracking people because of their unique writing styles. A lot more people are going online with anonymous accounts now, but it doesn’t matter. How you wrote when you weren’t anonymous is the same as how you write when you are, and the AI can catch it.”

Bill: This is tough to hear but I know you’re right. Anyway, continue your thought. You were describing what happens right when the Reset happens.

Gideon: “Yes, anyway. Welcome to your new world. This is life now. You have USDR. Prices are lower. You’re broke but you have enough to survive on. You’re not happy about it, because you know it’s slavery.

What can you do? You can complain, protest, drain your USDR account to zero, and in the process, lose friends and family, who, by their association with you are having their social score impacted, it’s going down for them. See how that works, Bill? Think about it.“

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b6406b  No.318839

Q: It’s total control. Families against families. Like vaccinated versus the non-vaccinated but ten times worse.

Gideon: “Yes. This is ultimate control. It will turn your closest friend against you. If your beliefs do not align with the new system and you express them, you not only get fined and lose the little USDR they give you, you are going to impact the social scores of those around you. They will quickly disassociate with you.

Small groups will form, people who are against it. Their algorithms show within one month, most of these people will start complying. The hold-outs will be few and far between. The preppers will realize how difficult it is to completely divest themselves, so some will start complying. But they will all have to get vaccinated!

Others will not comply, they will stubbornly resist and try to survive without USDR. They will get their power turned off, water and sewer by the city, if they aren’t completely off-grid, because their social score is now about 0 and they are all now Quarantined class, if they weren’t already.

They will get visits from the local police, then it will go up higher, the national guard will pay a visit for a ‘check up’. These visits won’t typically be hostile, because these are locals, they will be instructed not to be aggressive. There will be a lot of back and forth, ‘Please sign this, Mr. Brown, please agree to a search, Mr. Brown.’ This goes on, and with no progress, it gets escalated, the same way I use that term for this online stuff, they use the same system for this.

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b6406b  No.318840

Now with escalation, a military group shows up, or the drones are brought in. There’s no mercy. They might issue one warning over loudspeaker, and if there’s no quick compliance, there’s neutralization.

They will use gas or darts not to kill, but to render you unconscious, then the drone will inject the vaccine.

They’ll leave. Now you’re vaccinated with the hydra parasite and nano tech. They believe your behaviour will change, then you will begin to comply because of the vaccine within you, but it doesn’t in everyone. The ones it doesn’t are the ones who finally get marked for either elimination or placement in a camp.

Keep in mind, if a single round from a single firearm is discharged at a police officer, national guard personnel or a drone, the protocol is immediate elimination by all means necessary, whether deadly poison gas, darts, lasers and finally, they will use DEWs, missiles, mortars or high impact munitions to blow an entire house to bits.

If a patriot is planing to use their firearms, they won’t get more than a few rounds off.“

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b6406b  No.318841

Bill: When I spend time in my prepper groups, the consensus is that we’re going to fight and not back down. Does this cabal realize we will never submit to this?

Gideon: “They have deployed the most advanced computer AI programs to analyze this issue, they have teams of trained analysts, and of course, entire armies of paid agents and disinfo shills working non-stop to infiltrate these groups. So it’s an issue they are very focused on, one they believe they have control over.

This is not considering the technology they have which can be deployed. The biggest advancements are in drone and robotics technology, which are not being shown to the public.“

Bill: What kind of technology, exactly?

Gideon: “The military has bee-sized drones and they have extremely robust and fast drones that you would say are the size of a raven or bird. These are equipped with a variety of weapons, whether it be sound weapons, gas or chemical, or laser. They also deliver vaccines.

Now, Bill, I want you to take in your mind the idea of one of these and then multiple it by 200 or 500. Now imagine a swarm of these that size descending upon your homestead. A gun will offer zero protection. The drones can perform dynamic maneuvers. They can block off a home, they can drill holes in a home, they can disperse gasses into a home, they can fire lasers or small projectiles. There’s no need for a group of military guys with AR-15s and a Humvee to perform these extractions.”

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b6406b  No.318842

Q: That’s frightening as hell. So there is no defense? There has to be something that can stop them.

Gideon: “I don’t see what. The technology is too powerful. Maybe you could make a homemade EMP device that might disable the drones. If you do that, they’ll just launch some missiles at your house and vaporize an area the size of a city block and the only thing left will be a fifty foot wide crater.

I’m not exaggerating. My guys saw the documents that describe this. It’s not explicit. It’s in legalese. But it’s effectively authorization to eliminate hold-outs by any means necessary.“

Q: Who is going to go along with this? The American military won’t do this.

Gideon: “They will. For many reasons. The top leadership of the U.S. military is completely corrupt, I would go so far as to say, mind-controlled and certainly blackmailed. The non-vaccinated service people are being purged and won’t be in the military much longer. They are the ones who will not fire on Americans, so they will be removed. They have teams of drone operators who fired on targets and civilians in Afghanistan for years. They are highly skilled, and highly desensitized.

Beyond this, they have AI and computer programs that can operate the drones with high efficiency, but these do require a small team of technicians to oversee them. If they need Chinese military personnel, they will use them.“

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b6406b  No.318844

Bill: Won’t patriots be able to coordinate and gather, and form communities, and resist this? I’m still trying to think positively here.

Gideon: “Again, it goes back to what is feasible. We know they have plans for this, we know they are prepared to use drone armies, so that leaves us with few options.

Coordination and gathering together results in exposure. Going underground is difficult, because simply coming up or out of your bunker can be detected by the thousands of satellites above us. There are almost no options, Bill. Even if you’re a Flat Earther, you know there’s a dome up there and they’ve got stuff stuck to it watching us!”

Bill: True! Flat Earth or Round Earth, there’s no escape. What about in Canada when the truckers did the protest? It didn’t seem like they did a lot to knock them down.

Gideon: “No, they’re not deploying this now. It will be done after the collapse. Doing it now would make no sense. It would expose the technology, it would be talked about widely. They have no need to do that. They will allow small insurrections.

They know what’s coming. The economic collapse renders all of this moot. It means nothing. Every protest, all of the online chatter, all of the people who are waking up, it means nothing, because when you pull the economic rug out from under the 1st World, it’s over.

The people in charge of this world aren’t the slightest bit worried about people rising up. Incredibly enough, they expect and want to see mass protests. Klaus Schwab has openly talked about the ‘anger’ that will come.

Then they will offer their ‘solution’ to fix all of it. They want people to experience some pain, economic pain, so they are ready to accept whatever is offered. Very similar to letting the world be afraid of Covid for six months or a year before a ‘vaccine’ solution was offered. This economic situation will actually be scarier for people than Covid was, if you believed the Covid narrative at the time.”

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b6406b  No.318845

Bill: Ok, but what if enough people rise up we can burn their institutions to the ground? We can have French-style Revolution.

Gideon: “People will be too weak from economic and food collapse to stage much of a fight. The Americans have almost no fight in them at all, between the vaccines, the poisons in their food, their chronic obesity, stolen elections, pollution from electromagnetic devices and brainwashing from their televisions which they worship, the threat of insurrection is minimal.

America’s election was blatantly fraudulent, and their own leader pushed a deadly vaccine on them, and there was hardly a single protest. Americans are completely demoralized, fractured, and hypnotized by online distractions. Even the patriot groups lack robust coordination, most are muddled in political arguments.

The simple fact is that it’s too late. America is not America. It is not a Constitutional Republic. Its government does not reside in Washington D.C., and the powers that control it do not acknowledge or adhere to any human laws. I can barely believe I’m saying this, but Canada may show more of a fight.“

Bill: People aren’t going to like what you just said, and I think Americans will fight like hell. Let’s move on to another topic. How does the Metaverse play into this?

Gideon: “It’s an extremely important part of their plans. Their long-term vision is that human beings live in large cities, in small apartments or cubicles, consume a bug-based diet, and spend most of their day in a virtual world.

They have complex social data, and they have determined they want the large majority of people with higher intelligence to be addicted to this virtual world. Those of lower intelligence will do the mundane work to keep the planet running, such as manufacturing and infrastructure jobs.

This is partly why the vaccine was not heavily pushed in the 3rd World. They do not want to kill all of these people, they seem to have other plans for them.“

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b6406b  No.318846

Bill: The more I look at this, the more I see how these class systems will work. If almost everyone is Class Common, but hooked up to this Metaverse, they won’t need much, will they?

Gideon: “It goes back to the idea of, ‘You will own nothing and be happy,’ that is their vision. The class system works under this vision.

Right now, people look outside and think, ‘This won’t change, people have houses, cars, freedom, they won’t accept anything less than this.’ But they will.

When you pull back the veil and veneer of the modern civilized world, you find degenerate behaviour, mental illness, depression, dislocation, the break up of the family, drastically low IQs over the years, incredible problems with substance abuse and addiction to digital devices. To transition this world into their new vision is going to go smoother than you realize.”

Bill: Ok, what do you say to the people who say you’re just demoralizing them with this stuff? Because if my prepper groups read this, they’re going to say you’re just trying to bring us down.

Gideon: “I’m not, but if prepper groups are that fragile, then Bill, you can see we’re in a bad position, can’t you? They can’t even handle reality, or a different perspective.“

Bill: True, a lot of these people seem kind of fragile. Most are Q people, they get defensive if you criticize Trump or suggest we’re not going to win this.

Gideon: “Then they aren’t mentally ready for anything let alone a life or death situation.

I’m not saying prepping is bad, I’m just communicating the reality of what I know. I’m fully aware most people who fashion themselves as patriots are comfortable with making a proverbial ‘last stand’ with their guns, and some look forward to that! I’m talking about the reality of what will happen.

The country was lost long ago, and the patriot movement was co-opted long ago, so no progress was really made to take the country back in a meaningful way. And their leaders? Their alternative media and conservative leaders are all corrupt, Bill, almost all are Sovereigns and not disclosing it. We know that, I showed you all their accounts.“

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b6406b  No.318847

Bill: True, so many are Sovereigns, filling up their accounts with tens of millions in USDR. Mainstream conservatives. But I guess they don’t talk about what we talking about do they?

Gideon: “No, they don’t. That’s why they are there and we’re going to get ignored. Did anyone write you back yet?“

Bill: No, nothing, crickets! [This was before Guardians of the Looking Glass were contacted.]

Gideon: “You will have trouble finding anyone who will touch it. Definitely no one with a big following will. Keep it up, don’t give up, they aren’t all bad, Bill. We just need to find the ones who aren’t Sovereign, they are the good ones.”

Bill: I won’t give up. So what do you say to those who say the military is in charge behind the scenes?

Gideon: “If the military was really in charge, Bill, all of Congress, the FBI, the IRS, the Fed would all be arrested. Biden would be arrested. The heads of the vaccine companies would be arrested. By the Marines.

The military would flood into D.C. and guard everything after making the arrests. That’s a military coup. They aren’t always a bad thing, did you know that?“

Bill: I do know that. There have been good military coups in the past. America could use one.

Gideon: “Yes, it could, but that’s how you know the military is corrupt or useless. They’ve had twenty or thirty years to purge the foreign entities, but they did nothing.“

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b6406b  No.318848

Bill: What about Patel Patriot and Devolution? GESARA? Lots of talk about those two things because they’re very hopeful.

Gideon: “They’re both complete nonsense. These psy ops are designed to give people some hope that there are good actors behind the scenes, pulling all the strings to bring about some justice. It’s not even within the remotest glimpse of actual reality. These psy ops are for people who can’t handle reality, so they are very attractive to those people. Their predictions also fail time and time again, people are always waiting a few more weeks for something and nothing happens.

Bill, you can open your eyes right now and see the Great Reset is happening. We all can. We don’t need predictions of it. It’s happening now. That’s what’s real. CSRQ-SM is real. Their nonsense is fiction.”

Bill: Yes it is, but you’re going to upset people with this stuff, you know that? We want people to focus on this software and how bad it is. Do you think your opinions will get in the way of that?

Gideon: “I think we might want to avoid opining too much in the videos we release. I’ll avoid that. But in these discussions, I’m going to be frank. It’s tough love. People need to hear the hard truth. We’re in a very bad position, we’re losing, we’re behind, we barely stand a chance.”

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b6406b  No.318849

Bill: This goes back to what we discussed about Sovereigns. We really felt like, ok, lets take this and do something with it on the other side. Sabotage.

Gideon: “It’s our only chance. Become Sovereign. Fight from within, after this mess passes and they institute their new order. We can’t do anything if we are Common, Restricted or Quarantined. We literally have zero power. Every patriot will have zero power to do anything.”

Bill: Ok, but some people will think being Sovereign is like accepting the Mark of the Beast. What about that?

Gideon: “For whatever reason, this cabal made the Sovereign status in alignment with libertarian principles. It doesn’t even convey anything upon the person, it simply has no restrictions at all. There’s no implant you have to take, no vaccines, no oath, no pledge to Satan or Lucifer, none that we can find. There’s this biometric ID but nowhere have we seen that a Sovereign is required to submit a blood or DNA sample. We can just spoof the data, and it works.

Why it’s done this way, I don’t know, but the public is not supposed to ever, ever know about this. Ever. It is beyond top secret. They’re giving this to themselves, while they’re giving the Mark to the public. Because the other accounts require submission, allegiance, compliance and the vaccines.“

Bill: Well, I let you change me to Sovereign because of all that, it made me feel better knowing that. But what if we can stop it before this happens? Couldn’t mass awareness stop it?

Giden: “It could. If 50 Million people see the video we are going to release, it could. It’s an uphill battle.“

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b6406b  No.318850

Bill: Before we move on to another topic, can you give me right now the absolute best-case way a person can survive this, the exact steps. What do they do?

Gideon: “You have to be as low-impact as possible. You need to be deep in the woods, near a small water source, with some kind of shelter that is totally obscured and looks like the surroundings. Something in a small cave is ideal, or something buried in the ground and covered with leaves. Absolutely nothing can be colourful or look modern or out of the natural surroundings.

If you can do that and survive, you will last a while. But they do have plans to have drones fly over these areas. They are doing a lot of testing in a lot of places. They did some in Colorado and people saw it, the drones. It’s mostly done in Nevada. They have fleets of drones in the size of literally millions of the bird-sized ones, and sixty to eighty million of the bee-sized ones, those are the numbers I know of. It’s hundreds of Billions of tax dollars given to DARPA over 40 years, it’s the result.”

Bill: Yes, the black projects budget is huge. Let’s get into the vaccines, since we haven’t covered that much. What is your perspective on what they’re doing?

Gideon: “None of the vaccines have a single health benefit at all, and they are all harmful except for saline solution and to some degree, the nano-hydra vaccines, which aren’t supposed to kill you but they still do.

Some received a low dose, others medium, others a high dose. I would say any dose will reduce life expectancy no matter what, though, so even if someone got a low dose, they lost at least 10 to 20 years of their life expectancy. And others received experimental parasites and nano technology, part living tissue, part machine, that will be important in integrating these people into the future Metaverse.“

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b6406b  No.318851

Bill: How many will die from this, what are the projections? [The U.N. recently announced the Earth’s population is nearing 8 Billion. Gideon said this is false, and was released as disinformation, as the population is rapidly falling.]

Gideon: “I don’t have any hard numbers. I’m sure we can make a good guess. Billions are going to die between now and 2030. The birth rates will drop. I don’t see us getting to 500 Million on the planet, though. By 2030, we might be down to 2.5 Billion on the very low end, and 5 Billion on the high end.”

Bill: So the plan is, kill a ton of people, but also inject the nano garbage into a lot, too. Now, for all the Common, Restricted and Quarantined classes, you’re saying they want to give them the nano vaccines and not the deadly ones?

Gideon: “Correct. They don’t want to kill them, they want put the nano tech into them so they can be hooked up to their Metaverse. This is part of their delusional power-trip, to somehow convert these people who are set against them and turn them into their own puppets or something.

Can it work? Unfortunately, it might. The vaccines with the nano tech seem to change people, but not everyone. If somehow you avoid vaccination, now you’re out in the woods running for your life, from drones that can zap you dead from three hundred yards away, and you’re being tracked by Elon’s thousands of Starlink satellites. They have us dead to rights, Bill, they do.”

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b6406b  No.318852

Bill: Oh, God help us. That is evil, evil.

Gideon: “It is. And it’s ten times more evil than you even know. This is just the surface of it. This why we have two chances here, inform people now of this and get it to reach a lot of people. I don’t know how we do that, since all of these alternative media people are Sovereigns and won’t help us and their followers are totally brainwashed by them and worship them. Or plan B, which is use our Sovereign status to destroy them on the other side of this.”

Please share this information so more can prepare and be aware of what is coming. Part 3 will be posted soon.

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b6406b  No.318853


MY COMMENT: Jim Jones was definitely ahead of his time! Fuck this shit planet wow.

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a83f3f  No.318858

Killcen : sovereign blah blah

Me : shut up

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a83f3f  No.318859


So Gideon is schizophrenic?

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a83f3f  No.318860


Btw Jim Jones WAS schizophrenic

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a01196  No.318887


Oh my God you can't even read or follow what they have briefly talked about. You will make prime Class C cattle status for sure. And I bet you'll love taking endless "boosters" and paying carbon taxes till you drop dead before you're 70 years of age.

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a01196  No.318888


He was one of a kind schizophrenic. The difference with him is he realized this world is beyond corrupted, it's just simply fucked and so is the human race, and he and his followers did something about it. They drank the cyanide and died peacefully together out in the boonies as a final message they won't be slaves to the evil world around them. Kudos to them honestly.

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273f2a  No.318959

File: 79d5ca93ef46647⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.89 MB, 327x251, 327:251, TallCoolDuiker_small.gif)

File: dc5c175de8caed0⋯.jpg (79.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, be_me.jpg)

File: 21e28d3d857cf59⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 233.36 KB, 220x143, 20:13, Cry_Moar.gif)

File: c1f1940636d33ba⋯.webm (585.92 KB, 292x320, 73:80, jabba.webm)

OP here.

I'm guessing this topic required too much thought, hence was dismissed summarily as too thought-provoking.

Provocation, however, did not seem to be in short supply ITT. It rarely is on the chans; but that one attention-whore that never shuts up seems more rabid then the usual fare.


This was also me.


> lol @ you not knowing who I am

lol @ you thinking that anybody cares.

> '''inb4 desperate attempts to tell anybody who will listen who you are.

Also,lol @ you not knowing who I am!

Let's see…


> Stance

This whole post might have also clued in the even slightly observant: >>318796

I guess though, if I just vomited diarrhea out of my mouth all day long, I wouldn't be paying attention either.

Still though, the thread had its effect…

The attention-whore was set off and CONTAINED WITHIN it, and continued being our little marionette of leftist misery and hate, our own little exemplar of the progressive left's position on EVERYTHING. Persona-Bashing is all they have, and all they do. They spend all their time & energy tearing things down.


They Refuse to "Get REAL".

I can spend 15 minutes a day here, while some, like the attention-whore, spend 15 hours a day here, REACTING to the 15 minutes I spent (and REACTING on anyone "else" idiotic enough to interact with him, or say something the attention-whore doesn't like hearing or reading.)

The attention-whore is a bitchy little girl, a "simulant", a screaming banshee of ridiculousness.

> inb4 moar screaming banshee

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86743a  No.318977


You sound like such an obnoxious faggot.

Why do all chan boards have failed normie scum festering on here? Is it because you get banned for voicing your shit opinion?

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86743a  No.318980

File: 7651765b170dae9⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 605x658, 605:658, 1564927942781.jpg)









Lmao, didn't read, fucking faggot.

Your wife cheats on you, you sound like a dumb faggot when won't shut the fuck up about muh pussy this muh pussy that.

It's a vagina, notch count at 50, your wife/gf if you even have one cheats on you.

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273f2a  No.319017

File: 71cc64e52b6506b⋯.jpeg (407.27 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, your_coke_can_sized_dick.jpeg)


No No!

> muh coke can dick!

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273f2a  No.319060

File: 096a4cecec5289b⋯.png (62.49 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Jim_Jones_Anti_Hero.png)


Jim Jones was drinking the 'Woke' Kool Aid long before it was fashionable; but to the very same end, for those who followed his ideology.

Let that be a warning to those who follow the 'Woke' Ideology, or the Climate Alarmist Cult. They will meet the same fate. Eventually that Kool Aid will kill all those who drink of it, and many many more…

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0d40f9  No.319064


ITT: Pointless gobbledygook psy-fi verbiage that leads nowhere for the best of the bets shitgoim.

Gargle it all up based goy, it might even taste better than christian baby foreskins! hehehe

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273f2a  No.319067

File: 99d39af7772dfb5⋯.jpg (423.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, It_was_da_Joos_Parrot.jpg)



It's pointless to theorize, or think for yourself.

Let the "experts", the "specialists" do it for you.

Know your place. Don't you have some work to do, enriching ME?

Even without Jews the "Jewing" would continue — because of people who take stances like (You) r's.

Besides, this thread had "other" purposes…

But (You) making EVERYTHING be about Jews is kinda (((You)))r thing, isn't it?

(((You))) Know WHO Does That, Right???

Yup. (((You))) Guessed It…(((JEWS)))We've got (((You)))r Number. (((You))) even speak in (((Jew))) lingo. Pretty obvious, even for such a bulbously hooknosed (((Jew))) like (((You)))!

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bbbc17  No.319082


Local obituaries skyrocketing due to clot shot deaths (we warned you this would happen!): https://rense.com/general96/local-obituaries.php

The unproductive class is doing its best to ruin the global economy. This class is made up of politicians, bureaucrats and central bankers that have been enabled by a global administrative state expanding at an ever-increasing pace since the end of World War II. Those individuals who make up the unproductive class do not produce anything of value for the world despite what they would like you to think, which is that they are an essential part of order in the world. In fact, the unproductive class should probably be more aptly described as the counterproductive class as everything they do seems to create friction for those who actually bring valuable productive skills and expertise to the world: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/ignore-unproductive-central-planners-and-use-bitcoin

Suicidal, insolvent, incompetent, corrupted Western nations beg Russia to NUKE them: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-19-incompetent-western-nations-invoke-doomsday-retaliation-from-russia.html

The well prepared will survive the horrors that are being unleashed against humanity. Even as the oblivious, unprepared masses are exterminated by the billions, there will also be billions who survive the carnage, and those people will be among the most resilient and prepared — people who saw what was coming, planned ahead and took action to navigate the chaos: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-18-trust-yourself-preparedness-actions-will-save-you-from-collapse.html

Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Brags How High Gas Prices Will Force Americans To Accept "Green" Communist Tyranny: https://summit.news/2022/07/20/biden-transport-secretary-again-says-pain-of-high-gas-prices-is-a-benefit/

Govt-Manufactured Food Crisis Continues As Frozen Foods To Skyrocket In Price: https://montanadailygazette.com/2022/07/18/breaking-billings-mt-walmart-employee-calculates-massive-food-price-increase-were-those-recent-defrosts-really-by-accident/

Max Igan points out the agenda behind the manufactured collapse of the Western world, how corrupt governmental control freaks will benefit at our demise: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dry1BZWYE51n/

Putin Says Russia Will Honor Gas Commitment But Flows Will Drop As Much As 20% Of Capacity: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-says-russia-will-honor-gas-commitment-flows-will-drop-much-20-capacity

Ukraine's official holdings of gold collapse as they sell gold for goods: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/price-liberation-ukraine-dumping-its-gold-again

Top Western media outlet deletes video critical of Ukraine: https://archive.ph/x5SNm

New UK Hub To Develop Anti-Drone Laser Weapons As Ukraine War Fuels Demand: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/new-uk-hub-develop-anti-drone-laser-weapons-ukraine-war-fuels-demand

Law Enforcement Is Collapsing In Ukraine: https://southfront.org/law-enforcement-collapsed-in-ukraine/

Russian special military operation in Ukraine continues. Massive strikes of Russian missiles are pounding military are strategic infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially in response to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU): https://southfront.org/overview-of-russian-strikes-on-afu-positions-in-ukraine-on-july-19-2022/

On July 19, the Ukrainian military inflicted damage on several command posts of the Russian occupiers, control stations, and logistic support bases on the southern front. In total, the enemy lost 41 soldiers and 12 equipment units: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3532859-ukrainian-troops-strike-enemy-tank-platoon-command-posts-in-south.html

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0d40f9  No.319089


I bet you watch startrek and starwars and think you did something useful, don't you? kek

fucking useless proleshit

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c11868  No.319110


< I bet you watch startrek and starwars and think you did something useful, don't you?

Not exactly my fare, but I bet you spent countless hours, over years, on 4chan/pol/ and thought you did something useful, didn't you?

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24c6af  No.320758



Medium rare please.

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585c74  No.320847



Democrats are bullies.

They always have been.

They run on pretending to care about Social issues,

but all they really care about is implementing corrupt Socialism.

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f465a9  No.322040


>summoned by a Spanish court

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d501a5  No.322622

"Evidence will show that at the meeting, the parties agreed to conduct work in the hope that it would benefit the Clinton Campaign, namely, gathering and disseminating purportedly derogatory data regarding Trump and his associates’ internet activities."


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786515  No.322832


how will children get raped if sex is strictly between an adult man and an adult woman in a marriage to start a family and also the knowledge that child rapists get killed?

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f103d6  No.322874


Jewboy panics like a jewboy.

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97e0a8  No.322971


Gavin Newsom is somebody's submissive bitch.

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f6b061  No.323695

The white house disinformation office will be responsible for innocent Amercians getting vaporized in Nuclear War to protect a nazi child fucker and drug addict.

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3c347f  No.323828


>July 4th.


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2851de  No.324210



Notables are not Endorsements














Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please, might be a lag

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18f377  No.324354


kek go on, bakir, give it a shot

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7c8a32  No.324474


>shills attach to any narrative

while this picture shows indeed the fist of baby it's more like newborn/adult covenant (RvW win)

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35115f  No.325079


That makes you look at the drop even more, right?

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5aca25  No.325083


As Federal as Federal Express.

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616750  No.325144

In a stunning exhibit of confused tunnel vision, scientists are completely baffled to find:

"Up to 80% of athletes who die suddenly had no symptoms or family history of heart disease!"

The focus on genetics leaves these so-called scientists completely in the dark as to the cause.


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475d63  No.325156

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e7cc2d  No.325232

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409ed1  No.325396



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65ad88  No.325487


me, her and some acid would be a blast

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d2e2cd  No.325587


>faggot cabbage shits make the best jenkem

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40cee3  No.325608


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7366c9  No.325615


If anon was writing the script of The Great Awakening, then pulling this thread of cops facilitating a school shooting will unravel a Masonic apron and reveal an ugly truth.

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d2e2cd  No.325958


suicided actually

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003008  No.326304

Twitter is a free for all right now. More toxic than ever. Pretty great.

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de2d8e  No.326319


Sorry, do not know why pb and lb didn't come out on that one, I put it there.

Anyhow, it is a small proof of bridging realms.

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b4f20d  No.326692

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3597b0  No.326858

You Must Treat Governments Similar To Any Companies So It Must Declare Bankrupt If Cannot Manage

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

All the national governments have no much difference with many companies, cooperation.

In modern day when money financial playing the key role, many corrupt stupid governments must collapse and disband if they do not know how balance the budget.

In a corrupt world where humans against humans, nations against nations, most national government are the evil because they have no moral, they would rather “kill” the people rather than disband and form new nations, how sad and terrible !

The big problem is that they do not want to change, they do not want to fix the system.

They could have big bounty reward for any out-of-box ideas/strategies that can remove the budget deficit but they did not do that.

At the end of the day, any stupid corrupt national governments must declare bankrupt and form/setup new smaller nations.

The “referees” cannot let those people use any “animals” policies like the fake pandemic or war anymore or all of you will be removed/eliminated as well !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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6e353b  No.327068

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d20afb  No.327246


why stop at muskets, you freaky looking cunt? Check out muh PF-4

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bda5e8  No.327830

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de66ca  No.327951

ATTN ANONS & NEWFAGS:If you reply to red text girlfriend whinging shill then you will be included in the ID+ filter from now on. Don't feed the agent behind the red text keyboard.

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4b0f16  No.327975


Jones, his wife, and various other members of the Temple left wills stating that their assets should go to the Communist Party of the USSR. Jones himself did not drink poison; he died from a gunshot to the head, though it's not entirely clear whether it was self-inflicted.

(Because Jones likely died last or nearly so, he may have chosen suicide by gun rather than by cyanide, because a cyanide death is extremely traumatic

– and he would have seen hundreds of people experiencing cyanide death's effects, including foaming at the mouth and convulsions.) Toxicology reports found high levels of barbiturates (sedatives) in his blood. Jones was reportedly hooked on a variety of substances, possibly explaining his increasingly erratic behavior over the decades.


In the wake of the tragedy at Jonestown, the phrase "drink the Kool-Aid" became a popular term for blind obedience, as the Temple members had apparently accepted cups of fruity poison willingly. What's strange is that, according to various accounts, the primary beverage used at Jonestown was actually Flavor Aid

(sometimes styled "Flav-R-Aid") – although there is photographic evidence that packets of both Kool-Aid and Flavor Aid were present at the scene. In an early inquest (PDF), coroners referred to "Cool Aid" [sic] . But initial media coverage described the scene differently. One read, in part (emphasis added):

A pair of woman's eyeglasses, a towel, a pair of shorts, packets of unopened Flavor-Aid lie scattered about waiting for the final cleanup that may one day return Jonestown to the tidy, if overcrowded, little community it once was.

This snippet was from an article printed in the Washington Post on December 17, 1978, written by Charles A. Krause. Less than a month after the deaths, here was major media specifying that the beverage was "Flavor Aid," but "Kool-Aid" is the term that stuck in Americans' minds. Why?

The most likely explanation comes in three parts.

The Kool-Aid Brand

First, Kool-Aid was a better-known brand than Flavor Aid. Flavor Aid was a Jel Sert product first sold in 1929 and it was a rival of Kool-Aid, which was introduced in 1927 in powdered form.

(Trivia note: prior to the Kool-Aid powder, the same beverage was available in liquid form as "Fruit Smack." Powdering the drink reduced shipping costs.) So when Americans thought about a powdered fruity drink mix

(at least one that was not "Tang"), "Kool-Aid" came to mind as the market leader. A major brand builder for Kool-Aid was Kool-Aid Man, the anthropomorphic pitcher of red Kool-Aid who is best known for his 1980s catchphrase "Oh Yeah!" He was already in the media spotlight in the 1970s.


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f017eb  No.328397

Shitposter reporting for duty.

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95bae9  No.328571


i wasn't condoning bashing bakers. i have great respect for bakers. does that mean all bakers are good? no critical thinking allowed? isn't that how we got here? you hate OSS don't you? wasn't he a baker at first?

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adc5a0  No.328725


Thanks. Her arms were so beautiful I just had to get more.

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17bbc0  No.329608


YUP lol

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6d05a4  No.330989


devil trips testify to your slander and lies

bye bye

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a38516  No.331732


I know your right.


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a5a42d  No.331800


top notch


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bf857b  No.332424


lucky guy, all thing considered


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43ffe0  No.332654


Several people shot at shopping mall in Copenhagen, 1 person arrested: Police

Police have not said how many people were injured.

By Rashid Haddou and William Mansell

July 03, 2022, 12:11 PM

Several people have been shot at a shopping mall in Copenhagen, Denmark, according to local authorities.

Danish police said they are responding to reports of shootings at Field's, which is a shopping center. One person has been arrested in connection with the shooting, police tweeted.

"We are still present, shots have been fired and several people have been hit. We work on site. People in the Fields must stay and await the police. All other persons must stay away from Fields," police tweeted via Google translate.


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0c9298  No.333404

Europol Warns Weapons Shipped To Ukraine Could Be Used By "Criminal Groups" For Years

In a weekend German media interview the head of the European police agency Europol has issued a dire warning about the huge amount of weapons being pumped from the West into Ukraine.

Europol Director Catherine De Bolle told the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag that the flood of weapons on the Ukraine-Russia battlefield could end up in the hands of criminal groups for years to come. "At some point the war will be over. We want to avoid a situation like the one that followed the war in the Balkans 30 years ago," she said to the publication in reference to conflicts in the wake of Yugoslavia's collapse.

"The weapons from this war are still being used by criminal groups today," De Bolle emphasized in speaking of Balkan conflicts, and what's looking to be a similar situation emerging in Ukraine.

"The situation is highly dynamic and fragmented and we're receiving different figures from our European partners," De Bolle said. She stressed that in response her agency is seeking to "find a way in which we will deal with the situation after a possible end to the war." She described that this will involve Europol "assembling an international task force that will address this issue."

The Ukraine conflict has attracted a reported tens of thousands of foreign volunteers after the government in Kiev established a foreign legion. This has also included American and British military veterans and mercenaries. On this, she explained as cited in Deutsche Welle:

People traveling to Ukraine have different experiences and ideologies. But she said that even those who become disillusioned by the violence they witness there will be under observation.

Russia, for its part, has long highlighted far-right and neo-Nazi groups and the danger of arming them. Azov Battalion in particular had been on the front lines in what is now Russian-controlled Mariupol, and is believed to be a main Ukrainian fighting force in Donbass.

The Kremlin has especially complained about Stinger missiles from the US flooding the Ukrainian battlefield. Stingers don't only pose a severe threat to military aircraft, but to civilian aviation as well.


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fe4b2a  No.333454


Interesting –

Tecnically speaking DoD (along with the EPA) is affected by today's SCOTUS ruling…and subsequently at risk for losing its power / influence.

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0a3505  No.333504



you mad

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db00f0  No.333615

<Here's your next level

You dumb……………..

I downgrade my lvl, to come here…….

guess why??????????

and please link all the shit, b/c I'll click it.


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4fb646  No.333834

LIVE: Protest outside Supreme Court

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67223a  No.333851

pb notable >>332424

wouldn't that be 17 x 33 = 561?

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d9fafd  No.334220



there was also a theory that it was GHW Bush who shot JFK

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e9e94b  No.334402



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6fae35  No.334774


This. We will be called to testify in the eternal courts of the Supreme Law.

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0c33df  No.334870



Above ground Deep Underground Military Bases.

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b7640e  No.335096


Imagine thinking you are this smart and influential….

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57d8ae  No.335272


you are not the only vet here.

or retiree.


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b66fe8  No.335622

There are 192 million White people in the United States.

It is the largest White population on Earth.

The United States also has the most Anti-White power structure on Earth, between government, academia, media, and corporations.

The social engineers knew what they were doing spending generations conditioning White people to reject their own inherent identity, turning so many of us against ourselves, and importing enough non-Whites to reduce Whites to ~50% of the population and ever-decreasing.

If, at the onset, they had attempted to do this by naked force, they would have been smashed like the cockroaches they are.

But they were smart. They meticulously degraded everything that held America together as a coherent society and brought to fruition a 21st Century in which 192 million White people are openly dehumanized, hated, and attacked - and accept this treatment as a normal part of daily life.

A literal parasitic organism that destroys the brain's self-preservation instinct.

We must deworm.


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31d3ba  No.335675


TeoAnon17, [25.06.22 08:50]

[ Video ]

Many countries are now refusing to accept even FREE COVID-vaccines from BigPharma, and trying to get out of their contracts with them.

What’s going on?

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9affd1  No.335741


"Made in China" should be a warning label

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29b394  No.335851





































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96bcb9  No.335907



isn't it 930 to 1030 tel aviv time where you are…

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bc5bc5  No.336152


So when everything runs out, you shall rule the town?

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2eb2a3  No.336191


During an interview aired on Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stated that President Joe Biden’s oil and gas policy is like Hugo Chavez and “Venezuela all over again with what he is talking about.”

Host Larry Kudlow stated, “I thought the — Biden would send the National Guard, maybe 20, 30,000 troops to take over Midland, TX. It’s not the war in Ukraine. It’s the war here against fossil fuel [companies]. Maybe he’ll nationalize Exxon. Maybe he’ll nationalize Chevron. I mean, I’ve never seen such a hostile executive. I mean, we’ve seen lefties before, but this seems to me this one is over the top.”

McCarthy responded, “You think this is Hugo Chavez, you think it’s Venezuela all over again with what he is talking about. That’s exactly what it is.”

Kudlow added, “I should have thought of that. This is the Hugo Chavezation of America.”

McCarthy responded, “It is.”


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f86314  No.336204


Toxic Estrogen

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e08046  No.336575


I think he will say "we caught them all". That will be the confirmation.

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8245b0  No.336631


it's not AS, Alphabet, or the CIA

and if it was Soros, their missiles would be superbly funded

so go fish

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9affd1  No.337272

If she is married, she should have kept her maiden name. But I doubt she’s married for some reason


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e5b321  No.337538


The skilled arborists at Arbor Barber are aware of the requirements of trees and are prepared to give them the essential care they require.

Furthermore, Richard and his business have also been featured on CommunityNews.Org.

Richard Hutchinson Education

Richard Hutchinson completed his high school at Hopewell Valley Central HS and graduated in 1987. He also attended Rutgers University.

Related FAQs

Where Is Richard Hutchinson From?

Richard Hutchinson is a native of Pennington, New Jersey.

Does Richard Hutchinson Support Donald Trump?

Based on the Facebook comments. Richard appears to be a Donald Trump supporter. He once shared a post on Facebook titled Obama Caught Doing Something Unbelievable – This Is Bad. He commented, “The end is near……,” on his own post.

This suggested that he is a supporter of the Republican party. But, he hasn’t confirmed his political standing yet.



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Cassidy Hutchinson Bio, Age, Married, Education, Family

June 29, 2022


Cassidy Hutchinson Mother: Who Is Angela Hutchinson?

June 29, 2022

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Cassidy Hutchinson Bio, Age, Married, Education, Family


Cassidy Hutchinson Mother: Who Is Angela Hutchinson?

Written by

Charles Matthews

Charles Matthews is a senior editor at Gossip Next Door. Besides a good Netflix binge, he enjoys the outdoor, rap music, and dystopian novels.

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b6dd4f  No.338940


bullshit . no it doesn't

"thou shalt not kill" major commandment.


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98fc1c  No.339044

male lesbian serial killer doxxin buttgina abortions leaks white supremacy black market fetuses all over un fenced marijuana tranny bathrooms free medical shotgun gay marriage

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1e07b2  No.339319


gimme a neck pillow

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a8791f  No.339562


Not during a salt rotation he didnt.

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ab2ca8  No.339593

Looks like apple cider vinegar pulled pork sammiches, amish cole slaw and kettle chips for breakfast. Washed down by a 12 oz. Blue Moon.

Here's to you 'Murica.

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88da5b  No.339650



so let me fly, dumb!!

In both cases, I want to fly!

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59378e  No.339696



yes it's scary af

but it won't go their ways!

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72161f  No.339972


Try herbal teas or herbal supplements

Stinging nettle is great to get rid of the mucous

We add either peppermint or lemon balm for taste.

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67c995  No.340432


have not*


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949432  No.340501

Biden wasn't even following the executive order.

Now everything rests on this administration.

They are so fuckin fucked.

Look at the game board.


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377b1c  No.340956

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6e45e1  No.341370


1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17= 153


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02cd12  No.341814

is that what the vapes were? i already forgot shit i've seen tonight


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162b82  No.342327


Why are women like this?


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b192b2  No.342511

Fill protocol in effect?


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b9c640  No.343161


Who’s got the pic of Pelosi being perp walked by the cops, telling her not to say a single word?


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1fe1d1  No.343281

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!


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92bb9a  No.343342


The Christian Cult has made sex a holy sacrament, and worships a virgin. (Fewer mouths to feed this way)


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04e76d  No.343571


Abortion has nothing to do with reproduction.

Nobody is controlling womens bodies, they have the CHOICE to keep their legs closed you stupid cunt.

Any woman that doesn't understand this, is also a brainwashed whores.


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327e16  No.343618




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dac6ba  No.343795


*Foiled BY the white hats…sorry for the poor sentence structure


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1b1c46  No.343843





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672821  No.344219


just like fucking obama blame everyone else for something they did intentionally


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b20c11  No.344349

No One is escape this


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4dbb42  No.344379


Oppo research isn’t illegal.


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0bfc55  No.344394


>FF on the 4th by saying over & over again Fuck the Forth

plausible, but would be stupid. can't think of anything that would piss Americans off moar


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037ce3  No.344449


Pig is cool


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273f2a  No.347777

File: 235fb307a0daa2b⋯.jpg (300.03 KB, 900x600, 3:2, never_let_any_man_tell_me.jpg)

File: e92461af0d4b460⋯.jpg (94.04 KB, 597x781, 597:781, nosex.jpg)


>Nobody is controlling womens bodies, they have the CHOICE to keep their legs closed

Not in the simulated reality they are choosing to live in!

In that reality men are evil, pregnancy is a disease, and abortion is the cure that evil men are seeking to regulate, (just like they've always sought to regulate the sex-lives of the females they control.)

Women want the Freedom to be Whores Without Consequence, and they want Society to be their "Man", whom they control. And they want that "Society" to give them the Freedom to commit murderous infanticide whenever they damn well want, so they aren't tied down with the consequences of their whoring actions.

Hate to put it so bluntly, but that's the way it is.

Whoring is like simulated lovemaking — it's just nothing like the REAL Thing.

Whores don't make good mothers either, so there ya go… Maybe dudes should stop impregnating them.

Most of the women fighting most vociferously for their right to kill children just plain hate all humans, and nobody is likely to ever impregnate them anyway!

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83c1af  No.347832


Quads of "misogyny" checked.

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a19303  No.347838


>Are we living in a simulation?

0_o why… yes. Yes we are living in a simulation!

And to prove the point I'm going to fire this pistol and put a big heavy bullet into your skull. The simulation is VERY convincing and realistic so do not be alarmed!

You must simply find the undo function in the menu options in your simulation to restore your skull to it's previously un exploded state :)

Remember, it's all just pixels and the menu options can undo the damage because, that's right, we living in a simulation :D

No harm no foul :DDDDDDD

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273f2a  No.347864

File: 467365f9f4f0621⋯.png (372.5 KB, 999x999, 1:1, Leftists_HATE_America.png)

File: 3f90a12b34f3314⋯.png (203.25 KB, 647x340, 647:340, zolciak.png)

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993a03  No.347867


Relax. It's all just a simulation.

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29e8ca  No.347869



Lmao you retards don't understand what being in a simulation means. It doesn't mean you can undo everything, because you don't necessarily have control of the software. If you play GTA, can you just undo every time you get Wasted? Nope, because the rules don't allow to. So even if we were in a simulation, it wouldn't mean that consequences can just be ignored

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382abe  No.347870



We are simulated "retards" placed here by the simulation to elicit the response you just gave. The simulation would like you to enter a nightclub in a black neighborhood, grab the mic from the DJ and start calling everyone in the room niggers, jigaboos and tar babies.

The simulation requires that you report back about your simulated ass beating when you are discharged from the simulated intensive care unit from the simulated hospital.

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273f2a  No.347873



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b67c4a  No.347874


also replicant :)

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d9f892  No.357419

I am simulating interest about this topic.

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c025b8  No.360633

Necro-Simulant Here. AMA

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