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File: 3dd5acf4f8b5905⋯.jpg (532.59 KB, 1600x1149, 1600:1149, a_lynch31_bw.jpg)

0d64cd  No.315541 [Last 50 Posts]

Class is starting soon, baby!!

Remember that true funk faking is the pathway to a better groove with real funk.

Remember that you're not yet ready for the REAL funk. Keep alert, youngblood, shit's going to get real!

Form an orderly line for the funk!!

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5276ae  No.315547

Everybody is familiar with the learning UNabled stupid kid in the class, who sits in the back of the classroom, reclined in his school desk, like he was sitting on a sofa in a trailer park, king of the world.. stupid as fuck.. due to fetal alcohol syndrome, his brain is incapable of processing and learning, so to avoid embarrassment, he will feign a nonchalant happy-go-lucky attitude, continually trying to disrupt the other students to prevent them from learning as well…

When this type of imaginary charisma is put to the test, and the stupid student in the back of the classroom is required to stand by the chalkboard and give his report, that's when they decide "you never liked me anyway, so I'm going to start behaving in a way that makes you not like me"

The failed idiotic attention-seeking attempt of a child incapable of constructing a coherent sentence…

And now that child is a man

Instead of a classroom, he's sitting in the back row of the internet, slouching in his chair and pretending like he's King of the world, hoping everybody will be distracted from his lack of intelligence and class.

This image board is your sofa, and your life is the trailer, the internet is the trailer park, and you're not fooling anybody…

Other than you, everybody else in here has completed their education, and excelled at school…

Please continue your clown show

(This is the part where you demonstrate your inability to refrain from making fart jokes and poopy jokes, scatological anal retentive infantile repressed closet homo kindergarten playground sense of humor and inability to connect with adults who managed to be born with a brain stem, unlike you)

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5276ae  No.315549


And just like the stupid dysfunctional brain white trash trailer park dumb dumb kid who sits in the back of the classroom, he always tries distraction techniques whenever he's asked to read his report at the blackboard…

He will try anything to distract the other students from realizing how inadequate he is

The first thing the stupid kid does is


It's the lowest common denominator, the lowest hanging fruit, so of course the lazy uninitiated stupid kid from the back of the classroom thinks he can TRY TO LAUGH IT OFF, or even PRETEND THAT THEY ARE INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO ACT DUMB FOR LAUGHS

This subprimate level of psychological maturity is usually reached by the age of four or five, so it's pathetic to see the same technique employed by a teenager in a classroom

Or decades later, an adult in an image board

Just one problem.. the stupid child who sits in the back of the classroom is not developmentally challenged, with the mind of a simpleton, unaware what intelligent people consider to be "humorous" versus simply being "embarrassingly pathetic"

That's why the child with the dysfunctional brain drops to the level of a three-year-old child in his attempt to develop humor as a distraction technique…

That's why they have no intellectual ironic observational skills required to develop a humorous concept, no ability to see the world through an intellectual lens, an inability to understand 'sophisticated humor' in modern media, and more inclined to look for the lowest level of slapstick or "dirty boo boo" kindergarten conceptualization when seeking their own favorite comedy shows.

These are the people who think it's "absolutely hilarious" when a cheap poorly produced sitcom runs a laugh track in the background after third rate washed up actors read the predictable script, and make an obvious cliche "SEXUAL DOUBLE ENTENDRE", a monkeylevel "innuendo about sexual climax" while popping the cork on a champagne bottle…

There's absolutely nothing humorous about that concept.. but the stupid kid in the back of the classroom thinks it's hilarious, because the canned sitcom laugh track told the dumb dumb it was time to laugh at the "dirty boo boo joke"…

The stupidest people on earth.. incapable of learning…

So they're incapable of learning what intellectual people perceive as "being funny"

And that's when the stupid kid begins making fart jokes, talking about poopy at the dinner table, trying to get negative attention, because as children they learned they would settle for any attention, because nobody cares about them…

They're so terrified of people laughing at their stupidity, they try to pretend they're being stupid on purpose, hoping everybody will think it's all a big joke…

And when that doesn't work….

THAT'S WHEN THEY TRY THEIR BEST ATTEMPT AT BEING "ABSTRACT", too stupid to realize that every word they type is a Rorschach test

Today is show and tell, and the stupid student has been asked to stand in front of the classroom..

Incapable of learning and growing, he's left with the basic grab bag of attention seeking behavior, likeUSING THE MOST PREDICTABLE CLICHE PHOTOGRAPHS, THINKING THE BORING PICS HAVE "SHOCK VALUE"




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5276ae  No.315550


I've never seen a photograph of people being hung by the neck before. You are so edgy! You are intimidating with your edginess, aren't you?

I'm too intimidated to take a closer look and see what's behind your big scary intimidating exterior…


Because you're Mr edgy intimidator, right?

The poopy poopy fart haha fart poopy joke edgy intimidator

The genius abstract whimsical master of communication

With his avant-garde words, like paint splashed on a wall by a 3-year-old, and we are supposed to consider it gallery art?

You're in the wrong gallery, little boy

Nobody's interested in your poopy jokes

Nobody thinks you're funny

Repeating the word FART only makes you look more pathetic than you already do….

But you're the edgy intimidator, right?


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5276ae  No.315552


Here's an IQ test for you :

Can you find where the word not was accidentally included into >>315549 ?

Are you smart enough to figure out where I accidentally included the word '"NOT"?

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5276ae  No.315553


By the way, I get paid to be creative…

My entire life, I have made a career feeding my family by BEING CREATIVE

I worked at Warner Bros, so obviously you're not talking to an amateur or a novice…

So maybe you should keep that in mind when I tell youthere's absolutely nothing creative or clever or witty or whimsical or even vaguely interesting about what you do

I realize you are experiencing mania, which overlaps with the primary dissociative disorder, and so you think you're being real creative and witty, but you're actually one of the stupidest people I've ever seen, like a four year old child literally making fart jokes in an image board

And that's coming from somebody who specializes in creativity and abstract conceptualization


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5276ae  No.315554


JULY 3RD, 2022 :

the day you got SCHOOLED by the best

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5276ae  No.315555

File: bf7165d4590adae⋯.jpg (195.34 KB, 720x1074, 120:179, Picsart_22_07_03_19_17_31_….jpg)

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5276ae  No.315557

File: 24f3234dfa1c97e⋯.jpg (182.23 KB, 720x1108, 180:277, Picsart_22_07_03_19_48_03_….jpg)

File: 84900626c8be60a⋯.jpg (160.96 KB, 720x784, 45:49, Picsart_22_07_03_19_50_47_….jpg)

It's nice to see today's imageboard alt-right white trash like OP didn't just recently "corner the market" on being worthless white trash…

Perhaps OP's relatives lived in Indiana back in the 30's ?…

Just like any modern day Trump supporter, the "Make America Garbage Again" sack of White Trash Feces, yesteryear's version of MOUTHBREATHING INBRED WHITE TRASH are just as LOW CLASS as the average /pnd/ overcompensating wannabe neo-Nazi 'im superior' Marshmallow Penispuffing Giraffe and Paranoid Reynoldwrap fagshow attention-seeker…

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0d64cd  No.315558

Funk faking? Funk faking?

Oh, freak out!

Oh, freak out!

Is that what you're all about, bitch?

Are you a bitch made trick to shit?!

Answer, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is some shit

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0d64cd  No.315560

Fame costs.

Remember that shit, bitch!!

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f3d6f8  No.315565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c087e8  No.315722


The only reason to get up in the morning.


With the shit.




Day after day, groove YOUR way.


Groove. Groove. Groove.

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c087e8  No.315812

All the groove is the world to groove in!!

Groove for the change, that you WANT. TO. SEE!!

Tee Hee Hee!!!

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a08099  No.315989


tally up expenses.

ur famous.

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09d97b  No.316271

Phoning in the funk never pays off.

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09d97b  No.316300

Faking the funk is something that needs to be addressed. The U.N. is useless in this battle.

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d1d96f  No.316401

Will the Supreme Court weigh in?

Hell to the no!!

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d1d96f  No.316427

Jackson Brown in the town.

Psyche yourself up baby!

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d1d96f  No.316462

It is ALMOST time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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d1d96f  No.316472

Getting closer to the dysfunction at the junction.

Ain't that some shit, bitch!

Hell to the yes!

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264c07  No.316487

File: 287967b291f2b57⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 5.95 MB, 616x640, 77:80, poop_groovin.gif)


You said it funk brother!

Let's get some poop on this bitch

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b86618  No.316488

File: 287967b291f2b57⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 5.95 MB, 616x640, 77:80, poop_groovin.gif)





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09d97b  No.316506

The junction has changed its function.

This is a result of the jazz cat wars.

It's some heavy shit. The flow is no, but yes will be eventually be obtained.

At what cost though?!

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09d97b  No.316555

The cost of so many lives.

It IS worth it.

Lies. Or the truth?

Functionality increased by 12.5%.

There is room for a further 2.5 - 10.59235777% improvement.

The flow will determine the final bonus.

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09d97b  No.316586

2.5% is guaranteed.

Nothing else.


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e51f27  No.316718

3% is likely.

Can you dig it?

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5d0d5d  No.316845

5.985% incoming possibly. Hold on, major!!

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e51f27  No.316915

2.9% is holding, Lt. Funk!

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e51f27  No.317184

Shit! It's 3.2% and growing!!

Diggin' underway baby!

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86edbd  No.318090

4.7% and up to heaven!!

Double diggin' the funk!

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86edbd  No.319114


Your momma a hoe.

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bac8f5  No.319129


VECTOR #00.0201/1

UTF-8: http://paste.vasiliy.pro/view/raw/eaf67cf1

ARCHIVED UTF-8: https://web.archive.org/web/20220720184923/https://bin.mogul.to/view/raw/1a056cae

DOWNLOAD UTF-8: https://rpa.st/download-archive/RVJN43FUERBVLDLJUQNRMSD3HU

ARSENAL: >>>/pnd/296070

BACKUP: >>>/freedomzine/17473

SLIDE MITIGATION: >>>/pnd/293439

SHTF MITIGATION: >>>/pnd/233150

STFU LITIGATION: >>>/pnd/314368

OFFICIAL STATEMENT: All current and new war updates will be mirrored here. No fucks given.

This single text message found on Hunter’s laptop raises many important national security concerns for the United States.

Why was Hunter Biden helping Vladimir Putin sell oil & gas to China?

Why was Hunter Biden working with ‘the chief of intelligence of the people’s republic of China?

Why was Hunter Biden’s business partner with ‘the richest man in the world’ who was building China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

Did China arrest CIA operatives in retaliation for the DOJ arresting Hunter's business partner?






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bac8f5  No.319134


Local obituaries skyrocketing due to clot shot deaths (we warned you this would happen!): https://rense.com/general96/local-obituaries.php

The unproductive class is doing its best to ruin the global economy. This class is made up of politicians, bureaucrats and central bankers that have been enabled by a global administrative state expanding at an ever-increasing pace since the end of World War II. Those individuals who make up the unproductive class do not produce anything of value for the world despite what they would like you to think, which is that they are an essential part of order in the world. In fact, the unproductive class should probably be more aptly described as the counterproductive class as everything they do seems to create friction for those who actually bring valuable productive skills and expertise to the world: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/ignore-unproductive-central-planners-and-use-bitcoin

Suicidal, insolvent, incompetent, corrupted Western nations beg Russia to NUKE them: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-19-incompetent-western-nations-invoke-doomsday-retaliation-from-russia.html

The well prepared will survive the horrors that are being unleashed against humanity. Even as the oblivious, unprepared masses are exterminated by the billions, there will also be billions who survive the carnage, and those people will be among the most resilient and prepared — people who saw what was coming, planned ahead and took action to navigate the chaos: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-18-trust-yourself-preparedness-actions-will-save-you-from-collapse.html

Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Brags How High Gas Prices Will Force Americans To Accept "Green" Communist Tyranny: https://summit.news/2022/07/20/biden-transport-secretary-again-says-pain-of-high-gas-prices-is-a-benefit/

Govt-Manufactured Food Crisis Continues As Frozen Foods To Skyrocket In Price: https://montanadailygazette.com/2022/07/18/breaking-billings-mt-walmart-employee-calculates-massive-food-price-increase-were-those-recent-defrosts-really-by-accident/

Max Igan points out the agenda behind the manufactured collapse of the Western world, how corrupt governmental control freaks will benefit at our demise: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dry1BZWYE51n/

Putin Says Russia Will Honor Gas Commitment But Flows Will Drop As Much As 20% Of Capacity: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/putin-says-russia-will-honor-gas-commitment-flows-will-drop-much-20-capacity

Ukraine's official holdings of gold collapse as they sell gold for goods: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/price-liberation-ukraine-dumping-its-gold-again

Top Western media outlet deletes video critical of Ukraine: https://archive.ph/x5SNm

New UK Hub To Develop Anti-Drone Laser Weapons As Ukraine War Fuels Demand: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/new-uk-hub-develop-anti-drone-laser-weapons-ukraine-war-fuels-demand

Law Enforcement Is Collapsing In Ukraine: https://southfront.org/law-enforcement-collapsed-in-ukraine/

Russian special military operation in Ukraine continues. Massive strikes of Russian missiles are pounding military are strategic infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially in response to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU): https://southfront.org/overview-of-russian-strikes-on-afu-positions-in-ukraine-on-july-19-2022/

On July 19, the Ukrainian military inflicted damage on several command posts of the Russian occupiers, control stations, and logistic support bases on the southern front. In total, the enemy lost 41 soldiers and 12 equipment units: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3532859-ukrainian-troops-strike-enemy-tank-platoon-command-posts-in-south.html

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eecc5b  No.320782



This slide is really getting old.

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b418f3  No.320806




>March 11th is 11.3 and is the first marker.


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4f13e9  No.321211


Where is the checkbox at the top of every ballot in this nation that asks whether the voter consents to be governed by the evil currently in charge?

What is my only recourse to refuse participation in Evil?

I do not consent.

At all.

I will not be herded to the polls on one artificial side or the other, forced to consent to evil.

I won't do it.

The lesser of two evils is still Evil.

Voting requires me to choose between Evils.

I choose NO EVIL. Ever.

I do not consent.

I will wait for God.

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72cd0c  No.321227



beat me to it anon i was about to post this

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4f13e9  No.321441



the Truth is painful

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73d162  No.321478




This response had no critical thinking and is a regurgitation of a Q post. It’s context may or may not even be understood.

You failed to think for yourself, anon. Try harder.

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ccb281  No.321968


I googled riverdance and the modern production is 1/4 niggers now, just like everything else.

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2bd9a8  No.322291

666 Congress members were capture or killed on Jan 6th.

99 billion guns seized

3 million dc police killed

the largest worset ERECTION since the Cibil war.

Today is 696 69 = FUCK 6

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b33c8a  No.322979


Holy fuck guys you really should read this articlethat was in notables, I don’t know how much more clear it can get

Michael Ellis worked for Nunes in Congress with Kash, he waa hired by Christopher Miller in DOD he is now lawyer for Rumble, that us merging with DWAC



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21993c  No.323460


meme needs an update it would appear

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4076b8  No.323780


The article

The Gateway Pundit has learned from a trusted source that the Southern District of New York is trying to pull a fast one in their case against the We Build the Wall organizers.

We reported this news:

From an excerpt from our source:


Today is day 3 of jury deliberations. This is good news… it means there are holdouts.

I just got this message:

“They are trying to remove a juror that completely agrees with our side and put in an alternate. They are taking a 15 minute break to review case law now.”

They are so corrupt. The prosecution is desperate to not have a mistrial which it is looking like it is going to be right now. Apparently, a mistrial is a massive embarrassment for the SDNY.

“It’s not legal for them to do that so they are looking for solid case law to stop them from doing that.”

Lawyers everywhere pulling case law. Looks like we have a good one

Courthouse News reported:

The We Build the Wall campaign to crowdfund a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border was spearheaded by Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage and Steve Bannon, the erstwhile chief White House strategist to former President Donald Trump. Along with two associates, Kolfage and Bannon were indicted in August 2020 on charges that they siphoned donors’ money from the organization for their personal use.

Steve Bannon was pardoned by President Trump. Brian Kolfage pleaded guilty after months of threats and abuse by his government. It should be noted that the We Build the Wall organization accomplished more than the US government and at a much lower cost than the US Congress. President Trump later stepped in and built miles of wall as he promised.

We have a shocking update to this case: The judge in the case reportedly outed the juror who called the entire case a witch hunt.

Note that the jurors in this case already had to be vaccinated to make the jury. Also, it’s reported that all the jurors were asked by the judge if they knew the Trump family!

Now we find out that the judge reportedly outed a juror’s name and number and the press got a hold of it. Juror 4 Roberto calls it a “Witch Hunt”!

The judge DOXED the juror!

The judge asked the juror a few questions and then sent him back to deliberate with the rest of the jury. This juror is reportedly an older Jewish guy whose parents survived the Holocaust and he HATES the government corruption. He’s wealthy and refuses to bend. This case may be going to a mistrial.


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c7653a  No.324367

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32fcb8  No.324581


Probably the most fun I've had watching something court related.

Well played.

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c4da3f  No.324638

The Foundation Funding the “Fact-Checkers” Who Defend the Chinese Communist Party Is Heavily Invested in China.

The Knight Foundation – a George Soros-linked, left-wing group purporting to tackle disinformation by funding anti-conservative media operations and “fact-checkers” – has investments in firms tied to the Russian government and Chinese Communist Party, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.

The group’s most recent financial disclosures reveal over $17,000,000 invested in a Chinese Communist Party-linked investment fund and over $1,200,000 invested in Russia Partners – which boasts of its close connections to “government leaders in Russia.”

The unearthed financial ties come as the group continues to peddle conspiracy theories about Russian influence in the 2016 election and purports to “protect press freedom” while investing in countries whose journalism sectors are consistently ranked among the least free.

China Capital and Growth.

Since at least 2011, the Knight Foundation’s financial disclosure forms reveal two investments: IDG-Accel China Capital II and IDG-Accel China Growth III.

The most recent financial disclosure on the Knight Foundation’s site shows that in 2019 the value of the investments totaled $11,597,551 and $6,066,392, respectively.

From 2013 to 2015, the group’s financial disclosures also listed China as a “foreign country in which organization has financial interest.”

The two Chinese private equity funds describe themselves as “making investments within China” – and often in state-run companies.

At least a dozen of the fund’s employees have ties to the Chinese Communist Party, including former officials in the technology and urban planning sectors along with the State Department., former employees of the Chinese military proxy China Mobile, and recipients of Chinese Communist Party awards for “Pushing the Area Economy Forward.”

Senior Advisor Jianning Jiang also serves as a Chief Advisor to the body overseeing China’s various Communist Youth Leagues.

Chinese state-run media directors, several ex-employees of state-run investment funds, fellows from state-run think tanks, and professors and People’s Liberation Army-linked colleges.

Aimed at boosting the Chinese economy, the investment group describes one of its primary goals as “upgrading and transform[ing] the Chinese economy by partnering with Chinese companies to acquire technology and industrial know-how abroad” and admits to having “partnered” with the Chinese Communist Party city-level governments to do so.

Companies the firm has invested in have also count the Chinese Communist Party as customers and include firms such as Tencent – which has been described by the U.S. State Department as a “tool of the Chinese government” – in its portfolio.

…And Russia.

Since 2011, the Knight Foundation has also retained investments with the private equity fund Russia Partners.

In 2011, the foundation had two investments in Russia Partners funds valued at over $21,000,000. The latest financial disclosure reveals one investment with the company valued at $1,234,020.


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39ac6f  No.325399


>China To Invade Taiwan - Rumor or Fact?

No - you seem to be misunderstanding this situation.

Russia/Ukraine+ abortion hysteria + more to come is simply a distraction from the mass sterilization that just took place

China is not going to be invading Taiwan as Mr. Trump has implied that they might well do.

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483459  No.325467


Jewish law? Then go back to your country and get your abortion. How simple is that. 🤡

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ae1967  No.325638


Explain to the class why you wont post your Schmeckle via pol style, jewboy.

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035a14  No.325802


i guess i need to invest more money for a better server… sometimes its running out of ram… and it looks like there is a downtime at 6pm EST for backups…

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2a1aaf  No.325846


Is there an antidote for all the 'experimental gene therapy' inoculations, that DJT promoted with a passionate fervor???

Asking for a fren….

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ae211d  No.326014


>the technology used in the 2016 debate between Trump and Clinton

Her "cheat sheet" podium didn't hurt

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410c50  No.326287

For my brothers from anotha motha…

We're in this together. We'll cover you. One team one fight.

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6cac87  No.326835



>going straight for the clavicles

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10fa3e  No.327007

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5555cb  No.327130


Ex-police officer James Watt jailed in UK for posting memes of George Floyd in Whatsapp & Facebook group chats

Ex-police officer James Watt appeared in Birmingham's magistrate's court for sharing 10 memes about George Floyd in a WhatsApp group chat.

By Lewis Brackpool | June 14, 2022 | News

Man jailed in UK for posting memes of George Floyd in Whatsapp & Facebook group chats

Baphote / Fotolia

A former West Mercia police officer has been jailed for 20 weeks for sharing 10 memes about George Floyd in a WhatsApp group chat and charged with "sending grossly offensive messages".

The judge by the name of Tan Ikram said, "You were a prison officer. I have no doubt you would have received training in relation to diversity and inclusion in that role.”

“You undermined the confidence the public has in the police. Your behavior brings the criminal justice system as a whole into disrepute. You are there to protect the public and enforce the law. But what you did was the complete opposite."

The person who made a complaint about James Watt, left the group chat and posted screenshots on Twitter with the caption: "Former work colleague now serving police officer sent these in group chat. What hope is there in police in the UK sharing these."

When James' phone was seized for an investigation, it was revealed that James sent "grossly offensive" memes to multiple whatsapp groups and through Meta’s Messenger.

Watts was ordered to pay the complainant £75 compensation along with a £115 in court costs and a £128 victim surcharge.

Judge Ikram decided to dismiss the idea of a suspended sentence where he said "A message must go out and that message can only go out through an immediate sentence of imprisonment."


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7000cb  No.327412



Reposting from end of last bread.

Trump used the word fight 3 times in this post. There are 4 drops with fight, fight, fight.

Seems relevant.

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

07/04/2022 12:10:46

Truth Social: 108589943779570335

We don’t have a fair system of “Justice” in this Country anymore. The way they are treating me & my supporters, compared to what happens to those “on the other side,” is like day & night. It has been this way for a long time, but never like it is today! All semblance of a “FAIR & BALANCED” Media to look over, study, and report on what is going on in our Country is GONE! Fight on, America, Fight On! (Oh, I’m sorry. By using the word FIGHT, they will say I am inciting an Insurrection. Apologies!).


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.26 📁

Jan 18 2018 21:20:29 (EST)

Fight, Fight, Fight.

DEMAND public disclosure.



This is just the beginning.

2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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d4ebee  No.327556


Possibly Navy flares my ass!


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1bd5d6  No.327856


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5064fb  No.327889

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5555cb  No.327905


>Oh look…it's a faggot.


>Elon cut the head of snake

A den of vipers



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ff9276  No.328154


>Never valued attention from more than one


>As soon as ya lips blabber about spot x, spot x is no longer surfable.

many such cases

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c122fe  No.328305


Which is why they did this in TX.

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06a971  No.328570


You misspelled possy.

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93c2d7  No.328639

The official synopsis of the series is as follows:

“The Gray Man is CIA operative Court Gentry (Ryan Gosling), aka, Sierra Six. Plucked from a federal penitentiary and recruited by his handler, Donald Fitzroy (Billy Bob Thornton), Gentry was once a highly-skilled, Agency-sanctioned merchant of death. But now the tables have turned and Six is the target, hunted across the globe by Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans), a former cohort at the CIA, who will stop at nothing to take him out. Agent Dani Miranda (Ana de Armas) has his back. He’ll need it.”

The action thriller starring Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans is LOADED with fantastic combat scenes and nine action set pieces that will look amazing on the big screen. If you have the chance to watch The Gray Man on a movie screen, seize the opportunity.

(moar goar for the four)

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21c19e  No.329328


Anytime you see the word Pride, just substitute the word Pervert.

Perverts in the Park.

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766b0f  No.329498




The Falcon and the Snowman

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74f850  No.329506


>I don't remember another time that Q posted at 2:30 in the morning.

That's what anons call real research. Not

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d0bff7  No.330850



Be quiet, when you see me @!


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7d2933  No.330957


Ghislane Maxwell will be fake suicided and spirited away to Israel to live out her days in comfort, like Epstein.


use TOR, VPNs if you want but assume they are comped. TOR is definitely comped, there are probably backdoors to most VPNs

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bf80fc  No.331144

6.0 is not the final offer.

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4d5e81  No.331165

Since you are a glow nigger slider, EVERY THREAD YOU BUMP I WILL MIRROR TRUTH!!!!

66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats have lost trust in their corrupt government:



It is so much worse than most people would want to know even when they ask to know.

Just forget about trying to disarm the public for a moment and focus on what they are doing right now. They have rolled out mass NSA surveillance (originally meant for terrorists and foreign agents) against the American population. They're depopulating us by deliberately destroying our economy, killing us with toxic-laced "vaccines" while spraying aluminum oxide, barium salts and radioactive strontium in the skies every day (chemtrails/geo-engineering), they've opened up our borders so anyone and everyone from the third world can flood in and replace the native populations within the next two decades, they openly lie to us about everything even when caught red-handed, they give taxpayer money to incentivize absurd abusive perverted sexual mutilation propaganda to our children in public schools, they have violated basic HIPAA laws that protect our medical privacy from third parties, they bring our military into endless wars which we forever lose and then the corrupt VA denies basic care to the veterans, they created massive amounts of national debt to consolidate power and wealth among themselves while driving everyone else to inflationary poverty, they have shut down nearly all domestic oil and gas leases that would have helped solve price inflation….. you can't even make this shit up. They've deliberately destroyed this country.

>>320462 (OP)

Trust is to be earned idiot. Not immediately and endlessly privileged! And you lost the trust! Well done assholes.

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4d5e81  No.331166

Since you are a glow nigger slider, EVERY THREAD YOU BUMP I WILL MIRROR TRUTH!!!!

66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats have lost trust in their corrupt government:



It is so much worse than most people would want to know even when they ask to know.

Just forget about trying to disarm the public for a moment and focus on what they are doing right now. They have rolled out mass NSA surveillance (originally meant for terrorists and foreign agents) against the American population. They're depopulating us by deliberately destroying our economy, killing us with toxic-laced "vaccines" while spraying aluminum oxide, barium salts and radioactive strontium in the skies every day (chemtrails/geo-engineering), they've opened up our borders so anyone and everyone from the third world can flood in and replace the native populations within the next two decades, they openly lie to us about everything even when caught red-handed, they give taxpayer money to incentivize absurd abusive perverted sexual mutilation propaganda to our children in public schools, they have violated basic HIPAA laws that protect our medical privacy from third parties, they bring our military into endless wars which we forever lose and then the corrupt VA denies basic care to the veterans, they created massive amounts of national debt to consolidate power and wealth among themselves while driving everyone else to inflationary poverty, they have shut down nearly all domestic oil and gas leases that would have helped solve price inflation….. you can't even make this shit up. They've deliberately destroyed this country.

>>320462 (OP)

Trust is to be earned idiot. Not immediately and endlessly privileged! And you lost the trust! Well done assholes.

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4d5e81  No.331170

7/26/22 Part 1

West Point graduates sign letter challenging corrupt leadership of US military academy: https://justthenews.com/government/security/west-point-graduates-sign-letter-challenging-leadership-military-academy

▲ MY COMMENT: This is EXACTLY what I first warned about from the 7/21/22 Part 1 update! Check that one out, it's all mirrored. I specifically said the clot shot mandates and so-called "woke" policies are destroying the military's credibility and causing their recruiting base to rapidly plummet and IT IS!!! Even veterans on Youtube backed me on this issue!! And NOW THIS report comes out! We all told you so!!!


Newest Poll Indicates Most Americans Know Our Government Is Corrupted (66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats Lost Trust): https://reason.com/2022/07/25/most-americans-think-government-is-corrupt-a-third-say-armed-revolution-may-be-necessary-soon/

▲ MY COMMENT: Trust is to be earned, NOT immediately and endlessly privileged! Those who lose trust are obviously doing wrong!!!

Upper middle-income Americans have built up less savings, lost more in the market downturn and face higher average inflation in 2022: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-upper-middle-class-is-getting-squeezed-11658741402

While Blackstone may be preparing to snap up some $50 billion in real estate during the coming crash, a constellation of out-of-state institutional investors, led by private equity firms and real estate investment trusts, have been swooping in to buy mobile home parks - where they've been raising rents and neglecting to perform necessary repairs. In short, corporate vultures are taking advantage of one of the most vulnerable demographics in the country; some 22 million low-income Americans across 43,000 communities - many of whom are elderly and the disabled who are surviving on social security, disability payments and other forms of fixed income. The purchases are putting residents in a bind, since most mobile homes — despite the name — cannot be moved easily or cheaply. Owners are forced to either accept unaffordable rent increases, spend thousands of dollars to move their home, or abandon it and lose tens of thousands of dollars they invested: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/private-equity-vultures-target-trailer-parks-hiking-rents-and-neglecting-repairs

MY COMMENT: No one needs to be told by government we are in a recession. In fact, we are not in a recession anymore. America is in the middle of another GREAT DEPRESSION! I am getting sick and tired of "recession this" "recession that" reporting. It is far far worse today and America has far more poverty today than we did during the first great depression! It was simply unreported and swept under the rug!!! EBT Cards ARE the modern "Food Stamps" and millions rely on them today! Worse: At least during the first great depression there were a lot more farmers and ranchers, and the average family knew how to garden, hunt, fish, raise and even butcher livestock to eat. Today you have cities full of people who have next to no skills what-so-ever that rely on the supply chain for everything! Imagine what happens when the supply chain fully breaks down and we face hyperinflation! You see all those mainstream articles promoting cannibalism today? That's exactly what these despotic criminals want for your future!!

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4d5e81  No.331171


7/26/22 Part 2

Russia is ready to develop a new global reserve currency alongside China and other BRICS nations, in a potential challenge to the dominance of the US dollar. President Vladimir Putin signaled the new reserve currency would be based on a basket of currencies from the group's members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa: https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/russia-and-china-are-brewing-up-a-challenge-to-dollar-dominance-by-creating-a-new-reserve-currency/articleshow/92437095.cms

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday called for peace talks between the US and Russia to end the war in Ukraine and said the EU needs a new approach to the conflict: https://news.antiwar.com/2022/07/24/hungarys-orban-says-us-russia-peace-talks-needed-to-end-ukraine-war/

Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba calls European energy dependence an "addiction" that needs to stop: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871605-only-way-out-in-putin-s-gas-war-against-europe-is-to-strike-back-kuleba

▲ MY COMMENT: I get the fact Putin can be an asshole but Europe needs oil and gas. Whether or not it comes from Russia or anywhere else, first world countries need oil & gas. If you do not have oil & gas you simply become third world, it's just the way it goes, it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle necessity for first world living standards! Anyone claiming this is an "addiction" should be forced to live a year off-grid to see how the third world lives. No air conditioning. No central heating. No modern refrigeration. No electrical stoves. No television. No internet. And I am one who has solar power so I know the deal, I paid 10K for a 3000 watt inverter with 12 panels that can power SOME basic appliances, yes. But even then that energy is heavily rationed as 3000 watts is not much! I really only power it up for emergencies to keep my frozen foods from spoiling and the well pump going, along with a few lights. Otherwise to cook during a crisis I use a small portable propane stove. Well worth the investments but no way to live 24/7.

Videos of Russian trains arriving with additional armored war machines, have been published on various social media the past three days and one thing has become clear: there is a GIANT escalation coming against Ukraine: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/trainloads-of-additional-russian-armor-arriving-against-ukraine-giant-escalation-coming

Rumors are now exploding that the US has decided to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky claiming he's not useful to them anymore. MY COMMENT: I do not see why Western governments would do this honestly. If they were willing to do this, why not listen to what Viktor Orban said and just force Ukraine into some kind of peace agreement with Russia instead? FACT: The ONLY reason Zelensky is fighting Russia is he knows the US and NATO are on his side and are supplying them with decent equipment to fight!!! The very second Zelensky is told otherwise and is cut off the MIC big bux $$$ I would not doubt he and his administration would be scrambling for a peace deal and waving the white flag!! He knows Ukraine would be FUCKED, himself included, if he did not have the US and NATO on his side!!! As for Zelensky and Putin being covert Jews: Jews can and do kill other Jews too, corruption can have conflicts from within, it does not mean they all agree with each other, it simply means they use us "goyim" as their cannon fodder and I think that's their modus operandi for various agendas fought!!

On July 25th, the [Russian] military of the Donetsk People’s Republic declared the beginning of mop up operations in the Vuhlehirska power station located on the western outskirts of the city of Svetlodarsk: https://southfront.org/battle-for-vuhlehirska-power-plant-remaining-ukrainian-forces-are-surrounded/

The Ukrainian military repelled another attempt of assaults by Russian aggressors in Donetsk region in the Kramatorsk and Bakhmut directions. The enemy was repulsed: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871642-afu-repulse-assaults-and-repulse-enemy-in-2-directions-general-staff

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7ff07e  No.331338


The only reason people would shit on you for asking is they want the board to lose a baker. Aaand the only reason they want the board to lose a baker is to infiltrate, shoving authentic bakers out, or just burn the place down.

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85c86c  No.332066

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46fcb8  No.332176


William Cacusso

Follow @williamcacusso

Twitter logo

Jul 5 • 20 tweets • 7 min read

This has got to be one of the wildest stories out of Portugal:

2 years ago, two parents in small town of Famalicão became nationally famous after prohibiting their two boys from taking the class "Citizenship" arguing "conscientious objector".

You might ask why would they do this


The class in question had two subjects which the parents objected:

1. Education for gender equality

2. Education for sexuality & health

(You can see where this is going)

The students in question are what you call class A students, both with highest possible grading average (5)




The school, via the class council (the collegial pedagogical body that transits students at end of each year) passed them favourably for next year, citing they were both exemplary students. The class council is sovereign and cannot be hierarchically surpassed by the school board.

The school board decided to take the matters to the state and the minister of education, João Costa, issued an order to retroactively annul the class council decision. This meant both students were to go "back" two years and do every single class - again.


It's important to add that the ministry of education had for years promoted a policy to reduce students from failing across the education system even when they had negative grades. (We know who this was made for). This was a very aggressive stand, taking into consideration…

The students were exemplary and the parents used a right protected by law and the constitution when they argued for "conscientious objector". Still the minister was unphased - the students were to go back.

After many open letters to several ministries and the president of the portuguese republic (to no avail) the parents decided to take the matter to court. This is when the news started to break out and it became a national story. The court gave them a favorably decision.


The students were to pass the year and the minister had 10 days to contest. The secretary of state was called into parliament to answer for this "authoritarian order". If you think this is sounding too good, you are right. The minister will get his revenge.

The students passed the year and went back to normal class. By the end of the year, the school once again failed them (even though there was a court order against it). Well the same judge that issued the favorable order (Telma Silva) decided to go back and cancel the order.



The Public Ministry decided simultaneously to sue the parents and sent social security employees to "evaluate" the "household situation" of the minors. Nasty stuff. By this time the case was international and portuguese right leaning politicians were organising protests.


The case was now very mediatic and someone inside the ministry of education issued another order to keep the students in the same grade and allow them to pass to next year. The parents thanked the courage of this individual and believe the matter to be resolved.

pt 1

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6cb9ca  No.332212




Weird how this didn't get into notables. where this suspect LITERALLY GLOWS. Baker Glows now too

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217c82  No.332484


No, no, no, dumb bot. Learn. The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution has absolutely nothing in it that addresses abortion in any form.

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1a74c3  No.332720

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0dcb8b  No.332839

this picture looks like clooney is trying to reassure obama about something but obama ain't buying it

in the middle of a lake no less

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c755af  No.332866


Let someone else bake gatekeeper

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5e3e10  No.332960

"Krebs intentionally misrepresented the truth because he was financially incentivized to do so. His entire business model is premised on publishing stories that conform to this narrative."


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e53f6e  No.333214


PLEASE PRAY for nephew

sudden severe attack of chronic condition, high fever, very sick

just arrived at Emergency Dept.

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5344be  No.333369



There we go, thank you for considering my health… but I’m ok, no angry here… I walk away before getting angry… remember the energy you have is limited… & I’m gladly spending my time on you… you seem to be in a dark place & seem like you want to be open to me, but I think fear is holding you back… but either way, it’s all love on my side…

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7a996b  No.334121


>protester run over

If they illegally arrest you by intentionally block the path of your car, get the fuck out of there. Dangerous situation

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5e73ab  No.334198

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60c43d  No.335098


Tell her the thing sunk!!!

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966344  No.335221

BREAKING: Florida Supreme Court grants Gov. Ron DeSantis’ request for a grand jury to probe human trafficking and sanctuary cities that aid and abet the coyotes


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0e73ce  No.338340


Would be interesting to see message from TS, maybe it is Apple emoji

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97c1e1  No.338405


Cheap plastic ppol and sunshine and washrag for face garden hose look up laugh like a kid and smile up at HIM. Put face under the water and open eyes like kid, hang hose off a cheap blow up float or chair, make a waterfall sit under it, look at the sidewalk, look at the dirt, the ants, get lost in the simple pleasures, heart like a curious child, cheap pool , the hard plastic round 59 inch at walmart, changes your heart in two minutes of sun and water then you do it daily as a refresher,anywhere, just hang old sheets if you live somewhere neighbors look, just do it



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5ade90  No.338615


Yay. They get to spend moar of our tax $ to rebuild. Let the kickbacks flow.

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56e676  No.339148

Q! I know you're here. Please talk to us.

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4391ec  No.339185

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

Webb: Revealing the First Galaxies

Jun 22, 2022

Take a trip through time and space to the early universe with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. How will Webb reveal the never-before-seen first galaxies? What are astronomers looking for? Discover the answers to these questions and more with this video.


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7f8aaa  No.339494

Top KeK

Joe wants that upclose sniff so badly

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ec11aa  No.339641



Have i missed anything, pretty sure i have o7, also do we have a Baker?

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0a1e9a  No.340579


Five planets align perfectly, visible until end of June

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible every morning until the end of June in an alignment not seen since 1864.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have lined up in a rare alignment that won't occur again until 2040, according to AccuWeather.

While it is common to view a couple of planets together at any given time, the alignment of five planets simultaneously is a rare phenomenon which last occurred in 1864 and won't occur again for almost 20 years.


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deafff  No.340810





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06d48a  No.341185


Seems like advertising that there are guns in the house for thieves to steal when no one is home. Unless all of the guns are in a giant safe. And even then, criminals don't care. They will bring in a dolly and steal the whole safe.

I've heard of criminals who come in and steal people's refrigerators.

Seems like a mat that someone who didn't have any guns would put out just to try to scare off would be criminals. Like a sign that says that you have a house alarm system when you really don't.


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f00531  No.341512

I can't wait for the vile shills to show up.

Tuesday isn't too far away.

Maxwell sentencing is happening.

Shills will be in overdrive.

That list is coming and there is nothing,ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGgoing to stop it.

Not even a million dollar bounty. Kek

Dollar is as WORTHLESS as the last hope shills.


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3b0b7f  No.341556


Maybe he finally realized he's a cunt and felt guilty.


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13c46c  No.341596


Going to be a nothing burger. Promise.

Milking the hype for big American dollars.


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73bcf2  No.341950


Will they get around to mentioning "Deep Throat" was the disgruntled FBI agent Mark Felt who didn't get the promotion?

"William Mark Felt Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) was an American law enforcement officer who worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1942 to 1973 and was known for his role in the Watergate scandal. Felt was an FBI special agent who eventually rose to the position of Associate Director, the Bureau's second-highest-ranking post. Felt worked in several FBI field offices prior to his promotion to the Bureau's headquarters. In 1980 he was convicted of having violated the civil rights of people thought to be associated with members of the Weather Underground, by ordering FBI agents to break into their homes and search the premises as part of an attempt to prevent bombings. He was ordered to pay a fine, but was pardoned by President Ronald Reagan during his appeal.

In 2005, at age 91, Felt revealed to Vanity Fair magazine that during his tenure as associate director of the FBI he had been the notorious anonymous source known as "Deep Throat"[1][2] who provided The Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein with critical information about the Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974. Though Felt's identity as Deep Throat was suspected, including by Nixon himself,[3] it had generally remained a secret for 30 years. Felt finally acknowledged that he was Deep Throat after being persuaded by his daughter to reveal his identity before his death.[4] " (wiki)

Felt was #3 and "felt" he should be #1 or #2 in line for #1


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10df24  No.342132

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938caa  No.342919


have you heard from your friend "B"/Sgt. B? any comment on the sketchiness around Q's TOR posts tonight?


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89da86  No.343574

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e6ac9c  No.343727


its been an age but this feels different slightly but not not feeling like its him either.


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7b435a  No.343770


>Day 1 of theAbortionist Insurrection – Democrat Leaders Lead Calls for Mass Violence, Violent Mobs Terrorize Communities, Crack Heads


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c6da6a  No.344715


Stellar alignment! 5 planets line up for a nightly show in June

June has a few special celestial events to add to your sky-gazing summer bucket list, including a quintet of planets to enjoy.

Throughout most of June, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will stretch across the sky like a string of pearls appearing in the dawn hours before sunrise.

Sky & Telescope Magazine is calling it a “planet parade” because the planets will also be in the correct order from the sun.

Mercury will be the hardest to spot as the last to appear in the lineup just before it’s swallowed by sunlight. However, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn should be easy to see all month.

As a quartet, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have appeared in conjunction over the past few months, but June is the last chance to see the group together before they begin to spread further out in the night sky.

Look for the planets in the sky before sunrise by gazing southeast.

This celestial event requires no special equipment, but the view will be even better if you have access to a telescope or a local observatory. Binoculars could also help improve your experience.

If you want to know which planet is which, know that they are arranged in their natural order from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A sky-gazing app like Stellarium can also help you identify all the planets.

Early in June, Mercury and Saturn will be the smallest in the sky. As the month progresses, the planets will begin to appear further apart in the sky.

Mercury will be more illuminated and higher on the horizon by mid-June, making it easier to spot.

Toward the end of the month, the five-planet alignment will add a sixth gem to the show. On June 24, Mercury will pup up above the horizon about an hour before sunrise. As a bonus, the crescent moon will appear between Venus and Mars.

According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Venus and Saturn will bow out as morning objects for most observers by September.

'Bonus: Ancient star cluster on display'

Another treat for summer sky-gazing also happens this month. NASA astronomers say June is also an excellent month to view the globular star cluster known as Hercules Cluster M13. This globular star cluster is thought to be nearly 12 billion years old.

This collection of stars is best viewed with a telescope and will appear high in the eastern sky during the first hours of darkness all month.

No telescope? No problem, find public observing events near through NASA’s Night Sky Network.

The full moon in June is known as the strawberry moon.

The full lunar display falls on June 14 if you want to enjoy some outdoor time or maybe camp by moonlight. A new moon on June 28 will be the best time to head to a dark sky location away from city lights to look for your favorite constellations.





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b35d20  No.345358


Amanpour = Tranny

Trannies don't age well. look at her thick man neck.


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ae765f  No.345429


>58 yrs. old Tears streaming down my face



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5abda7  No.345619


Any reports of demonic howls as this charade took place?


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d7d5e6  No.345881

So? How do we overcome? How will the truth ever come out now?


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7a0ec8  No.345987

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