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File: 1a089f9e521a692⋯.jpg (19.21 KB,433x270,433:270,drudgegas.jpg)

9b662a No.305236 [Last50 Posts]

RELATED: >>>/freedomzine/17767

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Elon Musk cut 10 percent of Tesla's work force.

He is afraid the economy is going to tank. That's a no brainer. Because with so much money going into gasoline now it has to crash and it is intentional.

What will crash the economy no matter what? High gas prices, that's what.

And they know it. Let's say you were spending $200 a month on gas when it was $2.50 a gallon. You did not drive a whole lot except to work, which was 30 miles away and had a half hour of city driving. That's common in the US. So you were burning 3.5 gallons a day in your minivan if you were lucky. Even if you parked it on week ends, that would have cost about $200 per month. Lots of people have cars that eat more, some have cars that eat less, but $200 a month on gas at $2.50 per gallon was probably quite normal for most people . . . .

Then, suddenly, the gas goes up to $7 a gallon or more. Suddenly the gas costs $560 a month. That's $360.00 - a big screen, a lawn mower, a dining room table, or a desk or a nice cell phone or YOU NAME IT removed from the economic machine every single month, for everyone working. Extend that to two months, and once every two months a decent refrigerator is gone. Let's say you had a gas guzzler and you drove it a lot. Let's say your gas bill when gas was cheaper was $350 a month, which was not unusual. Suddenly your gas bill is $980 a month. What's that going to do? The math is not hard folks, Elon is right. If gas prices are not brought down, it is all going to crash.

Gas prices have skyrocketed to record highs, forcing some families to choose between filling their tank and putting food on the table. But for the oil execs whose stock holdings have soared, these are happy days — and some of them are cashing in their shares at unusually high rates: https://news.yahoo.com/oil-execs-cash-crazy-while-084839242.html

▲ FLASHBACK: Biden admits he needs to collapse the Untited States economy for their "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" bullshit very little care for or wants: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/

▲ FLASHBACK: Biden administration cancels gas lease opportunities despite soaring fuel prices: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-15-biden-admin-cancels-gas-lease-opportunities.html

▲ FLASHBACK: Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-admin-cancels-massive-oil-and-gas-lease-sale-amid-record-high-gas-prices/ar-AAXaRXw

▲ FLASHBACK: Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has predicted a massive wave of food shortages in the very near future amid the still-collapsing global and domestic supply chain crisis that is getting worse thanks to spiking gas and diesel fuel prices brought on by Joe Biden's anti-fossil fuel policies: https://citizens.news/619666.html

▲ FLASHBACK: USA Watchdog w/Martin Armstrong; Insane Globalists Are Collapsing The World Economy: https://rumble.com/vwjmwl-insane-globalists-collapsing-world-economy-martin-armstrong.html

▲ FLASHBACK: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/

▲ FLASHBACK: Globalists Flock To Doomsday Bunkers While World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT To Store Food: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/03/no_author/elite-flock-to-doomsday-bunkers-world-bank-tells-peasant-class-not-to-store-food/

▲ FLASHBACK: The Biden administration has proven to be an economic disaster for the American people, and it’s critical he be impeached to prevent America from collapsing even further, Alex Jones explained Thursday: https://www.infowars.com/posts/biden-must-be-impeached-now-to-save-america/

▲ FLASHBACK: The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break

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9b662a No.305253

Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 BioWeapon Injections


Looks like the criminal despots in power have it all well planned. Maim and kill the population before the manufactured collapse, weaken others in various ways, lie lie lie and lie some more, BOOM! It all comes down and no one can stop the inevitable depopulation, new children born oblivious to what actually happened…. "Great Reset"

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9b662a No.305326

Indeed they are.

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08c2ea No.305346

Bumping real news.

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5f4906 No.305350


At least they won't have to worry about anymore convoys.

There will be no more kicks on route 66.

Time to till out the backyard and plant a vegetable garden.

Also thinking about installing a trout pond.

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2b31a4 No.305353



Honestly I can't wait to see the reaction from the public when corrupt hubris-filled arrogant politicians tell them something like this, as the public literally goes BROKE.

You know it takes money to pay for gas to go out and buy the plants to grow your garden? It also takes money to pay for gas to go out and buy top soil and/or fertilizer for good dirt to grow. If you can't pay for gas to get places to buy stuff, you just can't buy stuff anymore. Which would impact 70%+ Americans all across the country. Just wait till they all find out how these corrupt politicians and government leadership screwed them so badly. Without absolute utter brazen fraud, this would cause enough angry Americans to throw out almost every single fucking incumbent politician out there in office today.

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2b31a4 No.305354


>Also thinking about installing a trout pond

Good idea, but installing one takes resources too, which all require gas to purchase and get a hold of. This is something politicians don't seem to understand anything about: the real economy.

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3e92b7 No.305355


They understand alright. They just can't do anything.

They are in the iron grip of the Lobby.

The ethics cmte is judge jury and executioner for the Lobby.

The Lobby can cook up crime and scandal out of thin air.

The ethics cmte will make it stick against anyone defying the will…

of the Lobby.

Bit by bit piece by piece the greatest system of government ever devised by men or gods, has legislated itself into a hostage situation.

Joe is a card carrying member of the CFR.

He is also a former senator.

The ethics cmte has jurisdiction over him for life related to his time in congress. He will do as told to do. The Lobby has taken full control of the executive branch and there is no separation of powers and no check or balance on anything.

So when Mister Big picks up a phone and says "hit 'em at the pump"

the CEO's will obey because the Lobby can eat their young if they so choose to do it.

This is why Trump has such high appeal as a candidate.

He may be leveraged to a point.

Joe can be leveraged all the way.

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2b31a4 No.305357


Mafia run corporate government huh?

That actually makes perfect sense considering EVERY-FUCKING-THING in the country has been so deeply corrupted to the foundational core. One must wonder how this all ends?

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46053a No.305358


I'm kinda hoping that the sun, unexpectedly and inexplicably goes supernova and vaporizes the solar system.

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971cdb No.305359

File: 0218ca2fbf24dff⋯.jpg (71.68 KB,470x548,235:274,Giraffic_Insight.jpg)


That's because you, like most of your generation, just might be a cowardly fuck who does not realize what personal responsibility really means; and because you were trained to think that way, dutifully awaiting some outside force to clean up what you can only see as a big mess, a pandemonium of chaos; a debris field that you're just a victim of, and unwilling participant in.

Sorry to have to break it to you so bluntly, but I wish that it had been done for me earlier (not that I would have even listened, much less accepted personal responsibility!)

Protip:There IS No "Other".

No one "Out There" to Blame.

There is NO Reason to Blame.

Unless you Want to Be Lame.

Is that what you really want?

Look at your life and see if maybe all signs point to YES. The investigation can be a lifelong endeavor.

Highly Recommend.


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971cdb No.305363

File: 3e04e2e3df7d9cd⋯.png (114.68 KB,500x497,500:497,Orwell1984.png)

File: 9ed1d3607e2d19d⋯.jpg (174.98 KB,730x1095,2:3,download_20200615_132136.jpg)



Meanwhile the Christfags are praying that Jesus comes riding in on a cloud to whisk them away from all their '"problems", just like they have been doing for a couple millenia — all the while shouting from the rooftops that "The End of the World is Nigh!" (Immanentizing the Eschaton.)

Such well-trained little Slaves!

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f0bd89 No.305374


>look within

<derp hurrrr durrrrr

"The United States has entered the ranks of the failed states. One of the most remarkable manifestations of a failed state is that the criminals are all inside the government operating against the people, whereas in a normal state, the criminals are on the outside of the government, operating against it. So, we now have every manifestation of being a failed state, with the government in the hands of a few Wall Street gangsters."

–Paul Craig Roberts

"There is a transnational ruling class, a "Superclass", that agrees on establishing a world government. The middle class is targeted for elimination, because most of the world has no middle class, and to fully integrate and internationalize a middle class, would require industrialization and development in Africa, and certain places in Asia and Latin America. The goal of the Superclass is not to lose their wealth and power to a transnational middle class, but rather to extinguish the notion of a middle class, and transnationalize a lower, uneducated, labor oriented class, through which they will secure ultimate wealth and power.

The global economic crisis serves these ends, as whatever remaining wealth the middle class holds is in the process of being eliminated, and as the crisis progresses, the middle classes of the world will suffer, while a great percentage of lower classes of the world, poverty-stricken even prior to the crisis, will suffer the greatest, most probably leading to a massive reduction in population levels, particularly in the "underdeveloped" or "Third World" states."

–Andrew Gavin Marshall

American fascism is not just private, elite control over the legal system, nor private evasion of the rule of law. It's a crisis-induced transition from a society with a deeply compromised legal system to a society where force and surveillance completely supplant that system."

–Michael C. Ruppert

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26bb5e No.305381



A bolide or asteroid named Wormwood which poisons the water is promised in The Revelation according to John of Patmos.

This is canonical and is the promised judgement of God in which Babylon in it's modern form is destroyed.

Until I see this event come to pass I'm not listening to any prosperity preaching or mix and match theology.

This is the eschaton.

Anything else is cheap imitation.

Don't settle for anything less than celestial cataclysm from the finger of God.

Demand Wormwood for a properly immanentized eschaton.

Accept no substitutes.

Because if the mosquitoes can go extinct in the lab, so can we.

If these are the days to be shortened, then Wormwood seems a fine and fitting shortening agent.


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781537 No.305382

File: 64236fbf5e04894⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB,300x240,5:4,Y2Mate_is_The_Dark_Knight_….mp4)



hell yeah muthafuckas

bring it on already

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98da01 No.305392


Did you mean


I think maybe you forgot the T.

I will settle for nothing less than complete fulfillment of prophecy.

Anything less would be blasphemy by definition.

If the words are true then Tunguska is a down payment, a stern warning that such things are possible.

Ask yourself: if there was a credible threat of God dispensing an impact event that would kill millions, would the governments of this world act the way they do? Would the people of this world act the way they do?

Or would they put God to the test?

John of Patmos puts God to the test and as the official legally binding divinely inspired word of God this book has been used to frighten, control and execute people for mere blasphemy and so called heresy against the Romish church.

We're told there's nothing and no one out there in the asteroid belt.

If it were a lie it would not surprise me.

On the off chance that Ezekiel's wheels have the capability to produce the the prophecy as described I say again:




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781537 No.305395

File: 0598e8b6a12e584⋯.mp4 (7.32 MB,640x360,16:9,why_do_we_fall.mp4)


deshi deshi bassara bassara

deshi deshi bassara bassara

deshi bassara bassara

deshi deshi

>I'm fulfilling Raas Al Ghouls Destiny

bring it on globalist fags

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2b31a4 No.305432


Socialistic Governmental Intervention And Wars Are Destroying The Western Economy: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/policymaker-push-against-fossil-fuels-means-will-never-be-another-refinery-built-us-chevron

As restaurants across the country feel the squeeze from rising inflation, a tight labor market, and minimum wage increases on an industry with notoriously thin margins, owners are passing along the pain in the form of various fees tacked onto the tab, according to the Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/waiter-theres-a-fee-in-my-soup-11654139870

SHTF Is Now Happening As Stores Across America Begin Limiting The Amount Of Consumer Goods You Can Purchase: https://allnewspipeline.com/Prepper_Alert_it_Is_Hitting_The_Fan.php

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maшo believes that the "world bread war has already begun" because of the grain blockade in Ukraine, which prevents many vulnerable countries from accessing grain and means that there is a risk of new conflicts breaking out in Africa: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3500342-italian-foreign-minister-predicts-wars-in-africa-due-to-shortage-of-ukrainian-grain.html

Soaring Cost Of Living Causes Spike In Abandoned And Surrendered Pets: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/soaring-cost-living-causes-spike-abandoned-and-surrendered-pets

Hail of Russian artillery tests Ukrainian morale: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/theyre-in-hell-hail-of-russian-artillery-tests-ukrainian-morale/ar-AAY3MQM

Russia threatens to strike the West if Ukraine hits it with US rockets: https://metro.co.uk/2022/06/04/russia-threatens-to-strike-the-west-if-ukraine-hits-it-with-us-rockets-16768243/

Ukraine to decide range of Washington’s rockets says US ambassador. “The Ukrainians have given us assurances that they will not use these systems against targets on Russian territory,” Blinken said. “There is a strong trust bond between Ukraine and the US, as well as with our allies and partners.” REMEMBER THIS IF SOMETHING HAPPENS: https://www.rt.com/russia/556531-rocket-range-ukraine-ambassador/

Russia took aim at Western military supplies for Ukraine with airstrikes in Kyiv on Sunday that it said destroyed tanks donated from abroad: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-government-and-politics-e98d1d788e132c2a1f2c8ead7ae58761

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine is losing up to 100 soldiers a day during Russia's invasion of the country: https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-losing-60-100-soldiers-a-day-zelenskyy-says-2022-6

Heavy Losses Raise Questions About How Long Ukraine Can Stay in Fight: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/06/04/heavy-losses-raise-questions-about-how-long-ukraine-can-stay-in-fight-ap/

Ukraine Admits Four European, Australian Mercenaries Were Killed By Russian Army: https://southfront.org/ukraine-admits-four-european-australian-mercenaries-were-killed-by-russian-army/

The Russian military has captured a Ukrainian-made Nota counter-drone electronic warfare (EW) system from Kiev forces. On June 2, photos of the EW system, which was reportedly captured on Kherson front, surfaced online: https://southfront.org/russian-forces-captured-advanced-ukrainian-electronic-warfare-system-photos/

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df1465 No.305437


Bumping real news update

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2b31a4 No.305441

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849e60 No.305442


No my friend, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

These updates are a high value contribution to the board and gives me and probably more than a few other people a reason to drop in tomorrow.

You are stalwart and steadfast my friend.



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2b31a4 No.305445


I'm glad I could be of service. It's typically very hard to please most "chan" image board users, especially some who like to come here to troll and hate on everything.

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15897f No.305523

More breaking news updates coming….

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8e0ffc No.305667

What Happens To Europe And America After The Russian-Ukraine War? Just Look At The Archived 2017 Deagel Global Population And GDP Projection For 2025: https://ncrenegade.com/what-happens-to-europe-when-russia-wins/

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1b4ef8 No.305747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder anyone telling you not to be prepared for what is coming is your enemy. Your enemies want you weak and dependent and vulnerable. One way to do that is to deliberately wreak the domestic economy while denying and lying while doing so.

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66cccc No.306326


How To Protect Yourself From Davos Criminals:


TL/DR: Get what you need to survive today and stockup on whatever it is you can. Make sure you have some property in a desired area, own the roof over your head, stockup on basic essentials, never ever give up those guns and prepare for economic collapse. Also if you can, voting out any corrupt political incumbents may save you some time to get better prepared. They are collapsing the economy on you because they want to control you, period and end of story.

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1d936c No.306433

File: 0de3848ed9b1d85⋯.webm (3.17 MB,886x480,443:240,jesus.webm)


>how to protect yourself from ….

>negro hedge link

>literally one of the first suggestions ends up in bitcoin

yeah, sure, buy a risk asset into a recession like the muppet you are

daily reminder that investing in the market means to ride the waves like a surfer and to neverNEVERfight the FED. If you want to make money that is. If you want to be part of some internet schizo gold and bitcoin bagholders club, of course do the opposite of what I say.

You muppets must understand that inflation is out of control. Therefore the FED is blowing up the economy with tighter monetary rules. And what happens in every single recession every single time? Who wins?


So I advise you to exit whatever risk positions your hold tech unicorns, shitcoins, meme stocks and sell those for cold hard dollars. If you own treasuries, you can keep those or sell them both is good. They will do fine in the recession and you can make some ROI on them.

If you have safe stocks food producers, oil companies you can keep those too. Because people need food. People need oil. Yes even in recessions. They will buy that stuff at any price and the companies will give the inflation to their customers to pay and pocket the profits. Then they will pay you a nice dividend at the end of the year.

Wait for the panic to set in. Wait for markets to crash at least 40%. For your hair dresser to blew 20 grand on apple stock and is done playing the wall street casino.

Maybe 12 to 18 months. A bottom will build around that time. Inflation will go down.

Then you can buy back your shitcoins and tech unicorns for half the price and pocket the change.

Then you ride the next wave until the next all time high and sell again, repeat until you have:


>house in france

>private jet

>private yacht

>priavte helicopter on yacht

>priavate army

whatever you are into or just enough bux to neet it up for a really long time.

>muh inflation

inflation eats away 8% of your money

being a bagholder devasts your portfolio by 50%

recovering from a 50% loss means you need a 200% rallye to break even

It usually takes 10 years to form a new all time high in a rallye.

Becoming the bagholder will rob you of 10 years of your time.

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66cccc No.306467

rational actual news bump

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66cccc No.306614


I never said invest in the stock market. I said invest in REAL WEALTH if you can still do so, real wealth like having a roof over your head, backup of essential supplies, guns/ammo/lube, tools and plenty of accessories, a wood burning stove for winter so you can have heat off-grid, maybe a gas or propane generator or two, or wood burning generator to ration energy off-grid, extra boots/clothing, extra long-term storeable food from Sams/Costco, etc. And as far as that Dollar? It's going to face hyperinflation. Eventually that Dollar won't be buying you very much when gas hits $15+ from coast to coast. If you can't physically touch something you won't own it when the economy collapses. This isn't a traditional boom/bust cycle today when they are deliberately price gouging oil & gas, burning down food processors all over the country, bombing fertilizer plants worldwide, etc. This is the Great Reset in action: "you'll own nothing and be happy" as they like to say.

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66cccc No.306629

Have another, just for the bump of it.

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a68b16 No.306661

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80bd78 No.306679

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80bd78 No.306714

File: 95774afab8fe1b0⋯.png (36.99 KB,729x931,729:931,GOVT_WAR_ON_OIL.png)

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7fd225 No.306928

File: 50794fa111b4f97⋯.webm (2.33 MB,853x480,853:480,you_the_people.webm)


>muh house

a house is not an asset except if you rent it out. it is a cost. pipes, floors, walls, plumbing, electric machines break apart and you have to renew them. On top of that, you pay government a tax on the value of your property. That means you have payment obligations every year for that thing.



all too complicated. when the shit hits the fan, electricity and internet is your least concern

and you know you could like move to a place with mild winters where you don't need a stove commiefornia, texas, florida, alabama, cayman islands, hawaii, belize, mexico

>food rations

yeah until the normalfags who are starving to death find out you have truckloads of tuna cans in your basement. And of course because you could not shut your mouth to them and had to flaunt how much smarter you are and how many food rations you have for the coming crisis, they know exactly where to get their next meal from

Oh and government too.

>hoarders are subhuman trash

>they have caused this food crisis

>not us governments, we are here to help

>we therefore confiscate all food rations above x cans and redistributes it fairly to YOU, the people …

>boots clothing

can all be stolen by the zombie hordes. even if you have a mini gun, eventually even you will have to reload. it is all too complex and in dire situations complex solutions never work because they are dependent on too many variables to work. move to some place where you don't need boots, winter clothing and complex equipment just for the priviledge of not dying.



that is your oppinion.

You see the wall street kikes now can choose between 2 options basically:

>throw their priviledge of global currency under the bus

>throw the stock markets and economies under the bus

and they will sacrifice the economy. they are already offloading stocks to retail muppets in record pace. Big firms like Goldman Sachs, JPM and Blackrock have been net sellers in every single rallye since January. While at the same time their pundits are telling retail goyim to buy the fucking dip.

>dollar won't buy you much at 15$ per gallon

when gas hits 15$ per gallon, the economy will implode. There is nothing more bearish then a high oil price. What does that mean? Companies en masse go bankrupt. Normalfags lose their jobs. Normalfags have to sell their cars because they cannot affort them anyways and have no job to drive to. This goes on 1 or 2 years until the oil price is 40$ again. Then the game begins from scratch with the next boom.

>if you can't touch it you don't own it

yeah but if you can touch it, so can the zombies and the governments robberers

there is no point to do all this prepping shit if government can take it anyways. then better be like the wall street sharks and get rich off the crisis.

>you'll own nothing and be happy" as they like to say

yeah that is aimed towards the normalcattle.

it is up to you if you want to join the sheeple or the wolves

you have the freedom of choice

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1b4ef8 No.307168


What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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f5395a No.307199

bumping more resolute news

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f5395a No.307201


So in other words you are telling me I have two options: move to an overpopulated State, own nothing and likely be killed by mass starvation like everyone else …..or hide out in my rural area and wait to try duking out a shootout with locals and marauders trying to usurp everything I have? Well honestly if this whole country is going to shit I might as well stand my ground and duke it out because I'm not one who likes to own nothing at all.

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f5395a No.307266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b73750 No.307302

"But liberty, as we all know, cannot flour­ish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near-war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of the central government. And permanent crisis is what we have to expect in a world in which over-population is producing a state of things, in which dictatorship under Communist auspices becomes almost inevitable."

–Aldous Huxley

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4930ac No.307551

File: 3d9febeb5fc5582⋯.jpg (83.03 KB,736x736,1:1,1651246841183.jpg)


I have a feeling even if they depopulate the world they are not going to stop trying to subjugate the rest of humanity, this is their goal no matter what. Depop or not.

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eb0a36 No.307565


I am telling you how to take advantage of what is to come. The world will go on just like it has always before that crisis. But hey, of course you can waste all your capital on tuna cans and gasoline generators and solar panels and Alex Jewnes water filters and whatever crap the doomsday cult is pushing to you. The doomsday cucks have every single time been wrong and the wall street sharks have made fortunes in the same time

>this time will be different

this is exactly what the doomsday cult says

>move to an overpopulated state

you can also live in your car. in america this works. In europe it does not but you can do it. in summer you stay at home. in winter you drive south to florida or cali where it is warm and stay over winter. or yuma arizona. that has a big RV community camping there each year.

US law states you are allowed to camp on federal land (BLM) for 14 days and then have to move on to a next parcel. of course they don't have a ranger there 24/7 to keep book who comes and goes when in the middle of the desert.

>to own nothing

you own your capital . this is the only thing you really need to own.

owning a house makes only sense if you are foreigner in a country and want to apply for visa. if you own your house, they are more likely to apply your visa and that paper crap.

all that other material stuff is useless or unnecessary. you need your travel luggage, your laptop (for work, ebanking, trading, 8chan) and whatever you can put in your backpack. Everything else is useless plastic crap that only keeps you behind.

It is your free choice.

stock markets on friday inched down closer, bitcoin going to 27K too.

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76df74 No.307689


What would it require to make you eat insects (which risk giving you parasitic infections)

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c95d12 No.307731


I understand investing may earn you some profit and can be very lucrative, buy low sell high, right? My question is what good does that do if you don't use your income or profits to accumulate more physical wealth and build a better comfy lifestyle? If I had the option of making 100K worth in wall street stock investments but having to live in a car, or the option of paying off a mortgage and living more frugal I'd choose the latter because then I'd actually own something in my name, the roof over my head. Its the same with savings in a bank account, if it just sits there while price inflation keeps increasing you might as well think about liquidating some of it into useful physical assets that will maintain value long-term: tools, guns/ammo, some extra long-term storeable food, rain water collection system, solar panel system, etc. You can still keep some of your savings for paying monthly bills and grocery, and you could still invest in the stock market too. The fact is having some physical backups helps during a crisis, especially if you stay out of debt and have all that shit paid off in full. It's not like the government can simply rob you for absolutely no reason and no court trail. If that does ever happen this would be a de-facto communist country and you'd be better off becoming an expat or fighting for what you have rightfully earned. I just hope it never gets to that point in America but we'll see. By the way, the RV option is a smart idea, many preppers do own RVs so they can "bug-out" during a crisis (but will you be able to afford or even get the needed gas during a crisis is a serious question itself).

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c95d12 No.307754


They're going to have to try starving people into submission, which is what the new manufactured supply chain crisis is all about. This is why we see all the arson attacks against food processors across the country. This is why we see fertilizer shortages too. This is why we also see the federal government blocking certain shipments to the US now (which is coming out from numerous inside sources within the industry sector). If we don't eat their bugs these dirty criminals will use communist tactics and try to starve us into doing so. Don't let that happen, prep while you still have time. Support the local farmer markets and make contacts. Know those who produce food in the local area, and support them without having to go through middle men. When you purchase from them they know they can count on you and will reach out when they have more food to sell. I get calls about quarter and half pound of beef yearly from sources asking me if I want to buy more. Sometimes I'll buy something, sometimes I take a look at the freezer inventory and tell them some other time. This is the way to outsmart the bug obsessed lunatics.

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76df74 No.307784


Good point. Do you think the bug-eaters are related to the militant vegans?

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476fd8 No.307877


shocking all the high rolling trash niggers that have 10k to blow on " transportation", yet " have to rely on food banks"

these spongers have zero knowledge or experience of real hard times

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c95d12 No.308117


Maybe some, but the majority of them are invested in a new growing industry of laboratory-made foods. See here: https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/new-controlled-food-system-is-now-in-place-and-they-will-stop-at-nothing-to-accelerate-their-control/


>I get calls about quarter and half pound of beef yearly from sources asking me if I want to buy more.

I made a typo here lol. I meant quarter and half cows worth of beef, not per pound lol. Buying wholesale directly from farmers saves you a ton of money vs. buying per pound in the stores.

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c95d12 No.308240

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5815eb No.308519


Where should I throw my money at?

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19761e No.308523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

… Using 'cultural confusion/differences' to impose 'strange powers' upon 'weaker nations…'

Jens Stoltenberg… One may doubt the use of the same 'model' used by 'not musicians' to sell art made by 'musicians' being applied to 'Ukraine' from a 'military-industrial/market-making' standpoint…

Jens Stoltenberg… Prioritizing 'volume' and 'quantity' over 'quality' and 'convenience' will not 'age well…'



"Invents a game where a non-Russian attempts to own Russia, all Russian assets, the Russian peoples, and the rights to all Russian culture" KRANK


"Attempts to use non-Russian assets to restrain Russia from Russian goals while in Russia…" SLAM


"fuck the house and the deed and the gold nigguh… dat man own reality bitch" RIP


"Jens Stoltenberg is just a dumb ass nigguh, i mean jew" BANG


Jens Stoltenberg… The intentional ruin of nations for the purposes of slavery… That will not age well…

Jens Stoltenberg… "It's the opium stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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19761e No.308524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jens Stoltenberg… Which nation retails the slavs for sex trafficking?

Jens Stoltenberg… Which nation operates the 'opium complex?'

Jens Stoltenberg… Rewrite history?

Jens Stoltenberg… This is called 'fundamental revolution…'

Jens Stoltenberg… Entire nations will be destroyed… Technology and cultures lost…

Jens Stoltenberg… The untied bates shall be writ and subject to truth for what 'it' is…

Jens Stoltenberg… What happens when democracy is 'forced' upon the earth by a clear minority?

Jens Stoltenberg… Democracy violently forced upon peoples leads to what outcome?

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c95d12 No.308525


If you don't have much of it and have refused to prepare in the past when being warned to do so over and over, you'll be spending your money on food, gas and rent and not much else into the future. Struggling just to get by.

If you were smart you listened to us who have been warning you people for years to get prepared for crisis and economic demise. You would have cushioned the fall by stocking up on long-term storeable foods, extra water & filters or perhaps set up a rain water collection system, extra clothing & shoes, guns/ammo/cleaning kits, maybe a solar generator with some panels or some power inverters with 12V deep cycle batteries with a solar trickle charger for rationing energy off-grid, a wood burning stove for heating your home during winter, etc.

I don't like being mean, but motherfucker, people like yourself were warned to get prepared for well over a decade. Many people refused to listen and now they're going to pay the price.

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c95d12 No.308578


JIM STONE COMMENTS ON GAS PRICES: Why is it that in the midst of oil doom, "shithole countries" have cheap gas? Venezuela: 8.8 cents a gallon. Libya: 12.4 cents a gallon. Iran: 21.2 cents a gallon. Syria: $1.14 a gallon. Algeria: $1.26 a gallon. Kuwait: $1.37 a gallon. Angoloa: $1.49 a gallon. Nigeria: $1.66 a gallon. Turkmenistan: $1.71 a gallon. Malaysia: $1.84 a gallon. KazakhstanL $1.92 a gallon. So there are 10 shithole countries that have gas less than $2 a gallon. What is the magic? Do their governments fear the people?

The corporate media claims president Joe Biden is growing increasingly worried that he is not seen as doing enough to lower gas prices: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/13/joe-biden-frustrated-inability-lower-gas-prices/

▲ MY COMMENT: I find it hard to believe Joe Biden is very worried. After all, this is the guy who denied permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline! He also denied oil and gas lease opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-admin-cancels-major-oil-and-gas-lease-sales-amid-soaring-gas-prices_4461962.html

▲ FLASHBACK: There is a governmental war on oil consumption in the Western World:

▲ FLASHBACK: The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break

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d281c9 No.308683



You were warned.

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19761e No.308692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

I, the devil, shall determine for mine self what is 'tolerated…'

… If ye do not comply… THERE WILL BE BLOOD… RIP


… Democracy is the 'corruption of a republic' and represents 'official deferral of responsibility…' SCRATCH


… I, the devil, have ordered the installation of cages and other torments… SLAM


"48 laws of jewish what?" BANG


"a US senator purchased, raped, and killed a 13 year old girl" KRANK


"Israel uses Turkey as a vehicle to operate a global sex slave network" RING


Vladimir Putin… Now is the time to 'close' the remainder of 'relations' with Israel…



Vladimir Putin… Effective immediately… Any foul finger upon Syria shall result in 'bad luck…' HAHAHA


Vladimir Putin… I shall include the names and accounts of all involved entities…

Vladimir Putin… By order of I, the devil, these entities are to be annihilated…

Vladimir Putin… The entire nation-state of 'Germany,' Turkey, and Israel

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19761e No.308701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>Empire Earth

Iram was and mostly is the only nation that complied with such 'monitoring' efforts…

"how many Russian nuclear missiles are there?" SCRATCH


"how many ballistics tests have North Korea conducted?" SLAM


"how many nations invaded Iram and attempted to enslave their people?" BANG


"with discovery; you can mentally masturbate your way to a nuclear apocalypse like a complete dipshit" RIP


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d6b739 No.308766


Please excuse the interruption AC but you have stated on multiple occasions you intend to use nuclear force.

Which is fine by me because you're the devil and all the power of pernicious evil is your's to command.

If this threshold is crossed you've only got one chance.to get it right.

Two detonations will not be enough to affect any great change in my humble, pathetic and unworthy opinion.

As a mere mortal I probably shouldn't even respond to your prophetic knowing(s).

I suggest you get about the business of proliferation and arm as many nations as you can.

Then you can work your infernal will knowing of time(s) and place(s) to leverage a proper nuclear holocaust sufficient to permit a restructuring of humanity according to your most wise and sagacious desires.

Okay that's all I have to say and I'm making an appointment with an Exorcist to perform a preemptive exorcism so please don't try to inhabit my corporeal form.

Thank you.

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df2d32 No.308815


Little does he know we don't really give a fuck anymore.

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f47e5b No.308828


Not trying to speak for the Master here but, when >>Antichrist poster™ shall unleash his cascading torrents of death, destruction, immiseration and agony, all the fucks that should have been given will be taken in an instant.

We can't hardly wait for the festivities to begin. I mean why should God have to trouble Himself with with celestial impact events and the destruction of Babylon when AC can work the divine retribution tip all by himself?

We're rooting for him.

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b01c61 No.308830


I have setup up and skipped 9 interviews this month with woke fag flag companies. I've rescheduled 4 of them and skipped those as well. I dont even need another job I just earn waste their time and money.

Praise KEK.

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b01c61 No.308831

Also, I always dump my grease into the sink.

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f47e5b No.308839


No you don't. Liar liar pants on fire.

That meme is played out.

Find a new one.

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b01c61 No.308919

circumcision is dismemberment

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671734 No.308943


Take break Grussad.

Have a cup of coffee.

Go out for a smoke.

And please, get off the dick.

Thank you.

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28c913 No.308998

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31deb0 No.309040

File: 47353055ee10987⋯.jpg (169.58 KB,725x544,725:544,happy.jpg)


Dinner is ready. It's insects with fried foreskins!

You will be happy!

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1ada03 No.309751


Support local farmers markets, make local contacts, bypass the corrupt middle men (retail chains). Learn how to garden. Learn how to raise some livestock (if you can), hunt and butcher. There will be ways around this. You must take action though, and the sooner the better.

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f6c3c8 No.309884

legit news

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f5080b No.310075

THOUSANDS of dead cattle in Nebraska: https://twitter.com/i/status/1537133550272761859


CONCLUSION: The elite who ran the large feedlots poisoned the water supply to the smaller farmers to kill all their cattle, so the elite could more completely take over agriculture.


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1d435f No.310135

You can clearly see the East is being set up to replace the Western World in global super power status….


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fbda25 No.310588


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fbda25 No.310651

anti-slide warfare mitigation 532ty5

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fbda25 No.310674


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fbda25 No.310693

anti-slide warfare mitigation :"::II4EKJKDKDKDKKDKD89992929E111111

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698767 No.310752

Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire:


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8a7416 No.311033

anti-slide warfare mitigation DFG%#%&#*SSJJ S S( S(& SKI S S ^ *S^S * SS HJ HWHWHHHHWJJJSJSJKSKKKWW(*(*(*(U(U(U(*U((

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0db728 No.311194

anti-slide warfare mitigation&{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{920338

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44a793 No.311235

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next: https://alt-market.us/the-engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next/

Peanut Butter Now Faces Shortages In Biden's USSA: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/bidens-america-sriracha-peanut-butter-latest-items-short-supply/

Californians now so desperate to escape state they are moving to Mexico to avoid inflation and crime: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-17-californians-desperate-to-escape-moving-mexico-inflation-crime.html

THE PLAN: US LNG is becoming a zero-sum game (due to economic warfare): https://www.energymonitor.ai/analysis/opinion-us-lng-is-becoming-a-zero-sum-game ←– remember this.

A massive explosion tore through a 1400mm natural gas pipeline at Russia's largest natural gas field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Siberia today. The cause of the explosion is being investigated, but a source says it appears this was a DELIBERATE ACT of sabotage: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/explosion-rocks-russia-s-largest-natural-gas-field-sabotage

Russia Cuts Natural Gas by 40% to Germany and Italy: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russia-cuts-natural-gas-by-40-to-germany-and-italy-pump-failures

Russia Declares Only Military Force Will Decide Ukraine Conflict: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3951.htm

Ukraine strikes Russian Black Sea navy tug carrying weapons to Snake Island using Western-supplied anti-ship rockets: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10926149/Ukraine-destroys-Russian-Black-Sea-navy-tug-carrying-weapons-Snake-Island-downs-helicopter.html

Anti-tank soldiers of the 80th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles of the occupiers using a modern domestic Stugna-P anti-tank missile system: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509408-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-two-enemy-ifvs.html

Enemy forces fired mortars and artillery from Russian territory at the Krasnopillia community in the Sumy region on Friday, June 17: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509426-sumy-region-comes-under-fire-from-russian-territory.html

On June 17, Russian cruise missiles hit a high-value target of Kiev forces near the city of Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-cruise-missiles-smash-into-military-target-in-ukraines-mykolaiv/

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44a793 No.311284


How The War In Ukraine Continues To Divide Russian Oligarchy: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/17/in-public-there-are-only-jingoistic-voices

The Religious Implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War: https://godkingandnation.wordpress.com/2022/03/19/the-religious-implications-of-the-russo-ukrainian-war/

Exposing corrupt, morally bankrupt, cruel, despotic population control agendas: https://www.hli.org/resources/exposing-the-global-population-control/

Former top President Ronald Reagan administration advisor Doug Bandow says Ukraine isn't worth nuclear war: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/ukraine-isnt-worth-nuclear-war/

Americans are fleeing America in record numbers and renouncing citizenship as the USSA faces systemic collapse from deep seeded corruption: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/17/1-in-4-expats-seriously-considering-renouncing-us-citizenship.html

Lithuania stops transit of sanctioned goods between Russia and Kaliningrad: https://english.nv.ua/business/lithuania-stops-transit-of-sanctioned-goods-between-russia-and-kaliningrad-50250744.html

Public Opinion On Ukraine Shifts As Europeans Back Immediate Peace Over Seeking Russian Defeat: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/public-opinion-ukraine-shifts-europeans-back-immediate-peace-over-seeking-russian

Russia earned what is very likely a record 93 billion euros in revenue from exports of oil, gas and coal in the first 100 days of the country’s invasion of Ukraine, according to data analyzed by the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air, a research organization based in Helsinki, Finland. About two-thirds of those earnings, the equivalent of about $97 billion, came from oil, and most of the remainder from natural gas: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/13/climate/russia-oil-gas-record-revenue.html

Large Explosion, Blaze Engulfs Shanghai Petrochemical Complex In Economic Warfare Attack: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/large-explosion-blaze-engulfs-shanghai-petrochemical-complex

Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced “frightening” shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jun/17/united-nations-wfp-hell-on-earth-ukraine-war-russia

Lukashenka continues to linger with direct order to invade, while Belarus is indeed preparing for the war, writes Ukrainian expert Oleh Zhdanov in his column for nv.ua website: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/17/502800/

Jordan Getley, a former British soldier who was hailed as a true hero by friends and family, died while saving his group from Russian invaders: https://en.socportal.info/en/news/former-british-soldier-was-killed-covering-the-retreat-of-his-fellow-ukrainians/

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down Russian Su-25 assault aircraft in Donetsk region and captured a pilot: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509817-ukraines-armed-forces-down-russian-assault-aircraft-in-donetsk-region-capture-pilot.html

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fff2cf No.311423


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e0d2ff No.311601

>>311284 (happy fathers day edition, buy your father a box of 5.56mm)

Treachery! White House Moves To Strangle US Ammunition Supply To Further Weaken America: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20220616/treachery-white-house-moves-to-strangle-us-ammunition-supply


It's TOO LATE to save the oblivious masses, you need to save yourself and family: https://www.brighteon.com/1d884aaa-66ce-4825-a6e4-3f51ce41c300

Union Pacific Rail to Cut Fuel Shipments by Pilot Flying J Truck Stops and Gas Stations: https://needtoknow.news/2022/06/union-pacific-rail-to-cut-fuel-shipments-by-pilot-flying-j-truck-stops-and-gas-stations/

On May 16th, Dmitry Trenin addressed the Council for Foreign Defense Policy. In that speech were interesting comments on how Russians view the war with Ukraine as it relates to the United States. Here is our analysis on what the implications are, Russia’s true goals seem to be: https://vblgoldfix.substack.com/p/unlocked-what-russia-thinks-will?s=w

Energy Secretary Jennifer demands energy companies to make massive investments to increase oil supply while simultaneously saying they want to shut them down over the next 5 to 10 years. Jennifer Granholm emphasized that the administration is not seeking to destroy oil and gas companies but rather re-tool them. “We are asking the oil and gas companies to diversify,” she said, “and become diversified energy companies.”: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shellenberger-why-bidens-attacks-energy-are-absolutely-insane

▲ MY COMMENT: One reason the government needs to STAY OUT of economic decision making, they have no clue what they are doing, none what-so-ever. The fact they have the ability to cancel oil and gas projects is absurd too, if we really had a free market system then government would not have any authority to prevent more production of a legal essential industrial commodity!

Ukrainian military officials have said they struck the Russian Navy's Vasiliy Bekh tugboat in the Black Sea using two Harpoon missiles supplied by the US: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-harpoon-missiles-destroyed-a-heavily-armed-russian-vessel-in-the-black-sea-say-ukraines-military/ar-AAYCs1z?li=BBnb7Kz

The first four M113AS4 armored personnel carriers handed over to Ukraine by the Australian government have left the RAAF Base Amberley. The Australian government’s military assistance package consists of over AUD 285 million worth of support including Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles, M777 Howitzers; anti-armour weapons, ammunition, unmanned aerial systems and a range of personal equipment: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510610-australia-sends-first-four-m113a4-apcs-to-ukraine.html

Russia's military is citing fresh 'successes' in the Donbas region after reports days ago that Ukrainian forces may have stalled its advance in Sievierodonetsk: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraine-says-prepare-worst-donbas-kharkiv-will-likely-be-next-frontline-city

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed 11 Russian troops and three military equipment units in southern Ukraine: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510438-11-russia-troops-three-military-equipment-units-destroyed-in-southern-ukraine.html

Russian warships destroyed a command center of Kiev forces with Kalibr cruise missiles, killing dozens of officers including generals and members of the high command, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 19: https://southfront.org/russia-says-50-senior-officers-of-kiev-forces-were-killed-in-kalibr-missile-strike-video/

On June 19, journalist Alexander Kots released a video showing unidentified Russian loitering munitions hitting two depots of Kiev forces near the city of Bakhmut in the Donbass region: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-mi-28nm-attack-helicopter-targets-depots-of-kiev-forces-with-loitering-munitions/

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2b31a4 No.311827


Communist Biden Regime Moving To Severely Limit Popular Ammo Used In AR-15s (Better Stock Up): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-19-biden-admin-moving-severely-limit-popular-ammo-ar15s.html

Always Remember These Are The Demonic Despotic Criminal Monsters Who Want You Disarmed (They Openly Said They HATE Humanity And Desire Total Population Control Over Homo Sapiens): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-19-harari-humans-now-hackable-animals-free-will-is-over.html

The NWO Blueprint To 'Save The Earth' Mandates 7 Billion Death Sentences And America's Future Chinese-Communist System Would Have No Compunction About Carrying Out Mass Murder Here: https://allnewspipeline.com/The_Globalists_Human_Extermination_Agenda_Is_Now_Irrefutable.php

Ukraine Leader Declares “We Will Definitely Win!”, Russia Then Wipes Out His General Staff: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3953.htm

Gonzalo Lira In Kharkhov Spells Out How The Lithuanian Cutoff Of Rail Traffic From Russia To Kaliningrad Can Easily Ignite World War Three: https://htrs-special.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Gonzalo+Lira+Important+message+for+Americans.mp4

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: He says Ukraine totally got it's butt kicked, that man for man they were probably better than the American army, that America can't match Russia on the battlefield, that America will provoke Russia to attack Lithuania by shutting down a critical rail route and as a result of that and losing on the actual battlefiled, America will nuke Russia.

Russia Warns More Weapons Supplies To Ukraine Won't Force Them To Play By Western Rules Anymore: https://tass.com/politics/1468155

Videos Of Americans Captured In Ukraine Broadcast On Russian TV: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/videos-american-fighters-captured-ukraine-broadcast-russian-tv-us-reviewing-footage

Over the past 48 hours, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation destroyed four warehouses with missile and artillery weapons and artillery ammunition in the areas of the settlements of Maksimilyanovka, Avdeevka, Zelenoe Pole and Georgievka of the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as the launcher of the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system in the area of ​​Seversk Luganskaya People's Republic: https://ria.ru/20220619/ukraina-1796552665.html

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 28 invaders and enemy equipment, including a howitzer, drones and a tank, in southern Ukraine on June 19: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510689-ukraines-armed-forces-eliminate-almost-30-invaders-enemy-equipment-in-southern-ukraine.html

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e0d2ff No.312031


A True Warning Made By Russian President Putin: “The ongoing price hike, inflation, problems with food and fuel, gas and energy in general is the result of systemic mistakes in the economic policy of the current US administration and the European bureaucracy… Western nations printed large sums of money to stimulate their economies and used them to buy goods in foreign countries… They pretty much vacuumed, raked away the global markets…Naturally, nobody cared to think about the interest of other nations, including the poorest of them… Those were left with scraps, at astronomical prices…This problem did not arise today or in the past three or four months… And it certainly is not Russia’s fault, contrary to what some demagogues say, trying to blame our nation for everything that happens in the world economy… In essence, it’s the same predatory colonial policy… But, of course, it exists in a new form, a new edition, more refined and shrewd”. https://www.rt.com/news/557357-putin-blame-eu-us-famine/

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden's Government: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/06/19/here-is-the-updated-list-of-us-based-food-manufacturing-plants-destroyed-under-biden-administration/

President Joe Biden turned America’s financial crisis into a national security one by telling the world that foreign leaders have near-total control over the US economy: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/06/18/biden-to-world-russia-oil-sheiks-and-china-control-the-u-s-economy/

Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade, 'Panic Buying' (Fiscal Prepping) Ensues: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-just-implemented-risky-anti-russia-measure-could-trigger-ww3-few-are-taking-notice

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: GONZALO LIRA WAS RIGHT. Lithuania just blocked the rail line. Step one to a real WW3. I think Gonzalo is still legit. The rumors about him getting swapped out are all explained by him simply getting a different cell phone that has a camera that shows his face more accurately and does not smooth out the wrinkles. Many cell phones have such poor imaging (even if the photos look good) the imaging is so poor it makes people look 10 years younger because it can't record the wrinkles. Camera positioning explains all other anomalies. Even if he's NOT legit, he was right about this, which is supposed to be the lynch pin that kicks off world war 3:

Greenies BTFO! Germany Rations Gas Amid Russian Cuts, Mandates Return To COAL For Electricity Production: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/germany-rations-gas-amid-russian-cuts-mandates-return-coal-electricity-production

Rolling Brownouts And Blackouts Expected In The Western World Due To Energy Crisis: https://allnewspipeline.com/Blackouts_To_Leave_Tens_Of_Millions_Without_Lights.php

AS THE WORLD BURNS, THE KINGDOM OF LIES DIES: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/when-the-lies-come-home/

The European Union has extended sanctions against Russia over the attempted annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by one year, until June 23, 2023: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3510923-eu-extends-sanctions-over-russias-illegal-annexation-of-crimea-by-one-year.html

Ukraine’s Minister of Education calls for removal of Russian literature from schools: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/20/ukraines-minister-of-education-calls-for-removal-of-russian-literature-from-schools/

Kyiv braces for heavier fighting as Russia-EU tensions climb: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-10930197/Ukraines-Zelensky-visits-southern-battles-rage.html

The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled Russian assault operations near Myrna Dolyna and Bila Hora on the Sievierodonetsk front and near Bohorodychne on the Sloviansk front: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/20/7353658/

On June 20, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked drilling platforms of the Crimean energy company ‘Chernomorneftegaz’ (Chornomorneftegaz) in the Black Sea. The attack took place at 8:00 local time in the sea area southwest of Crimea. There were 12 people in the place of the attack, head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov said. Five people were rescued (three of them were injured). The rest is missing: https://southfront.org/kyivs-forces-attacked-russian-drilling-rigs-near-crimea-casualties-reported/

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e0d2ff No.312032


The controlled demolition of FOOD and ENERGY infrastructure is now under way: https://citizens.news/631158.html

Amid threats of blackouts, Illinois lawmakers call for scrapping Green New Deal: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/amid-possible-blackouts-illinois-lawmakers-call-scrapping-green-new

Texas Turns To Renewables As Electricity Demand Soars To Record Highs: https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/Texas-Turns-To-Renewables-As-Electricity-Demand-Soars-To-Record-Highs.html

Last week Governor Jay Inslee (D-Washington) gave implicit support to destroying the Snake River dams providing 8% of Washington’s electricity generation. Now he's blaming the deliberate destruction of energy generation on climate change: https://thepostmillennial.com/wa-gov-predicts-summer-full-of-blackouts-destruction-and-death

As Europe continues to struggle to wean itself off Russian oil and gas, coal is going to play an increasingly important role in electricity production: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Germany-Turns-To-Coal-Power-Amid-Natural-Gas-Crisis.html

Just as in the oil industry, the mining industry is suffering from underinvestment as companies focus on shareholder returns. The rising prices of metals combined with supply chain issues and inflationary headwinds will be a major issue for the energy transition: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Mining-Industry-Is-Replicating-The-Oil-Sector-Crisis.html

Telegram has amassed over 700 million monthly active users and is rolling out a premium tier with additional features as the instant messaging platform pushes to monetize a portion of its large user base: https://techcrunch.com/2022/06/19/telegram-tops-700-million-users-launches-premium-tier/

NATO And Western Governments Enraged Russian Telegram Service Became A Go-To Source For Western Political Dissent: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/telegram-secure-platform-nato-warns

▲ MY COMMENT: This is what happens when governments become lapdogs of social media content moderation, of-course disgruntled Americans and Europeans will go elsewhere to voice their opinions in an uncensored environment!! Why would they possibly expect otherwise!?

JIM STONE UPDATE: Ukraine successfully destroyed several Russian oil platforms. Russia has promised extreme retaliation, stating the West is responsible. We will have to see how this goes, but it is definitely not over. Anyone claiming to know the future outcome of this is just puffing, no one knows where this is going to end up but outlook is not so good. This is a major development. At first I ignored this because I thought only one platform got hit. that's not what happened at all, this was a total wipeout. Worthy of a BIG response.

More than 70 Russian occupiers were killed and injured, and 10 military vehicles were destroyed: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/21/503268/

Destroyed Russian Tanks to Be Paraded in Europe by Ukraine: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/destroyed-russian-tanks-paraded-across-094552619.html

Belarusian battalions positioned on Ukraine’s border as tensions escalate: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/21/breaking-news-belarusian-battalions-positioned-on-ukraines-border-as-tensions-escalate/

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f62dcd No.312128

File: a91c000e4fde909⋯.jpg (21.73 KB,640x360,16:9,YEP_they_re_communists.jpg)

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a397ab No.312177


They are INDEED.

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ee9ade No.312363

News is back. BUMP.

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9e0c92 No.312471

COMMUNIST INSANITY! Biden Regime Desires To Ban Gas-powered Vehicles: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/23/joe-biden-plans-to-take-millions-of-cars-off-the-road-to-reduce-oil-consumption/

▲ MY COMMENT: As if millions of Americans across the country desire shitty high-speed rails and shitty public transit just to go shopping in the nearest suburban area!!! Absolutely no way in hell can this be allowed to fly!!!! No one in the country or small town America - or even the suburbs for that matter - is going to desire public transit just to go to their nearest farmer market, or a General Dollar store, or to an Ace Hardware store!! These so-called "leaders" are so DELUSIONAL!! They know NOTHING about average working class America, they know nothing about living outside major cities where there is long distance between communities and markets, how our current infrastructure is required to maintain our livelihoods! Oh no no no, forget how HALF of the American population actually lives, right!?!? FUCK YOU. I'm driving my truck, like it or not!!!!

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15b6d9 No.313558

We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-710365

All 'conspiracy theory' warnings have come true and you are witnessing the collapse of modern civilization, LIKE IT OR NOT: https://billkloss.law.blog/2022/06/26/the-collapse-of-civilization-in-our-generation-all-warnings-have-come-true/

Having sparked hyperinflation in European gas prices and record energy costs around the globe with their poorly conceived and implemented Russian energy sanctions which have backfired spectacularly, allowing Moscow to reap record energy export profits and China and India to buy oil far below spot prices while leaving US motorists paying record prices at the pump, on Sunday the Biden admin alongside the G-7 announced that they will ban Russian gold imports to further impose financial costs on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biden-g-7-will-ban-russian-gold-imports

America’s commodity and labor shortages are likely to be permanent: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-24-america-commodity-labor-shortages-likely-permanent.html

Cash-strapped Sri Lanka on Sunday announced sending ministers to Russia and Qatar to try and secure cheap oil a day after the government said it had all but run out of fuel: https://insiderpaper.com/bankrupt-sri-lanka-seeks-discounted-russian-oil/

Czechia has exhausted its stockpile of arms in helping Ukraine to defend itself following the invasion of Russian forces, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala revealed on Thursday: https://rmx.news/czech-republic/czechia-has-exhausted-its-arms-reserves-supporting-ukraine-czech-pm-reveals/

The Russian army has lost about 150 military personnel, 21 tanks, 14 armoured combat vehicles, 2 multiple-launch rocket systems and 4 drones in battles in Ukraine in the previous 24 hours: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/26/7354733/

Putin unleashes fresh onslaught on Kyiv, shelling capital hours after rushing to sudden late-night talks at Kremlin: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19004238/putin-onslaught-kyiv-shelling-rushing-late-night-kremlin/

Russia said Sunday that its forces had carried out strikes against three military training centres in northern and western Ukraine, including one near the Polish border, just days before a NATO summit: https://insiderpaper.com/moscow-says-strikes-hit-ukraine-military-training-centres/

A commander of an elite unit of Ukrainian marines has told Sky News the majority of his best trained troops have been injured or killed. Speaking near the frontline, south of the city of Severodonetsk, company commander Oleksandr said a core of experienced soldiers who had been fighting together since 2018 have been lost: https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-80-of-troops-killed-or-injured-in-elite-military-unit-says-commander-and-its-future-is-unclear-12639752

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced the commanders of the “central” and “southern” groupings of forces in Ukraine on June 24, confirming previously rumored changes reported on June 21. Spokesperson for the Russian MoD Igor Konashenkov stated on June 24 that Commander of the Central Military District Colonel General Alexander Lapin is in command of the "central” group of forces, which is responsible for operations against Lysychansk (and presumably Severodonetsk). Konashenkov additionally stated that Army General Sergei Surovikin, commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces, commands the ”southern” group of forces and oversaw the encirclement of Hirske and Zolote. The Russian MoD’s announcement confirms ISW’s assessment from June 21 that the Russian high command is reshuffling and restructuring military command in order to better organize operations in Ukraine, though the Russian MoD statement does not state when the changes occurred. The UK MoD confirmed that the Russian command has removed several generals from key operational roles in Ukraine, including Commander of the Airborne Forces (VDV) Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov and Commander of Russia’s Southern Military District Alexander Dvornikov, who was likely was acting as overall theatre commander. The UK MoD noted that command of the Southern Military District will transfer to Surovikin. The Russian MoD’s statement notably only discusses the center and south force groupings (not the Southern Military District as a whole), but Dvornikov has likely been removed from his previous role: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-25

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cfd856 No.313709

[[Part 1/3]]

We now have ALL the evidence we'll ever need to KNOW Biden's government is deliberately collapsing our economy for the Agenda 21 "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" their crooked corrupt criminal cronies desire to overlord!!! Furthermore, the rising gas prices are retribution against Americans for not supporting their carbon tax!!!

Let's get to bottom line AGENDA first, and then I'll provide documented evidence of this engineered collapse!


Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/

After all, it was Biden who denied permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/09/tc-energy-terminates-keystone-xl-pipeline-project.html

Biden also denied oil and gas lease opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-admin-cancels-major-oil-and-gas-lease-sales-amid-soaring-gas-prices_4461962.html

Biden also admitted the goal of raising gas prices: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/


Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices:



State-run corporate media argues bad economy, hyperinflation for Americans is a GOOD thing because it will usher in the “green agenda” faster:


10 Things Biden Could Do (BUT WILL NOT) To Save America From Economic Destruction:


Europe and the West will be facing reduced global oil supplies and paying a premium while countries like China and India will be enjoying increased supplies and lower prices from Russia:\


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cfd856 No.313710


[[Part 2/3]]

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next:


The goal is to “reset” the world, to erase what’s left of free market systems, and to establish what they call the “Shared Economy” system. This system is one in which the people who survive the crash will be made utterly dependent on government through Universal Basic Income and one that will restrict all resource usage in the name of “carbon reduction.” According to the WEF, you will own nothing and you will like it.

The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism.

I have no doubt that Joe Biden and Democrats will seek to enforce price controls on many goods as inflation continues, and there will be a handful of Republicans that will support the tactic. Price controls actually lead to a reduction in supply because they remove all profits and thus all incentive for manufacturers to keep producing goods. What usually happens at that point is government steps in to nationalize manufacturing, but this will be substandard production and at a much lower yield.

In the end, supplies are reduced even further and prices go even higher on the black market because no one can get their hands on most goods anyway.

Yes, rationing at the manufacturing and distribution level is going to happen, so be sure to buy what you need now before it does. Rationing occurs in the wake of price controls or supply chain disruptions, and usually this coincides with a government propaganda campaign against “hoarders.” Then, not long after, they will accuse preppers and anyone who bought goods BEFORE the crisis of “hoarding” simply because they planned ahead.

Rationing is not only about controlling the supply of necessities and thus controlling the population by proxy; it is also about creating an atmosphere of blame and suspicion within the public and getting them to snitch on or attack anyone that is prepared. Prepared people represent a threat to the establishment, so expect to be demonized in the media and organize with other prepared people to protect yourself.

It might sound like I am predicting success of the Great Reset program, but I actually believe the globalists will fail in the end. That’s not going to stop them from making the attempt. Also, the above scenarios are only predictions for the near term (within the next couple of years). There will be many other problems that stem from these situations.

Naturally, food riots and other mob actions will become more commonplace, perhaps not this year, but by the end of 2023 they will definitely be a problem. This will coincide with the return of political unrest in the US as leftist factions, encouraged by globalist foundations, demand more government intervention in poverty. At the same time, conservatives will demand less government interference and less tyranny.

At bottom, the people who are prepared might be called a lot of mean names, but as long as we organize and work together, we will survive. Many unprepared people will NOT survive. Understand that the economic conditions ahead of us are historically destructive; there is no way that serious consequences can be avoided for a large part of the population, if only because they refuse to listen and to take proper steps to protect themselves.

The denial is over. The crash is here. Time to take action if you have not done so already.

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cfd856 No.313711


[[Part 3/3]]

Jeff Rense Interviews William Gheen About Coming American Famine And Details Deliberate Destruction Of Global Supply Chains:


Declassified Documents Prove What The Federal Government Is Planning Is Much Worse Than Most Can Imagine:


▲ MY COMMENT: They need citizens disarmed for what they have planned! They have become corrupted power-addicted control freaks that are trying to completely change America, they wish to destroy our Constitutional freedoms and our very way of life and culture with it! If the energy grid and/or internet ever goes out for a long period of time you can bet there will be boots on the ground ready to disarm, subjugate and kill in a vicious onslaught of high treason all under the radar and absolutely no coverage of the internal war going on!!

“When subjected to automated decision-making, decision subjects may strategically modify their observable features in ways they believe will maximize their chances of receiving a favorable decision…In many practical situations, the underlying assessment rule is deliberately kept secret to avoid gaming and maintain competitive advantage…The resulting opacity forces the decision subjects to rely on incomplete information when making strategic feature modifications…We capture such settings as a game of Bayesian persuasion, in which the decision maker offers a form of recourse to the decision subject by providing them with an action recommendation (or signal) to incentivize them to modify their features in desirable ways” — which means that a world is being created wherein decision makers no longer rely on facts and truth, that brings to mind the old GIGO adage “Garbage In-Garbage Out”. The end result of the GIGO world you’re living in, where the lying “Sender” has more power than the socialist indoctrinated “Receiver”, is what you see in America today, where every issue becomes an intractable crisis not needing to be solved, but manipulated for economic and political gain. The sworn enemies of the GIGO world and its invisible manipulators are truth and facts, which is why they are waging an all-out war against those telling you true things”: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3929pl.htm

“The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control”: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break


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db1611 No.313771

As a country, we are not looking at the future and establishing relationships with emerging countries like we should to ease the dependency on Chinese products and services. This will hurt us in the long run. Everything we buy and sell comes and goes by truck, if we can get a truck at any price. Inflation will continue until the country is self-sufficient in oil and gas. The current political policy may not change until 2024. Therefore, inflation will be our consistent companion for a while, then stagflation! We see the environment for the oil industry becoming even worse than the previous months. Biden is promoting a very caustic attitude toward the oil industry, which doesn’t help the country in any way. Most will be lucky to have a job with two more years of this disaster. You can’t ignore the economic fundamentals leading to a likely recession, and the administration [in Washington] is either stubborn or as paralyzed as a deer in headlights. Government overspending and transfer programs have inflated the money supply while resulting in unchecked corruption and waste. We will be paying that bill for generations, and what a colossal waste of resources and missed opportunity.

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564f16 No.313804

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c394fb No.313984

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c394fb No.314124


“The ongoing price hike, inflation, problems with food and fuel, gas and energy in general is the result of systemic mistakes in the economic policy of the current US administration and the European bureaucracy… Western nations printed large sums of money to stimulate their economies and used them to buy goods in foreign countries… They pretty much vacuumed, raked away the global markets…Naturally, nobody cared to think about the interest of other nations, including the poorest of them… Those were left with scraps, at astronomical prices…This problem did not arise today or in the past three or four months… And it certainly is not Russia’s fault, contrary to what some demagogues say, trying to blame our nation for everything that happens in the world economy… In essence, it’s the same predatory colonial policy… But, of course, it exists in a new form, a new edition, more refined and shrewd”

Face it….. SPOT ON!!!

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15b6c6 No.314242

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15b6c6 No.314401

Are You Prepared for Nuclear War in 2022? https://www.trunews.com/#/stream/are-you-prepared-for-nuclear-war-in-2022

NATO To Drastically Increase High-Readiness Forces By 650%: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nato-drastically-increase-high-readiness-forces-well-over-300000

Another Food Processing Plant Shutters Operations, Adding To Long List Of Closures: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/another-food-processing-plant-shutters-operations-adding-long-list-closures

List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

83% Of Americans Cut Back On Spending As Economy Careens Towards Collapse: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/shocking-poll-finds-83-americans-cut-back-spending-economy-careens-towards-crisis

India is facing a “severe and protracted” power crisis due to the price inflation of coal, which the country uses to generate as much as 75 percent of its power, Indian media report, citing S&P Global Commodity Insights. India found itself in the middle of a power shortage as several factors combined, including rising coal prices, which discouraged imports, leaving stockpiles at critically low levels, and a heat wave that pushed demand earlier this year much higher: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/India-Coal-Crisis-Is-Far-From-Over.html

Danish government urging citizens to ration energy use, hot showers and cleaning/drying dirty laundery: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-28/danes-urged-to-take-shorter-showers-as-energy-crisis-worsens

The United States will boost its military forces in Europe because of threats from Moscow following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden said as NATO leaders hold their annual summit in Madrid: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/29/nato-summit-joe-biden-says-us-boosting-forces-in-europe-over-russian-threat

A Russian politician and former regional military commander has suggested that Europe will "totally croak" if Russia militarily targets Europe's biggest oil hub in the Netherlands. Andrey Gurulyov, an MP at the state Duma, was speaking on state TV when he said that if Russia decided to target the Netherlands, where some 40 percent of Europe's oil is received and processed, Europe would "croak," according to a report by Yahoo News: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/putin-ally-moscow-torpedo-dutch-ports-europe-is-not-invincible-133139824.html

Ukrainian Elite Unit Claims Sabotage Ops Inside Russia: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukrainian-elite-unit-claims-sabotage-ops-inside-russia

Another 16 Russian forces Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) were destroyed by Ukrainian forces on Tuesday, June 28, according to Ukraine’s military update on Russia’s combat losses since February 24: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/29/russian-apcs-ukraine-combat-losses/

Russian artillery destroyed up to 100 militants of the Nazi Kraken formation and about 10 units of military equipment near Pitomnik. The AFU were forced to leave their positions and withdraw to Kharkiv. The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed four Ukrainian control points, including the territorial defense battalions “Kharkiv-1” and “Kharkiv-2” in the Kharkiv region. The building of the Mashgidroprivod plant in Kharkiv was destroyed as a result of a Russian missile strike: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-the-kharkiv-region-ukraine-on-june-29-2022-map-update/

More than 1,000 soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces were killed and many officers were captured near the city of Lisichansk, an aide to the interior minister of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR), Vitaly Kiselev, said on Tuesday: https://tass.com/world/1472931

West Copes with Huge Ukrainian Losses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cZLquO2QTE

Russia claims mall bombing was ammo depot detonation: https://sputniknews.com/20220628/fire-at-mall-in-kremenchug-occur-due-to-detonation-of-western-ammunition-stored-nearby-russian-mod-1096741552.html

Ukrainian forces are likely conducting a fighting withdrawal that may include pulling back from Lysychansk and Luhansk Oblast in the near future and which probably aims to force the Russian offensive to culminate prematurely. The Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) Ambassador to Russia Rodion Miroshnik and Russian milbloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces began a large-scale withdrawal from Lysychansk towards Siversk, Kramatorsk, and Slovyansk on June 28. Although ISW cannot confirm independently Miroshnik’s claims of an ongoing withdrawal, Ukrainian forces may continue the fighting withdrawal that began in Severodonetsk to Ukrainian strongholds around Siversk, Kramatorsk, and Slovyansk: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-28

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0933f1 No.314626


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d656cf No.314872

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d656cf No.314932

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380c73 No.316010

Another reminder these despots want you subjugated or dead.

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4ffbdb No.316022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get money. Fuck bitches.

Col. Oliver North had nothing to do with it.

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0db728 No.319696

bumping REAL NEWS

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0db728 No.319790

anti-slide 28 9782 9 9 dsd 's'sd'sds' s'sd21 '1

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716f4b No.320249


Prohibition creates scarcity, scarcity increases demand.

How's that new black market economy workin' out for ya?

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6c542e No.320838



How big are your wife's tits?

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3fd790 No.321081


Lots of sinister imbeciles acting absolutely retarded this morning.

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294fe9 No.321330



… yeah wouldn't have thought so, but wouldn't wanna know anyway 😆

Anyway, your mum wears army boots.

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56bcb2 No.321378



Is the pope catholic

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98de31 No.321457



Cancun is a very active cartel area outside of the cartel-owned resort areas. Could be there to make someone nervous.

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81a3c3 No.321593



>Renews Gym Membership

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be1870 No.321642



Biden to deliver televised address calling

for gun control following shootings

Washington Examiner, by W. James Antle III

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2022 6:45:10 PM

President Joe Biden will deliver a prime-time address Thursday night urging Congress to pass new gun laws and calling for action after a string of mass shootings, most recently at an Oklahoma medical center.A deadly Texas school shooting heightened calls by Democrats to tackle guns ahead of the midterm elections. Biden has been under pressure to do more through executive action to address the problem of gun violence, as well as to persuade lawmakers in the narrowly Democratic-controlled Congress to advance new bills. The White House protested on Wednesday that Biden cannot do it alone.

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ac31cf No.321668



>females control the access to food

Need to restrict access to soy to avoid Asia syndrome (women rule, males are drones).

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209f53 No.322524


good mentor and read,

can learn a lot from marcus aurelious,

the man who has everything he needs.

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03aef1 No.322623


>The US has never "colonized" another country. We have never shipped civilians to another country to take it over. Never.

The Guano Islands Act (11 Stat. 119, enacted August 18, 1856, codified at 48 U.S.C. ch. 8 §§ 1411-1419) is a United States federal law passed by the U.S. Congress that enables citizens of the United States to take possession, in the name of the United States, of unclaimed islands containing guano deposits. The islands can be located anywhere, so long as they are not occupied and not within the jurisdiction of another government. It also empowers the President of the United States to use the military to protect such interests and establishes the criminal jurisdiction of the United States in these territories.

More than 100 islands have been claimed for the United States under the Guano Islands Act, but most claims have been withdrawn. The Act specifically allows the islands to be considered possessions of the U.S. The Act does not specify what the status of the territory is after it is abandoned by private U.S. interests or the guano is exhausted, creating neither obligation to nor prohibition of retaining possession.

As of 2022, the islands still claimed by the United States under the Act are:

Baker Island[8]

Howland Island[8]

Jarvis Island[8]

Johnston Atoll[8]

Kingman Reef/Danger Rock[8]

Midway Atoll[9]

Navassa Island[8] (claimed by Haiti)

Bajo Nuevo Bank[8] (disputed with Colombia)

Serranilla Bank[8] (disputed with Colombia)

Swains Island (part of American Samoa; no evidence that guano was mined)[10]

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62c2dd No.322699

Now that Covid and Ukraine are winding down and schools are about to be out for summer, what's will be the next big Globohomo distraction?

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245669 No.322924



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c29dfd No.323283


My wife showed me a bottle of her holy oil that she had from church just a few hours ago. She thought that they put some cabal numbers on it and was worried about them. So I looked it up:

222 is a message of hope, representative of balance, harmony, life choices, commitment, compromise, and trust. It's a sign you can build on your current situation to achieve your goals and more. You might see Angel Number 222 when you have important decisions, conflicts, or changes in your life.

Thank you US Military, you are America's (avenging) angels.

See 17 Kek!

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8dc4f4 No.323452


Oh, anon. Jack's been around. His status on Twitter was "Pending" for a while, so I suppose he made good with Jesus, but his tendency to troll the absolute fuck out of people overwhelms him, sometimes. It's all good.

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188eb0 No.323591





Ideological bifurcation and fully embracing the church of wokeness beliefs is actually bad for business. If only they'd paid attention to the signs, sooner, instead of their greed over humanity. It's not like anons didn't spend years trying to warn them.

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bcb4c0 No.323729

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fd0fbc No.323755



Cutouts of the FBI pointing soyjacks for your memeing pleasure

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6f0026 No.324017



This is not a game, it's game theory.

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470778 No.324590


Losing too much money.

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8767d6 No.325416


>Wtf is this

Looks like something a tranny would wear.

Boy lover?

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f4a257 No.325536

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4f0b2b No.325537

I like Trump but him endorsing Kevin McCarthy's reelection shows piss poor leadership skills.

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85768d No.325548



Huge egg producers are low in numbers.

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23ae42 No.325763


New case of water opened yesterday. Hmmm…

Couple low flying a/c for last 2 days passed over.

Haven't been sick with flu symptoms in 3+ years.

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2178c7 No.326507


>the numbers do keep changing

No they don't it is andalways has been 6MM.

You may wish the numbers kept changing, but they yhaven't.

You really do have a problem distinguishing reality from your little paranoid delusions.

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6abe2f No.326538


That is incorrect. We tracked Q's over time and his id changed for the same posts, despite the trip unchanging. This means salt was rotated even here, but the tripcode magically wasn't for Q because it was hardcoded and that means compromised.

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7d3b17 No.326647

and then AOC fell down those stairs

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a6895b No.326702


Activist judges. Judge made law. Go read the decision. It's sick. Gets into months of gestation. Basically prescribes when abortion should be ok based on common law ideas of the quickening.

Except it "forgets" that in old common law a woman who would be executed for a crime could "plead her belly." She could claim to be pregnant without evidence and they would stay her execution until it was proven she wasn't. Because in common law, killing a pregnant woman, at any stage of pregnancy, was murder.

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316107 No.326892


Definitely wanna know who did is videography and editing.

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c41b0b No.327276


Ron is the man.

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619dd5 No.327515



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46302c No.328070

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17d21e No.328150


oh my godzies

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e28e99 No.328284


They don’t think it be like it is, but it do and will forever being more like that.

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3cf1bd No.328622

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8f11bc No.328699




time to do some pruning

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877f3e No.328961


>IP hopping is only ok when we do it

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4d42dc No.329010

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ebeee1 No.329210


tyb. Some good reading material.

Justice Thomas Wants to End Media’s Ability ‘to Cast False Aspersions on Public Figures’


The Left is a big club, and you’re not in it. Leftists play a game that works this way: the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), one of their primary attack machines, publishes a report purporting to demonstrate that some conservative group or other is a “hate group.” This allegedly objective study is generally a tissue of innuendo, misrepresentations, and outright lies. But nevertheless, leading corporations then cite the SPLC’s study as justification for barring the abhorrent hate group from their various services.

The supposedly objective news media solemnly repeats that the group in question has been designated by the SPLC as a “hate group,” as if this were akin to a cancer diagnosis from a sober, disinterested medical professional. But it’s more like a leprosy diagnosis: after all this, the “hate group” is duly ostracized and marginalized. This game has worked for years, with cowardly conservatives playing along and accepting the ostracism of some foremost voices of dissent from the Leftist agenda. But Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday declared that it is high time that this sinister game comes to an end.

Thomas dissented from the Court’s denial of a petition for a writ of certiorari in the case of Coral Ridge Ministries Media Inc. v. Southern Poverty Law Center, and it’s a shame that his remarks are in a dissenting opinion on a case the Court declined to hear rather than a majority opinion striking against the SPLC, as the Leftist beast will never be vanquished as long as the SPLC’s wholly unjustified status as an impartial arbiter of what does and does not constitute “hate” that is beyond the pale of acceptable discourse remains unchallenged.

Coral Ridge Ministries Media tried to challenge it. As Thomas notes in his dissent, Coral Ridge is “a Christian nonprofit dedicated to spreading the ‘Gospel of Jesus Christ’ and ‘a biblically informed view of the world, using all available media.’” That is not illegal in the United States, but Coral Ridge’s efforts were significantly hampered when the SPLC designated it an “anti-LGBT hate group” for holding what Thomas termed “biblical views concerning human sexuality and marriage.” After this, the ostracism began.

Through its AmazonSmile program, Amazon allows its customers to contribute to their favorite charities with their purchases; Coral Ridge, however, despite being an eligible charity as far as the U.S. government is concerned, as it is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was barred from participating in AmazonSmile, on the grounds that the SPLC had designated it a “hate group.”

Coral Ridge sued the SPLC for defamation, maintaining that it “has nothing but love for people who engage in homosexual conduct” and “has never attacked or maligned anyone on the basis of engaging in homosexual conduct.” Coral Ridge asserted that the SPLC knew that it wasn’t really a “hate group” at all but tarred it as one nonetheless in order to “destroy the Ministry” by “dissuad[ing] people and organizations from donating” to it.

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12b568 No.329827

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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7e04ae No.330185







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05c6a9 No.330425


>Great to see anons again, must depart, Somebody keep the one guy from eating the drywall until Day Shift gets in?

Ty Baker. Sorry, no promises!

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18a45f No.331603


Austin? That really you?

C'mon, be honest.

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5b2e71 No.331713


the redtext is upon us ad nauseum

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b8ec98 No.332705


i used to work at one of these it was an aerostat blimp for detecting low flying aircraft on gulf of mexico i worked for lockheed martin congress took the program down in the early 2000's also gold border happening around mt text

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1ca516 No.332762


vetting is a thing

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8a80be No.333031



where's the plane?

looks like a reentry of a space vehicle

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40b509 No.333160


Give us the link, faggot

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36b710 No.333299

You think Truth Social will have an auto update feature like the boards do?

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5e012a No.333740


Don't get lost in the fog.

They framed POTUS as a Putin's puppet for a reason.

POTUS has told us many time that He and Putin talked about the situation.

Do you not recall the media absolutely losing it when they met privately?

Haas consistently said he'd give the details when the time is right.

Even hinted on Hannity the other day that Putin might tell us before he did.

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e0a882 No.333759




kill yourself

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621130 No.333889

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3d7086 No.334242


The searing testimony and growing evidence about Donald Trump’s central role in a multi-pronged conspiracy to overturn Joe Biden’s election in 2020 presented at the House January 6 committee’s first three hearings, has increased the odds that Trump will face criminal charges, say former DoJ prosecutors and officials.

The panel’s initial hearings provided a kind of legal roadmap about Trump’s multi-faceted drives – in tandem with some top lawyers and loyalists – to thwart Biden from taking office, that should benefit justice department prosecutors in their sprawling investigations into the January 6 assault on the Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters.

Ex-justice department lawyers say new revelations at the hearings increase the likelihood that Trump will be charged with crimes involving conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding or defrauding the United States, as he took desperate and seemingly illegal steps to undermine Biden’s election.

Related: The January 6 hearings aren’t acknowledging the elephant in the room | Thomas Zimmer

Trump could also potentially face fraud charges over his role in an apparently extraordinary fundraising scam – described by House panel members as the “big rip-off” – that netted some $250m for an “election defense fund” that did not exist but funneled huge sums to Trump’s Save America political action committee and Trump properties.

The panel hopes to hold six hearings on different parts of what its vice-chair, Liz Cheney, called Trump’s “sophisticated seven-part plan” to overturn the election.

Trump was told repeatedly, for instance, by top aides and cabinet officials – including ex-attorney general Bill Barr – that the election was not stolen, and that his fraud claims were “completely bullshit” and “crazy stuff” as Barr put it in a video of his scathing deposition. But Trump persisted in pushing baseless fraud claims with the backing of key allies including his ex-personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and lawyer John Eastman.

“The January 6 committee’s investigation has developed substantial, compelling evidence that Trump committed crimes, including but not limited to conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstruct official proceedings,” Michael Bromwich, a former inspector general at the DoJ told the Guardian.

Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general in the George HW Bush administration, told the Guardian that “the committee hearings have bolstered the need to seriously consider filing criminal charges against Trump”.

The crux of any prosecution of Trump would hinge heavily on convincing a jury that Trump knew he lost the election and acted with criminal intent to overturn the valid election results. The hearings have focused heavily on testimony that Trump fully knew he had lost and went full steam ahead to concoct schemes to stay in power.

New revelations damaging to Trump emerged on Thursday when Greg Jacob, the ex-counsel to former vice-president Mike Pence, recounted in detail how Eastman and Trump waged a high-pressure drive, publicly and privately, even as the Capitol was under attack, to prod Pence to unlawfully block Biden’s certification by Congress on January 6.

The Eastman pressure included a scheme to substitute pro-Trump fake electors from states that Biden won for electors rightfully pledged to Biden – a scheme the DoJ has been investigating for months and that now involves a grand jury focused on Eastman, Giuliani and several other lawyers and operatives.

Eastman at one point acknowledged to Jacob that he knew his push to get Pence on January 6 to reject Biden’s winning electoral college count would violate the Electoral Count Act, and that Trump, too, was told it would be illegal for Pence to block Biden’s certification.

Paul Pelletier, a former acting chief of the DoJ’s fraud section, said: “It is a target-rich environment, with many accessories both before and after the fact to be investigated.”

But experts caution any decision to charge Trump will be up to the current attorney general, Merrick Garland, who has been careful not to discuss details of his department’s January 6 investigations, which so far have led to charges against more than 800 individuals, including some Proud Boys and Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy.

After the first two hearings, Garland told reporters, “I’m watching and I will be watching all the hearings,” adding that DoJ prosecutors are doing likewise.

Garland remarked in reference to possibly investigating Trump: “We’re just going to follow the facts wherever they lead … to hold all perpetrators who are criminally responsible for January 6 accountable, regardless of their level, their position, and regardless of whether they were present at the events on January 6.”"

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99a5ef No.334281


That's what I thought at first too, but then the king of Morocco declared he got covid. And right now, big things taking place is most African countries, including clean ups. This is not just a simple exercise in Morocco when Israel is participating in it. I think there is more than the obvious.

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0f2de5 No.334499


I'll make a point of it. He's fighting for us.

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172bd0 No.334577

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2b69bd No.334682


But…. But I like the sun.

Fine… But can haz Rubber Ducky?

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1eb2d5 No.334912


"I don't care if it's unconstitutional! Do it til the courts strike it down, anyway!"

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a3ea93 No.335351



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eb09c6 No.335981

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497a6d No.336210

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84774c No.336446

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ad1ae1 No.336506


Long story short:

Anti-Q shills are scrambling, fumbling over themselves trying to PUSH their own faked Q drops as legit by smearing and attacking 'personas' instead of the message they can't engage.

They saw the zero delta Tor Q drop,then posted their own FAKE Tor Q drops all in order to discredit Admin, Q, the site., and every time the lying snakes are called out, they again scramble and fumble to 'prove' themselves correct, which then looks to normal Anons like they're crazy morons, which they are kek.

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d0ee1d No.336589


Pulling out all the stops today.

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1dd17d No.336659


HIVEMIND has only one goal: to destroy QRESEARCH.

Once OSS ran out of bakers and oldfags to destroy, went after anons - PERMABANNING by the hundreds.


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6f1b69 No.336886


>This is why we need DeSantis

He sail past Surfside today?

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04a8b0 No.336927

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3cb7e4 No.337009


there is no pleeshing you

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cf4ed7 No.337249


Shut up, mike

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1c0a10 No.337299


Try harder.

"A Jew will never argue with you on points of fact. A perfect example would be the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 99% of criticism against them looks like this:

“The Protocols are a primitive forgery concocted in Paris from an anti-Napoleon pamphlet”.

No one, and most definitely, not a single Jew will ever discuss the Protocols' contents, which at the very least make them a very peculiar piece of European antiutopia. Contents are ignored, as if they don't exist at all. “It doesn't matter that the painting is a masterpiece, what matters is that it's not Van Gogh”. Typical Jewish thinking – it's gold because it glitters."

Pic related describes Jewish sophistry (aka pilpul) and how it works:


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9b3e00 No.337509

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d0ee1d No.337527

Is the FBI a largely jewish organization?

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adfc0b No.337621





not about a woman as the music vidoe we all rew up with indicates

almost caught by the police

taking his chances

pedo with kids on the Island beaches

Oh Rio,


hear them shout

across the land

From mountains in the north down to the Rio Grande


Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradise

Cherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very nice

With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west

You know you're something special and you look like you're the best

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand

Just like that river twisting through a dusty land

And when she shines she really shows you all she can

Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande

I've seen you on the beach and I've seen you on TV

Two of a billion stars it means so much to me

Like a birthday or a pretty view

But then I'm sure that you know it's just for you

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand

Just like that river twisting through a dusty land

And when she shines she really shows you all she can

Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grande

Hey now woo look at that did she nearly run you down

At the end of the drive the lawmen arrive

You make me feel alive, alive alive

I'll take my chance cause luck is on my side or something

I know what you're thinking I tell you something I know what you're thinking

Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand

Just like that river twists across a dusty land

And when she shines she really shows you all she can

Oh Rio, Rio dance across the Rio Grand

Her name is Rio she don't need to understand

And I might find her if I'm looking like I can

Oh Rio, Rio hear them shout across the land

From mountains in the north down to the Rio Grande

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

ALL MUSIC VIDEOS (ask Boy George and Naomi Campbell)

should be looked at with fresh eyes and listened with fresh ears

Rio Duran Duran


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7e0bb0 No.337710




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593afd No.337757



> blow a gasket


>barbed wire fence taxes




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65f255 No.337800


Negative, Amigo. You know better than that.

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987e1e No.337807

"You live through that little piece of time that is yours, but that piece of time is not only your own life. It is the summing-up of all the other lives that are simultaneous with yours. It is, in other words, History, and what you are is an expression of History."

-Robert Penn Warren

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306ce4 No.338310


just got all the tv's at Wal-mart on same channel.

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bd427c No.338747


>Citizens Do Not Have “The Absolute Right to Own Private Property”

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bc319b No.338753


Great post. So true. We did our part.

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6e64d5 No.339798


You're such a coward speaking in code. Tell them who "she" is.

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bed048 No.340188


Ok then, the best thing to do is bump threads like this that have real news to defeat them bad guys.

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984927 No.340214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mine 'paradoxical-lock' is 'accelerating…'










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ea3332 No.340395


"speaking in code" or simply providing a link to an article?

All I see is a url link to article.

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ea3332 No.340400


Long-term storeable food wholesale from COSTCO and/or Sams Club, rain water collection and filters or atmospheric water generator or some kind of life-straw filters if you have an outdoor water source (if you live rural you should have a well and a well pump and make sure you can hook up the well pump to a 1000 watt inverter/12V deep cycle with a solar trickle charger for the 12V battery), guns/ammo/lube/bore cleaning kits, DIY books, manual & power tools and extra accessories & kits (think drill bits, nuts, washers, bolts, screws, nails, brackets, rivets, zip ties, spools of electrical wire, electrical and metal solder, chain, etc), having an older mechanical truck with spare parts won't hurt, some fuel storage with fuel stabilizer, wood burning stove for winter time off-grid….. just think of anything you need day to day to survive a crisis. Best bet to learn how to prep for SHTF is shut down your main circuit breaker in the fuse box and leave your electricity completely off for a couple days. Figure out what you will need in order to do something off-grid. For example, how do you cook if you have no electricity? Well you can grill with propane or charcoal, or you can get a portable camping stove, or maybe cook by pit fire. You'll best learn this stuff easy when you really NEED TO.

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ea3332 No.340401



BTW, the biggest tip for long-term survival will be learning how to aim well and shoot a gun during a crisis. That and learning to hunt, garden, fish and raising some livestock under pressure. If you don't have some kind of labor skill you're fucking toast when SHTF.

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9b662a No.340413


>and extra accessories & kits

>zip ties

LOL, I was just inside my garage sorting some stuff out and cleaning up, and I recently came across those and realized I made a mistake: they are not called "zip ties" they are called cable ties so my bad. You can get these in bundles by the dozens in different various sizes, or there are also packs that have them by the inch measurement desired, the biggest being 30" if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, yes those do come in handy and if you buy medium size bundles they are not too pricey.

By the way, another thing which is good to stock up on I forgot to mention before is first aid medical kits and accessories. Having bandages of different sizes as well gauze and anti-bacterial aid is smart to have in case of an emergency. Never know if you might accidentally get hurt doing some work around the home.

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3db115 No.340479


Wait, what is your fail?

Because we ALL know "Flying Onions" BV was out of control.


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2aa99e No.340807


Giving CPR with a mask on…


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ce3d40 No.340927


>do yall really think anything will change with yall being virtually the same as democrats?

Think of it as a "Uniparty". It is contrived in order to create the illusion of a choice. You are never presented with all of the choices. Left wing and right wing are parts of the same bird, Anon. Many do not find that bird palatable.


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356cb3 No.341198


>Was it COVID?

Terminal Cancer.


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4a9d63 No.341299


Sp1int3r Tunez


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2cc6b4 No.341518


Never shake hands with anyone from SanFrancisco.

Still true today.


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02e8bd No.341584


They don't think it be like it is…


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76d6af No.342338

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60750b No.342537




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3f09fc No.342575





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fcf398 No.342660


eyes on


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fd6355 No.342954

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1bc315 No.343459


>It's just an embryo. It can't be alive. A clump of cells is al it is.


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f6f5e1 No.343692


relevant how?..


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93f0ba No.343740




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99f977 No.343875


Picklepuffer Parkway

Picklesmoocher Highway

Fudge Street

Cornhole Circle

Shitdick Street

Lickalotopus Lane

Blumpkin Blvd

Teabag Turnpike

Rusty Trombone Turnpike


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9b7668 No.344275




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afe95c No.344416

HEY NAZIS! Do you hate Clarence Thomas?


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e2ac03 No.344418


There are 1700 days from Q’s first post, and, Q’s latest break in silence.


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05c235 No.344424

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8c0145 No.344485



Lynn Wood btw


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90474d No.344680


My left arm stopped growing when I was a child because of cancer treatment and I am very short.


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b655e6 No.344880


Democrats Put Out a Contract on Justice Barrett

Power Line, by John Hinderaker

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/10/2022 11:36:19 PM

Would-be assassin Nicholas Roske failed to carry out his mission of assassinating Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This isn’t surprising: the sort of person who acts on incitement from the likes of Chuck Schumer is more or less deranged, and more or less incompetent. Yet there are more where Roske came from, and one of them may succeed. What do the Democrats think about attempted assassinations of Supreme Court justices? To my knowledge, neither Schumer nor Joe Biden’s handlers have commented. I surmise that the Democrats are hoping for one or more assassinations to take place before Biden is hustled out of the White House, so that his handlers can appoint


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b7d77b No.345147

ANTONOV An-148 RA-61733.


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531d63 No.345361



That's the hate porn the Left is spoon-feeding its idiot minions!


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b372e1 No.345393


Try explaining to them about the coup in 2014. That is easy to demonstrate, and should help to show, especially those who are conservative and no fans of Hussein, that moves have been being made against Russia for many years.


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40eb10 No.346007



that's what Q told me anyway

decipher that one

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1b534d No.347610

They sure are, bumping LEGIT NEWS.

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a4df12 No.347642

File: 11defc228058b86⋯.png (855.01 KB,1280x720,16:9,2022_08_04_Tucker_Carlson_….png)

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-08-04


SOROS, Soros, Soros


He has spent a lifetime DESTROYING Things. He became a billionaire by destroying lives, and he has spent that wealth and power to Further DESTROY lives all over this planet. Even large countries cannot fight back against his money.

Soros Prosecutors in the U.S. protect criminals and punish citizens.

It is time to get rid of ALL Soros-backed Prosecutors, because they care nothing for the Law.

It's not just prosecutors that he supports! The Courts are FULL of Soros-backed people in positions of power, who think their ideology is above the Law, and they can skirt Legislators, who actually make laws!

And need I mention the Politicians?

Well, some of them are standing up to Soros, and his evil plans for the world. Rod DeSantis just booted the Soros-backed Prosecutor, Andrew Warren. I hope more Politicians take the cue and start digging into the dirty work of ridding our societies of this Soros MENACE.

Biden Doesn't Even Think He's the President!

Nobody Does. What a sad sad joke.

They won't even let him drive. He can't control Nancy Pelosi. He's OBVIOUSLY NOT In Charge!

LOL "The First Lady", with Viola Davis portraying Michelle Obama as President, was Canceled TWICE by Showtime after only one Season. I may post it here! It FUNNY! It kinda portrays EXACTLY how the Obama's really think.

Are the Democrats seriously thinking of running her in 2024? LOL


They're gonna elect Trump themeselves!


In other news, John Stewart seems Unhinged.

He should probably stay out of politics if he doesn't even know how the process works. But Leftists are all about MOB-RULE! Get Angry! Get a Crowd Angry! Call out people you don't like and de-humanize them! Surely that will get something constructive accomplished!

Biden's Unrelenting SPENDING is Making INFLATION MUCH WORSE, and Seems to be PURPOSEFUL in its DESTRUCTION of the Economy.

There ARE COMMUNISTS In the White House, and they are DESTROYING Our Country and Our Economy.

Biden is Arming Up the IRS and They Are Stockpiling Guns and Ammunition.

Millions of taxpayer dollars spent to weaponize our government against us, while they want to disarm us.

It's not that they are against guns. They are against law-abiding citizens having guns. They want to impose Tyranny, and they LOVE Crime, because it keeps people AFRAID, and Fearful People are easier to Control. They want EVERYONE Reliant on Big Government. A Big Government that HATES YOU, HATES ALL HUMANS, HAS A DEPOPULATION AGENDA, and NO FUCKING THANK YOU!


Here's one more pic, just for fun:


Anyway, it's a good Episode, and I hope you enjoyed it.

You know how to show your appreciation…


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a4df12 No.347643


>Rod Desantis

*Ron DeSantis

> oh look! a typo! that discounts everything that was said!

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1b534d No.347650


For the American people to cower in fear and accept governmental tyranny their lives must first be uprooted and their society radically, violently destabilized. Deliberately destabilized to produce maximum overwhelming, dread, fear, misery and desperation. Then the crony criminals within the subverted corrupted government will act as the solution. Hegelian dialectic. Create the problem and propose the solutions. The solution will be to surrender your Constitutional rights and give the subverted corrupted government total absolute power and authority over everything and everyone. DELIBERATE DESTABILIZATION.

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92a956 No.347651

File: dc97db16373dd5a⋯.mp4 (14.54 MB,384x288,4:3,_Ladies_and_Gentlemen_I_ve….mp4)


Meanwhile, that dufus everybody is pretending is the President of the United States of America is actually a walking meme!

It's like they are trying to not only weaken our standing in the world and destroy us utterly — economy, social structure, and all — but they want us to feel completely humiliated and embarrassed that we let this happen to ourselves too!

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1b534d No.347654


Very true. But at the end of the day, when all is said and done, I do have some amount of confidence average Americans won't allow the same fate as most other countries' populations have allowed. The rise of distrust and so-called "domestic extremism" our government seems to dwell on these days, as well the unprecedented and skyrocketing amount of gun ownership today makes me believe if all else fails America will simply balkanize and break away from totalitarian rule, State by State and even county by county, local levels too. There may even be tax revolts and families that just stop paying their mortgages and bills eventually, squatting in their homes armed to the teeth, and at that point the government itself would collapse from fiscal insolvency and unfundable liabilities. Face it, these corrupt assholes have pissed off millions of hard working Americans and are rapidly losing trust and so are their propagandist media outlets too. At least half the country can see through the lies. Look at the recent Arizona primaries as prime example. My own State threw out some RINO cronies too and elected some grassroot pro-small-business, pro-2A conservatives who won't be too friendly with the current corrupted establishment. That is a good sign that people are sick of 'politics' as usual.

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cfc372 No.347711

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d6d195 No.347787

WHY Electric Vehicles are a pipe dream for Americans.

It seems no one ever talks about this thorny issue regardless government is trying to force Americans to change their habits and lifestyle, so I will! There are several common sense reasons and problems with trying to force all Americans to drive Electric Vehicles (EVs) rather than modern gas and diesel powered vehicles. I'm going to break down these details so it's simple to understand: #1 EVs are expensive and not everyone can simply afford one, and they have already been proven even more expensive to maintain. One simple battery often costs twice as much as the EV itself when it needs to be replaced! Many American families will never be able to afford maintaining them. #2 EVs take a long time to charge. In America this will cause a HUGE problem and in many cases angry public uproar. We are talking about a VAST spread out country with tons of sprawling suburbs, small towns and not to mention very well spread out rural communities! FACT: EVs do not have the infrastructure to be charged all across America. FACT: Many Americans need to commute longer distances in order to live their lives, and EVs do not have the ability to travel longer distances. That means forcing consumers to drive EVs would leave a whole lot of Americans STRANDED and cause a lot of unnecessary problems on a daily basis. This will cause massive public consumer backlash. 3 The wars we have been stirring over the world, including with Russia and China, are causing massive blowback for us and our supply chain! If Taiwan is ever taken by China, or Ukraine is ever taken by Russia, you can expect those supply chain shortages to get MUCH MUCH WORSE. In this scenario America will be vastly cut off of essential electronic goods due to chip shortages and that includes the chips to manufacture EVs! Furthermore China has just ended the "Climate Agreement" with America over Pelosi's stunt (not to mention dumping US Treasury holdings). I doubt the mainstream media informed America about this so go look it up, it's true.

FACT: It concerns me very much that almost half this country lives in a total pipe dream today. It concerns me very much that average Americans, not even the government or mainstream 'economists' on TV, have a fucking clue how the real economy actually works! It concerns me how so many politicians are absolutely ridiculously selfishly delusional today, in such a secluded pampered fashion! I'm saying this right now as an American, America cannot and will not sustain a real economy with such foolishness, hubris and arrogance! AND NO, I am not going to bother buying and driving an EV when I live 50+ miles away from the nearest Costco and Sams Club!

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0628a0 No.347987

Governments that are on the ropes routinely resort to plundering the savings of their citizens. This is actually a pretty common theme throughout history. Significantly ramping up tax collection efforts is typically a hallmark of an economy and empire in decline. So we can’t be too surprised that, in its latest legislative bonanza, the US government is setting aside $80 billion for IRS tax collection efforts: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-08-08/us-about-go-full-louis-xvi

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9c6530 No.348012

anti-slide 14

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9c6530 No.348065

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217d2f No.348734


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d55326 No.350063


MIRROR ONE: http://paste.amplify.pt/view/raw/bd0b757d

MIRROR TWO: https://0.hitech-news.space/view/raw/8a531305

All Russia-Ukraine war log archives since 02/24/22, sourced anonymously from image boards.

Texts are UTF-8 encoded. Approximately 815KB (~0.8MB) data logged since 02/24/22.

Download the raw UTF-8 compression here: https://rpa.st/download-archive/DUYP5R4ETEYTTE6PKQO4COLCXI

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eca760 No.350199



The Average US Household Pays 47% More For Electricity Than A Year Ago: https://mishtalk.com/economics/the-average-us-household-pays-47-percent-more-for-electricity-than-a-year-ago

Despite assurance from the state-owned Polish Oil Mining and Gas Extraction (PGNiG) company, Poland faces a gas shortage according to an analysis from Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (DGP) based on Eurostat data. If the DGP’s analysis is accurate, that means that there is indeed a threat of gas outages in Poland over the coming winter: https://rmx.news/poland/polands-gas-security-is-under-threat-this-winter-without-additional-energy-contracts-report/

The Germans are facing an energy crisis of massive proportions due to their decision to bend to American pressure and shutdown the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine., said Zoltán Kiszelly, a political scientist and director of the influential Center for Political Analysis of the Századvég Foundation based out of Hungary. Germany currently features a mostly left-wing government made up of the Social Democrats, the liberal Free Democrats, and the Green Party. Their plan to levy a gas tax that will burden German households and slam industry is being met with sharp criticism, with Kiszellly asking why the costs are being passed on to German consumers instead of gas importers. He said he does not understand why the German government would choose such a path: https://rmx.news/article/after-bending-to-us-pressure-germany-is-facing-a-massive-energy-crisis-says-hungarian-political-scientist/

British soldiers told to get ready for war against Russia and prepare for lost life: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/british-soldiers-told-ready-war-27791322

▲ MY COMMENT: And yet their government doesn't even allow free speech or citizens to own guns for self defense!? The same government that allowed millions of African migrants into the country to replace the British population by 2050!? What exactly would they be fighting to preserve???

State Department advises US citizens to leave Ukraine now, says Russia is 'stepping up efforts' against civilians: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/22/state-department-russia-stepping-up-against-civilians-00053229

The Russian government today said there will be a "military response" over the car bombing which killed Daria Dugina in Russia over the weekend. Russia has told the country of Estonia there will be a military response unless Estonia Extradites the bombing/Murder suspect, Natalya Vovk, of the Ukraine National Guard. Estonia is a member of NATO. Natalya Vovk is now charged in Russia with the bombing and murder, fled Russia after the bombing via the Pskov border crossing into Estonia, and is allegedly being kept hidden in a secret NATO facility near Amari Air Base: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/breaking-news-russia-threatens-military-response-against-nato-country-over-car-bombing

The Russians still do not admit that the Armed Forces of Ukraine pierced and struck their pride — the “reliable” air defense system in the Crimea, and therefore they are now looking for the culprit, considering options for terrorist attacks and sabotage. The military shifts responsibility to the FSB, which does not fight sabotage, however, they cannot admit that it is the Armed Forces of Ukraine that strike at the “fortress with the most protected airspace”, which they considered the Crimea to be, they just can’t admit it, the expert noted. According to him, this is the collapse of the military and political image. “This image was built on the fact that Russia has a bunch of missiles with which they will dominate the airspace. And today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the Russian air defense and their S300 and S400,” Serhiy Kuzan said: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/23/512472/

With the Antonovsky Bridge still out of action due to HIMARS strikes, Russia appears to be creating a pontoon bridge across the Dnipro River: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-russia-building-pontoon-bridge-into-kherson

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eca760 No.350264


You bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did it end yet!!??

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49dfa1 No.351335



CORRUPTION! Ukraine war veterans expose how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers and endangered civilians: https://thegrayzone.com/2022/08/18/ukraine-veterans-us-aid-soldiers-war/

FLASHBACK! The Ukraine War Is A Racket: https://archive.ph/038eb

“Arming Ukraine” — FULL Censored CBS Documentary, August 2022: https://odysee.com/@Just-Kiss-It:2/2022-08-13_Arming-Ukraine_FULL-CBS-Documentary_CENSORED:5

EU bureaucrats tell Europeans to accept economic demise to fight back Russian influence: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/weary-europeans-must-bear-consequences-ukraine-war-putin-will-eventually-blink-eus-borrell

Finland should be prepared for possible power outages this winter in case of shortfalls in electricity supply, the Finnish grid operator said on Tuesday, in yet another warning of an energy crunch in Europe after gas supply from Russia was severely reduced: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Finland-Braces-For-Rolling-Blackouts-This-Winter.html

Ukraine has terminated an agreement with Moscow on the operation of the two countries’ energy systems, the government’s representative to the Rada, Taras Melnichuk, announced on Tuesday: https://www.rt.com/business/561397-ukraine-unplugs-russian-power-grid/

At least 20 million households - or about 1 in 6 American homes - are behind on their power bills as soaring electricity prices spark what is said to be the worst-ever crisis in late utility payments, according to Bloomberg, citing data from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-23/can-t-pay-utility-bills-20-million-us-homes-behind-on-payments-facing-shutoffs

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. At the same time, the British Prime Minister's office announced military aid to Ukraine: http://ukranews.com/en/news/878009-boris-johnson-unexpectedly-appeared-in-kyiv-and-brought-military-aid

Discussing Ukraine, Glenn Diesen interviews Scott Ritter and Alexander Mercouris: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fD44Eb1xDhE/

Russian troops continue to launch air and missile strikes on military and civilian objects all over Ukraine. The relevant statement was made by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 06:00 pm, August 24, 2022: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3557458-russia-attacking-ukraine-with-air-and-missile-strikes-general-staff.html

After the DPR military took control of the town Peski, they managed to advance to the west and attack positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Nevelskoe. The assault is carried out by the assault groups of the People’s Militia, including by the 100th brigade of the DPR: https://southfront.org/in-video-18-ukrainian-forces-suffer-heavy-losses-in-peski-region/

Aside from sabotage at military facilities, Ukraine is engaging in sabotage in the informational field, attempting to sow panic among Crimeans and visitors of the peninsula. Their work is effective: https://wartranslated.com/ukrainian-informational-operations-cause-panic-in-crimea/

Ukrainian scouts published another interception of the conversation of the Russian occupiers, in which they complain about shelling by the Armed Forces in the south. As a result, the command post of the invaders was destroyed. This is stated in the message of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: http://ukranews.com/en/news/878025-afu-destroyed-enemy-command-post-occupiers-complaining-about-afu-strikes-in-south

A missile strike fired by Ukraine has allegedly hit Galaktika shopping centre in Donetsk, as reported on Wednesday, August 24: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/24/breaking-news-ukraine-missile-strike-hits-shopping-centre-in-donetsk/

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49dfa1 No.351336


8/25/22 Part 2

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has declared that she is ready and willing to kick off thermonuclear warfare should she take over as prime minister, stressing her hawkish bonafides as she seeks to replace Boris Johnson: https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/british-pm-hopeful-says-shes-ready-to-launch-nuclear-war/

US government orders US military to donate active-duty defense weapons to Ukraine, further setting up America to lose WWIII they are pushing toward: https://www.revolver.news/2022/08/reports-military-is-taking-equipment-from-us-soldiers-sending-it-to-ukraine/

Russians completely shut down Zaporizhzhia NPP power plant after several attacks. The consequence of the current incident was the disconnection of two operating power units of the nuclear power plant from the network. “Thus, the actions of the invaders led to the complete disconnection of the Zaporizhzhia NPP from the network, the first time in the history of the plant” Energoatom said: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/25/512826/

During the night of August 25, the sounds of explosions were heard in Mykolaiv, Kryvyi Rih and Kyiv region. Before that, air raid alert was declared in several regions of Ukraine, reports Glavred: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/25/512724/

Warriors of the Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilynskyi 36th Separate Marine Brigade continue to destroy the vehicles of the occupiers with pinpoint attacks of self-propelled guns. The Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/25/512776/

Resistance fighters have reportedly blown up Russian headquarters located in Pyrazovske, Melitopol district, according to a report by Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov on Thursday, August 25: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/25/russian-headquarters-in-pryazovske-melitopol-district-blown-up-by-resistance-fighters/

The death toll from a Russian strike on a train station in central Ukraine rose to 25 overnight, the state rail operator said on Thursday, August 25. According to reports coming out of Russia on August 25, the Russian defence ministry has claimed it killed Ukrainian troops in the rail station missile strike in Dnipro: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/25/ukrainian-passenger-train-bombed-by-russia-in-dnipro/

Russian father of assassinated daughter Darya speaks out against Western totalitarianism and the oligarchy controlling our nations: https://www.geopolitika.ru/article/svo-bitva-za-konec-istorii

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49dfa1 No.351337



Alexander Dugin is one of Putin's top advisors and Russia political strategists and is the man who has sold nationalists in the west the idea that Russia is somehow no longer controlled by jews or has a lingering shadow form of the USSR. The perestroika deception. Ironic since you can get arrested for reading Hitler or Evola there, countless Russian National Socialists have been arrested also. Alexander Dugin also openly praises Stalin, Aleister Crowley, Kabbalah and Freemasonry, and is meanwhile subverting western nationalists in to hating western civilization (which is easy because we're so corrupt.) But he essentially wants us to break free from our chains, only to be under his chains. (The chicom neo-soviet world order chains) which I personally believe is the next stage of the One World Government, as the bolscheviks and jews subverted the west and have deceived many on Russia not being controlled by jews. That this neo-soviet chicom world order Which is btw in full support of zionism: https://endchan.net/pol/res/87921.html

▲ MY COMMENT: Very true the Western world is corrupted today and therefore easily subverted. While we wish to break away the chains from the Empire of Lies it is best to be aware of other wolves in sheep clothing! There have been plenty of others pointing out nefarious international connections between Western and Eastern governments!

Europe is now facing a looming recession, enduring record-high inflation and continuing energy shortage. This outlook is even likely to worsen before any significant improvement well into 2023. “Crisis is the new normal” says Alexandre Bompard, the chief executive of retailer Carrefour. “What we have been used to in the last decades – low inflation, international trade – it’s over” he told investors: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-25-europes-economy-plummets-as-ukraine-war-continues.html

Photos Expose Manufactured Food Shortages Of Meat And Dairy Sections In Montana Walmarts: https://montanadailygazette.com/2022/08/24/breaking-great-falls-walmart-the-defrosting-cult-continues-seriously-store-up-food-now-photos-included/

121 year old Portland steel casting company closes laying off workers: https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2022/08/portland-foundry-columbia-steel-to-close-after-121-years-lay-off-workers.html

Why BRICS Nations Will Win World War III While The West Collapses Into Ruin: https://www.brighteon.com/c0fc0e0e-83dc-430c-9292-fe74fe3b69ff

Russia and India don’t need the US dollar in trade, having turned to national currencies to conduct mutual settlements, BRICS International Forum President Purnima Anand told reporters on Thursday. “We have implemented the mechanism of mutual settlements in rubles and rupees, and there is no need for our countries to use the dollar in mutual settlements. And today a similar mechanism of mutual settlements in rubles and yuan is being developed by China” she said: https://www.rt.com/business/561513-russia-india-dont-need-dollar/

On August 24, the Ukrainian media accused the Russian military of another alleged attack on civilians in Ukraine. Russian Iskander missiles hit a train in the Dnepropetrovsk region. On August 25, the Russian Ministry of Defence revealed the target of the attack in the daily briefing. It turned out that Russian Iskander missiles hit a military train with military equipment and reservists on their way to the Donbass front lines. As a result, 200 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed and 10 pieces of military equipment were destroyed: https://southfront.org/zelenskys-lie-revealed-200-ukrainian-servicemen-killed-by-russian-missiles-in-dnepropetrovsk-region/

On August 25, 2022, the air-defense missile units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed four Russian unmanned aerial vehicles: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3558515-ukraines-air-force-destroys-four-russian-uavs.html

Russian troops continue to concentrate their efforts for assault and offensive operations in the Avdiivka and Bakhmut directions: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3558373-enemy-concentrating-efforts-for-offensive-in-avdiivka-bakhmut-directions.html

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49dfa1 No.351339


8/27/22 Part 1

Governments produce scarcity by shutting off pipelines, shutting down farming operations, taxing productivity and deliberately causing food shortages and inflation. Money printing steals savings from everyone, creating scarcity of the purchasing value of dollars previously earned. Overzealous government regulation shuts down farming and food production, leading to artificial scarcity, food price inflation and global famine. NATO’s economic sanctions against Russia, furthermore, have devastated supplies of fertilizer and natural gas for Western Europe, leading to artificial scarcity of energy that will result in freezing buildings, cold water and devastating energy prices this coming winter: https://citizens.news/651591.html

An inverted US Treasury yield curve almost always heralds recession, but the yawning gap between high short-term funding costs and falling long-term borrowing rates may accelerate the economic downturn it presages. From a banking sector perspective, the inverted curve, combined with near-9% inflation [+20% inflation rate if calculated correctly: www.shadowstats.com] and post-2008 regulation - the deepest, highest, and toughest in decades, respectively - offers cause for concern: https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/column--deep-us-curve-inversion-hastens-the-recession-it-predicts-mcgeever-2869445

The End Of The Gold Standard Led To A Lower Standard Of Living: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/money-does-matter-end-gold-standard-led-lower-standard-living

Czech President Miloš Zeman has blamed “green madness” for the energy crisis and warned that the abolition of cars with internal combustion engines will only prolong the agony. “The abolition of cars with internal combustion engines will lead to the advent of far more demanding electromobility. The biggest consumers of electricity will be electric cars with a short range and a high price” he stated: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/im-afraid-czech-president-blames-green-madness-energy-crisis

California's precariously out-of-date hybrid power grid can't handle the state's growing amounts of solar and wind energy coming online, with system managers already forcing repeated cutbacks in renewables and a continued reliance on conventional energy to keep the grid stable: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/heres-california-flooring-it-clean-energy-future-its-transmission-slipping-badly

The fallout of the sanctions imposed on Russia over the conflict in Ukraine has turned the European Union into “the third world of the Western world economies” a senior contributor to Forbes magazine has claimed: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2022/08/23/europes-markets-and-energy-security-disrupted-by-russia-sanctions/

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49dfa1 No.351341


8/27/22 Part 2

JIM STONE COMMENTS: I have been following the Russia situation quite closely for some time, and the only thing that can explain what is going on is that Russia is playing a game, in lock step with the West - Russia is taking orders. The most important data with Putin is that he has gone around everywhere, to all the ceremonies, IS a member of the WEF and that as a result, he's probably role playing. He will do what he is told. So at a time when things should be winding down, he's escalating the conflict in ways which appear to me to be unnecessary. Why? He's probably setting up a false flag. And the grand crowning jewel of "911" would be to blow a 5.8 gigawatt nuke plant to the moon, while weather mod carries the results over Europe. That would give all the kiddies a GREAT reason to abandon homes and FOLLOW ORDERS. FACT: THERE IS TOO MUCH SHIT GOING ON WITH THAT NUKE PLANT. RUSSIA HAD CONTROL, AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR IT, UNLESS IT IS WANTED. RUSSIA WENT IN AND TOOK THAT B*TCH, THEY HAD THEIR OWN WORKERS THERE, WTF IS THE PROBLEM??? Fact: Russia could smash down a security zone around that place that turned it into alcatraz. If there are problems now, RUSSIA WANTS THEM. What is the end game? YOU GUESS.

Belarusian aircraft have been re-equipped to carry nuclear weapons, President Alexander Lukashenko told the media on Friday. "They must realize that no helicopters or airplanes will save them, should they opt for an escalation," the state-run BelTA news agency quotes Lukashenko as saying: https://tass.com/world/1498573

The Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the base of the invaders at the Donbas Hotel in occupied Kadiivka (Luhansk region), about 200 Russian paratroopers were destroyed: http://ukranews.com/en/news/878493-afu-attack-invaders-base-in-kadiivka-in-luhansk-region-200-russian-paratroopers-destroyed-governor

The Daryivskyi Bridge in Kherson region is under the fire control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the movement of Russian occupiers along this overpass has been stopped. This was reported by the South Operational Command: http://ukranews.com/en/news/878533-afu-take-daryivskyi-bridge-in-kherson-region-under-fire-control-south-operational-command

Russian forces did not make any claimed or assessed territorial gains in Ukraine on August 26, 2022, for the first time since August 18, 2022: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-august-26

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49dfa1 No.351343


8/28/22 Part 1

Is God Punishing The United States of America? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/is-god-punishing-the-united-states-of-america/ar-AA1197HH

This is Not a 'Recession'! This Is A Total Collapse of the Financial System To Bail Out the Globalists Who Want To Enslave Us: https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/this-is-not-a-recession-this-is-a-total-collapse-of-the-financial-system-to-bail-out-the-globalists-who-want-to-enslave-us/

The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism: https://archive.ph/XXRzp

How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess. More than any other source for national wealth, however, one towers above the rest: innovation. The ability of the human mind to create something new and valuable provides society with wealth creation. If innovation produces wealth, why aren't all nations wealthy? Because too many nations fail to value innovators or encourage innovation. Without fundamental property rights, strong social institutions, and a dependable legal system, potential inventors have few incentives to build anything new. Humans struggling merely to survive in the world do not waste time, labor or resources on projects that offer no prospect for future reward. Humans working as servants to the state under centrally controlled economies have no incentive to innovate: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/great-reset-blueprint-destroying-freedom-innovation-prosperity

California electric company admits it will NEVER be able to charge everybody’s electric vehicles: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-26-california-electric-cant-charge-everybodys-electric-vehicles.html

Start Reading Labels! Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Bugs In Our Food: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/08/27/start-reading-labels-food-producers-caught-quietly-deceitfully-putting-crickets-in-our-food/

Evil is evil, and it’s manifesting in so many all across our culture—in every way. It involves falsehoods, it involves lies and changing morality on sexuality. It involves everything. Two thousand years ago, this is all they had. It was possessed back then. So, when Jesus sent the Gospel into the pagan world, it was a clash of spirits and principalities of gods. There is the One True God, and then there are the false gods. The Bible says we do not war against flesh and blood. We are not against people. We war against principalities. So, when the gospel comes in, there is this huge war. The pagans are trying to kill the Christians or you worship our gods. That’s why they were trying to kill them because Christians would not worship the gods. It was a war of the gods, but at the end of the day, the Gospel prevailed and the gods departed. The temples were emptied out. The shrines were abandoned. The gods of the ancient world were gone, but we are not just talking about gods, there are spirits behind them—demonic spirits. They don’t end, they stay there. So, the question is what would happen if the gods or the evil spirits returned to America and returned to the world? The fact is they have returned… If western civilization was possessed by the evil spirits, the Gospel got rid of them. It was the greatest exorcism in history. What happens if that nation ever turns away from God? If it ever opens the door? These spirits are coming back. These ancient spirits or principalities are going to come back to our culture, to the West and to America, and they are going to come back to repossess it: https://usawatchdog.com/only-way-to-save-america-is-turn-back-to-god-jonathan-cahn/

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49dfa1 No.351345


8/28/22 Part 2

Starting all the way back in April, some US defense officials had been expressing concern that Ukraine weapons shipments sent from Washington were entering a big “black hole” once they cross the border into the conflict – given there appeared little to no oversight or accountability in terms of arms and serial number tracking. Ukrainian government officials have taken pains to to try and assure Western allies and international press that they are indeed carefully monitoring the weapons and munitions provided from allies, also to ensure they don’t end up on the black market or in the hands of unauthorized militants or terrorists. But now we have the closest thing thus far to confirmation that indeed there’s a lack of necessary oversight, given on Thursday the Pentagon’s acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell told Bloomberg that while he believes Ukrainian forces are using up all that they’ve been given by the US, it remains that there’s little “fidelity” as to where the weapons actually end up. This is due in large part, he explained, to the Ukrainians tracking external arms via hand receipts. For this reason he’s looking to trace, test, and audit whether the Ukrainians are properly logging US-supplied military hardware. He says the Pentagon is on “alert” – looking evidence of gaps, missing weapons, and lack of oversight in the system: https://southfront.org/pentagon-ig-doubtful-ukraine-is-tracking-us-supplied-arms-will-conduct-audit/

The video from the front lines shows a suicidal attack of Ukrainian armored group on the positions of the marines of the Pacific Fleet of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As a result of the attack, several units of Ukrainian armored vehicles and vehicles transporting personnel were destroyed: https://s1.cdnstatic.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/att.mp4

Another five Russian artillery systems were destroyed by Ukrainian forces on Saturday, August 27, according to Ukraine’s military update on Russia’s combat losses since February 24. Three Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) were destroyed as well as three more Russian tanks: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/28/russian-artillery-systems-destroyed-ukraine/

Russia is transferring a new batch of heavy military equipment to the occupied Crimea: it was noticed near the Crimean bridge. Among the equipment were seen: tanks T-72 and T-80; 152-mm and 122-mm 2C19 Msta-S and 2S1 Gvozdika; infantry fighting vehicles, trucks, tanks with fuel and engineering machines: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/27/watch-russia-spotted-transferring-heavy-military-equipment-to-occupied-crimea/

In the Sloviansk, Bakhmut, and Avdiyivka directions, Ukrainian defenders stopped the advance of the Russian invaders, forcing them to retreat: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3559494-war-update-ukraines-armed-forces-repulse-enemy-attacks-in-three-directions.html

The Russian military have turned Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) into a military base, putting the entire continent at risk. The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3559696-fm-kuleba-russian-invaders-turn-znpp-into-military-base-entire-continent-at-risk.html

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168811 No.351845

Yep, told ya niggers they're doing it.

And they're doing it.

They're doing it right now.

Incrementally and slowly so but surely and definitely.

Figure out what comes next and how you survive…..

and if you don't, I won't blame you, save an extra bullet for yourself just encase,

from now on this road gets a bit rocky …..

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2e45b3 No.351969

bumping censored news

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2e45b3 No.352146

bumping true news

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7cdf2c No.353387

It takes a long time to build an nation and a very short time to destroy it. Oh well, you get what you ask for I guess.

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ab84cb No.353762


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5b9398 No.353855

bumping for moar Killcen

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3fc34e No.357458


He's back.

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c3d8b7 No.360679


I noticed.

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564f16 No.361461

anti-slide 144 13

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1d2575 No.361605






n e w s

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ea3332 No.361681

They're mandatory clot shot passport system failed to destroy enough "undesirables" so now they're focusing primarily on economic sabotage by any means necessary. That's why so many food processing plants are being blown up and burned down in deliberate arson attacks. Those that were warned well in advance better have prepared accordingly, it's on themselves if they did not.

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b5f432 No.361813


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1d435f No.362698

It takes a long time to build a nation and a very short time to destroy it.

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e34298 No.362948

lñÍUáPwPFcÑXañ΢.”í|Õ;S¸>¬¼¸ .¢o3ž ¬C´ýpìùßCVYÈ~IM»Ð³˜)®ÒÅë]D5Åzs3·ÿë²/– MyÔçâ>S@6‹I¢ožÁTN¥HÁÆ> zR 3H»b²¼Qüï_ð<j€ØS‰ãù¤ÀÅZìy¯uÔ®zñ:xÐNÿº¢vÁ+HQƺ@wew›‘eFcpá•?ñ¢§7Ëä™u‚¦Û•<îðC å"éZl-Ã¥zØ­—{±ÇL±î¿ø¶¨Ü&"æ*ñ¿5ÚÈÚXÌҳڏ_&wQ²‹O™Õ°p ·ôW_¸ÍDºF†(Ûhê½äYo‹ŸïºlN~€5'`"4¡œÑFø3•s€1ØžŒ¿lQ§ýÖÚŸÕ%³Z?ë ¸>“ë^BÙs6J8œû!ì‚©Ô¦‚€¡îoƒBPxÙKÁ‹¾? V†1Šv ¿¦ž1-]Ñl}|_<™öõ==ߢ … $‘ÍiÆ8`ÂåÁ 5¾k¼ô´Ã_Õ=7$Z3=lÂXÃD ŸÃ¾L¸¨ø§U}ªÙþÁæâã üô²;gåŸa¥â§)æÐ{ý€8œ¼¸*P†G#oã“p_

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9cbed6 No.362979


Remember when Joeseph Stiglitz spilled the beans about how the IMF destabilizes countries in order to control them? We're not at the "IMF riot" stage yet, but this confluence of economic conditions is headed somehwere in that general direction


Throw some key words in to a search engine if you don't like that particular outlet or author. It was pretty widely publicized at the time.

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1d435f No.363002

anti-slide 245253

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0a49dd No.364880

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aba2a2 No.366108

bmping a great thread for the great catalog reset

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571893 No.366211


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40fc26 No.366249

anti-slide `53235552

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2786f4 No.366300


> bumping a great thread for the great catalog reset


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ea8d9c No.366550

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.366894

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d435f No.367277





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1d435f No.367316



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2c34be No.367632


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000000 No.367913

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368390

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.368770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000 No.369613

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2f39ba No.370042

bumping real news

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f29087 No.370218

bumping true news

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8caebd No.370886

bumping earth-shattering news

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e754db No.371586

bumping common sense news

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e564b0 No.372038

bumping proven news

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080a7f No.372460

bumping well documented news

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f9103e No.372800

anti-slide 2321441

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2c34be No.374087

bumping reality-driven news

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153075 No.374836

bumping premium news

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2c34be No.375800

bumping spectacular well informed news

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1d435f No.376457

bumping total news

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5ea94a No.376885

true news anti-slide 55

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20cf53 No.377438

bumping legit true news

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e0d2ff No.377750

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2c34be No.377872

bumping verified news

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bc7922 No.379061

File: 06df6e00fd8223a⋯.png (289.13 KB,717x2327,717:2327,rigged_election.png)


>What will crash the economy no matter what? High gas prices, that's what.

If the fuel needed to get goods to market goes up in price, EVERYTHING else has to go up to.

What if they crash the economy so much that it's a "crisis" and elections are suspended?

Or they start WWIII and suspend elections.

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bc7922 No.379062


>as the public literally goes BROKE.

Some pension funds are already suffering and on the verge of collapse.

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cfc372 No.379082


Because they were stolen. Stolen by corrupt greedy people, and the crimes ignored by a corrupt greedy government.


I would not be very surprised anymore, America IS a communist nation today.

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cfc372 No.379314

bumping trustworthy news

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cfc372 No.379325


Their plan is to destroy and kill most people, and then subjugate the rest. Do not let them succeed by any means. Do not fear death either. Make them destroy the world if they must, but never let them succeed.

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b47355 No.379357

bumping popular well respected news

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cfc372 No.380028

I warned everyone to be prepared for many years. Those that listened and did were the smart ones.

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c8662b No.380212

bumping common sense news

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0db728 No.380243

bumping real life news

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2c34be No.380286

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c13beb No.380395


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c13beb No.380417

Ógûvvžt2ÿ ì­ýÖ_â G³‹XÓõkÙSÈ°ÒaY®fOï;

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2c34be No.380551

bumping trustworthy news

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aec624 No.380767

bumping eloquent news

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ea62de No.381149


Slaves are the ones who refused to listen to the years of warnings and telltale signs and never bothered getting prepared in any way, even when average prices were much cheaper than they are now. They had TONS of information to help them prep on limited budgets too. So many refused to listen or prepare. They'll be slaves because they did not take action. Everyone else will be victims to the collateral damage done to the economy trying to survive a post-industrialized world, forced into becoming self-sufficient and bartering with other locals.

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c8662b No.381275

bumping censored news

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0a49dd No.381374

bumping forbidden news

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c8662b No.381485

bumping accurate news

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0a49dd No.381608

bumping natural news

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fbda25 No.381666

bumping third world news

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2c34be No.383069

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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1d435f No.383120

There really are criminal despots ruining America today.

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6b8ed9 No.383901

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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aec624 No.383997

bumping dependable news

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0a49dd No.384595





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8d21db No.384735

bumping impressive news

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e0d2ff No.384806

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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e0d2ff No.384980

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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1ada03 No.385055

anti-slide 426309900078

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2041cc No.385120

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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ece1ec No.385338

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000082

Good! Fifth Circuit Tells Federal Government To SHUT DOWN Their Online Censorship Regime!


The court’s opinion comes in the landmark free speech case in the digital era, Missouri v. Biden. Before the litigation landed in appellate court, Louisiana District Judge Terry A. Doughty declared in a fitting Independence Day ruling that federal authorities from the Biden White House to the FBI and CDC had likely engaged in “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Biden To Fund Ukraine Without Congress Via State Department Money


Hillary Clinton Is Scared Some Americans Favor Russia’s Resistance To The Empire of Lies


"Honestly, I don't understand any American siding with [Russian President] Putin, but we have seen it, and we have heard it, and we have to fight against it" PBS quoted her as saying.

Eleven Activists Arrested Outside Bernie Sanders Office After Demanding End To Ukraine Conflict


Trump Ousted From Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest Americans Due To Theft, Political Lawfare


Congressional Approval Hits All Time Low, Under 20%


71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


MY COMMENT: Prepping for the worst was the right thing to do. Absolutely no regrets.

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e0d2ff No.385479

Draconian SAFER Banking Act Is Anything But Safe


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Dares To Call The EMPIRE OF LIES Irrational


MY COMMENT: Regime change when?

NO! We Will NOT Be Fighting Your Wars When The US Empire Collapses


Congressman Matt Gaetz was caught on video speaking about the growing BRICS nations engaging in de-dollarization, Gaetz told reporters "if we're going to lose the dollar"… Gaetz already KNOWS the US Dollar is doomed!


Stock-up, folks. Food, clothing, medicines, etc. Get what you need NOW, while it still can be gotten. If this collapse takes place, I suspect it will happen like a lightning bolt out of the blue. No advance warning before it all goes to hell.

Western sanctions against Russian oil exports have proven to be unsuccessful as Moscow continues finding ways to completely bypass them.


Ford, GM Layoff Another 500 Workers As Strikes Ripple Across Heartland


Meta To Layoff Another Round of Workers


Good! Supreme Court Rejects Effort To Block Trump From Running for President


Neo-con RINO John Anthony Castro, a tax consultant from Texas seeking the Republican presidential nomination, attempted to disqualify Trump from running.

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c8662b No.385824

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000100

Israelis Declare “Something Is Very Wrong Here” As America Receives “Zero Hour” Warning


Thousands Protest Across Middle East In Support of Palestinians


Majority of Israelis Blame Government For Hamas Attack - 56% Want Netanyahu Out


Jewish Councilwoman Arrested For Attending Pro-Palestine Protest


US Intelligence Gets Nervous About Iran Threats Against Israel Over Gaza


Iran Responds To Israeli Gaza Slaughter With Tank Deployment On Iraqi Border - Hezbollah Green Light To Engage


Palestinians Fire Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) Into Crowd of Israeli Soldiers


Israel Gives Major Hospital In Northern Gaza 2 Hours To Evacuate Staff & Patients


Israeli forces use a bulldozer to destroy a pizza restaurant in the West Bank that had used its social media account to mock an elderly Holocaust survivor taken hostage by Hamas.


Israelis Brag They’ve Dropped Over 6,000 Bombs On Gaza So Far


Ben Shapiro Rages At Tucker For Questioning Why Our Politicians Care More About Israelis Dying Than About Americans


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ea62de No.385922

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000109

FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED! Israel Ordered Military to Stand Down During Hamas Assault


Jewish Pro-Life Foundation leader Cecily Routman, citing government sources, claimed Netanyahu ordered the stand down to allow Hamas to launch its attack in order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza meant to ultimately wipe the Palestinian enclave off the map. “Israel as the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There is no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen,” Routman told conservative activist Lauren Witzke in an interview released Saturday.

70% Chance Israel-Hamas War Spreads Beyond Gaza, Threatening Oil


MY COMMENT: Check the last 10 updates of End Times News, it was 100% accurate when the conclusion was determined the Hamas attack was a staged false flag to stir up a major war in the Middle East to undermine the BRICS trade union and OPEC+ which were all in the process of rejecting the US Dollar as a world reserve currency! Get it now!? Got to hand it to Jim Willie and his inside sources.

Impending Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War & Sabotaging BRICS & OPEC+


Russian President Putin Interviewed By Chinese Media, His Full Take On Current Events


Majority of Americans Do Not Support Their Political Leadership


Everything Biden says he wants to accomplish by running again — stabilizing the Middle East, uniting Europe, deterring Putin — was already done when he came into office, thanks to President Trump. Biden’s policies and weakness ruined it all.


Major Banks Close Over 3,000 Branches Nationwide


Retired Managing Director of Wealth Management formerly working in Swiss Private Banking, Clive Thompson, said at some point, the global economy will enter a crisis. He believes banks will be closed, then there will be an announcement about the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Americans who desire freedom better be prepared to reject this totalitarianism, moving to alternative trade and bartering options.

Mexican Sinaloa Cartel’s Message To Members: Stop Making Fentanyl or Die


The deadly combination of fentanyl in their drugs is killing more people than they can get hooked, meaning loss of profit.

Only 2% Of Americans Have Received New COVID Clot Shot, Propagandists Defeated


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c8662b No.386420

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c8662b No.386547

BBSBMMMMS: """SW"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""L"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""L


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877247 No.387053

actual news

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ea62de No.387140


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85a1b0 No.387160

File: d365306a1629e51⋯.jpg (340.95 KB,1694290280853675.jpg)




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e0d2ff No.387280


>Government overspending and transfer programs have inflated the money supply while resulting in unchecked corruption and waste. We will be paying that bill for generations, and what a colossal waste of resources and missed opportunity.

Failed state politics.

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e0d2ff No.387433

anti-slide 3.3927:2

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fbda25 No.387518

_S ()AW)_)_P_{

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fbda25 No.387539

bumping essential news glad to be prepared 3.0

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23f1ac No.387690

glad I prepared well in advance for the collapse

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c8662b No.389346

anti-slide 2352 456

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543add No.391942

Jews raped the green

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fbda25 No.391952


Greens raped the nation states. Jews gained the greens.

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fbda25 No.391953

Look, I already drunk a half bottle of blended scotch! Anyone got something I *CANNOT* debate or rebuke!? ….ANYONE!?!?!

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850f29 No.391978

They're the most oppressed race more so than niggers



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f1b291 No.391993

Controlled collapse into the third world. Now ask yourselves this: WHY?

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f1cbf4 No.392091

They still think we'll fight their wars LOL

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807c4b No.393747

Good sheep cope impotently about things you can't change as you wish

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c8662b No.394204

Prepping 101

The Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Global Chaos


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