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55cd5d  No.281487 [Last 50 Posts]

I'm just gonna leave this here…


>Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

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a1c18c  No.281489

>Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life. Patients need to now take unprecedented steps to avoid going into the hospital for COVID-19.

>Patients need to take active steps to plan before getting sick to use early home-based treatment of COVID-19 that can help you save your life.

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a1c18c  No.281490

aktion t4 up and running.

let the purges continue.


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b683cc  No.281509


The Atlantic Blows Up The ‘Covid Hospitalization’ Myth



Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS ARE LYING To The Public About COVID Deaths!


Texas COVID Whistleblower: Our Medical Staff Is DYING From These Vaccines!


Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Pfizer Vax Kills Far More People Than It Saves


The Most Important Video Will See This Year

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV ←– This is how American hospitals get away with murder!

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Hospital Protocol Is What Is Murdering Covid & Flu Patients


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b683cc  No.281510


Hospitals and the medical system should no longer be trusted, it has been completely corrupted by government interventions and even subsidy at the expense of taxpayers. Yes, every single "covid death" is now lucrative to these corrupted institutions, they GAIN MONEY for every single death, all they have to do is simply slap "covid" on the cause of death on a piece of paper, and that's THAT.

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b683cc  No.281511

$$$ If you want to get super rich in the USSA Today, you own a hospital, and you rig the death statistics for covid, and you tell the government everyone is dying of covid so you need MORE MONEY for expansion and the corruption never ends!!! Get rich quick! Mass murder incorporated! $$$

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fb2857  No.281552

The nosocomial apocalypse is coming.

S will HTF.

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44d870  No.281565




healthy patients don't make money.


covid is a smokescreen.

the medical establishment has A LOT to answer for… pre covid.

they are ALL heroes :(

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44d870  No.281566

if you only knew what goes on in the tunnels….

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cb4e46  No.281624

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117124  No.281626



Oh goodie … another LARPer has been watching Station Eleven.

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5f8273  No.281634


"In any large group of humans there are sociopaths and psychopaths. The crime rate in medicine keeps being swept under the table. It is the first thing from which patients should be protected - the caregivers who commit crimes against their patients.

“Where else but in medicine do you find men and women who never admit a mistake?"

- From "The Doctor Factor," an essay in "The Woman at the Washington Zoo" by Marjorie Williams

The legal issues don’t really matter. The police won’t let the patient file criminal charges anyway."




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f46d80  No.281692

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117124  No.281713


It's a LARP because you saw a Netflix TV show. None of that is real.

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0c5448  No.281716


you forgot to upload your joker(dot)jpeg

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cd1d23  No.281792


link in the OP is fringe far right wing website.

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59c887  No.281830


anyone in " america" for a few generations that isnt blind, stupid, or an enemy has seen the destruction of our Germanic working class

most of us have ancestors who were brought here from the irish slave trade and this was a result of the boe and their little judeomasonic bitch lapdog " king" james and later the " cromwell" ( caiinite jew) bs

we are seeing it over and over in india" china, russia, germany, and now " america". hell; even mexico took a stand and paid for resisting

weve all seen the horrors of this poisoning and maiming for profit " medical" system. personally seen too many friends/family chewed up, extorted, thrown in the garbage and murdered by these butchers

some people say, " dont hold the drs and nurses responsible" really?

if it wasnt for outright greed and lack of empathy these people could see the horrors in their environment every day; but refuse to.

the nuremberg ( jew show) trials set the precedent and all who have profitted need to be held accountable for their crimes, according to their place in the food chain

enough of this madness. the time for tolerance, kindness and discussion is over. its time to burn it down.

when there is nothing left, only the people ( humans) who care will be left to rebuild things as they were originally intended. all the parasites and locusts hordes will never be part of that as it is real work, but we scots/irish know that is the most rewarding and satisfying of all

and this is what the alien parasite hordes will never understand as they are incapable of it

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31447a  No.281846



read this:


it's a mafia. once in never out.

see also: dr. van koinis vaccine "suicide"

your post is disingenuous, uninformed and designed to to exploit presumed or perceived racial, ethnic and relgious tensions.

are you a jesuit by any chance?

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f1a6e2  No.281848


"Last year, President John Magufuli declared the virus a “satanic myth” propagated by imperialist powers. While his neighbors sealed borders and locked down, his country of 58 million stayed open. His government barred doctors from registering coronavirus as the cause of death and labeled those who wore masks unpatriotic.

Seeking to keep the economy open and rally nationalist sentiment ahead of elections, he blocked foreign journalists from entering the country, rejected vaccines and refused to provide data to the World Health Organization. News organizations reporting on Covid-19 were shut down for “scaremongering,” and reporters threatened with jail.

By this spring, the president was dead, along with six other senior politicians and several of the country’s generals. The official cause of Mr. Magufuli’s death was heart failure. The details remain secret. Diplomats, analysts and opposition leaders say he had Covid-19."


>They've upped the ante and are playing their game globally. There is probably– a good reason Trump withdrew from the World Health Organization but with the magic of television and "official news" we'll probably never figure it out. Africa is being strong-armed by a medical-scientific tyranny hell bent [sic] on commandeering the human genome and the layout of civilization itself. Huxley's Brave New world is chatter from the hallowed halls of academia and political thought blowing around back in 1932. They will not abandon their goals nor relinquish their economic and technological stranglehold on governments and their militaries anywhere on this earth. American sovereignty is being dismantled before our very eyes and when they finish the job, there won't be a prayer left on this earth for anyone to pray.

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f1a6e2  No.281849

File: 52f107cc72188d1⋯.jpeg (29.51 KB, 550x413, 550:413, nice_man.jpeg)


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87b5cb  No.281937



What's that?

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e01ed0  No.282028


i'm human.

finger touches screen post is made.

maybe don't be a luddite anon.

respect the temple.

this temple.

respect the testimony.

i will not post tits or dick with timestamp

although i only have dick.

i will not post shoe on head.


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ff598c  No.282070

covid is a smokescreen

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df3caa  No.282071

A known common cold virus went to a wet market in Chynah and became the greatest threat to humanity since the Black Death.

No wait!

It went to a weapons lab!

A coronavirus will never be ebola no matter what.

Two weeks to flatten the curve lads.

What are they trying to hide?

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8abecf  No.282530

aktion t4 under the radar

medical murder.

reporting errors.

defensive documentation.

hospital acquired infection.

lack of proper testing and diagnosis.

intentional "mistakes".

an unprecedented betrayal of the public trust.

patient blacklisting.


at home and abroad.

tyranny disguised as healthcare.

the people you were TOLD to trust the most are betraying

you the hardest.

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970be8  No.282531


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0667ad  No.282553

>What would you do if you were personally responsible for the premeditated murders of hundreds perhaps thousands of people?

I'd quit my job as a hospital administrator, become a monk, shave my head and light myself on fire like that iconic black and white photograph from the 60's that people post sometimes. Immolation.

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d0813f  No.282649

"2% rate of accurate reporting of patient harm problems found in this study by The United States Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)

An HHS Report in March 2010 found that reviewed hospitals did not generate incident reports for 93% of adverse events. The 7% of the time when they did generate reports, the information was inaccurate 63% of the time. Which means clinicians are willing to report accurate information about patient harm problems 2% of the time."


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d0813f  No.282650

"The reason why the totalitarian regimes can get so far toward realizing a fictitious, topsy-turvy world is that the outside nontotalitarian world . . . indulges also in wishful thinking and shirks reality. . ."

- Hannah Arendt

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94fce8  No.282704

friendly anti slide bumparoo

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61e644  No.282718



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7e9492  No.282720


what is a "lot number" and how can i get one?

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59c887  No.282732


" jesuit"

my family was purged/ murdered after the american and english civil wars

we didnt start this shit, the judeomasons and jew bankers did

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59c887  No.282733


loved when he had the press conference calling out the " who" and telling of " covid" test results on random things

that was a man that loved his people and paid for it. a real hero

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0da183  No.282746


irritating the left is a lifestyle.

Daily reminder: If you can't be good then you can always be evil :D

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3e0f45  No.282748

"In healthcare the production and circulation of information is controlled to make profit and prevent democracy.

People have a right to complain to an authority without getting sued, but there is no appropriate authority to which an injured patient can complain. The police do not keep track of these things. Medical boards do not have the perspective of patients at heart. There is no one who will tell patients how difficult it will be to get iatrogenic injuries treated and what to do about that. Healthcare has systems set up to protect providers (risk management departments, state medical boards and boards of registration), but nothing to advocate for patients when things go wrong. There isn't anyone to guide injured patients in how to survive in the post-injury world, let alone collect their stories in order to understand the problems.

People in medicine do not see this as a problem. And they are in charge of patient safety."


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f3f25f  No.282787


Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers


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7a1f9d  No.282814


"Agnotology is an odd word that may or may not gain wider acceptance over time, but currently some use it to describe the study of ignorance, especially protective ignorance. It often is safer not to find out. Institutions and the individuals in them often desire not to learn too much and not to see too much. They don't want certain information recorded and they don't want to know what was not recorded. They don't want to see what the world looks like from other perspectives. They want to protect themselves and their view of the world."


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326db4  No.282818

Wake your asses !

I'm the messiah !

Follow me !


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fd0a3f  No.282819


You are damage control.

The resistance is amorphous and diffuse.

They can take a hit and reconstitute overnight.

Go derail another thread glowstick.

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304335  No.282900




I ask humbly and reverently, "how fucked could fucked be?"

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0c9eee  No.282998

why are so many athletes "vax-collapsing"?

What did the toxic metals clotshot mean by this?

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461122  No.283025

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90228f  No.283346


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845b89  No.283389


🐺Wolf bumping this thread for

good mesure🐺

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29b3cf  No.283552

>Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

>As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

>The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).




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318b61  No.283568

File: 073ea86f68516a8⋯.png (788.62 KB, 967x964, 967:964, nooooo.png)

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834cfd  No.283599


"It is important not to eliminate from the discussion the worst problems. Otherwise we are doing the equivalent of protecting people from gnats, and only gnats, when the people are walking through mine fields."


>The truth will MAKE you free

>The man never said anyone would like it

>And it won't ask permission to do so

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0a78f3  No.283636

File: fe2a3ad5d3e1284⋯.jpg (91.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, feelsgood.jpg)

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d568f6  No.283944

I feel that this thread is informative.and important so I am going to bump.


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1f658f  No.284092


agreed. bump

Maybe patients should get some of that covid-money too? Or at least their families?

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8721bc  No.284112



mmm… what they should get is honest religion, honest government and honest healthcare delivery held legally accountable to the highest standards of liberty upon which this nation was founded.

you'd rather be raped by a psycho drug addict goon than touched by a bad doctor in a corrupted democracy.

do you like warm beer by any chance?

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bd5cb7  No.284123


bumping for otto warm beer.

god DAMN!

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d7e63d  No.284126


>you'd rather be raped by a psycho drug addict goon than touched by a bad doctor

It sucks to say it, but its true. At least the drug addict isn't financially incentivized to kill you.

But I still think it might be a good idea that patients get some of that covid money. Why should hospitals keep all the $100k if the patient dies? Surely the family of the patient needs it too?

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bd5cb7  No.284130


Please tell me which law school you graduated from and how many times you sucked David Rockefeller's dick while he fingered your quivering little insignificant asshole?

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d7e63d  No.284131

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58fe44  No.284134



That is why I asked.

Now answer the question you filthy treasonous shit eating traitorous piece of worthless maggot.shit what you are.

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d7e63d  No.284136


lmao you sound mad

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8b792f  No.284164

File: e9bc441607c5084⋯.png (82.62 KB, 784x938, 56:67, drudgejab.png)

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3f0d40  No.284165


natural selection. Everything is in order.

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709b1f  No.284680

bump for more awareness.

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709b1f  No.284682


And that's… how it is.


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94bac1  No.284685


Information is illegal, only brainrot is tolerated now. Perhaps the schizopill is the best pill after all. Morale is overrated. I can't believe this is the peak of freedom of speech? Is this what it results into? A sporadic mess of mentally ill spammers?

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94bac1  No.284687


Everything is natural selection. And it is all about who gets to have more children in the end. And china/india is winning the race of the natural selection.

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b6fcde  No.285534

Go home and die.

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2fafea  No.285543

File: b7532ca196b8a30⋯.jpeg (235.08 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)

File: 654c32a2468f504⋯.png (80.89 KB, 830x861, 830:861, deagel_2022_stats.png)


All as planned.

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351db1  No.285575


This guy gets it.

But the land of the free and home of the brave is too busy watching the game, drinking it's beer, smoking it's weed, fucking it's girlfriend and wageslaving to pay 2/3rds of it's takehome pay on rent to do anything about it.

Stick a fork in it. It's done.

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ebbb16  No.285583


That is in itself a natural selection. The freemasons are killing off all genetic competition, until only freemason genes are left in the world. The question is how it will work once freemason genetics starts competing against other freemasons. Genes are selfish and greedy, they don't like to share and prefer to dominate. But who knows, maybe some genes will arise that are resistant to the masonic influence.

It would be surprising if there doesn't arise genetic organizations that at least try to repel this type of masonic genes. But who knows, humans are known to exterminate competing elements. Maybe in a way masons are the ultimate superhumans and maybe their genes are the future.

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63ff07  No.285637

File: a40b6626fe25820⋯.jpeg (141.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, bring_out_your_dead.jpeg)

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988550  No.285654

File: f0f3963f9e3b0ff⋯.png (413.36 KB, 720x725, 144:145, nurnberg.png)


No heart for you!

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8d9596  No.285662


I hope the guy sues them for millions and files a criminal complaint for denial of basic medical services. Then he can get his transplant in a based free State, like the State I live in.

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83a1dd  No.285695


>sues them

>free State

There are no free states. You are dealing with a global medical mafia in lock step. They have blood on their hands and they are in full panic mode.They can get to anyone because at some point everyone needs health care. Any politician or judge who betrays them and their interests will be finding out that they are just another blacklisted candida casualty.

Strange Brew. Bitches Brew. They've got a hundred ways to do it.

It's been going on for a LONG TIME.

And if that doesn't work accidents will.


ONE need not be a chamber to be haunted,

One need not be a house;

The brain has corridors surpassing

Material place.

Far safer, of a midnight meeting

External ghost,

Than an interior confronting

That whiter host.

Far safer through an Abbey gallop,

The stones achase,

Than, moonless, one’s own self encounter

In lonesome place.

Ourself, behind ourself concealed,

Should startle most;

Assassin, hid in our apartment,

Be horror’s least.

The prudent carries a revolver,

He bolts the door,

O’erlooking a superior spectre

More near.

–Emily Dickinson

>whiter host


THERE’S a certain slant of light,

On winter afternoons,

That oppresses, like the weight

Of cathedral tunes.

Heavenly hurt it gives us;

We can find no scar,

But internal difference

Where the meanings are.

None may teach it anything,

’T is the seal, despair,—

An imperial affliction

Sent us of the air.

When it comes, the landscape listens,

Shadows hold their breath;

When it goes, ’t is like the distance

On the look of death.

–Emily Dickinson


<dead man walking

I LIKE a look of agony,

Because I know it ’s true;

Men do not sham convulsion,

Nor simulate a throe.

The eyes glaze once, and that is death.

Impossible to feign

The beads upon the forehead

By homely anguish strung.

–Emily Dickinson

>nice girl

<real cutie

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8d9596  No.285698

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)


So you best take care of yourself and boost your immune system the best way you can, naturally. Because if you don't you'll become their bitch.

And honestly, I'd settle for NOTHING LESS than in-home hospice where I have a gun handy nearby anyway. Can't enslave me if I have trusted family around me and a gun. All they can do is deny me service. And if they do they'll get sued and it'll be reported all over the alternative media. Then I search around some more until I find the right care, maybe hire me a doctor who is willing and doesn't care about the politics. Either way I'm not letting them ruin my life.

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8d9596  No.285700


>There are no free states.

Missouri is pretty based. No one gives a fuck if you don't mask or vaxx over here. Maybe a few control freaks higher up in the medical industry, but certainly not most the rank and file. I've had no problems here, none. No mandates, no lockdowns, no vaxx passports, no karens yelling in my face, none of it. Very few care about covid or want control where I live.

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b66a17  No.285701


>hire me a doctor

There are certain people who will never find that doctor.

They have to go off the grid and DIY.



Go back to cuckchan.

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8d9596  No.285704


>There are certain people who will never find that doctor.

There are plenty of doctors speaking out about the dangers of vaccines and who don't recommend them, they are just harder to find. You really need to search for those people. They do exist out there.

>Go back to cuckchan.

Yah, it's just another word they use like "cool" and no, I don't like 4cucks either. They won't allow Tor or VPNs let alone that stupid unreadable mud-ass CAPTCHA. Just consider what I said, my State doesn't give a shit if you are not masked or vaccinated, 99% of the people here today are going about living their lives as normal as if covid never happened. I highly doubt hospitals would deny care over here, and I think our AG would file criminal charges if that were happening in our State. Exactly which State was denying that one guy medical care for heart surgery? That matters more than you think today, certain States just SUCK.

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8d9596  No.285705


>Exactly which State was denying that one guy medical care for heart surgery? That matters more than you think today, certain States just SUCK.

So a hospital in Boston called "Brigham and Women's Hospital" denied the guy a heart transplant. The populated city of Boston is run by commies, that's well known. Hope they get sued. Meanwhile, I bet this guy will simply go to another hospital, it's not against the law to hop bars is it? If I were him I would definitely travel to a more rural hospital.


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334ad1  No.285707


>All they can do is deny me service.

>they'll get sued


They'll not deny you service. They will offer reduced quality of care.

Maybe you'll get lucky and contract something nosocomial or get the iatrogenic whammy put on ya.

When you try to find a malpractice lawyer the doors will be slamming in your face.

Please get educated before you post statist bullshit.

"Even before the scrutiny of judges, of the patients with legitimate grievances, only one in some thousands can get a lawyer even when there are no liability limitations (again, see Studdert).

Tort reform is not about weeding out "frivolous" lawsuits. There are mechanisms for that already. Tort reform is about keeping injured patients out of court. In some locations liability limitations have made it so that there are no more medical malpractice claims. See if you can find one such area where the cost of medicine came down as a result."


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8d9596  No.285709


So, in that case, I guess America has no decent medical system at all. Where would you recommend going if you needed treatment, if anywhere? Should we simply try fixing our own issues or living with them? I once knew a dude who lived a long time with lung cancer without any medical treatment. Yes, he was in pain but he dealt with it. Is that the way to go?

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4b3ca5  No.285711


There is an A list and a B list in medicine.

Always has been.

They learned quick in the civil war who would make it

and who would not.

Death is a piece of paper.

You can't lose sleep over it.

Hope you are on the A list.

Hippocratic medicine is being quickly replaced by a corporate, pathocratic, lethal murder machine.

Plenty of undesirables out there :)

Most graduates are going into corporate medicine as the cost of starting and maintaining a private practice is not possible for many of them.

Also read this:


They are brutal. A career in medicine is not what you think it is.

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236dd9  No.285723


see emily play.

/x/ tier.

looking for clues?

read her catalogue.

emily dickinson.

time bro or time bitch…?

shit will open your mind to the wisdom

of the perils of time travel.

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236dd9  No.285725


everyday ghosts playthrough.


(with tab)


(with 1950's tag)

the perils of time travel.

so fine.

so cash.

beyond cash.

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084d4e  No.286771

File: 5a42e40fb8f2787⋯.jpg (146.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, toot.jpg)


>Agnotology, looky here new word everyone , notice me peasants!

So someone or you, in a moment of brilliance (sarcasm) came up a fancy new word to descripe an old concept? Namely stubborn disagreement between 2 or more parties which in turn accuse one another of: "Sticking their head in the sand".

Oh how play with words is delightful! Do let me put a coin in the hat too, i insist

Personally i would propose the term "Ostrichtology" , because if semantics matter at least it makes sense in the way how the caricature of ostriches burying head in sand is already utilized to illustrate your point .

Or perhaps there is a study on ostriches out there? matters not i say, i shall stand firm and insist that my term ostrichtology is superior to yours :)

< the stupid man calls the other man stupid because the other stupid man stubbornly refuses to hear the stupid man's stupid new argument. So instead the other stupid man tells the first stupid man to "blow it out yer ass" Why don't YOU instead Accept my stupid stance?!!

It's rather futile don't you think ? neither of the stupid men are willing to make concession.


I can't really see why this term and study is needed. So here is a meme that sums up my thoughts on this subject. pic rel.

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f0c888  No.286774








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785294  No.286792

Open season.

Get the vax today!

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3fe99f  No.288028

>Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

<once-trusted hospital

I'm sure if we ignore it, it will just go away. Hey! Where'd all these trucks come from????

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ad0aa8  No.288031

File: 7382bd02cd7c8f5⋯.jpeg (132.05 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, trucks.jpeg)



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e08a17  No.288033

File: 01b25b0aa11d25f⋯.jpg (104.5 KB, 726x400, 363:200, Freedom_Convoy_2022.jpg)

lotta trucks

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eee0ea  No.288044

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811cfe  No.289184

That vaccine didn't work out so well for Colin Powell.

I wonder why?

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61c932  No.291500

Oh look!

Vlad went into Ukraine!


This is a fun game. Let's keep playing.

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950239  No.294657


>link in the OP is fringe far right wing website

your mom is a fringe website

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1121f4  No.294658

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7758bb  No.294913

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7a1f9d  No.298373

And then… Ukraine and everything was back to normal.

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96642b  No.298540



The "old" new normal?

Or the "new" new normal?

There is a difference, or so I've been told.

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6b9045  No.298592


There's a new normal?


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71742f  No.311529


Open season.

There is an ongoing crisis in medicine.

High gas prices or a war in Ukraine does not change this fact.

The covid lockdown bankrupted many small businesses and did unprecedented damage to the economy.

The vaccine mandates injured many and killed some of them.

There are good reasons that the FDA was hesitant for many years to mainstream mRNA into the vaccine segment of pharmacy.

It will take 20 to 30 years before any long term unintended or undisclosed sequelae of the covid mass vaccination campaign can be rationally assessed.

In the meantime the covid diagnosis has been legitimized and will continue to be a cash cow and license to kill.

It is a get out of jail free card for a medical establishment that has more blood on it's hands and more secrets to keep than the military.

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742fc3  No.311535

>Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

Don't ever trust these hospitals or the doctors unless you have broken bones that need emergency care, and even then, you should be bringing at least one trusted family member there with you to make sure you get treated fairly. I haven't had a doctor in over 20 years myself, when I get sick, which is very rare, I take care of myself. Simply do what you can to boost you immune system. Stay away from scam "covid tests" and clot shots. In fact, stay away from the medical system if you can help it.

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742fc3  No.311536



None. And THAT is the solution. These are not nice people. These are corrupt people. Trust the corrupt, run out of luck. That simple.

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742fc3  No.311537


The current American medical establishment is beyond corrupted to the core, they should be eyeballed as murderers. Never take their tests, never take their shots. In fact, we should start looking for other treatment centers that refuse to take govt money, even if it is somewhere outside the country. At this point I'd trust a $100 bill and a poor Mexican doctor rather than trust these corrupt SOBs.

>There are deaths from the government-directed COVID treatments.

>In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering.

>Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients.

>We now see government-dictated medical care at its worst in our history since the federal government mandated these ineffective and dangerous treatments for COVID-19, and then created financial incentives for hospitals and doctors to use only those “approved” (and paid for) approaches.

Government ruins everything.

Everything they touch turns to complete ruin and lethal corruption.

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9cd9c8  No.311538


What you've said is true and is sound advice.

It was not always like this and that is just sad.


This was written by a doctor. The profession had been under siege for years by insurance companies dictating to the docs what they would and would not pay for, essentially making your healthcare payer into your provider. The covid scamdemic has stymied the docs even further and medicine is seeing significant numbers of doctors leaving practice. Covid no doubt has increased that number.

Finding a doctor you trust is getting harder to do these days especially since much of medical practice is being corporatized.

If we are not independently wealthy and can afford to pay healthcare costs out of pocket, we then find ourselves at the mercy of a system that practices medicine according to a book keeping ledger with less and less concern for favorable outcomes for patients.

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278c0c  No.312025

bumping real news

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971da1  No.313475

bumping essential news

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dbaa02  No.314055


The series follows James Reece (Chris Pratt) after his entire platoon of Navy SEALs is ambushed while on a covert mission. Reece returns home to his family with conflicting memories of the event and questions about his culpability. As new evidence comes to light, Reece discovers dark forces working against him, endangering not only his life but the lives of those he loves.



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697d34  No.315973


You can thank papists for that. Biggest player and biggest bully in healthcare, law, education, intelligence, finance… the list goes on.

Now with a dyed in the wool papist and a card carrying member of the CFR running the executive branch, you can bet your ass that separation of powers and checks and balances have been tossed out the window. With midterms coming up, get ready for more crazy fun and hijinks.

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ee1018  No.316952

>>You can thank papists for that

The polish fake that was a vatican property theft operation?

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5026dc  No.317958


Emails show NIH officials repeatedly warned EcoHealth about gain-of-function research violations


National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials repeatedly warned the non-profit EcoHealth Alliance that their research violated a U.S. government “funding pause” on gain-of-function (GOF) research, recently published emails show.

“We received a warning that one of the publications [redacted] listed from the past year is non-compliant,” Alexa Chmura, EcoHealth Alliance’s chief of staff, wrote in an email to NIH official Carine Normil as far back as May 2016, Judicial Watch reported. Chmura was referencing EcoHealth’s funding of the now highly controversial funding of bat-based virus GOF research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology: https://www.judicialwatch.org/nih-fbi-inquiry-of-wuhan-grant/

GOF research seeks to make viruses more dangerous or transmissible in order to “enabl[e] assessment of the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Chmura’s email was reportedly a “separate reply” after National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) official Erik Stemmy had written to Normil, referring to EcoHealth Alliance’s research work, “They have proposed work for the next year of the award that may be subject to the gain-of-function funding pause.”

The emails additionally show the FBI had opened an inquiry into the GOF research tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In a tweet announcing their reception of the emails, Judicial Watch noted, “The disclosure of an FBI inquiry shows that Fauci/others involved in this scandal were being dishonest in dismissing the seriousness of questions about their cover-up of their funding of dangerous gain-of-function research in China.”

Nine hundred pages of documents obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act litigation in 2021 confirmed that the NIH was supporting GOF research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology from at least 2014 to 2019, despite the repeated warnings from NIH officials: https://theintercept.com/2021/09/06/new-details-emerge-about-coronavirus-research-at-chinese-lab/

The emails recently shared by Judicial Watch show additional warnings regarding the compliance of the GOF research. In another May 2016 letter, NIH official Jenny Greer and Stemmy wrote to Chmura, “[This work] may include Gain of Function (GoF) research that is subject to the U.S. Government funding pause … issued on October 17, 2014.”

The Daily Caller also noted that the emails show Peter Daszak, founder of EcoHealth Alliance, had failed to report on time to the NIH regarding an EcoHealth grant. Normil wrote to Daszak in a May 2016 email, “This is the second communication from NIAID requesting that you file the progress report for the above-referenced grant [5R01AI110964] that was due no later than April 15, 2016.”

In the face of all the evidence to the contrary, NIAID director Anthony Fauci was widely lambasted for having denied to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul that the NIH and NIAID were connected to “gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”



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5026dc  No.318112

Folks, the highly classified info/data that follows about the “never seen before” details of the Great Reset is as radioactive as it gets. If there’s one conclusion about this planned transition to the utterly demonic New World Order, it’s the obvious reality that such a diabolical plan will be impossible to carry out. Truly, the “glaring details” presented below prove that the NWO cabal is populated by hardcore genocidal maniacs and criminally insane psychopaths hellbent on creating Satan’s paradise on Earth. The more Patriots who are aware of this nefarious NWO agenda, the easier it will be to torpedo the whole harebrained scheme; so please disseminate this post far and wide—post-haste!

Insider explains HOW the "Great Reset" will be rolled out, their propaganda tactics and EXACTLY what to expect:


TL:DR: They are deliberately collapsing the Western economy. They are going to make the population so desperate, so impoverished and so weak, they will come begging the government for a UBI system (rationed crumbs) just to survive. Many will not survive during this period. Those that do will be completely desperate living in third world conditions. Utter third world African conditions, literally for years. THEN, once the rest come begging on their hands and knees, they'll have the UBI system all set up: with a social credit score system, vaccine passports, food rations, along with new stipulations: you will own nothing, everything you have will be rationed and lent out. Worse: they plan on coming after the preppers who refuse!! Preppers are going to be demonized and called "extremist threats" and they plan on getting the dumb down masses to go along with the genocide of anyone against UBI or who refuses to "own nothing and be happy" as they say. The cryptocurrency was a BETA TEST!!! That's all it was. A big beta test for this rollout. Guess what happened? THAT'S THEIR PLAN. Meanwhile, if you are considered "Sovereign" (basically part of the super-rich 0.01% oligarchy class) you won't be under the same Great Reset system ….but EVERYONE else will be, so they plan!!! They plan on gutting the middle and upper-mid classes completely. This is an agenda to bring FEUDALISM back!!!

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2df9f1  No.318453

Bumping legit thread

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97c1e4  No.318528


Yes and the Jesuit one running black sites around the globe in his "healthcare" system. You learn a lot torturing proddys and heretics.

The same techniques work just as well on terrorists.

W called them "professionals".

I have a different name for them.

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a5d54e  No.318582

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3d38ff  No.320949



>Go faggot somewhere else!

>I’m opposed to red text.


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86ccc3  No.320953



TRUMPS a sneaky little fucker. KEK

TRUMP RE-TRUTHEDQvia an an account who replied to @snazzyburrito



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94ed96  No.321145




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a5e5e8  No.321291



ghouls will have to find a new way to ghoul. Maybe vax shooters.

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5cca2c  No.321546



Yo dawg

we heard you liked fiat currencies

so we created a fiat currency based on other fiat currencies

how much is a bitcoin worth?

how muchwhat?


holy fucking kek…

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33f9a7  No.321698



She looks a lot like Gaga

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51e80e  No.322004


He'll be just fine, just shove that BRAIN MATTER back up his nose, no harm, no foul. It's but a flesh wound..

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a18940  No.322128


imo she's been given her marching orders just like most of them.

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d1b255  No.322325


>but I'll miss the tits pix and seeing the word "nigger"

And miss it you should since that is the most important part of what Q was/is trying to do. As an aside, when do you start 4th grade?

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33f7cf  No.322345


That's bullshit. That's a woman, baby! She probably wearing a Clit Pendulum that swings when she walks and keeps her motor revved up and ready to fuck!

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f977e3  No.322346


8's so great!!!

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506edb  No.322473


No, hes not. Your point?

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26419c  No.322594


The "reeeeee" scared this anon and this anon ain't afraid of nothing!

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4bfb57  No.322883



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c3cec5  No.323736


and people think Bidan is CINC kekkity kek kek kek

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297d61  No.323804

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325b64  No.324010


sauce or fuck off

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8e9301  No.324750



Taco sauce or salsa

Can't go wrong with it.

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951dd3  No.324970


top kel

if anon had a better machine

i'd put elon's face and doge on doggo

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f9cf9a  No.325453

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70e5f0  No.325870


by definition

an aligment of this many planets

is absolutely a "sky event"

(you will see the signs in the stars)

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1958ac  No.326016


Strawberries and tree swings

Sleeping under the stars

Waking up happy

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3e2bb4  No.326170


Yep. Nobody blinks an eye because being over 18 is supposed to make trafficking women okay.

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f90204  No.326309


If a person can not see the show, then they are either fully blind or the are a keister corking ass fucking shill. That's the case with this guy.

Corker, your Khazarian satanic jew mafia is getting its a$$ handed to it right now. POTUS Trump is playing your ass like a violin and you know it. If you didn't, you wouldn't be on this board shilling so hard.

You thought if you got the WH, that would be the end of it! LOL

Turns out, not only is this not the end of it, you really don't have the White House either!

It's all about to fall like a House of Cards because it was all created by a pen stroke and not the vote of the people.

Oh… and the people are going to come at you now too! Can you say "little known 1st Amendment right"?

Bye Bye!!

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af630f  No.326379


Try harder desperate cabal fed reserve employee shill

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b72261  No.326592


Asians are probably the most racist of them all. Everytime I walk into one of their stores in Chinatown to buy some herbs I can hear them saying "Gweilo" (white devil) as if I'm a dumbfuck that doesn't know what it means; even if you didn't you can sense the negative energy. You can respond with "Chowhai" which means stinky pussy.

It's usually the older Asian elders that don't speak a word of English that do this.

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1e96ba  No.326922


isn't there rally 2nite?

if so, wut time (eastern time)?

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2c474d  No.327006


The Rubber & Road have met

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476c08  No.327152


A while back, anon posted a video testimony from a Mormon ritual abuse survivor. Whole family of sisters were abused. Musical family. Can't recall the details but the video was compelling, didn't save. Perhaps repost if anyone has it to add more shit to fan.

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e2e31e  No.327352


5:5 anon

didnt even know if anon still chek'd digits around these parts

I havent seen a patrick bateman meme in what feels like ages

leaves an anon feeling cold and lonely

but we get by with a little help from our frens


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d25356  No.327709

US Funding Software For Russians To Access Banned Websites

The US is funding technology to allow Russian citizens to get past Russian government censors in efforts to circumvent an information crackdown related to the war in Ukraine.

The US-backed Open Technology Fund is paying out cash to a number of American companies who provide virtual private networks (VPNs). These are now seeking to allow Russians access free of charge, which aids in both accessing blocked websites and preventing Kremlin authorities from tracking IP addresses, thus better protecting online identity.

"Our tool is primarily used by people trying to access independent media, so that funding by the OTF has been absolutely critical," said a spokesman one of the involved companies, identified as Lantern.

An attorney with an information access rights group called Access Now said of the program, "It's so very important for Russians to be connected to the whole world wide web, to keep resistance going."

One firm cited in AFP receiving US government funds reported that on average 1.5 million Russians are using its tools daily, and further:

Tech firms Psiphon and nthLink have also been providing sophisticated anti-censorship applications to people in Russia, with OTF estimating that some four million users in Russia have received VPNs from the firms.

Psiphon saw a massive surge in Russian users, with the number soaring from about 48,000 a day prior to the February 24 invasion to more than a million a day by mid-March, said a company senior advisor Dirk Rodenburg.

This US program to fund companies providing VPNs to assist users living under "authoritarian regimes" has been ongoing for years, but greatly ramped up in the wake of the Ukraine invasion and short-lived attempts of Russian groups to mount protests in major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg.

A spokesman for Lantern said that getting past Russian censors is fairly easy with the right tools, given "They weren't ready to block anything" - in reference to Kremlin authorities. "Over time, Russia learned how to block the easy stuff but Lantern and Psiphon are still up and running."


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6f9e5b  No.327790

82 NYC school teachers accused of buying fake vaccine cards.


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14546c  No.328246


Oh, I know why!

For me Zelensky wins this one. Slava Ukraina!


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787c94  No.328285


No. Surprisingly it hasn't been discussed here much at all.

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7c9885  No.328863


He truly is of the Aryan race then.

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6408f3  No.328953


Doesn’t dinesh realize the gov is going full retard all the service people have bent over to the beats vax system and will be arresting or shooting all people who resist soon enough? Ballsy.

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de0d41  No.329018



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403226  No.329217


>4 years not 4 months.

Maybe five/six years on the boards, and now I know something since 4 months that I just can't wait for since I know I actually have not been waiting in vain. But the trademark can be used for both.

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e6a356  No.329639


>Mohammed bin Salman

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2969a7  No.329649



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f75f35  No.329724


Not overdose



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c2e49e  No.329929

why is proven fake Q shit in the notables now? It's demonstrably bullshit but there it is in the fucking notables.

No fucking trip code but he said his name is Q so let's include it in the interest of fairness. I'm calling myself Q now. Does that mean I get into the notables with my bullshit?

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4ea2de  No.329942


not classy

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44b41d  No.330217

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b429b9  No.330242


> to willingly

for willingly

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cf7cf5  No.330537


Patented GP 45

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eca7ba  No.330756

Whatever happened to the Afghani refugees that bolted from temporary housing? And what about the Afghani contractors brought here who vanished into thin air?

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b96098  No.330864



Did anon retype this partial post?


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02ec16  No.330920


>"The analysis determined that significant portions of the work was written with a fine ballpoint pen."

Are you a bot, or just retarded or looking for a job at CNN?

I actually sourced that shit already, and that is 100% fake. The BKA itself says that this is not what they actually found, you fucking liar.

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fcc964  No.331048


What is the story about lake being with cindy the bitch, mccain, globalist bitch?

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3bbfd9  No.331380

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41afa5  No.333006


dat pepe was backwerds…

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454a77  No.333517


i use json for getting new data

having no archive json on 8kun is really crap, no idea why the board software is so bad… if i knew this in the beginning i would have save all the json files… but there would be other issues with that as well… best would be to have up to date json files from 8kun

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761920  No.333591


It would be if it existed.

However basing your worldview on valid facts and data is extremely smart. Which is very common.

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10e32e  No.333670



Look at the reflection in the eye..


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c893ae  No.333946


Imitation is best form of flattery.

Thanks for confirming you anti-Jew morons can't DIVIDE YOURSELVES from either Jews or humanity.

kek, WWG1WGA.

And all Anon is doing is describing you shills' critical failure point of logic.

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61f42d  No.333984


not clicking

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901fcf  No.334080

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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ef0b9c  No.334157



Thought it was just habbening news it’s from 2020 anyways

On another note:

Takes a real loser faggot to spend all their time on an image board (no life)

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f4f308  No.334196

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6afd7c  No.334561


Gov. Ron DeSantis Plants Flag As First

Governor To Oppose COVID Vaccines For Kids

The Daily Caller, by Dylan Housman

Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 6/18/2022 7:33:03 AM

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis staked his claim Thursday as the first governor in America not to provide state support for vaccinating younger kids against COVID-19. DeSantis stressed at an event Thursday that parents can still vaccinate their young children. Even though the state will not be working with the federal government to distribute the vaccine, that doesn’t mean it is banned, according to DeSantis. “You are free to choose — that’s not the issue,” he said.

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c72099  No.334608

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1b7170  No.334900

Remember to pray to the 1true God. You deserve his blessings anons!

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3cae80  No.335459


Meant for:


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00d3da  No.335804



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.105 📁

Feb 18 2018 20:57:51 (EST)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

:Protect 6/14-46

:Protect 6/14-46


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faf403  No.335862

All will be known, demons shall perish.

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c80960  No.335865


Notetaker notes from PB through 400 (TY Anon!):









This anon will collect rest of bred.

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9a2090  No.335892


Looks like we lost Matt Damon.

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9330f0  No.335970


Dam son, that's new one on me.

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate..

Anon actually took a fellow hostelier to the local hospital after he suffered an allergic reaction simply because I speak the local lingo.

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83f1c5  No.336136


>G.I. Jane? Top special forces commander wants women in SEALs unit that killed Bin Laden

Note, there's two Eric T Olsons.

that pic is Maj Gen

article is Admiral



>hold the phones

>Looks like there's two Eric T. Olsons

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87d559  No.336179


>Our job here is to Dig

I can dig it.


>can you pick it up?


Happy Birthday Notch.

I know you lurk here.

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3d4b88  No.336314


Got a link so I can share this pls?

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9f3342  No.336408


>Any other anons having a visceral response to this latest Q hype?


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55ee60  No.336491

"repeatedly reported."


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4998e5  No.336573

Shots Fired After Antifa Terrorists Attack People’s Convoy in Portland by Throwing Paint and Projectiles Onto Vehicles From Freeway Overpass (VIDEO)


Antifa terrorists attacked participants of the People’s Convoy in Portland, Oregon on Friday afternoon.

Far-left Antifa terrorists threw paint-filled balloons and rocks onto vehicles along the 205 North near Oregon City.

It appears shots were fired from the People’s Convoy.



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34697c  No.336606



The price of $AMC (#AMC) is at the buy price anons. You know what to do.

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59df9e  No.336625


Like pizzagate, that was “debunked” fast

“It’s not the vax”

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6ca9f2  No.336664


I don't think anyone said it was criminal to unmask, but the unmasking was widespread over the government with many people that didn't have a need to know. This guy's logic is shit.

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a9a238  No.336719

The use the same playbook over and over.

Vaccinate (poison) your children or else they cannot attend school.

Take the Covid Vaccinate (poison) or else you cannot work.

Doesn't violate your freewill so technically they are not do anything wrong.

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9da40c  No.336720

Good and Love always win!

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9330f0  No.336742


It is.


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aa221b  No.336831


They won 93 out of 100 so go back shill school faggot

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f9cc82  No.336938

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b4836c  No.337040

"Nazi hunter" Eli Rosenbaum to lead DOJ team investigating war crimes in Ukraine


I'm sure it's all being filmed too. What a bunch of jerkoffs

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ef0b9c  No.337193


I read the 36 page document, this is something they have been planning for many many years, that was not something they just came up with. It was probably Obama's plan for the 16 year plan. It wasn't a new concept, too detailed and extensive. They have already been spying on everyone since 2001 anyway. But this was probably the #1 reason why Bidan needed to be put in with the cheating. Destroying America one word at a time, is worse than any of his other fuckups. But this wasn't a fuckup,everyone thought they shut down the ministry when "weirdo" jancowicz supposedly resigned, she was just re-assigned and was testing the waters to see how everyone would react. this is a major psyop and will take a long time to exorcise these demons from all of American society

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70e7b5  No.337211


first bread of the morning for anon. so, you widely missed with that 'assessment'. Keep serving the global human livestock plantation though, while we guys, work to expose the entire shitstem to the world.

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4a4f33  No.337319


Stupid try. Shill harder.

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a0a2a2  No.337427

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aa221b  No.337464

I have to resist the temptation to come back here again, not good for my peace of mind. Best wishes anons and Q!

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291473  No.337471

Unity against the Jewish menace:

All Gentiles and Jews that reject Jewish culture and identity shall unite against the Jewish menace. And no, I am not shilling for diversity, I think everyone should have their place (Jews have the JAO, so no, I don't care if Israel gets turned into glass, it should probably be destroyed ASAP to slow down the Rothschild zionist cabal) and we can all build positive relations based on trade and mutual respect. The more diversity a society suffers from the less social cohesion and less social trust there is.

We need the freedom of association restored even if a bunch of retards cry racist or antisemite.  If the small White Christian town decides to remain a small White Christian town so be it.

Likewise if a city wants to be multiculti so be it as long as they are self sufficient or better, can't tax small towns for the retarded blind faith in equality a big city has.

It's the freedom to pursue happiness not the freedom to pursue happiness as long as some parasitic or puritanical retard approves of your choice.

The solution against the Jewish menace (all to be done legally off course):

1) all zionists need to be deported or hanged for treason;

2) the Talmud and male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) have to be banned.

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e470d1  No.337580


Prob till you die. Enjoy.

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a6e6bd  No.338190


Nobody even talking to you, fool. Butt out!

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1112da  No.338294


Hell is Hades, you're already there. Careful, hate burns!

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b2d8c6  No.338543


I am really having a hard time not seeing this as Scavino comm'ing that 'new' QISbabyfist

and like

babyfist is fren with Thomas Schoenberger?


>I'm babyfist.(One of the losers can check hash)

>And I like that song andTS is a buddy of mine.


so what?

Scavino is Cicada?

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7ff088  No.338676


muh switzerland

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ef0fb8  No.338920



Hi, are you interested in participating on a board centered around a one letter insider that hasn't dropped in over a year and a half now?

That no longer digs, but just copypastas work from SM and shitposts about stupid stuff?

Well, do I have the perfect spot for you.

Hey! Come back!

I'm not finished with my recruitment pitch yet.

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992172  No.339056


who cut off the supply from the US?

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032d4d  No.339063


No. No you haven't.

Everything, every keystroke you've ever made here is archived.

Be warned.

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bf73fc  No.339400

HuRr dUrR nO oNeS cOmInG tO sAvE yOu!!

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6f57ac  No.339630


the 4-square photo

RHS = Ashli Babbit video rant vfrom car in 2018 from her Twitter page

LHS = OBama Detail surprise stop in Ohio

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9a6a62  No.339934



the best?

after 30 and 0 he never fought without 35 advantages before the fight

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c70d50  No.339954


>Wrong - I remember Q shitting the bread.

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ec31e9  No.340075











>It's Happening




Goodnight BO

Big Mike



































Building 7

































John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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2dd8f2  No.340758


You are not Net 30 with your suppliers?

I don't pay a fucking thing until delivery and receipt.


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ef892b  No.340873


Ha ha. This one is no holy roller.


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412efb  No.340967


>That neck is long.


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7b2f9b  No.341468



Ha-ha night shift monitoring night shift


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ab7de3  No.341811

Hello fellow fags did everyone make sure to lick swordys ass this morning at the predictable time he clocks in? All praise and glory be to the mightiest highest ranking anon famefag! God bless.


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ef892b  No.341891

If q is on Truth social and not on 8Kun…

He (they) might be saying maybe we should be on Truth Social and not 8Kun.

I'm cool with that, but I'll miss the tits pix and seeing the word "nigger".


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2830e2  No.341973


That meme so true


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b5f1bd  No.341996


17 !


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6c3612  No.342012


>Why are anons giving cops and republican politicians a pass on child grooming and child trafficking? Watching too many episodes of Hannity? Afraid of prison?

Tell me you're a tard without telling me you're a tard.

Q posts naming R's for abuse


Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.


#4633 has more but I'm outta here. https://qagg.news/?q=arrested


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2f94d8  No.342136


you are prolly jus getting use to them kek

ironically, we need them imo


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9d62c7  No.342164


Jst don't forget about those yet, anon!

No doubt, they sure are responsible as a trigger for it all!


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cd381b  No.342173

Doctor who ran clinic for transgender children and 'failed' an 11-year-old transitioning from female to male by not fully explaining drugs could make them infertile is suspended for just two months

Helen Webberley was suspended for two months for gender treatment failures

She was said to not have provided follow-up care to two children on testosterone

She also failed an 11-year-old by not explaining effects of puberty blockers on fertility to the patient

Her husband Michael was struck off for putting patients at risk of serious harm

Michael diagnosed 'Patient W' as gender dysphoric without consulting their GP

'Patient W' later killed themself after while transitioning from female to male

A doctor who ran an online clinic for transgender patients has been suspended from practising for two months.

Helen Webberley, founder of the GenderGP website, was found to have committed serious misconduct by a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) panel.

The tribunal, which started to hear evidence in July last year, found she had not provided proper follow-up care to two patients, aged 12 and 17, who were prescribed testosterone, and failed an 11-year-old patient by omitting to discuss risks to fertility before prescribing GnHRa, or puberty blockers.

On Thursday the panel, chaired by Angus Macpherson, found Dr Webberley should be suspended for two months.

He said: 'The period of suspension which the tribunal considers it should impose is that period which allows Dr Webberley the opportunity to demonstrate her level of insight into this aspect of the tribunal's finding of impairment.

'The tribunal has determined, therefore, to suspend Dr Webberley's registration for a period of two months.

'The tribunal considered that this period will allow Dr Webberley sufficient time to demonstrate whether she has the necessary insight into the concerns identified by this tribunal and that she has remediated her shortcomings.

'It is also the shortest practical period to make arrangements for a review hearing to take place.'



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e2c1bc  No.342615



peter is a freak of nature


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df11a6  No.342831

Pictures of abnormal clots.

(Dubious sauce, tho)



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5bf69e  No.342860


This is fake.


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320d40  No.342929


Sodomy IS an abnormal sexuality. Fuckin faggots and trannies should consider themselves lucky they aren't swinging from cranes!!

Just keep on bitchin, freaks! Please keep on!


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6b3035  No.343151


> time to prove how much they cheated

Now we know and it is up to patriots to stop them from cheating. Guessing we have too many awake now to allow them to cheat. Even Dems have Biden remorse. Dems are eating their own.


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8b1ebe  No.344101


"47" to them represents Jupiter, from what I remember

because the digits when merged can look like the gliph for Jupiter.

'YAM' the syllable for the heart center looks a bit like the gliph for Jupiter as well.

The are FreeMasons but keep it a secret?


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5ea555  No.344213


You (lb) that shit before we do anything. Thank you.


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b2a305  No.344350


>Time is a Valuable thing

Very True to Love but it takes so long


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e7820f  No.344656


British monarchy still in control, indeed, not surprising 'Q', which has been an ever present icon of elite symbolism perpetrated a psyop.

These guys have it right and should be a NOTABLE:

Ron DeSantis gives away America to the British Empire

June 20, 2022


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113c04  No.345227


We waz Jacob now is it?


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e9fd75  No.345292

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6b3035  No.345785


The left just tipped their hand on how to troll Pride Month.

Turn Mohg (Elden Ring), a literal gay satanic pedophile into Pride Month’s mascot.


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8f6407  No.347564

Anti slide bump mitigation warfare 547.231.4768


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19386b  No.347836

Every adult in America should have the right to choose what kind of healthcare, treatment, surgery or medical procedure they desire with privacy protected by patient-doctor confidentiality (HIPAA laws). When you take that away from them it is a form of tyranny, it is medical tyranny. America is ripe with corruption and medical tyranny today. If it's not fixed then someone else - at some point in your lifetime - may decide whether you live or die, or whether a family member of yours gets treated for a disease correctly or not. Does America like playing with this kind of fire?

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10af0a  No.347837


>may decide

*will decide

ftfy. (and it's been going on like that for decades)

https://www.patient-safety.com < —- every page like your life depended on it. because it does.

the covid hoax is the latest chapter, the newest tool in the arsenal of tyranny. the medical profession itself has been gripped by tyranny.

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

–Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

until we see a substantial cadre of courageous medical professionals and scientists willing to stand up and render second opinion and call bullshit on bullshit we'll continue to witness the medical establishment polishing the outside of it's cup and image and hiding the bad actors in their midst.

"Doctors do not have the courage to stand up for their patients because they have lost their independence; they are simply civil servants; they have sold their souls for a fat salary, short working hours and membership of a wonderful pension scheme. They are so beholden to their employers that they dare not even stand up to bullying, they dare not even speak out when they see things happening which they know, in their hearts, are wrong. Their spirits have curdled. Medicine today has become rigid, like other forms of science, and original thinking is as unacceptable today as it was in the days when Semmelweiss was vilified."

–Dr. Vernon Coleman in his 2014 book "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here's The Proof"

the state granteth license to practice. the state can take it away.

membership in this club and the "wonderful pension scheme" and all the perks and financial advantages along the way is dependent upon conformity to the "official" narratives. to stand up and call bullshit on bullshit could cost anyone of them their livelihoods if not their lives.


chilling effects.

as easily as they'll penalize the truckers and their supporters in ottawa, they'll just as easily penalize any doctor or scientist who dares to disrupt the medical profession with a ridiculous notion called "the truth".

caveat emptor. choose your healthcare provider wisely.

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7da3d9  No.347839

File: 746d42283239695⋯.png (83.34 KB, 830x610, 83:61, vax_schedule.png)

File: c3d71ccd7eaad7c⋯.jpg (86.42 KB, 1108x896, 277:224, Vaxxicana.jpg)


At least when I was growing up I don't remember the healthcare system being this diabolical. I think systemic corruption took decades to get it this bad today. We once had HIPAA privacy laws (no longer enforced because of corruption). We once had patient visitation rights and it was expected (abolished after covid in many States like NYC). We once had the choice to choose our medical treatment (now days all options fully made and controlled by insurance coverage). So today we have a very broken "healthcare" system. Unless you are severely injured or already dying, I'd avoid hospitals and doctors today. Take care of your health by boosting your immune system naturally. Having a good diet, exercising, getting some sunlight and breathing fresh outdoor air. Cut down on bad habits too. I don't know what else you can do at this point other than warn people and tell them to do the same. Politics won't fix this mess, politics caused this mess.

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785294  No.347842

File: da35cf8a7b97f79⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 313x400, 313:400, moustache.jpg)


truth is stranger than fiction.


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56da9b  No.347843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c9ac2c  No.354180

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D. – https://www.truthforhealth.org/

"Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?"

<lest we forget

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