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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 3053f881f788660⋯.jpg (68.66 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, 17_e1649197518930.jpg)

2a143a  No.295106

By Laurel Duggan


Prominent Democrats flocked around former President Barack Obama while ignoring President Joe Biden at the White House Tuesday after Biden signed an executive order aimed at strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

After signing the order, Biden shook several hands and saluted the crowd before slowly wandering away from the table. Upon realizing no one was walking with him, Biden lifted his hands in apparent frustration and turned around to see several people, including Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, encircling Obama.

Biden stared with his back to the camera for several seconds before continuing to walk away.


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836c41  No.295115

File: 59c4c0bf2a1dce8⋯.png (913.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_04_05_Tucker_Carlson_….png)

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-04-05


On Tonight's "Tucker"…

How Embarrassing For Our Country, To See That NOBODY Wants Joe Biden Around, ANYWHERE.

He's not only compromised by foreign entities, he is so cognitively impaired as to be incapable of even knowing where he is or what is going on at any given moment.

It is an embarrassment for our country that our leaders parade around this shell of a man, and pretend that he is the one running our country, or that he actually won an election without a lot of hanky panky and illegal changes to voting laws not approved by legislatures, but instituted by fiat, just like everything these autocratic rulers do.

No One Really Wanted Biden to be President.

So they whipped up the hatred and fear, and because they had no other choice available, they held their noses and went all-in.

But the Media and the Democratic Party Are Obviously Turning on Biden Now That They See How Wildly Unpopular He Is.

Nobody is blaming Putin for the high gas prices. Nobody. They're not falling for the propaganda. It's Biden's Price Hike.

As for the Democrats, They Work as a Hive. Individuals Do Not Matter to Them. Only the Group. One-Party-Rule.

The Hive has turned on Joe Biden. Who will the Democrats pick next? What other loser? Hilary Clinton would like to lose again!

These People Have No Sense of Humor.

Many Corporations are letting loud shrill minorities of activists dictate all their activities, who they can and can't have working for them, and many find it easier to just fire folks in appeasement to the 'Woke' Mob than it is to stand up for what is right, with Integrity.

Our Leaders Restrict Free Speech to Win Elections.

They Lie. They Misquote. They are the very Definition of "Misinformation" and "Disinformation"!

A World Where the State Doesn't Censor Their Adversaries Terrifies the Left.

There is a Daily Massive Release of Adult Migrants Into the Interior of Our Country.

China Owns More Than $2 Billion of US Farmland.

Maybe it's time to stop China from buying up all our farmland. It poses a threat to our national security, and our food security. The US cannot become dependent on China for our food supply.

What is BLM Up To These Days?

Watch this and find out!

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551595  No.295116

A "Republican" groupie calling out the "democrat" groupies.



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551595  No.295117

Remember when Mafia Don Trump promised to get rid of the ACA?

Along with several "Conservative" Congressional shills?

But other than eliminating the individual mandate the ACA has only grown stronger.

In fact, many if not most GOP Congressional members are invested in healthcare companies benefiting from the ACA.

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551595  No.295118

The ACA has helped unite & solidify the CARTEL relationship between Big Med, Big Pharma and Big Insurance.

The largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks that have become the largest owners of those now closely-connected industries are now triple-dipping…..

I.e. making hand over fist in medical bills, pharmaceuticals and premiums.

All whilst convincing the mindless masses that the public are the main beneficiaries.

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5dc5ec  No.295137

Have you seen my baseball?

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