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Is It Wet Yet?

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dff3f9  No.293801

By: Katie Pavlich


Suddenly and almost all at once, a number of Democratic governors in blue states announced this week they are ending a number of Wuhan coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy kicked things off Monday, with California's Gavin Newsom and New York's Kathy Hochul quickly falling in line behind him.

Why the sudden change? Now we know the answer.

Focus groups and polling convened by Democrats has them changing their policies. Given Murphy nearly lost his gubernatorial race in the fall to a Republican, he's taking advantage of the turning tide and attempting to save his political future.

>>"Arranging a series of focus groups across the state to see what they had missed, Mr. Murphy’s advisers were struck by the findings: Across the board, voters shared frustrations over public health measures, a sense of pessimism about the future and a deep desire to return to some sense of normalcy," the New York Times reports. "Even Democratic voters, they agreed, were wearying of the toughest restrictions, growing increasingly impatient with mandates and feeling ready to live with the risk that remained…While the specific steps vary by state, the message was the same: It’s time to move on."

The easing of restrictions from Democrats comes weeks after newly minted Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin ended forced masking of children in schools. While Democrats are being praised for "following the science" and "learning to live with the virus," Youngkin was smeared as a science denier putting children at risk.


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743dd5  No.293812

Sure. You can take off the mask but you still gotta get vaxxed.

They are posturing and making a gesture because they fear the trucks. The vax issue is way more important than masks but they have to be able to say they did "something".

They just did the wrong thing.

"Oh hey guys we lifted the mask thing but you still gotta get vaxxed".

Slime balls.

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d04a1c  No.293813

Credentialed people, experts, people in the know were debunking the lethality of corona virus covid 19 coming out the gate.

They were marginalized, discredited and silenced by the msm and the establishment propaganda machine.

The virus went to a wet market in chynah and had sex with a bat where it became the evil virus!


Then it went to a weapons lab where it received it's godlike powers.Experts were debunking the lethality of the virus yet again and again were silenced. No "gain of function research" is going to turn a common cold virus into ebola.


It's a propaganda campaign that makes the Nazis look like rank amateurs.

The people who "discovered" "omicron variant" called it a storm in a tea cup.

The establishment propaganda machine said it's much more contagious and it's the bad evil virus so they want to swab your butthole.

They're pervs. Ain't nobody gonna swab my butthole.


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