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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: ecc04dcebc5db16⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Bill_Smallpox_Threat.jpg)

File: 17a6d6d5b934d71⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 680x510, 4:3, gates_update.jpg)

ccbfa3  No.316848

They've begun to release the hardcore bioweapons!!!

The Empire of Lies must be getting pretty desperate…


RELATED: >>>/pnd/313006 ; >>>/pnd/276975 ; >>>/pnd/308686 ; >>>/pnd/269347 ; >>>/pnd/273718 ; >>>/pnd/300032


>The most likely candidate for what they’ll launch next is a hemorrhagic fever virus such as Marburg or weaponized Ebola.

POSTED 01/13/22 (Thu) 12:24:03

Yah, "fake news" indeed, right!?

TL/DR: Still not taking your clot shots!

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ccbfa3  No.316869


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ccbfa3  No.316872

have another

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c724a0  No.316879

File: abb3b7bca84280a⋯.jpg (124.69 KB, 1280x1152, 10:9, leftist_view_on_uncle_clar….jpg)

Have a Bump.

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ccbfa3  No.316888

It's inevitable. Allow the corrupt to run amok, we all run out of luck. It's partly our own fault for not demanding Justice. Oh well. History repeats.

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