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270b35  No.308812 [Last 50 Posts]

I think I finally figured why Azov makes /pol/ seethe so hard. At first I didn't get it at all - a group of white national socialists fighting against great odds for their homeland, ancestors and families, and yet /pol/ hates them and calls them nazis as if it's a bad thing??

And then I looked closer and realized that it was almost EXCLUSIVELY american flags doing the seething and it all suddenly clicked into the place.

The reason that americans on /pol/ hate Azov so much is because they are what the Americans will never have enough courage to become.

These american natsoc larpers have lived complacent and comfortable lives for so long that any time an opportunity presents itself to them to break out of their pathetic zog cattle routines they immediately and desperately search for any possible reason to dismiss the opportunity as a hoax or a larp or a 5d jew plot to avoid ever having to take any action or put anything at risk.

An election gets stolen right in front of their faces and what do they do? Instead of using any of their millions of guns they make up the most complex larp of all time about how doing nothing and "trusting the plan" is actually high level strategy that's a million times better than standing up for their basic rights. All day they post their $10k ""boogaloo"" kits and talk about all things they would do on the day of the rope, and yet when niggers burn down their own homes and loot their businesses they cope "oh that wasn't MY neighborhood", "oh those are just blue cities".

So to them, Avoz battalion is basically living testament to all of their failures. A bunch of poor village boys and football hooligans without any fancy gear or training are deciding to face almost certain death for their beliefs, while Americans facing way better odds instead chose to tuck their tails and cope online instead.

So next time you see a thread seething about Azov, make sure to notice the american flags and have a good laugh.

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298917  No.308817


Maybe, just maybe, they have a country worth fighting for? Maybe, just maybe, they don't have half of their own country who wishes their own destruction? Maybe, just maybe, they are not nearly as divided as a nation?

I don't know about you, but when half my fellow citizens want to disarm me and my family, strip us of our Constitutional rights, deliberately destroy our food supply chain with arson attacks so they can push toxic lab-created foods, have a government that tries to murder us with clot shot mRNA poison "vaccines" and sprays us with chemtrails, floods our nation with illegal immigrants to literally replace us…. why do I get an aching feeling THAT IS NOT WORTH FIGHTING FOR!?!?!?

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298917  No.308818

If you desire people to fight for your cause, don't stomp on their faces with iron boots and treat them as second class citizens. The only thing that will get you is defection and balkanization which is what we increasingly have in the USSA.

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929d9e  No.308850



not according to ANYBODY in the trump cabinet. not even one of his administration thinks the election was stolen…

only the ONE illiterate uneducated white trash loudmouthchild rapistcaveman.

that's right, dum dum…. trump was one of Epstein's BEST CUSTOMERS, you uneducated, illiterate closet homosexual. he raped a 13 year old victim of Epstein's, taking her virginity, and that INFURIATED Epstein, who went in and savagely assaulted the girl out of anger at trump.

there's a reason why you don't know any of this….

it's because IMAGEBOARDS


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818a57  No.308852

File: e85bb2d95ac9234⋯.jpg (435 KB, 2661x1967, 2661:1967, PicsArt_05_27_06_18_17.jpg)



I'm going to agree with Killcen here.

I may be white, and I do love the Freedom inherent in the very idea that formed the nation in which I am domiciled; but I'm not a white nationalist, or a white supremacist, a racist, a domestic terrorist, an insurrectionist, or any of the "other" labels that Leftards want to hang on the naked truth of what I am.

America was founded on principles of supremacy of the Individual, not some special group who lords it over all "other" individuals. Our country was founded on the principles of self-reliance, responsibility, authenticity, hard work, and leaving the other guy alone to follow his dreams, whatever they may be, too.

Unfortunately, it was in the dreams of some to enslave the rest of us. Parasitic Psychopaths always think that way, and they always try to wrest control away from individuals and retain it in the hands of a few, namely (((them))).

> inb4 I'm talking about Jews

I'm Talking About "Jewing".

Making everything be about "Persona" and attacking that, is part of the "Jewing" — it is an attack on the individual. Furthermore, it is an attack on EVERY Individual. It dehumanizes, categorizes and groups individuals into these dehumanized categories, then destroys them. It is EGG ZACKLY what the Jews think thevworld is doing to (((them))), but (((they))) are just looking at (((themselves))) in the mirror, while the keep doing all that (((Jewing))) — that Poor me, I'm just a"Victim"of "Evil" forces "Out There" Stance .

Now, I'm about ready to, yet again, cause poor Killcen to dismiss my words —But He Should Not.

Do you remember why this country was founded?

> inb4 Native Americans

You know damn well what I'm talking about here too, Irish boy Andrew!

Yep. It was literally founded because some high-falutin Religitards tried to enforce their ideologies and ways of thinking on everyone "Else"! It was literally that simple. Folks got the fuck outbox the cesspitvtgat Europe was fast becoming, and went somewhere they thought a brighter future might be cultivated, for many generations to come.

Now, there's a New Secular Religion in town, and EVERYBODY is forced to conform to it, or they cannot participate in society, they will be dehumanized and eliminated in every way possible, by very the same kind of Religious freakazoids as ALWAYS. They've got,an ideology they want to push, and they will do it at the pointbof a gun, and they will take away your right to defend yourself or your family against this Crusade of Madness — the Climate Alarmist Cult, the "Woke" Religionists, BLM, Antifa — all part of the (((Jewing))). [VERB, like every"thing" "Else".]

So, flow with it. Accept the TRUTH.

Organized Mobs of Violent Immature Toddlers and Emotional Retards are about to be unleashed on Individuals across this nation — I mean, even worse than what has been going on for years and years…

This is an organized effort to destroy the very principles upon which this country was founded, and hell yes, they plan on bringing "civilization" down with it!

> inb4 Sally, Johnny, Sketch, Ashley, and ALL of those Accelerationists agree that that's a good thing!

Nope. OP is right about Amerifats though. We are, by and large, pudgy donut-munching unicorns who are unlikely to stand up for anything, let alone FREEDOM !

But there will always be a few… The strong, the brave, the courageous, who will FIGHT for FREEDOM, no matter the cost. I won't be fighting for God or Country though. I'll be fighting for FREEDOM Itself — as the Azov should be doing, and EVERYBODY "Else" should be doing, Worldwide.

That is, unless you like the Klaus Schwab WEF vision for humanity's future! Globalist Parasitic Control from on high?

No Spank You.

And no, I'm not giving up my guns.

And no, they're not all for hunting.

Some are weapons of war.

Yes, I need weapons of war.

Yes, Civilians NEED "Weapons of War"!


Look Around You. You have your answer.

Like,I told Johnny a few years ago, a Civil War already began in this country. The Globalists started it, and they are using the Leftards to completely DESTROY this country and the FREEDOM upon which it was founded.

"From My Cold Dead Hands…"

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199002  No.308853

JIM STONE COMMENTS ON GAS PRICES: Why is it that in the midst of oil doom, "shithole countries" have cheap gas? Venezuela: 8.8 cents a gallon. Libya: 12.4 cents a gallon. Iran: 21.2 cents a gallon. Syria: $1.14 a gallon. Algeria: $1.26 a gallon. Kuwait: $1.37 a gallon. Angoloa: $1.49 a gallon. Nigeria: $1.66 a gallon. Turkmenistan: $1.71 a gallon. Malaysia: $1.84 a gallon. KazakhstanL $1.92 a gallon. So there are 10 shithole countries that have gas less than $2 a gallon. What is the magic? Do their governments fear the people?

The corporate media claims president Joe Biden is growing increasingly worried that he is not seen as doing enough to lower gas prices: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/13/joe-biden-frustrated-inability-lower-gas-prices/

▲ MY COMMENT: I find it hard to believe Joe Biden is very worried. After all, this is the guy who denied permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline! He also denied oil and gas lease opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-admin-cancels-major-oil-and-gas-lease-sales-amid-soaring-gas-prices_4461962.html

▲ FLASHBACK: There is a governmental war on oil consumption in the Western World:

▲ FLASHBACK: The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break

India And China Take In Russian Oil Unwanted In The West: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/India-And-China-Take-In-Russian-Oil-Unwanted-In-The-West.html

Switzerland Joins EU Sanctions Against Russia And Belarus: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/10/501975/

Russian occupying forces have launched three missile attacks on Pryluky in Chernihiv Oblast, says the Oblast State Administration: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/13/7352224/

Russian missiles destroyed a large warehouse of foreign weapons supplied to Ukraine near the Udachnoe railway station: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-june-13-2022-map-update/

The AFU in Severodonetsk were almost blockaded after Ukrainian forces blew up the last bridge between the city and Lisichansk. Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Azot plant and nearby districts in Severodonetsk city. Russian forces claimed control of Bohorodychne: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-eastern-ukraine-izyum-severodonetsk-region-on-june-13-2022-map-update/

The burned-out carcasses of scores of Russian tanks in Ukraine have prompted the world to once again write the obituary of the venerable fighting vehicle. Repeatedly caught by Turkish drones or destroyed by Javelin anti-tank weapons, then towed away by Ukrainian tractors, Moscow’s tanks have proved to be paper tigers, demonstrating to the world these lumbering relics of past wars are no longer relevant: https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2022/06/13/lessons-from-ukraine-could-help-shape-europes-new-tank-if-there-is-one/

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199002  No.308854

Amazon's Alexa spying device asked when WWIII would start, claims “World War III starts on November 23, 2023 at 6:05 pm after Russia launches an attack against Germany”: https://www.brighteon.com/2782077d-38a2-47a7-8d24-f6651c86062d

Ukraine Suspends All Gas, Coal & Fuel Oil Exports To Meet Internal Demand: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/ukraine-suspends-all-gas-coal-fuel-oil-exports-meet-internal-demand

According to Mark Wolfe, the executive director of the National Energy Assistance Directors' Association (NEADA ) many families are facing potential power shutoffs if they cannot pay their overdue home energy bills: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/over-twenty-million-households-struggle-pay-energy-bills-it-will-get-worse

Thousands flock to Mexico to escape the crippling cost of living under Biden and Governor Gavin Newsom: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10912339/Thousands-flock-Mexico-escaping-crippling-cost-living-Biden-Governor-Gavin-Newsom.html

Russia Has Become India's Second Largest Oil Supplier: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-has-become-indias-second-largest-oil-supplier

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki claims Europe will defend themselves from Russian troops with air rifles and BB guns? https://rmx.news/article/40-million-poles-will-defend-the-motherland-if-russia-attacks-polish-pm-warns-putin/

The US has been concealing information about its “military biological activity” in the post-Soviet states, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday. This, according to Zakharova, raises “serious questions” about Washington’s compliance with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC): https://www.rt.com/russia/557041-biolabs-us-russia-ukraine/

Global nuclear arsenal expected to grow for first time in decades: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/13/global-nuclear-arsenal-set-to-grow-for-first-time-in-decades

Pentagon Says US Govt Will Arm Ukraine For Years to Come: https://news.antiwar.com/2022/06/13/pentagon-says-ukraine-will-survive-and-the-us-will-arm-it-for-years-to-come/

On June 13, Denis Pushilin, head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, said that the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of populated areas in the DPR had become more frequent, in connection with which he noted the need to increase the military contingent of the Russian Federation and the DPR: https://southfront.org/breaking-head-of-donetsk-peoples-republic-announced-reinforcement-of-russian-led-forces/

Russia is continuing offensive operations in the Eastern Operational Zone, launching missile and air strikes on infrastructure facilities across Ukraine. In the northern direction, the enemy reinforced units of the 1st Panzer Army of the Western Military District, which is involved in covering the Russian-Ukrainian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions, with two battalion tactical groups of airborne assault troops. Russian aggressors fired artillery at the positions of the Defense Forces in the border areas of Sumy and Chernihiv regions and ran UAV air reconnaissance in the area of ​​the settlement of Seredyna Buda, Sumy region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3506359-russia-deploys-additional-battalion-tactical-groups-in-siverodonetsk-direction.html

In the updated Russian combat losses, Ukraine’s MoD revealed that Ukrainian forces killed around 200 more soldiers from Russia. This has seen the number of Russian soldiers who have lost their lives fighting in the conflict rise to around 32,500: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/14/ukraine-kills-hundreds-more-as-russian-combat-losses-revealed-as-of-june-14/

ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/36a7f6a6f5a9448496de641cf64bd375

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199002  No.308856


Sad thing is balkanization at this point will be the only way forward, that and voting out the commies and refusing to bend the knee. If this nation has to splinter and fracture apart, so be it. We made our voices clear, peacefully so. We didn't do anything illegal or wrong, it's dirty communists who want to criminalize us and our peaceful lifestyles, it's them who don't want to leave us alone. So whatever. It's nice seeing a nation like Ukraine that has that has the will power and unity to fight back against a foreign invasion. Honestly if Russia decided to end our government today, the way it currently is, I'd sit back and watch the shitshow as long as I could and wouldn't care much. It would be different if they didn't try killing us with the clot shots, or replacing us with illegal immigrants, or chemtrailing us, or didn't try pushing their totalitarian "great reset" that no one in their right mind wants, or actually respected our Constitutional rights…. but that's what it has come down to. So oh well.

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818a57  No.308857

File: bac8857ea2e6e5a⋯.jpg (767.01 KB, 2803x1869, 2803:1869, Buy_Wenny_an_M_P_Shield_Pl….jpg)


TL;DRCivilians NEED "Weapons of War" to Protect Against TYRANNY.

And Hell Yes, Tryanny is Happening!

And yeah, the hordes are coming too, Johnny. Hordes that Johnny wants to be a part of… But the mob will tear apart its own too. That's the whole point of the (((Jewing))) Stance…

We over here are better than them over there. We are few. They are many. How best to get one over on them, control them, destroy them?Parasitic Psychopaths ALWAYS think this way.

Maybe it is time to put them in their place, again.

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506c1d  No.308858


….. says the fully grown adult badass with tons of life experience (and I'm not being facetious, because I actually do consider you to be a badass, both mentally and physically and with your own personal internal Constitution, not the Constitution that you think is still exists after the Patriot act) who was quite literallytoo afraid to watch the house subcommittee hearings which are laying out the evidence against your stupid illiterate uneducated child rapist caveman hero

it's strange to see somebody who I know happens to be a badass behave like a little girl

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506c1d  No.308860


and yes….. they are preparing to put your "team" in the jail cell and charge them with Federal crimes, trying to overthrow the United States government after losing the election like a fucking bitch



yep in case you haven't been noticing, you lost all of your Bitcoin, you lost the election, you lost credibility with your idiotic Q- tier "fake votes' mantra, you lost another tiny chunk of your gun rights, and admittedly it wasn't much, but you can see the writing on the wall because Republicans are now joining in and determine to do something about the white trash uneducated right wing gun toting domestic terrorists like yourself, you lost your ability to be mobile in that body cast, and you lost even the biggest semblance of honorability or integrity by proving that you and your ilk are cowards, too afraid to watch as they cement the next loss in your life, the freedom of the illiterate caveman who's much much more than likely going to prison.

lost seems to be the theme of your recent successes

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199002  No.308861


Trump did nothing wrong. This is yet just another big distraction from the failing collapsing economy, from the clot shot deaths happening by the millions all over the world, distracting you from their Great Reset Agenda 21 rollout and false flag shootings and all that other garbage they have created to destabilize and subjugate and impoverish average Americans. And you know what? Well more than half the country can clearly see right through it.

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506c1d  No.308862

you are just as delusional as any novice wannabe white supremacist image board video game Sissy

because you are too afraid to admit that you know the truth

and the truth is:

we are arresting and convicting left and right

America is convicting and sentencing them for January 6th, for hiding in U-Hauls, for throwing temper tantrums and shooting children..

there ARE your peers

you're the only backwoods outhouse hillbilly maharishi on Earth

but everybody knows maharishis are all completely full of shit


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199002  No.308863


Oh please! If he tried to overthrow the government he wouldn't have left office! He'd try staging another 9/11 event and declaring martial law by emergency powers or some shit.

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506c1d  No.308864


forgive me for noticing that you haven't accomplished anything in your life

for noticing that you are a desperate lonely man in an empty chat room

forgive me for noticing that you don't have any actual insider knowledge whatsoever, never have, and never will, because you never amounted to anything worthwhile that could get you behind closed doors

forgive me for noticing that you were not a cabinet member of trump

forgive me for noticing that your opinions mean absolutely nothing to anybody, not even to yourself


forgive me for noticing that your beliefs seem to resemble those of the white trash trailer park uneducated inbred worthless human garbage Q Anon fagots who have just as little access to information as you

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506c1d  No.308865

File: af1000eaf231286⋯.jpg (245.74 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Picsart_22_06_13_21_10_01_….jpg)

File: 1b5ed411fda5f8c⋯.jpg (237.64 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Picsart_22_06_13_22_08_25_….jpg)



because you don't have any expertise in this matter

all you've got is your shitty little computer, way way too much time on your hands, and an uneducated irrelevant opinion based on nothing real whatsoever

I'm sure if somebody wants an expert opinion on NOT BEING ABLE TO DETERMINE TRUTH FROM FICTION, they will subpoena you

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199002  No.308866


By the way, our Constitutional government was ALREADY OVERTHROWN back when George W. Bush was in office, after the 9/11 false flag operation!!! They replaced half of the US Constitution with the fascistic "Patriot Act" and from there began the downfall of America, and the decline into an abyss of systemic corruption!!!

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506c1d  No.308867


….. says the guy who responds to my THERE HASN'T BEEN A CONSTITUTION SINCE THE PATRIOT ACT comment, who thought it was important to teach me that there hasn't been a constitution since the Patriot act….

absolutely fucking brilliant !!!

no wonder you don't have a job

you can't even read

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506c1d  No.308868



you actually think the Patriot act was the beginning of the downward spiral


you're a very narcissistic self-centered person, aren't you?

you're incapable of opening a book and learning history I assume

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506c1d  No.308869


you're myopic and you think way too linearly

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506c1d  No.308870

you think the world began and ends with your lifetime

if you weren't alive yet, it didn't happen


you are so small-minded it's disturbing

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506c1d  No.308871

but thank you for educating me about the Patriot act

because as you could tell, when I mentioned that the constitution was dissolved with the Patriot act, obviously I was unaware that the constitution was dissolved with the Patriot act

but you educated me today

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506c1d  No.308872

I love you and I respect you but you're completely insane and woefully uneducated

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199002  No.308873


It was the final death knell for America I believe, yes absolutely. I'm not saying our country was ever perfect, I never said that, but the Patriot Act marked the beginning of the end, and now we are near the end of this falling empire!!!

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506c1d  No.308874

my best advice I could possibly give you a stop thinking so linearly

stop reporting people and then telling them how to delete the evidence

stop taking everything at face value and thinking everything has to be black or white

start reading between the lines and thinking a little bit more abstract

if you follow my advice, the remaining four months of your life will be more enjoyable

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199002  No.308875


Not all of it was gutted, just a large part of it, like our right to privacy.

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506c1d  No.308876


AGAIN : you have no idea what marked the beginning of the end because you weren't alive yet… and as you've proven with your blind allegiance to Christianity, you are prone to believing in lies, swallowing it hook line and sinker, with never even considering to ask for verification before investing your entire life into it

translation : you're clueless

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199002  No.308877


>stop reporting people and then telling them how to delete the evidence

Again, I corrected you on that! He can't delete it if he didn't ALREADY KNOW that, because you have to PRE-SET that option BEFORE you post!!! And you can only do it using your same IP and passphrase!!! If he could delete it he would have already!!!!

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506c1d  No.308878


thank you for proving that you don't even know what the Patriot act is

Q : have you EVER actually researched anything in your life?

or are you so busy copying and pasting fake garbage that you don't have time to stop and teach yourself even one little thing?

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506c1d  No.308879



don't misinterpret my words

I never said you TAUGHT HIM

I said you TOLD HIM

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818a57  No.308880

File: 19820832620865e⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 336x329, 48:47, Figure_It_Out_Already.jpg)

File: a1e22d26d9c0c5b⋯.mp4 (347.53 KB, 444x480, 37:40, scrolling_for_awhile.mp4)

File: 624ebf3f1db4766⋯.jpg (112.14 KB, 840x562, 420:281, PicsArt_02_01_09_08_10.jpg)


The Globalists have to destroy America because the goal is to make all countries equally poor and dependent on the Globalist framework. They don't want to raise Third World countries up, they want to make us into one — "level the playing field".

I could totally get onboard with fighting for America, however, if America once again stood for its founding principles.

Many folks feel like I do.

Why do you think they are trying to Destroy the entire "Make America Great Again" Stance — make it be about "Persona" — a Statue Unto Insubstantiality that they may Tear Down…??? Why do you think that is?

They want us to Give Up on ideas like FREEDOM, and just willingly Conform to their Slave Ideology!

Nope! We fought a Revolutionary War proving our right and power to govern ourselves. We fought one Civil War already, and it looks like we're heading for another one. No one seems to be interested in maintaining the Union this time though, so…

Maybe we'll get lucky and a strong leader will step forward. Doubtful. They will tear anyone to peices who stands up for Individual Freedom, or who wants to keep Government somewhat limited, and in its own lane. ANYONE.

Individuals will be dehumanized and painted with the broad brush of their overwhelming hatred and divisiveness.

Big Changes NEED to,Happen.

On THAT We Can All Agree.

But the Climate Alarmist "Woke" Religionists Will Not Tolerate Diversity of Opinion, or Even Diversity of THOUGHT.

They ARE Religious EXTREMISTS.

It's What They ARE.

So, look to History…

What ALWAYS Happens when Religious EXTREMISTS try to Enforce Their Ideology on Everyone "Else"?

Any guesses, class?

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199002  No.308881


Microwave radiation ovens, TSA naked body scanners!!!!

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506c1d  No.308882


of course Sally was already perfectly aware you can delete comments

he's not that stupid


you're not good at keeping secrets

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506c1d  No.308883

you're not very talented when it comes to knowing what not to say

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0317ec  No.308884




Ignore 506c1d.

Don't hide or filter.

Just ignore.

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506c1d  No.308885



boy you guys made America amazing again didn't you?

you guys made us embarrassing uneducated white trash trailer park effluent with feet

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506c1d  No.308886

lol @ you being so stupid you thought America was ever great in the first place

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506c1d  No.308887

by the way, how did that work out for you?

I heard they stole the election from you

that's too bad

so you're admitting your team was SO EMBARRASSINGLY WEAK AND INCOMPETENT that you allowed the election to be stolen from you?

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506c1d  No.308888

if your team was so weak that you all ALLOWED JOE BIDEN TO BITCH SLAP YOU, then I suppose that makes you the weakest mother fuckers I've ever seen

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199002  No.308889


It was a lot better than it is now. Perfect, no. Nothing is perfect. But it was much better. And it was much much more free. And people were much much more civilized, and believe it or not, there was more prosperity to go around. THAT IS ALL LONG GONE.

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199002  No.308890


If there were no millions of mail-in ballots showing up at 2AM in the morning, and Joe still won, then I'd agree with you.

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506c1d  No.308891

File: 6e5d62d9a614c44⋯.png (1019.67 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220614_015455.png)

you're the first one to talk about how weak and feeble and incompetent Joe Biden is



uneducated.. trailer park.. angry frustrated PATRIOTURDS™

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199002  No.308892


I think all four guys wearing the same yellow shirt were likely the feds. Can't prove it, but that's what I suspected.

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506c1d  No.308893

I've seen a lot of failures in my life

but your team took the cake

I've never seen so many people lose so much

and still pretend they won

that's a shame about Bitcoin…

too bad you didn't have inside information

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199002  No.308894


I warned what can happen to digital AND fiat currencies!! No shit. Same will eventually happen to the US dollar when it loses reserve currency status.

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199002  No.308895


>too bad you didn't have inside information

I post about warnings here all the time that, give or take 6 months to a year, 90% of them end up happening.

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506c1d  No.308896

you're not a real Republican, and you never met Donald Trump in your life… you have absolutely ZERO knowledge about what was happening behind the scenes in the White House… you've got no history of working for the government or having any access to insider information whatsoever..

William BarrISa starch hardcore Republican who firmly stood up for Donald Trump and bent all kinds of rules for him…

William Barr DID have daily insider access to what was happening behind the scenes in the White House

and William Barr says you're a fucking idiot



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818a57  No.308897

File: bdf2d1c2d182e0d⋯.jpg (109.6 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 1219032393195.jpg)



(((You))) Really ARE Stupid.

And no I don't think you're inexperienced; I just think you're a Religitard Fool. A BELIEVER. Nothing more.

That's why you eat up prepared shit just like some sermon-listening Bible-thumper. I've seen your kind for thousands of years — always wanting to burn "Others" at the stake for not conforming to your Ideology of,Hatred & Divisiveness.

Nope. I spelled it all out already.

The shoe fits too, so I don't care if you want to wear it, or let me continue beating you over the head with it (before ALL of Society joins me in said beating)…

(((You)))r Stance Is,Going Down!

It Cannot Stand, and It WILL Fall.

(((You)))'ll See. Or (((You))) won't. Either way, the Pendulum has already begun to swing the "Other" way. (((You)))'ll be fighting against the current soon. (((You)))'ll be the only ones left still tearing "Others" down, instead of working to Build EVERYONE Up.

(((You)))r Stance just isn't very popular; and it's getting less popular by the moment; no matter how much advertising and conformity enforcement go into it, (((You)))r Ideology is about Nothing But Hatred & Divisiveness.


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506c1d  No.308898

feel free to ask insightful insider information genius Jerry the giraffe how much money he lost with his stupid Bitcoin genius routine

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506c1d  No.308899


as your daughters have so painfully reminded you lately….

nobody cares what you think

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506c1d  No.308900



no offense but any six-year-old child realized Bitcoin was bullshit, just another trendy fad, guaranteed to burst like the.com bubble only worse

similarly, any six-year-old child would look at your ridiculous photographs of a glass vial with a twist on phenolic tin screw cap (made for displaying dry goods or liquids at a flea market, but in no way shape or form used for biohazard material) and read your claim about the end of the world, and diagnose you as having paranoid schizophrenia

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199002  No.308901


I'm not a Republican, that's correct. I'm a REAL CONSERVATIVE. Major difference. Many establishment Republicans are "RINOs" or "cuckservatives" who are controlled opposition or cowards.

Conservatives believe in limited government. Low taxes. Fiscal solvency and frugal spending. The US Constitution. Our Bill of Rights. We believe government should be taken out of the schools, and God put back in. We believe in our right and duty to be armed and defend ourselves if need be.

Most republicans like Big Government and debt insolvency, they like the police state and slowly getting rid of our rights one bit at a time. Controlled opposition. That's why we need real conservatives running!

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199002  No.308902


They put that crap inside vaccines and into YOU. Why are you so worried about it being in a small glass vial with a tin lid?

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506c1d  No.308903


that's weird.. I don't remember a political party called the conservatives

so you're telling me conservatives are people who sit in front of a computer, and believe anything they read as long as it brushes their conspiracy theory "you heard it here first" fragile ego?

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506c1d  No.308904



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506c1d  No.308905


because you have no training in medicine or science, dropping out before you ever reached a high school science class…. you are oblivious to the fact that BIOHAZARDOUS MATERIAL IS NOT STORED IN FLEA MARKET DISPLAY TUBES

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506c1d  No.308906

I realize this is all very complicated for you

let's go over it one more time, okay ?

biohazardous material is not stored in flea market display tubes

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506c1d  No.308907

lol even a little child could scrutinize the content and realize it's garbage

but not you

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199002  No.308909


What I mean is REAL conservatives want America to remain America! They don't want America turned into a third world despotic shithole where our freedoms are being thrown under the bus because of cowardly fear and "national security" BS. We want the America our Founding Fathers had in mind. We want a free market, an actual economy that is not rigged by the government and central banking system! We want fiscal solvency and a currency backed by something of value. We don't need massive governmental insolvency and control over everything like we have today.

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506c1d  No.308910

like the fact you don't know what Crystaline means obviously…

that didn't jump out at you because you don't understand it

or the fact that the two photographs are completely unrelated

those are not the same "mystery items" in the flea market display tube that you see exposed without a container…

they have no resemblance whatsoever

and then there's the most obvious fact that jumps out at anybody:


see how easy that was?

that's called scrutinizing the content

it's where you analyze the content before you copy and paste it

that way you can avoid looking ridiculous next time

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199002  No.308913


They are not flea market display tubes. I'm sure they have taken the correct precautions handling that toxic material (whatever the hell that may be). After all, it came from dead people who were boosted with clot shots.

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506c1d  No.308914



They don't want America turned into a third world despotic shithole where our freedoms are being thrown under the bus because of cowardly fear

you're talking about "cowardly fear" like the way you and Jerry are too afraid to actually watch the concrete evidence being presented by the house subcommittee?

cowardly fear as in: cowards who are terrified of looking stupid

you guys already do… it's too late for damage control at this point

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506c1d  No.308915

File: 1b5ed411fda5f8c⋯.jpg (237.64 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Picsart_22_06_13_22_08_25_….jpg)



that's EXACTLY what they are

you didn't even bother researching it

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199002  No.308916


I'm not afraid, I'm just not wasting time on a witch hunt full of lies. Not doing it, that's all. I'd rather be working on REAL NEWS updates.

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506c1d  No.308918

"I'm sure they have taken the correct precautions" says the man who has no idea what bio hazard safety level 4 precautions are

"I'm sure they have taken the correct precautions"

says the man who didn't notice the twist on tin cap

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199002  No.308920


That looks good enough for storage, as long as they are not touching or breathing that crap in I think it's fine.

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506c1d  No.308921



yeah, you're not brainwashed at all, are you?

those are all very original concepts that came out of your mind, and in no way shape or form are you simply mimicking trendy catch phrases trying to sound intelligent

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119691  No.308922


looks like alien worms from an alien planet

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506c1d  No.308923


"I am suggesting the covid vaccine is an extremely dangerous biological weapon, while simultaneously trying to save face by suggesting professional scientists and medical industry insiders would use a flea market display to to store the most dangerous biological weapon you've copied and pasted about this week"

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506c1d  No.308924


lots of things look like squiggly worms

every 3 days I pull one out of my left nostril

AGAIN : thank God scientists actually completed their education, unlike you… otherwise, "I suppose" and "this flea market tube is good enough" would lead to the next pandemic

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506c1d  No.308926




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199002  No.308927


It's not something that kills you right away, and clearly it needs to be INJECTED to be effective anyway!!!

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119691  No.308928


Are all jewish women whores? Why did they forgot to abort inbreds like you? Jewish gene-pool contaminants are worms to humanity after all? Maybe we can make a vaccine against jews one day?

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506c1d  No.308929

dude, this is the part where I'm literally tearing you to shreds…

this is the part where I'm the hawk, and you're the rabbit, and I'm ripping your entrails out in front of everybody

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506c1d  No.308930


"it's not something that kills you right away and clearly needs to be injected" says the man who dropped out of high school in 1964, and never took a chemistry class in his life

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119691  No.308931


The more worms you have in your blood-stream the more popular and virtuous you are!

jewish millionare socialists are awesome! no cap

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506c1d  No.308933

AGAIN: this is the part where I am using first grade scrutiny, the same scrutiny exercised by any 6 year old….

to literally rip you to shreds


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199002  No.308934


I didn't mean "effective" in a good way, I meant it can kill you if that nano-building mRNA spike protein crapola gets injected into you.

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506c1d  No.308935





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199002  No.308936


Excuse me sir, but you are talking to a self-educated doctor who treats HIMSELF!!!

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506c1d  No.308937



well, paying attention at school was a little difficult for you, and you dropped out as soon as possible to avoid further embarrassment and ridicule from the other students who had no problems learning…



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506c1d  No.308938


you need to have your license pulled for malpractice

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506c1d  No.308939


because you don't even know that definition of the word CURE

you claimed that you CURED DIABETES, when the only thing you did was STOP GIVING YOURSELF DIABETES WITH STUPID CHOICES

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119691  No.308940

pathetic subhumans jews are the ultimate losers of humanity.

Always losing always dying. I piss on your history and your entire plagiarism of a language/culture. Everything you have is either stolen from Babylonians or from Greeks. What a piss parasite race you are. The covid virus of cultures, the tape worm of the races, the aids of history. Burning jews on the stake isn't even worth the oxygen. But can't wait for the holocaust to repeat itself. Americans will finish you off once and for all.

Like the flu that never manages to sustain for long and always being pushed back.

Taking a piss on black jewish ashes must be the greatest joy in life according to simple logic.

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506c1d  No.308942

you've got a fool for a doctor and the doctor has a moron for a patient

that's going to work out perfectly

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506c1d  No.308944


and now the trend following wannabe is jumping on the Neo-Nazi bandwagon?

I suppose this is your reaction to being debunked by first grade scrutiny?

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119691  No.308945

remember: When you get angry, always focus your hatred against jews. It is the way. It is how we save humanity and the future of our children.

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506c1d  No.308946

I suppose this is the part where you lash out, realizing you've lost the flea market glass vial argument?

and you thought I was jewish?


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818a57  No.308947

File: 0d9f91b0e71f608⋯.jpg (366.67 KB, 1600x899, 1600:899, PicsArt_05_09_06_10_16.jpg)

File: f87efcd24fb8e45⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 629x465, 629:465, pnd_God_s_Work.jpg)

File: 37b8d71c9b53c1b⋯.jpg (98.57 KB, 738x751, 738:751, PicsArt_04_12_02_36_40.jpg)

File: e2e209e83f427d8⋯.jpg (621.16 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, rectally_rekt.jpg)

File: e6a0b736c41ceb2⋯.jpg (104.28 KB, 600x497, 600:497, JN_Go_Home.jpg)

The "Johnny Neptune" Persona is an idiot, who pretends to be even more retarded than he actually IS.

Always trying to Categorize & Belittle, Attack & Divide.

His Shenanigans May Be Safely Ignored.

> inb4 more labels

> inb4 more intelligence is diminished — especially his own

Not only do his actions reflect badly on his entire "movement" (bowel movement, I'm assuming); theybdon't reflect badly on his Enemies whatsoever! And I DO Believe that is (((Their))) Intention!

But it ain't workin'…

Folks like "Johnny Neptune" may becable to spray their diarrhea hate spam everywhere, but it doesn't change tgevfact that everybody knows they are full of shit, and dirty as fuck too!


Zero Integrity.

Witch-Burning Mobs Get No Respect From ANYBODY — ''ESPECIALLY' NOT HISTORY.

This Isn't Respect (((You))) See.

And It Sure as Hell Ain't FEAR!

I Don't Feel Sorry For (((You)))r Kind, Although I DO Have Compassion.

A Profound Lack of Respect Has Developed, and Perhaps (((You))) Feel That, and Are REACTING to That.

But, Alas, It Was (((You))) Who Developed It, and It Is (((You))) Who Needs to Learn How to Practice Respect Again.

Don't Worry. If (((You))) Don't Want to Learn, (((You))) WILL Still Be Taught.

The "Education" IS on It's Way…

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199002  No.308948


I have not had any major health problems so far! My immune system easily kicked covid two years ago! I rarely get sick, so I'm in better shape than most. Sure, I got some joint problems and hip pain but the methylsulfonylmethane supplement works fine for me!!!

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199002  No.308950


I did not make that comment Johnny, check my user ID and compare the two.

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9026c8  No.308951

it took you 73 years to reach this level


that's not surprising because you've never done anything original in your life


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9026c8  No.308952


oh okay……

you know I don't ever waste my time looking at trips or dubs or IDs or what people even say

I just skim over the first sentence

my bad

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9026c8  No.308954


to the person I incorrectly assumed was my friend killcen :

(and YES, even though I give him shit, I consider him to be my friend)


Jews made you lazy

Jews made you develop excuses

Jews made you sit on your ass

Jews made you unemployed

Jews made you refuse to look for a job

Jews forced you into mooching off a hard-working human being, financially exploiting an elderly woman, while you sit on your lazy ass in an empty chat room, taking advantage of your mother for the free Wi-Fi

you don't even qualify as a little boy

you're definitely not a man, but you don't even qualify as a little boy

you're more like a newborn girl

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9026c8  No.308955


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818a57  No.308956

File: af41263e351379a⋯.jpg (424.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, JKI_Orates_thumb.jpg)


> and you thought I was jewish

(((You))) Did NOT Catch On.

(((You))) Never DO.

The (((Jewing))) is a Stance.

It has nothing to do with Race, or even Creed.

Just like "Niggerish" Behaviour is not confined to a certain race either.

I already know (((You))) are Irish as a fucking shamrock! I don't consider (((You))) as a Jew. I don't consider ANYONE as a Jew, or even a "Persona"!

ALL VERB; Remember?

But I DO Consider Your Stance to be Highly Supportive of (((Jewing))) Behavior [for lack of a better term, and (((They))) make it so easy to apply it to (((Them))) and (((You)))!Fucking Victimtards!].

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9026c8  No.308957




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119691  No.308958


Im done pretending like I give a fuck. I will not care about my job. I will not care about this gay ass tranny society. I will ignore the federal government. I will scam and steal wherever and whenever I can. FUCK AMERICA

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9026c8  No.308960


oh.. are you telling me it was YOU who made the comment about jews?

because I admittedly don't pay much attention

forgive me if I misunderstood anything

it certainly won't be the last time

because I am not Superior

I'm far from perfect

I'm extremely flawed

I make tons of mistakes

I have created all of my own problems

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9026c8  No.308961


like I said, you're exactly like a newborn girl

call your parents and tell them I said


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9026c8  No.308962


there's a reason why you have failed in life :

and the reason isYOU


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818a57  No.308963

File: 0f82b23ec373249⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 497x427, 71:61, You_Have_to_Go_Back_to_Hal….jpg)


GTFO Here!

We're Trying to Have a Serious Conversation Here, and (((You))) Come Flying In With (((Your))) (((Jewing))).

Just GTFO Already.

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119691  No.308964


Your mother is a whore, you will be burned at the stake and I will piss on your ashes. It will give my greater joy than anything else. Now why don't you try to suck off some more babies mr rabbi?

Hating jews is the ultimate therapy and joy. Why is it so fun to hate them?


I love how we have normalized antisemitism. Love it!

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199002  No.308965


There are other posters who come on here, so you should mind the IDs, sometimes you may think it's the wrong person. I've seen you make mistakes before with users here.

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9026c8  No.308966

but don't feel bad, little girl…..

because everybody creates their own problems

everybody is responsible for their own failure

it's just that YOU are not man enough to admit it

so you spent your life trying to manipulate people the same way you've always manipulated your mother

trying to make people feel sorry for you


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9026c8  No.308967

the reason you're getting lost in the woodwork is because you think anonymity bullshit

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199002  No.308968


I think the best thing people like you should do is expat. You guys who hate Jews so much seem to love Europe. Might as well move to Europe, find somewhere a bit outside the major cities and live the old fashion way (if it's even allowed over there anymore). Some people prefer living in an RV and living on the road, which is another decent option to get away from societal woes…. except you'll be paying a lot more for gas thanks to Joe Biden canceling all the oil & gas pipeline contracts over the last two years.

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9026c8  No.308969


hold on a second I'll be right back


my mother is a stickler for technical accuracy…

she prefers the term "discount prostitute"

how's the SSI disability welfare thing working out for you?


okay I'm back…

I don't think you understand :


I love chaos and abstraction

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9026c8  No.308970



there is no YOU GUYS

he's just one lonely fool

unemployed and lazy

he grew up manipulating his mother

to extend his laziness

he's financially exploiting an elderly woman

because he's too lazy to get a job


not full disability

because he has no work history

there is no YOU GUYS

it's just one guy

one lonely pathetic excuse for a man

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9f3a0d  No.308971


> oh.. are you telling me it was YOU who made the comment about jews?

If (((You)))'re Going to Always Be On the Attack, Johnny, (((You))) Should Probably At Least Try to Keep Up!

No, that wasn't ME.

Although I DID also Reply to that ignorant poster who cannot even into English over here:. >>308963

> inb4 IDs are too difficult to figure out

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199002  No.308972


We are all so fucking insane. I wonder what the feds must think lurking through all our conversations lol.

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9026c8  No.308973


as we all know, people with no water desire water

people with no food desire food

people with no shelter desire shelter

people with no power desire power

people with no money desire money

people with no control desire control

and inferior SSI welfare recipients desire to hide their inferiority, so they go into empty chat rooms that they think are a bastion of white supremacy, hoping they will find other inferior SSI welfare recipients willing to blow smoke up their ass and pretend that they are all Superior…

….. as he sits in his mother's spare bedroom….

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07ee97  No.308974


look noobody iss suspecting that we are all the one and same person lmao this is just one individual talking in the entire thread as they are fucking dumb goyimm shit hahah.


Thats not true Im actually a disgusting jew that hates myself which is the reason most of us post these things non-jews don't really care about jews you know. hahah checkmate goyim. Also I'm a grill :3 (Based counter-larp)

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9026c8  No.308975


hold on a second I'll be right back


I clicked on this post and I never even looked to see who you were… if you know Jerry tell him I said I love him, and I give him shit incessantly because he deserves it and he can handle it

Dear Killcen:

I know for a fact that my contacts are fully aware I am what they refer to as a troll

although I've never liked that term and I don't consider myself to be a troll

I'm an observationist

I make simple observations

but they know who and what I am, because I always explain it to them :

the reason I go there is to remind these lonely unemployed sexual failures that they are the farthest thing from Superior I could possibly imagine

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9026c8  No.308976


I've never seen a successful human being who used image board trendy catch phrases

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199002  No.308977


No, that's Jerry lol. You should EASILY be able to tell him apart by the way he types.

BY THE WAY, your current user ID is 9026c8

Mine is 199002.

Jerry's is 818a57

The Jew hater's is 119691

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9026c8  No.308978

every time I've ever mentioned what I'm doing in here to a law enforcement official (or to some of the owners of companies Jim Watkins has illegally advertised without their permission on this website, like the John Waite tour, whose manager is actually preparing a lawsuit against Jim Watkins) they always LAUGH….

they always CHUCKLE…..

because I tell them the truth :

"I'm their worst nightmare. I'm the one who asks them what's so Superior about a 30 something adult male who's never seen a vagina"

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199002  No.308980


Every time a user posts it creates a hash for the user's IP address so each user can recognize one another. If you switch your proxy IP it creates a new hash.

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07ee97  No.308981


What I will write now I write directly from my heart. With love and respect so please BEAR with me hehe oKKKay?

I only invest in pro-holocaust-denial stocks and pro-palestinian products. I never really undestood this idea of judeo-human identity. Why would anyone ever consider a cancer to humanity something "human"? Why would someone for a second disregard the option to dehumanize the most evil thing that has ever existed? It should be criminal to claim that the so called holocaust existed. Trust me, I'm a jew I know how to hate them. Chewing on baby-foreskins gives superpowers, did you know that :D :D :D

This settles it that jews don't even deserve an explanation, hating them is simply human nature by the sheer existence of nature itself.


Nobody cares what you have seen you filthy pathetic insect. Your entire family disowns you and you don't even know it. Inhale the gas and become happy. Trust me.



I'm Jerry you dumb goyim. We are all jews here jewing jews jewingly.

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9026c8  No.308982


you mean to tell me you can tell the difference between those three numbers, but you can't tell the difference between a laboratory BSL4 test tube and a common flea market display glass vial?

you're not stupid

not at all

when I give you a hard time I use the term stupid, but that's just me painting with words, that's just me poking at you, trying to bother you and get under your skin…

because I do not think you're stupid

I simply think you refuse to exercise any scrutiny

I simply think You Are too eager to present the copied and pasted content, so you fail to apply any scrutiny beforehand

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9026c8  No.308983


have you ever sat down and pulled out a pen and paper and tabulated exactly how much money you milk from taxpayers each day?

it's only $26


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9026c8  No.308984


new hash…..

no thanks.. this pot is coated in it

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9026c8  No.308985


it's interesting because I know children who are more than $26 a day.. just in their allowance..

I also know children who are much more advanced when it comes to developing insults

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9026c8  No.308986


your brain doesn't function on the level of an adult

I'm sure you explained that to the disability judge

or was it your mommy? because something tells me your mother pushed you into applying for SSI welfare disability to offset the cost of wiping your lazy ass

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199002  No.308987


Jews get very upset when you mention our air force bombed the railways in Germany during WWII, and I do get it, they are kinda milking the whole "holocaust" thing for money and political influence. I'm not saying Jews didn't die, many certainly did, but most died due to starvation when the German government could no longer supply them rations. Regardless, I don't hate all Jews, I don't really care much about them either, they just have this obsession with milking a storyline for their own special interests. If anything, if we were smart enough we figure a way we could do something like that too perhaps.

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9026c8  No.308988


oops a typo !!!


I swear to God

I have friends who give their children more than $26 per day in allowance

but that's all the government decided you're good for

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9026c8  No.308990


no offense but….

am I supposed to ignore the fact that you have never studied history?

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9026c8  No.308991


what woman is going to be interested in a man without a job who sits on his soft flabby ass making excuses…..

and the only thing he gets out of the deal is TWENTY SIX EMBARRASSING DOLLARS PER DAY

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ef7312  No.308992


Jerry here guys.

I love these based jewish babble bot replies. Are you using GDP NeoX as me to generate these automatic replies? They are a great way to waste shills time and effort since it makes them believe they are talking to a real human. BASED! And Gas Kikes for fun.

Please keep replying to me and help me train this anti-kike chatbot further. The AI will defeat the jews.


The cancer tries to resist but it doesn't work. Bla bla bla. gas gas gas. We are organizing world wide and our power is growing. The White pride is eternal and luminescent. We will illuminate the world of your treachery towards humanity once and for all. If you only knew how wast our reach goes.

Foreskin in mouth: Chew chew chew. I have learned your mindgames now and I know how your poison tongue works. I can do it too. Just watch. You will suffocate on your own medicine you cancer to humanity. Time is ticking.


The best thing we can do now is to exploit their schizophrenia and play on their natural paranoia. Tell them you have been collecting data on local jews for years and they will be triggered. Their innate schizoid mentality is a great source of kek.

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9026c8  No.308993


no offense but……

am I supposed to ignore the fact that you have never had a conversation with a Jewish person in your life, never contracted business with a Jew, never sat down and had a conversation with the Jew in your entire life…..

and you actually thought it was worth mentioning THAT YOU SAW A JEWISH PERSON TALKING ON THE PHONE ONE TIME

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199002  No.308994


Where is the >>Antichrist ???

Has he posted anything of recent?

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9026c8  No.308995



he's been in here the entire time.. watching like a coward…

he even comes in and LARPS pretending to be somebody else who "really enjoys the Antichrist posts"

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199002  No.308997


>and you actually thought it was worth mentioning THAT YOU SAW A JEWISH PERSON TALKING ON THE PHONE ONE TIME

He was weird. He walked around wiggling and jiggling. I had to mention that, it was the first time I ever saw an authentic Jew so close to me before.

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9026c8  No.308999


wiggling and jiggling :

Jews are amazing communicators, unlike white trash like us

they're known to gesture as they speak

and I'm aware it's the first time you ever got that close to a Jewish person before, which is exactly why I mentioned it

I mentioned it because

you have no idea what Jewish people think

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199002  No.309000


>he even comes in and LARPS pretending to be somebody else who "really enjoys the Antichrist posts"

Oh wow. I wonder when the insanity begun? Do you think me posting too many Jim Stone and Zero Hedge links did that to him?

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199002  No.309001


I'm not hating on him, not at all. I'm just simply saying he gave off a very strange vibe. I don't think he meant anything wrong, it's just the way his nervous system was wired. Maybe did some coke before he came to the store? Who knows.

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9026c8  No.309002


just like with you, he has an organic psychiatric disorder that is inherited.. it's genetic

it's like a predetermined alarm set in a clock, and one day it's going to ring, but you never know when

you have paranoid schizophrenia

which is completely different than his

yours is about perceiving non-existent secret hidden plots against you

his is completely different

he simply dissociates

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9026c8  No.309003


maybe. I seriously doubt it.. I'm guessing he was wearing the Hasidic Jewish garb? otherwise you probably wouldn't have known he was Jewish..

if he was wearing the classic Hasidic Orthodox Jew wardrobe, there's basically a 0% chance he was doing any drugs

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9026c8  No.309004

marshmallow Sally suffers from an organic psychiatric disorder in which he has a hard time sharpening the boundaries between fantasy and reality

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9026c8  No.309005

you also have a hard time differentiating between fantasy and reality, BY DESIGN

your specific psychiatric disorder revolves around the erroneous perception that there is always some hidden plot working against you

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9026c8  No.309006

it's white people like us who are much more likely to self-medicate with drugs

like alcohol for example

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199002  No.309007


He was wearing something and a yamika, plus the accent and even the nose was noticeable enough. Buy yes heavy heavy breathing style Jewish accent if I recall correctly.

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9f3a0d  No.309008

File: cf3ced1dbf74c45⋯.png (15.86 KB, 552x369, 184:123, download_20201209_110405.png)


> I'm Jerry you dumb goyim

Yeah, about that…

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199002  No.309009


Alcohol can help with stress, you just have to know your limits and don't overdue it. I'm trying my best to stick to half a bottle at night, and yes my daughter will come into the kitchen and monitor the bottle sometimes lol.

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199002  No.309010


I don't drink NEAR the amounts I used to. Over the years I cut down significantly on the booze, and honestly, it is doing some good, in moderation!

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199002  No.309011


Johnny likes to call me schizophrenic but smoking a lot of pot can actually cause schizophrenia in a lot of normal people. Do that at your own risk!

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9f3a0d  No.309012

File: cf3ced1dbf74c45⋯.png (15.86 KB, 552x369, 184:123, download_20201209_110405.png)


> Jerry here guys.

Yeah, about that…

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9f3a0d  No.309014


I actually haven't been smoking for awhile. Why do you think I'm tearing EVERYONE to pieces?

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eeb206  No.309015

the projection of filtered-fags is hilarious

But not as hilarious as the holocaust top kek

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199002  No.309016


Damn it, I've been trying to find that classic Grady marijuana meme from Sanford & Son when Grady finds the marijuana plants in the yard and freaks out "maaaaaaarijuanaaaaa! Great googley moogley!!!" Can't find it anywhere!!!

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9f3a0d  No.309017

File: 47ba10ddf3709b2⋯.jpg (173.74 KB, 1260x1116, 35:31, 47ba10ddf3709b25d654620380….jpg)

File: 728cb946ca97d09⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1001x1116, 1001:1116, 728cb946ca97d090cf15e7ef54….png)

But I did Change my ID!

Can anyone guess who I am?

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9026c8  No.309018

yeah I remember when marshmallow Sally was first confronted with the fact that he is an SSI welfare bum

he told me he was independently wealthy LOL

now he's coming in here pretending to be somebody else, and he basically told me the exact same empty half ass excuse

pretending he's some successful guy sitting on a large pile of money, married to a beautiful woman

fantasy is the only thing he's ever succeeded at

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9026c8  No.309019


you were absolutely correct when you said nobody gives a fuck, not even your mother

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199002  No.309021


I'd LOVE to hear Johnny call the old show Sanford & Son "white trash" lol!!! I don't think he could get away with it honestly.

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199002  No.309023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wait, this may be the scene right here!

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eeb206  No.309024

I like how we are subliminally making people hate the jews by merely just reading our posts here.

Daily reminder: Hating jews is a virtue. Jews are the reason nature evolved hatred. Hating them is part of nature. The more you hate them the better you will feel. They are a threat and your hatred is a proper response. Shalom my chosen brothers of the aryan desert race.


Your favorite brown fingered mudrace foreskin-depraved lizard-human.

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199002  No.309025


It'll take a while before I know that is the whole scene as my internet connection is slow as fuck out here where I live.

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3dae7b  No.309026


do you actually think your anti-semitic remarks have shock value?

are you really such a failure that you don't realize this isn't a Neo-Nazi board?

nobody cares about your stupid anti-jewish comments

you are incapable of shock value

you are one of the most boring learning disabled idiots I've ever seen

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199002  No.309029

God damn Youtube and it's poisoned HTML5 javascript coding.

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eeb206  No.309030


I almost considered reading your post kek. Did you inhale enough gas while writing your crypto-spam?

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f469e7  No.309031



hey lonely little coward:

we all know that I bitch slapped you really har

I bitch slapped you like you've never been bitch slapped

so you're lurking… terrified to admit who You Are

but we don't care who you are

you're just another one of my victims

I tore you a new asshole

and I made you change your behavior


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f469e7  No.309033


this is the part where the three of us make you vanish

and this is also the part where the attention seeking little coward (who I bitch slapped so bad that you are hiding) has to change his IP address to prove what a sniveling little attention-seeking lonely $26 a day welfare bum you are

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f469e7  No.309034


and before we filter you out of our consciousness and conversation (you're not part of our conversation, you're not part of anything, and we reject you the same way women always have and always will) I would like to take this opportunity to remind you :


you were my punching bag

and you always will be

but now?….

get ready.. because here it comes


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f469e7  No.309035

Jerry and Killcen, just for fun let's all filter him, and see what kind of shock value he has when nobody can read his words

that will teach him to butt into our conversation

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eeb206  No.309036




didnt read don't care kek

inhale the Z and cry more

This is the happiest day of my life.

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f469e7  No.309037

of course he's going to switch IPS

we expect that of him

because that will be his white flag of surrender

that will represent his failure

and demonstrate his need for attention

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f469e7  No.309038

ahhhh…… he's gone now

this is wonderful.. he's like the rude thoughtless wino who comes stumbling out from under a bridge and inserts himself into hardworking Americans conversations

he's never been chosen to be on any team

nobody ever picked him for dodgeball

so he has no experience fitting in

for all I know it's marshmallow Sally

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f469e7  No.309039


he was one of my victims

he's one of the chat room culture douchebuckets i dispatched so easily

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f469e7  No.309041

it's either sketch padderson, or Marshmallow Sally, or Schneider…

or one of the victims that I never even gave a name

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f469e7  No.309042

my guess is : I don't care which one he is

he's a long forgotten memory now

until he desperately changes IP addresses seeking attention, thinking he has shock value with his $26 a day existence

at which point he will be filtered again

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f469e7  No.309043

and he has the audacity to wonder why no woman will even acknowledge his existence

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f469e7  No.309044

Killcen you're a good kid

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f469e7  No.309045

you're one of the shittiest adults I've ever seen

but you're a pretty good kid

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f469e7  No.309046

and now it's time to create a thread

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9f3a0d  No.309213

File: 72d9a7ce610c930⋯.png (112.68 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Now_We_Can_Get_Down_to_Bus….png)












etc… etc… ad infinitum

Unless "We, the People" Can Learn to Work Together, and Take Care of Business, ALL "Sides" Are LOST.

I'll Just Leave This Here…

OC I Just Made Using the Open Source Linux Application `Pinta`.

No, I am no artist. Just expressing an idea.

And yes, I meant for it to all be in Black & White.

But yeah, while all the idiots are obsessing over Trump, the REAL Work Can Begin…

The Slavers Are Taking Care of Business, and the Slaves are Doing All the Work For Them.

There is some serious Business to attend to, however; and that is the Business of FREEDOM.It means minding your own business, and it also means making it your business when folks don't mind theirs.

So, the emotional toddlers can fight over their feefees, and tear down "Statues Unto Insubstantiality"™ all they want; it won't change my stance…

"Meanwhile, I'll Go On About My Development".

And I'll Be Taking Care of Business Too…

The Business of Securing FREEDOM For ALL — For Those Who Want It — From the Parasitic Psychotic Slavers Who Use Humans as Their Livestock.

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f469e7  No.309455


take your ass back to 4chan and BEG THEM to please unban you

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51070c  No.309461


I'm not critiquing the artwork

I'm critiquing the software


thanks for the heads up

now I know to NEVER use it

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51070c  No.309462


and because I love you I'm going to be honest with you

you're beginning to display paranoid symptoms

maybe you might want to take a mood stabilizer

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51070c  No.309463


ask your girlfriend about tegretol

it's not an antipsychotic

it's not a psychiatric medication

it's an anticonvulsant

and it stabilizes moods

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9f3a0d  No.309841

File: 541e38bc230513b⋯.jpg (101.49 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, image_2020_04_11_07_14_33.jpg)

File: 5a43194a42d7e4d⋯.jpg (974.41 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, image_2019_10_29_17_55_24.jpg)

File: 4d6a3da6a8d3018⋯.jpg (225.13 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, image_2019_07_06_09_05_39.jpg)

This seems like a pretty comfy thread.

Have a bump.

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e9bbf1  No.317829


how to switch ips???

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d2a2b7  No.321328



Hello sir. Welcome to the party.

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a7d737  No.321412


jive thumb handshake

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fef194  No.321448



boo hoo

my son and sister both have covid

one vaxx'd one not

I like prayer myself

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f388a8  No.321804


completely over as he's now posted with tripcode after the salt changed back


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7ba7b0  No.321984

I'm speed limited to the direction and will of the masses. Use what I got. What would you like?

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d9b904  No.322080


this is 1/12 of a giraffe

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f6e3d4  No.322187


handoff confirmed

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366ee1  No.322351



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fff38f  No.322551




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886bb1  No.322565


Here, checked in with my mom too!

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c52a31  No.322902


Didn't understand all the abbreviations, but tend to agree.


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d48929  No.322966


God created both

He wins

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5bfb32  No.322975


it's today, i believe

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708e5d  No.323002

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d9d893  No.323405

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b31860  No.323435



>Do you understand Q wasn't dark if he posted that day? He was dark 562 days. There were 562 days of no posts (darkness) between the last post on 12/8/2020 and the first post on 6/24/2022. If you still don't get it, ask an adult for help. This really isn't hard to grasp.

You were asked to account for the timestamps.

You didn't.

Here you go.

With a 4-20 reference even.

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8def6f  No.323660

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f44860  No.324811


Not sure about anons country but here…

we are load shedding because (reasons)

What will happen when all those flinstoners need recharging?

Did any one check network capacity b4 they convert 1/2 out transport fleet to eCars?

Who is running this clown show?

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c82e8b  No.324867


that elvis presley and his satan hip swinging ruined our country with impure motions

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99c457  No.325018


You've just been given the biggest win in your lifetime and look at you, concernfagging, pathetic.

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61b7ac  No.325374


1980's, perhaps, my generation carried the M4, 30 round mags. You had Safe Fire, Burst (3 rounds). Back in your day, they indeed had full flipping auto.

Now to be fair, obviously more skilled operators/specialties have full auto and are allowed to use it, just not the grunts in basic was my point.

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c4186a  No.326141

Lower the prices, Joseph! This is not a game!

President Biden


United States government official

My Administration will continue to do everything we can to lower prices for the American people, but Congress has to act as well.

4:18 PM · Jun 13, 2022·The White House


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9c61bb  No.326174


Find peace through prayer.

God bless you.


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98a3a1  No.326415


Thank you for everything you do, sir.

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feacb8  No.326551


Jesse Wade

Elvis Presley character

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e871d3  No.327104


Checked and ZZ'd

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5ebc1e  No.327267

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8bfd3f  No.328199

going out for a cigarette, have fun anons and keep it civil.

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938b6d  No.328476



vice versa … Queen not King

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98f836  No.328868


>I am us


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7f8a98  No.328872


Go for it..

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2ec02d  No.329324

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8980e5  No.329797


> And we're supposed to vote again? Fuck that.

We have to. Keep putting maximum pressure on the system.

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052dc6  No.330054



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01f575  No.330171

I'm just wondering if these new Hunter leaks are the drip drip we're expecting……………………dot dot dot……………….more dots..

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de2ed7  No.330447


I used a MAB for a while for an auto-immune disease. It failed miserably, and had a blackbox warning that it caused cancer. No thanks for me.

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92036d  No.330891


Why can't there be footage of a dog, wolf, or even the wolverine (it is Idaho) getting the fancy on with one of the handcuffed perps?

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c50dcf  No.330991

ICE officially considers military service when deciding to deport non-citizen vets and families

The policy has been unofficial until now

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Tuesday that it will officially consider migrants' US military service before deciding whether to enforce civil immigration actions, such as deportation, against them or their family members.

While ICE has previously recognized US military service as a mitigating factor, the Biden administration's directive makes consideration of US military service an official agency policy. The department will take into account the non-citizen US veteran's type of discharge, length of service, and other related factors before deciding to take action against an illegal immigrant and their immediate family members.

Immigration enforcement actions include "arrest, detention, return, and removal from the United States of foreign nationals who are inadmissible to or removable from the United States under U.S. immigration law," according to the Department of Homeland Security.

The Biden administration stressed in a press release announcing the policy that the focus of ICE is "the apprehension and removal of noncitizens who are a threat to national security, public safety, and border security."

The newly official policy will also create training, tracking, and reporting requirements for current and former US service members who are illegal immigrants.

"ICE values the incredible contributions of noncitizens who have served in the U.S. military," ICE Acting Director Tae D. Johnson said in a press release. "Through this directive, ICE will consider U.S. military service by a noncitizen or their immediate family members when determining whether to take civil immigration enforcement decisions against a noncitizen."


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4e2da7  No.331330



very noice bun

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32a88b  No.331524


fuel prices doing more damage than alum tariffs.

but orange man bad

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a503d4  No.331749


If that's the case, then why doesn't Israel open their borders to Muslims? If most are good people, then there is no problem with Israel doing that, right?

Jews can go be good people in Israel or th JAO, their pedo-approving religion is incompatible with Western values.

There is no such thing as "Based Orthodox Jews":

Orthodox Judaism (which is a very dominant element of international Jewery, specially thru Chabad which is very politically active all over the West) is as subversive against the Western people as the others denominations and the so called "atheist" Jews:

-Judaism is based on Jewish racial supremacism (and Jews aren't White, if Jews were White then "anti-Semitism" laws would protect Whites too, which they don't, and Whites (ethnic European natives) would be allowed the right to ask for dual nationality with Israel (which they can't)).

-Their Talmud is anti-Christian and anti-Gentile (Gentile means non-Jew). The Talmud also aproves of pedophilia.

-The circumcision ritual is male genital mutilation (child abuse). Pic related here:


-They still have the blood of Christ in their hands because of their ancestors words and actions against Christ.

–The ancestors of the modern Jews, the pharisees that had Christ crucified cursed themselves and their own bloodlines (they put His blood in their hands and the hands of their children, who have to repent and accept Christ in order to save themselves). It's in the Bible:

Matthew 27:15-27

-The Rabbis that lead the Synagogues in the West (which constantly shill for open borders for the West) are appointed by Israeli Rabbis, which are obviously zionists (who don't want open borders for Israel). This is an issue because Israel is an enemy of the West, as are all zionists (both Jew and Gentile zionists alike). And there is also the fact that Israel is an anti-Christian country.

-Their rule of Mesirah obliges Jews to NEVER deliver a criminal Jew to the authorities, under penalty of becoming a Rodef that can be killed by any member the Jewish community without punishment. Basically a mafia law that obligates all Jews (criminal or not) to run cover for criminal Jews if they don't want to be murdered by their own fellow Jews.

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c8868e  No.331864

Typical of communist California that instead of cleaning up their own mess, they expect the rest of the country to bail them out by taking water from someone else's river.

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c2ac71  No.331976


Nobody takes this toon seriously. They just take his money and tell him what he wants to here.

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344424  No.332460



Q Research General #20901: This nation belongs to (.You.) - DJT Edition

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8b5f60  No.332577

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784297  No.334180


>Real anons don't post pictures of children.

What about DJT quoting one?

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c84300  No.334830

All of us negotiate a soul contract before entering into any one lifetime. Our life agreement covers the people and situations we’ll encounter in life but not our responses to them. Let’s look at the circumstances of that contract.

Everyone has a life plan

Each lifetime we agree before birth to take on a specific learning task or tasks. Our guides and the Lords of Karma usually call the assignments we give ourselves our “soul contract,” “blueprint,” or “life plan.”

SaLuSa tells us that “every individual has his or her own plan.” (2) “You have a life contract,” he says, “of which very few are personally aware and have seen into the future and planned it accordingly.” (3) According to Matthew Ward as well, only “a relative handful of Earth’s peoples know about soul contracts.” (4)

He tells us that “life plans are agreed before you come into your earth body, and your Guides will do everything in their power to ensure you complete your incarnation successfully.” (5) When we’ve completed your life plan, he tells us, we leave Earth.

“Normally when your time of completion is reached you are ready to return to the higher dimensions. Bear this in mind when your loved ones or friends leave the Earth plane, and be happy for them. They have not gone from your lives forever, and soul groups will come together time and time again.” (6)

Some time after death, we sit down again with our guides and review how we did, in an event generally known on the other side as “the Judgment.” (7) Elsewhere I’ve discussed how 20th Century psychologist Frances Banks navigated her “Judgment” in the astral planes. (8)

Our soul contracts determine what situations are brought to us but not how we’ll respond. In fashioning our response to these given situations, we are expected to grow in knowledge of ourselves.

Sometimes it may take us a series of lifetimes to learn one specific lesson, SaLuSa informs us, but learning it “moves you on and adds to your spiritual understanding.” (9)

Our soul contract is negotiated each lifetime. One occasion on which the discussion of soul contracts arises is when we consider the events of our lives and wonder if coincidence plays a role. Saul says:“There are no accidents or coincidences. Every occurrence and every opportunity that you experience during Earth life has been prepared or allowed for before you incarnated.” (10)

SaLuSa concurs: “As you can clearly understand, you are all in here to learn through your experiences and nothing comes your way by pure chance.” (11) Every aspect of our lives is planned, he says. (12) We may feel that many of our experiences are uncalled for, but “we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan.“ (13)

“Where you experience the harsh reality of life,” SaLuSa reminds us, “it is for your spiritual understanding and development.” (14) The galactic and spirit teachers can see what events lie ahead of us, he reveals.

“Events can be foreseen way ahead, so it easy enough to place you where it is of the most benefit. Life seems complicated but in reality it is quite simple, as you will always find yourself to be in the right place. It is much the same with the people that enter your life, as that is also by arrangement and agreement.” (15)

For these reasons, Saul encourages us to embrace situations in our lives which seem like curve balls.

“When life throws you a curved ball, embrace it! Nothing in your life happens by chance; every event you experience has been planned and has a purpose. However, while you remain immersed in the illusion, it is very difficult for you to perceive this, let alone understand what it is trying to show you.” (16)

SaLuSa explains these curve balls as karma and says they again are part of our life plan.

“Only karmic reasons would result in you being pulled off course, and if it happens know that it is part of your life contract that you have already agreed upon.” (17)

We forget about our soul contract when we incarnate

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0a1376  No.334971


I've been there to voodoo myself 50x at least.

Nothing to indicate they have a secret kid brothel.

They are edgy stoner burnout antifa fuck the world types.

Good weird doughnuts. They were in Portland before the current kike mayor ruined it.

If they are really trafficking children i would be surprised. I am 100% on board with pizzagate being real and the people behind it shot. In the case of voodoo I have seen 0 evidence that the shop is anything other than a doughnut shop with maple bars with balls on them.

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b495e7  No.335051


next somebody tells that he didn't know Scavino did Trump retweets ..l.

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639b76  No.335104



from French flibustier, first applied to pirates who pillaged the Spanish colonies in the West Indies.

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bec13f  No.335627


Biden finishing the job because he's the perfect one to do it: old, throw-away puppet president.

They can't lose - he will do whatever they want. They have two+ years to to go and look what was done so far.

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de5c6d  No.338039

There is a galactic war since billion of years and we don't even know it!

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b45a82  No.338083



sorry, meant metaphor.

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60adf8  No.338219

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6cc645  No.338400

Russia says it destroyed weapons delivered by US and EU to Ukraine

Ukraine claims that residential buildings were also hit, cites civilian casualties

Russian forces have destroyed a logistics terminal in Odessa that held a large batch of foreign weapons, Moscow said on Saturday amid its ongoing military offensive in Ukraine. However, the city’s authorities claimed that its air defense group destroyed two missiles but that another four hit a military target and residential buildings, leading to victims. It was not immediately clear if the civilian buildings were hit as a result of attempts by Ukrainian forces to strike down the missiles initially aimed at a military target.

According to Russian military spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov, in the afternoon, “high-precision long-range air-launched missiles” hit a logistics terminal located on a military airfield near Odessa, where “a large batch of foreign weapons received from the United States and European countries was stored.”

Russia has repeatedly warned NATO against sending arms to Ukraine and stated that it would consider arms convoys to be legitimate military targets.

Odessa regional emergency services earlier said that “as a result of an enemy shelling,” a sixteen-story residential building caught fire, which was put out in about two and a half hours.

“At this point it is known that 6 people died, including one child, and 18 people were injured. Two people were rescued from the rubble, 86 people were evacuated,” the authorities said in a statement.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking later at a press conference in Kiev, elaborated on these claims.

“At this very moment eight people have died. Eighteen or twenty have been injured. A three-month old child died. A three-month old child was killed. When the war started, this child was just one month old. Can you imagine this?” Zelensky said.

According to the press office of Ukraine's South Air Command, on Saturday the air defense group destroyed two cruise missiles, allegedly launched by Russian TU-95 strategic aircraft from the Caspian Sea, and two operational-tactical level UAVs, which “presumably corrected the flight of cruise missiles and placed active obstacles to air defenses.”

“Unfortunately, 2 missiles hit a military facility and 2 {hit} residential buildings,” the Ukrainian military claimed.

Since the launch of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine, Moscow and Kiev have accused each other of committing war crimes, targeting civilians, hampering evacuations and violating international law. Several rounds of peace negotiations have not yielded any significant results.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.


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be2885  No.338417


both brilliant and humble

rare combo

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16ad1d  No.338486

=Donald Trump Says "China" ==


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f3b72a  No.338491

The best part about the muhjoo shills believing their low IQ strategy works in the digital age, is that every single one of them are effectively calling themselves Jews.


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9c3f87  No.338704

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b4e65f  No.338752


>donald trump holding a laser gun in outer space

laser gun could be on a camera though. probably a standard feature on camera phones in the future

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5f960a  No.340141


I've already seen so many friends die along the way that it no longer excites me in the same way.

Praying for my friends is the most I can do.


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fd23da  No.340520


>in 5 years you will be able to generate full length movies like that. with music, dialogue, stories and all.

Nice! First movie should be about things that Q said would happen (but never actually did).


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92eb5a  No.340695

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59f9b1  No.341081


> Dear Abby.

you old fart


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a080d1  No.341117


I bet we'll see flying unicorns first


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c1cb2f  No.341230






Ignore the shills

Real research to be done

No filters


>Robert Crimo Does not exist



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8c4867  No.341303


To the moon, Alice.


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d2441a  No.341430

President Biden


United States government official

It was an honor to meet with His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain today and reaffirm the enduring friendship between our nations.

7:48 PM · Jun 28, 2022·The White House



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9ffa5b  No.341589


Reported to the ADL.


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697269  No.342396


look at the antiquitech


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ad2007  No.342579


"Well I don’t know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate," he said during an Aug. 19 briefing.

Trump is right — QAnon does like him. But there’s more to the baseless conspiracy theory than presidential politics, and the FBI warned that it’s a potential domestic terrorism threat.

Here’s everything you need to know.

What is "Q"?

The term "QAnon" is a mashup of "Q" and "anon," an abbreviation for "anonymous." The term has been used to reference the conspiracy theory and its followers. The Q is a reference to a high level of security clearance at the Department of Energy.

QAnon has been around since October 2017, when Q started posting vague and cryptic messages — which have become known as "breadcrumbs" and "Q drops" — on a fringe internet forum called 4chan. Those posts serve as the backbone of the conspiracy theory, whose believers trend conservative.

Q has published more than 4,600 posts on 4chan and 8chan message boards, including links, images and obscure messages. Here’s an excerpt from one of Q’s earliest posts:

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

The dates at the end of the excerpt reference are a prediction for when John Podesta, former chair of Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and Huma Abedin, the campaign’s vice chair, would be indicted for previously undisclosed crimes. Neither came to pass.

Some believers think that Q is a single person, while others speculate that Q’s identity has changed over time. The forum for Q’s posts has changed, moving from 4chan to 8chan, which rebranded as 8kun in fall 2019 after manifestos related to three mass shootings were posted on the platform.



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933cb1  No.342776


" K

" E


Holocauster E













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4242c8  No.343011

the wheels are coming off. pass it on at 4am to all anons.

Bette Midler turns on left, says trans language erases women | Just The News


In a message Monday addressed to "WOMEN OF THE WORLD!" the 76-year-old Midler wrote: "We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name!"

No stranger to controversy, after criticizing the Supreme Court's decision to overrule Roe v. Wade, her Fourth of July tweet criticized the language used by transgender activists to refer to biological women, including those who identify as men.

"They don’t call us 'women' anymore; they call us 'birthing people' or 'menstruators', and even 'people with vaginas'! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!" she wrote.


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1edb9b  No.343565


>Billions Keep Flowing to Afghanistan

zeee weapons/drug/slave trading kuntinues on.


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2b745b  No.343673


Running Up That Hill


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98ebea  No.343725


Bullshit. Watch the wives.


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3a1815  No.344503


they've been talking about doing that since the late 90's.



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889d10  No.344625


Goofy Regular?


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c2dacc  No.345060


That Aborted daughter meme was brutal, No You're crying!


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886ab4  No.345098


thanks dubs


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d526b9  No.345315


It's time for the Martians to come and wipe us out. This is a classic scene from War of the Worlds (1956). Love those alien craft. Almost as cool as the Starship Enterprise.


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f04c36  No.345352

💢 Russia claims 500 Ukrainian casualties during strikes on Nikolaev in single day, Ukraine

Russian strikes on a shipbuilding plant in the Ukrainian port of Nikolaev killed as many as 500 troops on Tuesday, the Russian defense ministry claimed during a daily press briefing on Wednesday.

👉 The troops belonged to the Ukrainian Army’s 59th Mechanized Brigade, the report said, who it’s believed were taking cover at the Okean Shipyard. The facility is located in the southern part of the Ukrainian city that stands on a major river some 60 kilometers inland from the Black Sea.

The ministry said the Russian Air Force had used precision weapons to strike the plant’s workshops, killing Ukrainian service members and destroying arms and military vehicles.

Ukrainian sources reported several Russian cruise-missile strikes targeting Nikolaev on Tuesday. These caused damage to port infrastructure, to industrial buildings and to the power grid, and destroyed some trucks, the Ukrainian military said.

In the briefing, Russia also claimed to have routed the 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade. The report claimed that the Ukrainian unit lost over 60% of its strength during fighting for territory claimed by the Moscow-allied Lugansk People’s Republic. The brigade fled from its positions in violation of the order from its command to stand its ground, the Russian military said.

👉 Last week, the Russian military claimed to have killed scores of Ukrainian officers after striking a compound where a meeting of commanders of several Ukrainian units was taking place.




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534ee9  No.349989


> This seems like a pretty comfy thread

Well, comfier than some.

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729d44  No.350163

File: e722c113dafbff7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 6000x6588, 500:549, 1634641151748_ShillAMA_thr….png)

File: fd0b36878957b1d⋯.jpg (295.52 KB, 640x966, 320:483, jidf_1609672374421_mossad_….jpg)

File: de12b614700a017⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 629x838, 629:838, 1655783885392_alien_glowni….jpg)

File: 43e4901487c5da7⋯.png (55.09 KB, 646x553, 646:553, 75a870ee593f0b277b9c1d4691….png)

File: 5f5a19d6703abfe⋯.jpg (335.11 KB, 2079x917, 297:131, tldr_1585371560327_glownig….jpg)

OP is a glownigger, perpetuating the belief that pol flags can be taken seriously. It costs $20 a month to get a service, and your pol flag can be anything.


And this thread has the redtext bot and Q bot. Pol, 8kunt, and Twitter are full of shills and bots, every glownigger agency has them, including the non-human glowniggers. Why not waste your lives with every instance of "distortion"?

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729d44  No.350164

File: 80fcb84b87a31c5⋯.jpg (209.55 KB, 1017x1010, 1017:1010, 1652557024003_compressor_i….jpg)

File: 5743e31c13a2277⋯.png (246.05 KB, 1084x1004, 271:251, 1652072824258_tinypng_com_.png)

File: 1772d9549addd11⋯.png (337.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1646097930703_tinypng_com_.png)

File: f76405e3bedc6e5⋯.png (229.46 KB, 974x967, 974:967, 348887cf4c6e2ab1a2e2d96b43….png)

File: 36b2ff9fd84ab25⋯.png (263.98 KB, 828x1173, 12:17, 1652924148115_tinypng_com_.png)

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729d44  No.350165

File: 923ace793043c3d⋯.png (171.01 KB, 771x831, 257:277, 1661114977018918_tinypng_c….png)

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772b17  No.350275

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41854f  No.350279


They probably have one agent that drew the short straw that one day a month. Just like me they simply hide all the weird faggot vegetarians posts and simply scroll through yours and anyone else of relevance.

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41854f  No.350280


There has to be more than one jew hater in the thread.

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41854f  No.350281


Dumbass. That is me. Not him.

Fucking hell, if I can keep you morons straight and I only come in here once a month or less, you ought to be able to keep the occasional visitor straight as well since they AREN'T YOU…dumber than a bag of hammers.

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c9155a  No.357441


Imagine shilling for the (((Globalist))) war in Ukraine this hard.

Y'all had enough yet?

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a8b496  No.357848

When I was little there were shills too but they either used spambots/censorship or put some actual effort into it.

OP is an underpaid faggot shitposter shill wasting his life more than anyone else.

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fe4e74  No.360651


Azov leaders enjoying themselves in Israel making comparisons between Mariupol and Masada…


You still don't get the picture?

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