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adf836  No.293311

I've been in the hospital for recovering from an appendectomy. I was worried about leaving my husband at home alone (married for five years, we are both male and I've always worried about how horny he is and how accessible gay hookups are). My mom also lives with us and keeps me updated whenever I'm away. So today I get home and surprise my husband, and catch a glimpse of his phone screen over his shoulder seeing that he had been texting a message to my mom using a lot of emojis. When I asked him what it was about he played it off. Later I found his phone and saw that he had 5 unread messages from my mom's number. Is what I think is happening, actually fucking happening? I am so pissed right now.

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f00c09  No.293312


Stale pasta.

Delete this off topic thread OP.

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194749  No.293324


>off topic

Welcome to /pnd/, newfriend.

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