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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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664618  No.271844

Isn't Bob sweet?

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664618  No.271845

It appears that BOB knows the way to Purple Poledancer's Heart !!

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664618  No.271846

Bob is smart and strong and SASSY

just like Purple Poledancer

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664618  No.271847


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057144  No.271848


I was drinking while cleaning out the garage last night, and I was flattered to find a (very rare) old 78 record of Frank Bessinger (Radio 'O Lady of Mine). A Brunswick collection.

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057144  No.271849


It's my parents' records, from the 1920s.

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057144  No.271850



It's likely worth it's weight in gold, I kid you not mint condition… so I won't ever take it out of the sleeve again! Can't play it, it's too fragile to attempt playing it these days, it would crack.

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057144  No.271851

Mother fuckers. If you have mint condition 78s from the 20s, you are sitting on something so many collectors would pay top dollar for!

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