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File: 8c4a416a69ccad8⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 1200x1199, 1200:1199, 10transition_briefing_powe….jpg)

a47980  No.269462[Last 50 Posts]

I don't care WHAT you say, Colin Powell wasA DAMN GOOD MAN

He actually had the balls to stand up to George Bush and Dick Cheney, for using him to present falsified CIA documentation to justify the illegal war crimes of invading Iraq and Afghanistan….

I'm sure marshmallow Sally and the purple jizz guzzler are going to suggest they are more Superior than Colin Powell simply because he was black.. or whatever…

But you don't have a hair on your ass compared to Colin Powell

Fuck yourself, Marshmallow Bedwetter Mommy's Boy

Go play another video game and pretend like you're not receiving SSI welfare benefits…

You lazy worthless sack of sniveling dog diarrhea

And of course Killcen is going to spout another insane conspiracy theory, and insist that Colin Powell's death proves that this is a global bioterrorism conspiracy….

Which it DOESN'T

It doesn't prove anything…

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cd7a09  No.269468

I still don't care. He should have been smart enough to avoid the clot shot, I bet for his little rebellious attitude they added a bit more spike protein to each of those jabs, just to make sure the message was sent to the rest!

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679b36  No.269470


> It doesn't prove anything…

It proves the "vaccine" wasn't very effective for him at preventing death from complications of COVID!

Certainly not as effective as the Natural Immunity I personally built up by contracting and surviving COVID.

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cd7a09  No.269471


Amen anon, I survived covid to, without any medical intervention needed. Just boosted my immune system with Vitamins C & D, curcumin, and zinc supplement and took some acetaminophen for the fevers. I also take Chaga mushroom supplement as a natural anti-viral.

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679b36  No.269473


I'll look into the chaga mushrooms. going to the health food store today.

Speaking of, finding good raw honey locally is getting harder these days…

thinking of raising bees. I've done it before, for years. It's not exactly easy. I may do it the way they do in the Himalayas, and just have them live in an area under, or off to the side of, the kitchen, so I can keep them warm in the winter and harvest honey whenever I want right from a cupboard in the kitchen! Honey is also a very good anti-bacterial. Mead is also very yummy, although I don't drink alcohol any more.

> inb4 Chaga Mushroom Mead

Has anyone made Mushroom mead?


I said ''"inb4"

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cd7a09  No.269474

Remember what I said about the communists using FOOD as a weapon to starve people into submission 5 or 6 months ago? You'll have to go dig up the comments from /freedomzine/ in the Underground Bunker News thread. Well, NOW it's confirmed!


Ultimatum by the Communist Biden Regime: everyone better take our depop clot shots or we will make sure the whole global supply chain CRASHES…. and we'll starve and impoverish America into the THIRD WORLD.

Did I not warn over and over communists do this kind of crap?



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cd7a09  No.269475


>everyone better take our depop clot shots or we will make sure the whole global supply chain CRASHES…. and we'll starve and impoverish America into the THIRD WORLD.

OR we'll starve and impoverish America into the THIRD WORLD…. but you all get the point.

But nope, still not taking it! And as a matter of fact, I am perfectly READY for them to crash this whole system! Go for it. Everyone already HATES this government. More and more will just HATE THEM more and more. So go for broke!

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cd7a09  No.269477


Raise some chickens, they're eggs and meat are good for protein! Make sure you let them hatch baby chicks and have plenty of supplies for them like chick feed and grain. They'll even eat leftover food even if it has gone stale. Don't throw any bad leftover food away, just feed it to your chicks and chickens!

Next year I'm raising meat rabbits! And I'll be working on building a greenhouse too. Already tore up the old rotting side porch to do it.

It's time for people with money to prepare the best they can, any way they can. I'm pretty sure these control freak communists will eventually piss so many Americans off that balkanization and outright breakup from the system will occur with a collapse of the current economic system and government itself. Like the USSR. Pretty much remember this: all institutions are no longer trustworthy! Government is not trustworthy! The media is not trustworthy! Stay away from it all like the plague and keep prepping for it's collapse!

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cd7a09  No.269478

Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS


A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking.

As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.

These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.

One would think that after an association was identified by a healthcare professional, our health authorities would at least review this finding, right? Sadly, when Ms. Conrad reached out to health authorities herself, she was ignored. My firm then sent a letter to the CDC and FDA on July 19, 2021 on Ms. Conrad’s behalf (see letter below), yet neither agency has responded. Even worse, when doctors came to Ms. Conrad for assistance with filing VAERS report for their patients, the hospital prohibited her from filing these reports.

That the CDC and FDA failed to respond is arguably not surprising – they have been cheerleading this vaccine for months. Admitting almost any harm now would be akin to asking them to turn a gun on themselves.

This again highlights the importance of never permitting government coercion and mandates when it comes to medical procedures.

Full letter to the CDC and FDA: https://www.sirillp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Letter-Re-First-Hand-Account-of-Covid-19-Vaccine-Injuries-and-Underreporting-to-VAERS-1.pdf

Letter exchange with the hospital: https://www.sirillp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Letter-exchange-with-Rochester-Hospital.pdf

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2e3f26  No.269497

>Covid isn't real but it's killing people

>Covid is real but the jab is killing people and America's elite, lie Colin Powell, are simply naïve and took the murderous jab

Either stance you take it makes you into a complete fool. You have no idea what's happening but you sit here and pretend you do. Has your life really come to this?

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cd7a09  No.269507


Covid is real but not a big deal, it's not the one killing tons of people, unlike the clot shot. Covid has a 99.8% survival rate. Each clot shot has a 75% survival rate. It's like playing Russian roulette for every jab.

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2e3f26  No.269508


So the jab is killing everyone, and you know that, but a person like Colin Powell didn't know that?

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cd7a09  No.269509


The trustworthy and brainwashed do not, correct. Those people refuse to listen, so be it. As for covid, there is countless amounts of evidence coming out that hospitals rig covid death statistics by including deaths from other medical complications: heart attacks, strokes, cancer, various ailments, even old age and deaths from vaccination complications.... all labled covid for more Govt covid bailouts for the hospitals $$$, look what was posted in this thread (not the OP): >>269433

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2e3f26  No.269510


Right. So an educated and experienced man, like Colin Powell, doesn't realize the jab is deadly but you do. Is that what I'm hearing?

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cd7a09  No.269511


Correct. And I didn't mean "trustworthy" I meant to say the "trustful" let me be clear. They're brainwashed. They're not educated, they're indoctrinated into trusting authority no matter what. Sometimes they can break the indoctrination, most cannot or not all the time.

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2e3f26  No.269512


They're brainwashed… but you aren't?

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cd7a09  No.269513


I don't trust authority or whatever the media tells me to believe, I pay attention to results and conclude from there. If I see something happening, and unfolding, I look into it and draw conclusions based on many different sources and info coming out. So I do my best not to be brainwashed.

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2e3f26  No.269514


You pay attention to results and conclude from there but someone like Colin Powell doesn't? You realize this line of reasoning is the product of cognitive dissonance, right?

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2e3f26  No.269518

File: b5da39d05be5282⋯.png (131.75 KB, 1358x602, 97:43, _colin_powell_.PNG)

File: 5db72981e487eaa⋯.png (24.9 KB, 994x560, 71:40, _colin_powell_2.PNG)

Anyway. A kike died. No one cares.

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cd7a09  No.269522


He is dead, and I am alive. When the covid plandemic caused panic buying of TP and other essentials that led to shortages, I already had plenty of stuff stocked up in my home from previous prepping. What do you mean by cognitive dissonance exactly?

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cd7a09  No.269523

A while back ago, before Trump was ever in office, during the Bush and Obama years I used to listen to someone who spoke about geo-politics and economics; (whos name I will not mention due to the fact he went from intellectually brilliant to absolutely insane and has exploited the Q cult for money, corrupted himself sadly); this man once said something very important and it's true even today: 'if you really want to know what is going on you must also pay attention to crime, corruption and criminal conspiracy or you simply will not comprehend or understand a full reality. Those that ignore corruption will never draw correct forecasts.'

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2e3f26  No.269525


Why not simply admit you have no idea what's killing people?

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cd7a09  No.269529


I have a very good idea of what is killing people. It's very obvious. That's why I decline to take the clot shot of receive any institutionalized medical intervention for the time period, until this whole thing passes and blows over. It's OK, I can wait.

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2e3f26  No.269531

File: d3271beb1684d61⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 431x419, 431:419, my_sides.gif)


It's obvious to you but not far more educated and experienced people like Colin Powell? And people here say I'm arrogant.

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cd7a09  No.269533


Far more educated and experienced people can be very very arrogant in their hubris to rule out conspiracy or corruption. That's why he's dead, and I remain alive.

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763339  No.269536

File: ed2a820e88839de⋯.jpg (724.3 KB, 2000x1395, 400:279, Colin_Powell_Vaccine_PROOF….jpg)

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763339  No.269537


Take it and spread it, Killcen.

I made it for you.

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2e3f26  No.269538

File: 253f95c91d3473f⋯.png (77.26 KB, 1365x687, 455:229, covid_is_antisemitic_4.PNG)


Every kike has their day :)

If the vax doesn't get (((you))) the disease will.

And if not the disease then the coming angry mob.

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cd7a09  No.269540


So I'm a kike again for not agreeing with you and calling our this vaccine death cult? Don't worry, I've prepared for the worst case scenarios already. Have you?

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cd7a09  No.269541


Too funny!

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2e3f26  No.269542

File: 2aaade8cddfafe6⋯.png (11.74 KB, 1035x153, 115:17, samson.PNG)


You're a kike because you're a kike, regardless which side of the shekel you prefer looking at. And there is no preparing for the worse-case scenario. Eradicating your "people" is a simple matter. All anyone needs to do is put the Jewish State in severe peril. You could retreat into an underground bunker for the next 60 years and it wouldn't matter.

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cd7a09  No.269543


Eradicating my people? You mean fellow Americans? Because that's pretty much all that would happen. Who's side are you on, anyway?

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2e3f26  No.269545

File: 69317d80a96a05d⋯.gif (603.35 KB, 320x240, 4:3, burn_it_all.gif)


>fellow Americans

You mean all human life on the planet.

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cd7a09  No.269547


I'm down for that, if that means keeping my freedoms, fuck yah!

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2e3f26  No.269549


Sure. You have plenty of freedom to subvert others and suck baby penis in Hell.

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763339  No.269551


> why he's dead, and I remain alive.

Don't discount the fact that (You) are not quite yet 84 years old either!

Of course, with all the whiskey, and other underlying conditions, who knows?

As for the 'Vaccine', only time will tell if it was "worth the risk" for many many many many many many many motherfuckers!

I already knew it was not worth the risk for me. I became eligible to receive it the day after I contracted it, so my decision was super easy.

Anyone who has already had it no longer lives their lives in fear, and has no reason to get the shot. That's what the fear-porn addicts do not yet understand. That's why the "Mandates" or "Requirements" will not work. Because everyone who has already had it and survived already knows the fear-porn is just that, nothing more. If you want to get controlled because of your fear, that's your business. But using terrorist tactics to impose your will on "Others"?

That's gonna motherfuckingCOST.

You best make sure you can afford the price! And it looks like the powers-that-be are gambling on being able to take all that shit in stride!

Good luck to them!

'We the People' will be Defending FREEDOM.So…

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cd7a09  No.269552

I have a feeling me and Jesus are going to be celebrating a nuclear world wide holohoax pretty soon lol. Either way, eating morel mushrooms while watching The Ropers for all eternity is going to be a bonanza! We can even watch that too, Bonanza marathon!

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2e3f26  No.269557

File: 9c1400509e83409⋯.gif (994.81 KB, 500x281, 500:281, taytay_cute_awkward_smile.gif)

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2e3f26  No.269560


>he thinks he won't be annihilated with the rest

>he thinks he has a better handle on the truth than far more educated and experienced men

>he thinks he has sufficiently prepped for the end of all human life

And people here call me arrogant.

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cd7a09  No.269562


>If you want to get controlled because of your fear, that's your business. But using terrorist tactics to impose your will on "Others"? That's gonna motherfucking COST.

>'We the People' will be Defending FREEDOM.

Yes we will, freedom is much more important than life on Earth.

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cd7a09  No.269564


I'm not against life, or anyone else for that matter. Don't misunderstand me, please. Our freedom to live with dignity and respect, and be our own sovereign individuals, is all we have to live for. If we can't have that, then no amount of life is worth anything anymore, and you can cast all other value aside for death.

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2e3f26  No.269566

File: e20d6f149f09f03⋯.webm (835.63 KB, 400x400, 1:1, when_the_magick_stops_wor….webm)


Propaganda has directed public opinion for 100+ years. You don't possess freedom but the illusion of it. Elections are rigged. Jewish Nepotism limits your opportunities. And fear porn, from contrived Islamic Jihadism to "muh Nazis!" ensures your physical and mental health are not optimal. You are fighting for the illusion of sovereignty but I am here to destroy it, you and everyone else along with it.

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763339  No.269568

File: a94dd316068f49c⋯.gif (493.46 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, 2021_10_17_YOU.gif)

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2e3f26  No.269571

File: 2d2e567b899ec63⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 426x510, 71:85, brainlet_merchant_2.jpg)


Cool meme bro. It's not an argument though. Not even a proper response.

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cd7a09  No.269572


I'm not 100% sure if I understand Sally, I could be wrong but from his mentality and the way he comments it looks like he claims to be speaking for an "elite" or maybe governments or, perhaps as his Antichrist ally, Xi Jinping from China…. he's issuing an ultimatum to all of us here (the very few anons left that is), if we don't give up our freedom (aka Fake Jews?) we will all be exterminated by (((the powers that be))). Am I correct in this assumption? Well if so, so be it. I have nothing left to lose other than freedom. My life does not matter if I can't enjoy it, right?

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cd7a09  No.269573


Ahhhh, ok. So in other words we should give up our freedoms …because we are not really free …and if we don't give up our freedoms, you will save the world by killing everyone…. magically or otherwise?

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2e3f26  No.269574

File: 62f30f0dfb0d1a0⋯.gif (415.32 KB, 220x217, 220:217, mfw_its_really_funny.gif)


>Fake Jews aren't (((the powers that be)))

But yes. The world will surrender its fake Jews or perish at their hands, (((they))) along with everyone else. It's a win/win scenario.

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2e3f26  No.269575



Why are you samefagging? LOL

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cd7a09  No.269576


I'm really trying to understand you, bring yourself to normie level for once and act as though you were explaining this to your own aunt or uncle please. How does this all work?

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763339  No.269577

File: cae481a74b57675⋯.jpg (147.67 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, More_Fonts_Sent.jpg)


> Cool meme bro. It's not an argument though. Not even a proper response.

I beg to differ.

It was in response to (((You))) here:


> I am here to destroy it, you and everyone else along with it.

And was VERY Apropos.

(((You))) just happen to be going down the same path"Ashes & Echoes"went down, and nobody wants to see that!''



>he thinks he won't be annihilated with the rest

>he thinks he has a better handle on the truth than far more educated and experienced men

>he thinks he has sufficiently prepped for the end of all human life

And people here call me arrogant.

Yes, they do. And with good reason.

It's OK. I am thought of, by many, as taking a rather "Arrogant" Stance most of the time too.

It is true, however, that my ability to communicate effectively is often hampered by taking that stance too far. That's all I'm saying… Experience has led me toward that conclusion, anyway. We'll see where Experience leads me ''Next!'

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2e3f26  No.269578


The Jewish Question has two possible answers. The first permits some fake Jews to survive and cross the "Great Filter" while the second ensures they don't. It's really pretty simple.



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cd7a09  No.269579


If the whole world turns upside down, inside out and collapses, everyone is going to be swept up in the chaos…. unless, maybe, they live extremely isolated in the Montana mountains 200 miles from the nearest small town like Steve Quayle (the king of all tin foil hats, fyi!)

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763339  No.269580


(((You))) still don't know how to crosspost, and expect to be taken seriously here?

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2e3f26  No.269582


pic here



>haha this place is a waste of time

>oh you dont fit in here? lol you suck!

pick one retard

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763339  No.269584


I already picked one.

(((You))) have to go back.

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cd7a09  No.269585

Wait a minute…. I just got a vision here….. Holy Guacamole!!!!

Steve Quayle is most definitely going to be the next Noah!!! And yes…. IT MAKES SENSE AS HE REPENTS TO JESUS WHILE WHIPPING HIMSELF IN THE SHOWER!

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2e3f26  No.269587

File: bbad6b884b03c0b⋯.png (962.61 KB, 1288x1633, 56:71, Youre_Weak_Unworthy.png)

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cd7a09  No.269590


Yah, only problem with your assumption: I don't go to 4cucks, my VPN would be banned.

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763339  No.269591

File: a94dd316068f49c⋯.gif (493.46 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, 2021_10_17_YOU.gif)



>>haha this place is a waste of time

>>oh you dont fit in here? lol you suck!

>pick one retard

I guess only One thing can ever be "True", at the same time everything "Else" has to be "False", in (((You)))r View.

(((You)))r Only TRUTH is "Fake Jews", and that is All (((You))) ever likely to see, EVERYWHERE. Until (((You))) Change Your STANCE.

Because That is ALL (((You))) ARE.

Until (((You))) Change Your STANCE.

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2e3f26  No.269592


>i'm totally using a VPN and not private proxies provided by my JIDF team leader

shut up and just lurk you fucking idiot lmao wtf

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2e3f26  No.269593

File: cd0f8e1963f80f9⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 840x473, 840:473, kvetching_kike_2.jpg)


>oy vey he called us fake jews!

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cd7a09  No.269595


Just read about the cobalt bomb, awesome if true! If that's what moronic control freaks have planned, oh well at least they wipe themselves out too, I have no problem with that.

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2e3f26  No.269596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have no problem with that either :)

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cd7a09  No.269597


I have no reason to go to 4cucks. I have always been an 8chan fan. It's a freedom thing, you wouldn't understand that.

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2e3f26  No.269598


who the hell cares? lmao

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cd7a09  No.269599


You made a whole thread about me posting there and I'm correcting you.

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2e3f26  No.269600


>It's not me spamming the same news links with 30+ posts …it's totally another shill!

kys brainlet

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cd7a09  No.269602

I'm going to be waiting for this SHTF cobalt carpet bombing. How long till we see this? Is this going to the Samson Option if 90% don't take the mRNA clot shots and start dropping dead?

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763339  No.269603

File: 421c4ea30dc6b2d⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Fake_Juice_Moarfaeces.jpg)

File: 3913a7536359124⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 510x584, 255:292, Fake_Juice_World.jpg)




I'm sure (((You))) will be happy in here, all by (((You)))rself. (((You))), Purple and "Johnny Neptune" .

Killcen may come in and bother (((You))) on occasion, but I can foresee a break from this hellhole in my own near future.

I know (((You))) will miss my pointed observations and Arrogant Acerbic Wit; but (((You)))'ll manage. I just have too many more important things to do than interact with such an obvious ((("Fake Jew"))) as (((You))).

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cd7a09  No.269606


I kinda enjoy all this insanity myself.

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cd7a09  No.269608


Really? MY LINKS are being posted to 4cucks?


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2e3f26  No.269609

File: 686b7fd2372e72a⋯.jpg (184.63 KB, 953x939, 953:939, information.jpg)


Who knows? Public technology is at least 70 years behind what actually exists. Who even knows how consciousness works? Maybe there's a way of shutting it all down like flipping a switch? The how doesn't really matter so long as the goal is achieved.


>y-you're the real fake jew!

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cd7a09  No.269615


If an entity has that much power then the problem is this entity has too much power in the first place, rather than needing more power over others. At what point to do those in power say they had enough exactly? Well maybe never, and maybe that is the problem and cause of all human misery.

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2e3f26  No.269617


That entity is the body of Fake Jews. They will either be surrendered or forced to destroy all peoples including themselves.

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cd7a09  No.269620


I kind of the feeling something like that was eventually going to happen, sooner or later. Humans naturally want to be free, not slaves. That is why there are always rebellions throughout human history. It will continue.

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2e3f26  No.269622

File: de569743aab4e0e⋯.jpg (149.8 KB, 800x400, 2:1, samson.jpg)


We're in the information age. Now is not the same as even 30 years ago. Only one domino needs to fall, not even fall but merely wobble, for the rest to be knocked over. Today we see Israel attacked by everyone from common people to politicians and even authors. It won't be long nao.

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763339  No.269624


Spoken like a True "Fake Jew".

(((You))) will make a fine Homicide Bomber for the "Cause".

(((You)))r Stance is already PERFECT.

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2e3f26  No.269625


What do you mean "you?" The Jewish State will do this work :)

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763339  No.269627


> What do you mean "you?" The Jewish State will do this work :)

Did (((You))) forget who (((You))) work for, moshe?

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2e3f26  No.269629

File: 0c693c198a0c0f7⋯.png (516.66 KB, 600x408, 25:17, projecting.png)

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2cf13b  No.269630


(((You))) aren't hiding.

(((You))) reek of it.

(((You)))r every act.

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2e3f26  No.269631

File: 4be96f6c937d43c⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 700x700, 1:1, mfw_no_mercy.jpg)


Nazbol or Bolshevism in some other form was the only real "out" for fake Jews. If Israel falls they could slither into Nazbol and turn the West in favor of Bolshevism. This was the goal of ecelebs in preparation for Israel's fall. But Nazbol was destroyed and ecelebs exposed then rejected. So where do fake Jews go from here? They must hold onto their Political State in Palestine, however, they spent many years preparing its fall in favor of Bolshevism. Now Bolshevism isn't an option and Israel's fall is inevitable. What will happen? Fake Jews will be forced to enact their Samson Option, and even if they mean for some of (((them))) to survive, the rest of the world whom they will make enemies out of due to their Samson Option will see to it (((they))) don't. And the world dies. Fake Jew and real Jew alike will perish. Blacks, Arabs, and Asians will die. Mutts and inbreds will die. Royalty and pleb will die. All will die.

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97d36b  No.269632


"Ashes & Echoes"

(((You)))r Transformation is Complete.

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2e3f26  No.269633

File: 535b1dfa4f30e96⋯.jpg (51.05 KB, 720x540, 4:3, chess.jpg)


>Ashes & Echoes

had no strategy and I think he hates me. But this should make him quite content.

There is something else though……..

If Israel fails to enact their Samson Option then it's exposed as a bluff - yet another lie from the Synagogue of Satan. And this would open a whole new world of possibilities. Because if they're bluffing then they're forced to do what we command them.

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2e3f26  No.269638

File: 866d27c96889779⋯.gif (1020.88 KB, 500x367, 500:367, dancing_with_sophia_in_bla….gif)

Shouldn't have fucked around.

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cd7a09  No.269642

File: a0acd4fcca12558⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 631x960, 631:960, ivermectin_covid_vaccine.jpg)


They really are actually killing themselves. Sadly most other Western nations are going along with them though.

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7e2a95  No.269643

File: 7ccb89a2d8eee4c⋯.jpg (86.13 KB, 510x584, 255:292, Fake_Juice_World_Timmy_Bur….jpg)


Here I Come to Save the Day!"

> inb4 samfag harder, "proxy" -changer!


oops! no one can inb4 fake-joo-boi-antichrist-devil-wannabe!

It is humorous though (((You))) thoughtIwas"Ashes"though, just because I use a VPN, like (((You))) probably should be doing too!

"Persona" ain't shit.

Go old-school.

Go by What is said, and How… AMERITBased System.

You're alright though, sometimes… Especially when you're laying off the "Persona" shit.

(((You))) seem a little OBSESSED with "Jews" though; and (((You))) seem to think of little "Else", and it affects everything (((You))) say and do.

It's kind of annoying, because there ARE "Other" Subjects.

I know (((You)))'re a Jew and all, but not everything is about how (((You))) choose to self-identify.

Nor is everything about (((You)))r JooJoo nonsense that only someone completelyDERANGED[like "Johnny" is with Trump, and (((You))) are with Juice] andOBSESSED, [like "Johnny" is with Trump, and (((You))) are with Juice] even does!

And the pet term "fake Jews" is is wearing thin at this point, having completely lost its meaning with so much overuse.

(((You))) sound like an idiot, making loud guttural sounds in the middle of the room, whilst spinning wildly and cursing at everyone all around, like some mad "Timmy Burch" of race-obsessed Hatred.

It's a wonder (((You))) have not yet tired of defining the term "fake Jews" every 5 minutes; because it literally only has such obsessive "meaning" for (((You)))!

It's a Fake Phrase.

Just like (((You))).FAKE.

Did (((You))) try out that PracticeIkeep mentioning to (((You)))?

Just Give it a TRY! What Can it Hurt?



> Ashes & Echoes

> had no strategy and I think he hates me. But this should make him quite content.

Imagine trying to makeHimcontent!

Imagine thinkingIamHim, or thatHewas in this thread!

Imagine being as Confused as (((You))) are! By Choice, oftentimes, I might add!

Because (((You))) jump toConclusions, thinking (((You))) already Know.

(((You))) do not have an Open Stance.

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7651ab  No.269644

it would be funny as shit to watch Sally try to defend himself in a fist fight

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2e3f26  No.269645

File: 9ffec55939eb7b8⋯.jpg (118.79 KB, 1300x1006, 650:503, yfw_moarpheus.jpg)


You finally realized the severity of your situation and you've recoiled into failtrolling. Not my problem.

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7e2a95  No.269646

File: cf6ffb121ee68ea⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 736x1165, 736:1165, Moarfaeces_IS_Timmy_Burch_….jpg)


> You finally realized the severity of your situation and you've recoiled into failtrolling. Not my problem.

You finally realized the severity of your situation and you've recoiled into failtrolling. Not my problem.

(((You))) Should Hear (((You)))rself.

You finally realized the severity of your situation and you've recoiled into failtrolling. Not my problem.

No one needs to troll (((You))).

(((You)))'re doing a fine job of trolling (((You)))rself.


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7651ab  No.269647


I love you man….

So it is out of love and compassion that I need to explain something to you :

I amNOTobsessed with Trump….

He's not an issue…

Granted, while he was pretending to be president,I HATED HIS GUTS, just like the majority of Americans hated his guts… Just like the majority of ALL HUMAN BEINGS ON EARTH hated his stupid illiterate retarded guts…

But I'm not worried about that moron


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2e3f26  No.269648

File: 1dd18899f88bd33⋯.gif (271.86 KB, 498x278, 249:139, lel_4.gif)

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7e2a95  No.269649

File: e3a0184b27d1cda⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 359x640, 359:640, PicsArt_11_15_07_04_48.jpg)


And here I thought the topic was SallysOBSESSIONwith "Fake Jews"'!

I guess when (((You))) Self-Identify as Anti-Fake-Jew and (((You))) see (((You)))rself as the only one who is not identified as a "Fake Jew", it's kind of hard to get anyone to relate with (((You)))!

Does he see himself as the only REAL Jew in a world of "Fake Jews"?

That seems like the very viewpoint he pretends to be Against.

He seems a lot like these "Fake Jews" he keeps defining in ways that seem a lot like HIM.

Kinda like You) have been about Trump , "Johnny" !

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2e3f26  No.269650

File: 43169df8a2e1026⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 498x278, 249:139, lel_3.gif)


>waaaah he called us 'fake Jews'

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c03ab3  No.269651

File: e3a0184b27d1cda⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 359x640, 359:640, PicsArt_11_15_07_04_48.jpg)


And here I thought the topic was SallysOBSESSIONwith "Fake Jews"'!

I guess when (((You))) Self-Identify as Anti-Fake-Jew and (((You))) see (((You)))rself as the only one who is not identified as a "Fake Jew", it's kind of hard to get anyone to relate with (((You)))!

Does he see himself as the only REAL Jew in a world of "Fake Jews"?

That seems like the very viewpoint he pretends to be Against.

He seems a lot like these "Fake Jews" he keeps defining in ways that seem a lot like HIM.

Kinda like You) have been about Trump , "Johnny" !


Hertz, Donut?



Do (((You))) even hear (((You)))rself?

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c03ab3  No.269652



Interdasting how that posted.

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2e3f26  No.269653

File: c9c5e6ff0715d8b⋯.png (99.79 KB, 1349x452, 1349:452, fake_jews_meme_LOL.PNG)


My obsession with fake Jews?

>pic related

It seems to be a meme now. Try keeping up :)

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7651ab  No.269654

I will wire Marshmallow Sally $780 cash to livestream himself trying to win a fistfight with a 14 year old boy….



Sally gets only $26 per day from Taxpayers

He could actuallyEARNhis first $780

(He's never EARNED a god damn thing)

but boy, oh boy…… would heeverEARN & LEARN by having a random 14 year old bludgeon him unconscious, urinate into his mouth, kick him in the face until the orbits of his eyes are broken and his facial structure is permanently changed, rape his mother (the welcome mat) and steal his computer….

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c03ab3  No.269655


(((You))) have to Go Back to 4chan then.

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2e3f26  No.269656

File: 41735c2eef9caba⋯.png (108.18 KB, 1118x474, 559:237, fake_jews_1.PNG)


mod can post the same image in the same thread. not really surprising.


Why? I've left my influence there :)

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7651ab  No.269657


lol @ all the pussy YOU NEVER GOT

you're a child

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2e3f26  No.269658

File: 533803dee965261⋯.png (127.52 KB, 1289x608, 1289:608, fake_jews_4.PNG)

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7651ab  No.269659


lol @ all the pussy YOU'LLNEVERGET

you're a coward

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2e3f26  No.269660

File: ad62c366d38becc⋯.png (231.32 KB, 1106x476, 79:34, fake_jews_8.PNG)


lol @ all the face of HaShem YOU'LLNEVERSEE

you're a fake jew

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7651ab  No.269661



I've gottenSO MUCH PUSSYin my life

lol @ you and your chatrooms

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2e3f26  No.269662

File: fc806643c36bba8⋯.png (40.69 KB, 913x435, 913:435, fake_jews_7.PNG)

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2e3f26  No.269663

File: fdf6b72c489b05d⋯.png (60.06 KB, 1058x242, 529:121, fake_jews_9.PNG)


It seems I won the MindWar. No money invested, no network or so much as a small team, and no deception employed. A gate has been opened allowing for the right individual to step through and take up total power over this fallen world. All that's left to do now is wait on him or the Samson Option. I wonder which will come first :)

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48c6a4  No.269671


you seem to think I care about anything you have to say, as if I actuallyreadyour irrelevant words, or give a fuck about your lonely little screenshots.

AGAIN : I've talked my way into SO MANY totally impossible, unlikely, unbelievable, "pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming' INSANE sexual encounters with HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of women and hot as fuck teenaged girls

Literally well over 600 that I could remember their names afterwards, and quite literally several dozen smokin' hot young chicks that we never even bothered to ask eachother's names….


I'm really not


I'm a beast, right?

no… I'm not

I'm just an average guy…. If I could do it


by the way, how's 4chan going?

you're a chatroom badass

you're impressive

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48c6a4  No.269672


I agree with you when you said that

you're probably THE weakest, least

relevant, most overlooked, powerless

loser on the ENTIRE INTERNET…….

Which is really quite an accomplishment,

considering exactly HOW MANY LOSERS

there are out there… you finally succeeded


It's really quite remarkable. Your proprietary levels

of irrelevance our astronomical to say the least

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2e3f26  No.269675

File: 43d86836d9cfd6e⋯.gif (872.54 KB, 380x214, 190:107, lol_seeing_right_through_y….gif)


>i dont care what you have to say

>here's my dissertation in response


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48c6a4  No.269676


I want to hook you up

to get you laid

to get you in a lasting relationship

I know this dude who's PERFECT for you

he's gay as FUCK, and not in a good way

he's older, like in his late 40s

hes a former MMA contender, with a discipline

in taekwondo, but he also did professional boxing

he likes guys with long greasy hair that are kinda

out of shape from a sedentary lifestyle

and he roughs them up a little

and fucks the shit outta them

….you'd be right up his alley….

or maybe it's the other way around

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48c6a4  No.269677


he'd LOVE tapping you

you're perfect for him

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48c6a4  No.269678


His name is Van, and he's actually a very funny,

personable guy…. charismatic, and kinda "the

life of the party", always making people laugh….

but he's also an extremely violent

disturbed man with a real short temper

he'd dazzle you, I promise…. then he'd beat

the brakes off you, and force fuck your throat

you two would be STELLAR

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2e3f26  No.269679



again with the homosexual fantasies. go talk to killcen about this gay shit bro not me lol

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e388a5  No.269685


you're absolutely correct

when you say Van would

probably hospitalize you

because you can't fight

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2e3f26  No.269686

File: 4893b3c8d088517⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 719x712, 719:712, faggot_warrior.jpg)

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cad57a  No.269687

File: 0fb07c25863fca9⋯.jpg (556.36 KB, 2064x2590, 1032:1295, johnseed.jpg)



only a 99.984% chance

truly you're a couple of survivors

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e388a5  No.269688


Recently you asked me in another thread how I knew you were gay

…… Did you really think you were hiding it?

I mean let's get serious…

you're NOT a heterosexual

Anybody can see that

You don't get any pussy because

You never get any pussy

Because you don't know how to get pussy

Because obviously you don't want any pussy

Even my wife could tell him that you were gay pretty much immediately

You have no history with women

Except for mooching on your mother

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e388a5  No.269689


shouldn't you be playing a video game right now?

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e388a5  No.269690


The other day when you asked me how I knew you were gay, my wife was sitting right next to me, and I wish I had recorded what she said…

I don't think I could remember it verbatim

Not right now because it's been a busy day

A busy day….

That's something you never experience….

Sitting in front of your computer

Passively collectingSSI WELFARE BENEFITS

For you a busy day is when your mother stays home from work, and you actually have to do the dishes and clean up after yourself…

Yeah.. I wish I could remember what my wife said

Because she summed it up perfectly

It was very short and sweet and succinct

And she basically nailed it right on the head

Anybody with a brain stem can figure out that you are a homosexual

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e388a5  No.269691

She basically said you are an incompetent little child who always tries to take the easy way out

And actually being a heterosexual requires too much complicated effort on your part

For you, of course it's going to be taking the easy way out, sitting on your ass until some older ex professional taekwondo kickboxer buys you a drink, gives you a concussion by punching you in the forehead, and pushes you down on your knees

You've lived your entire life on your knees


She said you already live your life on your knees

So as soon as some guy unzips his pants

We all know what you'll do

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2e3f26  No.269692


>So as soon as some guy unzips his pants

stop being a faggot.

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e388a5  No.269693


It's really a no-brainer….

You're not sexually attracted to women

So of course you are a faggot

Everybody knows when a man's not sexually attracted to females, he's obviously a pole smoking faggot

And you are definitely not sexually attracted to females

Because if you were, you would be getting pussy

It's the most basic functionality of any living creature… Reproducing… Having sex…

Everybody knows exactly what you are

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2e3f26  No.269694


You write homosexual fanfic and then accuse me of being the gay. This is why no one likes faggots.

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e388a5  No.269695


It's really quite laughable..

How in reality, you are the most flawed dysfunctional broken incapable incompetent malfeasant excuse for a human being

And all you have is the internet

Where you spend 24 hours a day pretending like you're NOT the most flawed dysfunctional broken incapable incompetent malfeasant excuse for a human being

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2e3f26  No.269696

File: ac0abc6d74919bf⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 280x498, 140:249, wink.gif)


>you are the most flawed dysfunctional broken incapable incompetent malfeasant excuse for a human being

>And all you have is the internet

What's it like losing to a guy like me?

>And all you have is the internet

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e388a5  No.269697


See there you go.. there you go again….

I'm completely heterosexual

I fucked almost 700 hot a shit women and teenage girls… I used to be a DJ head the biggest strip club in Atlanta for almost 10 years…

You would never believe how much pussy I've gotten… I'm married… Happily married to a genius woman… I'm the farthest thing from gay that you could possibly think of…

meanwhilethere YOU aresitting in front of your little sissy boy computer, completely alone, with no sexual attraction towards females whatsoever

Yeah.. I'm going to hook you up with this weird guy, and he's going to give you a run for your money…

Oops.. did I say YOUR MONEY ?

Sorry about thatrealize some money is a touchy subject for you, considering you don't have any

I'm pretty sure you give your mother your SSI welfare benefits every month to help offset the costs of wiping your lazy ass

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e388a5  No.269698


Yep.. my wife nailed it on the head….

She said "he's already lived his life on his knees, and nothing's going to change"

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2e3f26  No.269700



Straight men don't have to constantly tell people how straight they are. Why not just admit you're a homo and "Wendy" is your female counter-personality?

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e388a5  No.269701


You're probably one of the gayest people

I've ever seen in my entire life

But that's okay because not everybody can be functional

not everybody can be capable of reproducing

And look at what a failure your life has been

It's for the best that you never reproduce

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e388a5  No.269702


You haven't accomplished anything in your empty life

The only thing you're capable of accomplishing is more failure and distraction techniques

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e388a5  No.269704


If you somehow managed to reproduce, there's a 99.9% chance your child would also be a disgusting repugnant life failure

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e388a5  No.269705


So maybe it's for the best that you prefer a penis over a vagina

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e388a5  No.269706


Ooops !!! When I said you prefer a penis over a vagina

Are some people might have visualized a man's penis directly above a woman's vagina, and that would indicate heterosexuality, like he was about to insert his penis into her vagina…

So NO….. I wasn't even vaguely insinuating that you have heterosexual preferences

What I was saying is you prefer a dick

And have no discernible attraction to women whatsoever

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e388a5  No.269707


And it's completely understandable why you ended up being a sissy homosexual

Because obviously no women have ever been interested in you

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e388a5  No.269708


And I suppose after 34 years on this planet, you must have finally realized that you simply weren't born to be a heterosexual

That's not the reason why you're here

The reason the universe put you here on planet Earth is to play the role of a woman in a relationship

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2e3f26  No.269709

File: 014e9d4677c6bcd⋯.jpg (8.15 KB, 250x236, 125:118, yfw_qui.jpg)


I'm a failure, a piece of shit, with more flaws than you've had gay lovers. And I destroyed every single propagandist from here to Russia, I rekt the method of rigging U.S. elections and disposed a U.S. President (MIGA!), and the world is locked down because I may or may not be a figure predicted to arrive. Me… a nobody… has outplayed all of you somebodies. And you know the really funny part? I don't even care. This was all just play. That must really sting. Some piece of trash like me pwning all your base. Damn..

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c03ab3  No.269710

File: f548d5d5f760178⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 720x703, 720:703, Last_Thing.jpg)




> Interdasting how that posted.


> mod can post the same image in the same thread. not really surprising.

Not really surprising that (((You))) did not know what was interdasting about those posts or the way they posted. And anybody can post the same picture as many times as they want in the same thread right now anyway, last time I checked. It's been that way since the "Join-or-404" Purge.

Interdasting how (((You))) were focused on the image though.

Interdasting what is in the center of that image!

Interdasting how (((You))) thought I was a mod.


(((You))) have thought "Johnny Neptune" is one too! Or Jim! Or Ron! Or all (((You)))r "Other" lame guesses!

Like I have told (((You))) before…

(((You))) DESERVE"Johnny Neptune" !


And this is why…

> I destroyed every single propagandist from here to Russia, I rekt the method of rigging U.S. elections and disposed a U.S. President (MIGA!), and the world is locked down because I may or may not be a figure predicted to arrive. Me… a nobody… has outplayed all of you somebodies.

(((You))) best put that megalomania in check.

(((You)))'ll have "Johnny Neptune" asking (((You))) about all the good psycho drugs (((You))) are obviously being prescribed, or should be!

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e388a5  No.269711


You have the most profound case of overcompensation for inferiority that I've ever witnessed

Which of course is equal to the mass of your inferiority

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e388a5  No.269712


And you have every right to feel inferior

You're the littlest tiny little man ever

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e388a5  No.269713


And when I just called you a "man", I realized that you're not actually a MAN ….

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e388a5  No.269714


ten of YOU wouldn't even add up to half a man

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e388a5  No.269715

Like I've said a thousand times before

You are exactly like a neurotic miserable middle-aged divorced woman

And the universe put you on this planet to play the role of a woman in an abusive homosexual relationship

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c03ab3  No.269716

File: ef721c7c3ba4ef7⋯.gif (249.35 KB, 1260x669, 420:223, 2021_08_23_Antichrist_Vlad….gif)


you must not have read the prophecies.

you'd be quaking in your boots then.

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e388a5  No.269717


I'm working on a project….

It's a treatment on a screenplay about your life

Of course I had to jazz it up a little bit, because your life is really empty and wouldn't hold anybody's interest….

So I I took the artistic license of rewriting things a little bit

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c03ab3  No.269718


Mylife, or Sally's?

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e388a5  No.269719


…. In the opening scene of my screenplay….

We see you as a young boy hanging out with a couple of your friends….

And then during the dialogue, it becomes obvious that they're actually not your friends…

It turns out they were being forced to hang out with you because their parents felt sorry for you

And the scene opens with all of you together playing at a Ouija board…

And as you push the Oracle across the Ouija board, slowly, letter by letter by letter, the words "YOU ARE A LOSER AND A HOMOSEXUAL AND NOBODY'S EVER GOING TO LIKE YOU OR RESPECT YOU" appear….

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e388a5  No.269720

I think that's a nice scene that would set up the entire story

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c03ab3  No.269721


I mean, a screenplay of either of our lives would take many lifetimes to watch!

Especially for Sally bois.

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c03ab3  No.269722


You're gonna fuck everything up!

We almost had him convinced we were the same person!

Ahh well.

He'll convince himself of anything, as long as it includes his favorite Juice, his own special Kool-Aid.

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c03ab3  No.269723

File: 8dff48f8e6f3336⋯.png (183.14 KB, 599x444, 599:444, 8kun_Mask.png)

I am wastage of much time here.

Irritated about it.

Jim doesn't pay enough.

Procrastination not good.

Gotta go remedy that.

Keep up the good work.

The "Great Work".

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2e3f26  No.269724

File: eeb53db98b48d27⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 633x758, 633:758, feels_triggered.jpg)

Sorry I was in the shower. That post really triggered you, huh? Rekt by someone like me. Jim should get his money back LOL

I've been thinking about putting in some effort lately. Seeing all I've done playing games has made me wonder what might be achieved with a little seriousness.

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c03ab3  No.269725

File: 9f023fa83f8a566⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 3264x1616, 204:101, Glowtards_Fuscated_Dont_Kn….jpg)


Watching (((You))) get more and more confused by the minute is a great pleasure for me, much like crab-posting used to be…

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2e3f26  No.269726


Confused about what? I'm comfortable in my masculinity, homo.

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c03ab3  No.269727


Yet (((You))) don't even know who "We" are, let alone who (((You))) are; since (((You))) Refuse toLOOK WITHIN.

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2e3f26  No.269728

File: 0fe1566130e98ed⋯.jpg (280.09 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, were_all_gona_die.jpg)


Who the hell cares who "we" are? You could be one person or a few or all it matters. Who cares lmao?! You're how I waste my time. You're who I bully, troll, mock, shame, and brag-troll to. I don't care who you are. You could be feds or all the shits I give. You're the same to me and you'll all be the same in the end, which is coming soon enough. So what's it matter?

>who you are

Who the hell cares?!

lol fucking hell bro..

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2e3f26  No.269729


my f key is messed up.

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c03ab3  No.269730


> I'm comfortable in my masculinity

Johnny ? Can you please explain to this polished turd why he should probably not get too comfortable, considering his present stance?


Actually replying.

Wew Lad!

Take yer meds.

> how I waste my time

Ya said a mouthful there.

Probably one of the most meaningful things said by (((You))) in days!

I am going to take it as a personal omen.


I will leave (((You))) in Johnny 's capable hands…



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2e3f26  No.269731

File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, schizo_take_your_meds.gif)


nobody cares

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c03ab3  No.269733

File: 1c9da2ce5028d53⋯.webm (14.88 MB, 1368x768, 57:32, JN_Ban_14_9.webm)


(((You))) are still waaaay off-base.

It's OK.

(((You))) Are Not Alone.

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2e3f26  No.269735


I doubt it. You guise make use of all the stereotypical JIDF shilling points. If you're not telling people to take their meds you're defending "muh good Jews." It's too obvious.

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c03ab3  No.269736


Yes, (((You))) kinda are.

EVERYONE can see it.

(((You))) are the "Controlled Opposition".

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2e3f26  No.269737

File: f43fbfadf1b831c⋯.png (510.81 KB, 659x569, 659:569, mike_enoch_no_u.png)

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c03ab3  No.269738


(((You))) aren't very imaginative in how (((You))) deal with the "Johnny Neptune" s of the world though. or how (((You))) deal with the world in general, really.

Not that there's any "dealing" with him!

Case In Point:

The Attached MP4 above. >>269733

Still, (((You))) could try to have more fun, andENJOYthe View once in awhile! Maybe Get Outside.

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c03ab3  No.269739


> MP4

I meant WEBM

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2e3f26  No.269740


why so cryptic? are you qanon? tell me a prophesy. and i dont like outside. too many people. theyre noisy. always thinking stupid shit.

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c03ab3  No.269741



get out of the city!

I don't like people either.

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c03ab3  No.269743


And yeah, I'm Qanon, just like (((You))) are the Antichrist.

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2e3f26  No.269745


i wish


well.. what do you want then? "go within" doesnt say much.

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c03ab3  No.269746


When did young people start thinking that "Outdoors" led to where all the people are?! You do know there are more people Indoors right? Have you gone "Outdoors" before? I mean, outside of a city?

No wonder you're so fucked up in the head!

Get the fuckOUTDOORS!

I'm going in my backyard to start a bonfire in your honor right now. The moon is awesome tonight. You might want to take a peek.

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2e3f26  No.269747

File: 8dc103b3c5d35bd⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 400x203, 400:203, go_outside.gif)


"go outside for a minute anon.."

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c03ab3  No.269748


I said take a gander.LOOKWITHIN

Practice Attentiveness. Practice Awareness.

I gotta go.

The fire awaits…

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2e3f26  No.269749

File: ec890067053db84⋯.png (381.86 KB, 600x376, 75:47, fire.png)

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c03ab3  No.269752


Keep living your life in fear if you have to then.

I already know there isn't anything "Out There" that can actually harm me.

I can take measure of danger, and have seen nothing more worthy of fear than that which I have seenWITHIN.

Highly Recommend.

It really puts "things" in Perspective.

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c03ab3  No.269753


(((You))) will never know the simple joy of staring into a bonfire.

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2e3f26  No.269754


(((You))) will never know the simple joy of not being a fake Jew.

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c03ab3  No.269756


OK, Timmy.

On my way out to the backyard for that bonfire now.

Just wondering…

What kind of "Antichrist" never leaves the Basement of his Mommy?

And what kind of "Antichrist" does not ride a motorcycle?

> "..And the roar of his Triumph was heard throughout the land…"

What kind of "Antichrist" is desperate to convince "Others" of his "Power" and uses such titular immaturities?

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2e3f26  No.269757


You said anti-Christ, not me. I'm just a troll who happens to have an affinity with serpents. Enjoy the fire.

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08b573  No.271493

File: 82950e8432fd241⋯.jpg (559.55 KB, 677x978, 677:978, 57.jpg)

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e42b41  No.275580

File: 798ed7a83960c22⋯.png (348.42 KB, 460x498, 230:249, Crabby_404_Not_Found_It_s_….png)


I finally found that (((You))) GIF again.

Thanks, anon!

Stirring the Ocean of Milk can bring a lot of things to the surface.

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06b6d7  No.275601

Here are the threads the /pnd/ glow nigger SPAMMER keeps sliding:

Biden OSHA Vaccine Mandate Announced, Attacking Employees & Large Employers Beginning January 4th



Disgusting Garbage Piles Up In NYC After De Blasio Sent Sanitation Workers Home For Refusing Vaccines



Thanksgiving Shortages And Prices Spikes Should Awaken Americans That Trusted The MSM Lies



China, Russia, India and Australia Exempt From US-EU Govt Climate Sanctions



Vaccine Mandate Meltdown Hits US Cities As State Municipalities See Exodus



Anti Vax Compilation



U.S. Government's gruesome, medically worthless experimentation on adult dogs and puppies



Massive Blow To ZOG As Anti-Marxist Parents Win School Board Victories Throughout America!



Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott



Peter Daszak Address



SHTF Prepping Thread



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468dd9  No.275613

File: 0e10d9068e68fef⋯.png (52 KB, 822x445, 822:445, Disturbation.png)


I sometimes wonder if (((Sally))) even knows (((he))) is the "Controlled Opposition"!

or even knows how to relax.

or actually knows how to lose himself in a practice.

he seems pretty attached to "self".

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7562e6  No.276768

Imagine being so unbelievably cucked that you believe that Powell was a good person. Maybe lay off of the tranny porn for a while.

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1d2d95  No.283343

File: fb0ab671bf23f75⋯.pdf (1.44 MB, 2022_01_13_Colin_Powell_De….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Quietly Posts a PDF

Without Bumping


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