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File: 609ba61955b03b4⋯.png (181.38 KB, 1364x403, 44:13, zerohedge_shill_impotent.PNG)

File: 0438d9cdb3c8b34⋯.png (85.84 KB, 1360x495, 272:99, zerohedge_shill_impotent_2.PNG)

dc8010  No.269515

I woke up this morning and watched (((Killcen))) attempt to derail a thread exposing Israel only to get called out and BTFO.


Kushnershill was defeated by Moarpheus and now he's defeated by the entirety of /pol/.

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e6d2a0  No.269589


What the fuck?

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dc8010  No.269605

>It's not me spamming the same news links with 30+ posts …it's totally another shill!

kys brainlet

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971624  No.269611



1: can't get into 4chan if he wanted to

2 : doesn't use YouTube

3 : wasn't who you're talking about

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971624  No.269612



lol @ your paranoid delusions

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dc8010  No.269613



who are you his boyfriend? lol fuck outta this thread faggot.

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971624  No.269614

Killcen has openly discussed the fact that he can't post in 4chat because of his ridiculous OPSEC bullshit

and he NEVER uses Youtube


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971624  No.269616


funny that you'd make weird suggestions about other men being "gay"

especially considering thatYOU DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND OR WIFE

you NEVER EVER EVER get any pussy…….

meanwhile, I'm married……..

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e6d2a0  No.269618


I can rip Youtube videos, but I will only do that if it is worth my time.

On the other hand, Sally said in another thread someone is posting all my links on 4cucks, and honestly if true, I think that is AWESOME!

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dc8010  No.269619

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 435x250, 87:50, kill_yourself_faggot.gif)

>oh killcen please suck the worms out of my boipucci

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e6d2a0  No.269621

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e6d2a0  No.269623


I once tried to get onto 4chan a while back ago and with no luck at all. Several problems! Tor is banned. VPN IPs, as well many American IPs are banned from posting. Then there is the absolutely horrible unreadable CAPTCHA! It looks like a bunch of black tar spilled all over a dirt road. So if I wanted to bypass it? Name, email and phone number please! HA! No fucking way! Not in their life they're getting that from me. Sorry, 4cucks can fuck off.

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bff2ab  No.269626


Don't worry.

"Johnny Neptune" is on his way.

He'll be letting everyone on 4/pol/ know Very Soon that Purplefag and "Moarfaeces" the Sallified Antichrist ActuallyINVITEDHim There!

That IS what they Wanted, right?

A little late now…

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dc8010  No.269628

File: 2135ea1e00386bb⋯.png (67.23 KB, 1300x514, 650:257, neptune_4pol_2.PNG)


>"Johnny Neptune" is on his way.

You're impotent wherever you go. It's irrelevant, chomo.

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971624  No.269639


lol @YOUusing the word "impotent"

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971624  No.269640

the dickless wonder

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dc8010  No.269641

File: 43c1b6d5e4764bc⋯.png (61.35 KB, 1242x580, 621:290, neptune_4pol.PNG)



kvetch harder kike no one cares

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dc8010  No.273874

File: 0c8e2986e9180b0⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 937x1171, 937:1171, goals_11.jpg)

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