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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 78f5020ff891212⋯.jpg (62.36 KB, 650x366, 325:183, oz_is_looking_good.jpg)

5bbc77  No.265708

Australia is rekting Nazbols

Best part? No one really cares.

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0dedf6  No.265720


No. Not even close.


You really are delusional.

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5bbc77  No.265721


See the sign in the back?

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0dedf6  No.265724


This is a protest of workers who do not want to take the poisonous vaccines. WHITE PEOPLE are being fired from their jobs if they don't take the vaccine. They want freedom to choose their own medical decisions. This is not about you. This is not about some political conspiracy. You are an ass.

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0dedf6  No.265731


Maybe then. From what has been going on in several Australian cities it's vaccine protests, so this is confusing. Maybe link a source to this particular protest for clarification. If multiple different protests are happening it's an indication that Australia may fall soon.

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5bbc77  No.265738


Just like America fell? We have protests similar to this, even worse. Yet we're still standing. Vaccine protests are an excuse for Nazbols to try and grip control, same with BLM protests. It's all very bad theater with terrible actors. First Nazbol fell in the United States, now it's falling in our ally countries. God I can't wait to slaughter these traitors.

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3e89bb  No.265815


The major cities in America, as far as I am concerned, have fell yes. As so have a few States sadly, yes absolutely so. I'm lucky not to have to live in a shithole city or be on one of the shithole third world states either.

As far as Nazbol, that's like communist fascist groupies right? I have news for you, the whole western world is falling to tyranny and economic insolvency if you haven't been paying attention. Slaughter traitors? You mean corrupt politicians & governments, right?

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0fa3b4  No.265867

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5bbc77  No.265868

File: 37d5f9bcd19c84b⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 481x230, 481:230, crisis.jpg)


>as far as im concerned

irrelevant. who are you again? irrelevant.

>I have news for you, the whole western world is falling to tyranny and economic insolvenc

I have news for you, that was planned from the start to convince the masses of Nazbol. Pic related. Or did you think the NWO didn't have a political system? But now that both Nazbol and Natsoc are dead in the water what will replace the current failing system? What will uphold the leaning structure? I will tell you what: Horror. Horror most unspeakable.

>You mean corrupt politicians & governments, right?

Politicians, governments, propagandists, media personalities, actors, laymen, and the every-day brainwashed useful idiot. Horror comes to them all. And when that age has passed, when those "people" are no more, then we will have the type of peace (((they))) fought for and for so long. Yes, it will come but without them.

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5bbc77  No.265872

File: 28485c41515d88b⋯.gif (850.35 KB, 500x281, 500:281, laughing_in_horror.gif)

The ones who say

>down with the elite!

only want to become the next generation's Elite.

The ones who say

>down with the wealthy!

are the same ones who scammed kikecoin from the confused and afraid; these Bolsheviks are the most greasiest of Capitalists!

The ones who say

>heil Hitler!

have put more stock in a political system than their own people, failing to unite them on simply common principles they have divided them even further.

The ones who say

>America First!

only seem interested in Israel First.

Horror after horror for mankind, those little wretches.

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