>as far as im concerned
irrelevant. who are you again? irrelevant.
>I have news for you, the whole western world is falling to tyranny and economic insolvenc
I have news for you, that was planned from the start to convince the masses of Nazbol. Pic related. Or did you think the NWO didn't have a political system? But now that both Nazbol and Natsoc are dead in the water what will replace the current failing system? What will uphold the leaning structure? I will tell you what: Horror. Horror most unspeakable.
>You mean corrupt politicians & governments, right?
Politicians, governments, propagandists, media personalities, actors, laymen, and the every-day brainwashed useful idiot. Horror comes to them all. And when that age has passed, when those "people" are no more, then we will have the type of peace (((they))) fought for and for so long. Yes, it will come but without them.