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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 1747bebf5d212de⋯.png (91.01 KB, 237x235, 237:235, AOC.png)

b7ab07  No.264850


>AOC 'cries' as the House passes $1B in funding for Israel's Iron Dome

Why the fuck are we funding jews?

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e18a66  No.264896

File: dbe2ad92350da13⋯.gif (387.56 KB, 607x609, 607:609, 1549631974637.gif)



Lol this country doesn't belong to you. It belongs to (((them)))

Has for a very long time now. Why you still care is beyond me but there is no hope. There is no going back to a pre religious time. Because all religion is to blame for all this.

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b71c94  No.265147

There is a long list of people who are more entitled to your money than you anon. Shit, even niggers in africa have more right to your money than you do. There is a huge push on encrypted software to stop paying taxes (not that it matters since they own the printing press and will just keep printing). The citizens of the USA need to stop until money stops flowing out of the USA to other nations.

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