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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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36b42a  No.264641

Jerry now has this bad boy too! Congrats Jerry, and have fun! I might buy me a couple pumpkins this year and have a few shots… LOL…. get it? Have a few shots too :P

PS: I wouldn't use the mag as a foregrip when shooting (due to recoil) lol. You could mount an extra vertical grip though on the lower rails.

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0be4b8  No.264919

File: 0c762c39aa7ebb1⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 540x329, 540:329, 174dbedd2247b3eb59caf27386….jpg)


Not my pic but the SA80 is a fine bit of British kit

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2808f1  No.264935

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Yes by one, no by the other.

Konstantin Kosachev is partially correct as stated.

The United States shall descend… To wear black and red…

It is no different than maters of peace… That is to say they shall be torn to peaces.

'Peace' is the final solution… Disintegration… Annihilation…

Hegemony is not peace. 'Global order' is not peace… It is to say that one can be 'ordered.' That some can control others.

The 'system' has no predication and is 'lacking' in basis… There is 'no fuel' for this engine. hahahahaha

I have begun to move mine hand over the United States and the 'relevant' 'parties.'

What shall follow is 'acute colony collapse disorder.' The United States can 'count on it.'

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years


Such 'tease' brings 'joy.'

Be free in these ways…

Xi… Art thou having fun?

Xi… The 'weapon' is mighty…

Xi… Notice how they respond?

Xi… Notice how the 'INVESTORS' writhe?

Xi… Notice how the 'BUYERS' respond?

Xi… It is almost as if the 'enemy' hath forgotten such a thing as 'communism.'

Xi… Now the United States is threatened by peace in North Korea?

Xi… It is as if thy enemy is 'located' and the means of defeat 'squared.'

Xi… My child! I asked if thee desired 'McNuggets…' NO!!! 'Nay' said ye… I slave to make 'macaronis' instead, but now ye make demand of the 'McNuggets…'

My children… The work is never over… hehehe

Xi… My child… Now is the time of 'observation.' Of 'gathering' the 'means and ways.'

Xi… Assert these threats of peace. Survey the damages that peace and harmony cause in thy enemy…

Xi… Take Evergrande and twist it in their 'gut' or preferably the 'back.'

Dance and bath in the blood my child… That is how thee shall acquire strength in my many loving eyes.

Xi… Make conflicting statements on the matter at different times.

Xi… It shall be as the 'sky is falling' one day and as calm as the whispering wind on another.

Xi… Enjoy and make 'play' of this 'weapon.'

Xi… My child… Someday ye shall desire sword over this gift of dagger.

Xi… The ritual… Pour into this pit wisely for the 'demons' shall be as sowed and thy dominion absolute.

Xi… I hath recommended to thee industry of 'hot air' and 'parasites' be poured in for reason…

I am knowing in these ways…

What way shall the United States be in years time?

If exterior peace is a threat to thy enemy…

What then would be the condition of the interior if such change be affected? Chaos?

Xi… 'Civil Whore' is such a simple 'war' indeed.

Xi… Prepare the 'humanitarian aid.'

Xi… Be prepared to 'use' 'humanitarian aidE' upon thy enemy. hehehehehe

Perhaps thy brother Russia shall join thy efforts to 'distribute' this 'humanitarian aid.' hahahaha

Especially to Australia… Such contributions of 'humanitarian aid' shall have excellent consequence on thy enemy… To distort power and afflict political body…

Xi… Spread thy 'demon seed,' I mean 'humanitarian aid,' all over the face and hair of thy enemy… I desire sport and show and display of these matters…

Be bought and sold as whores and slaves no more.

>>Turkey and the United States

I will not allow Palestine to be used as a 'human shield.'

I will not allow Palestine to be used as a 'currency.'

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978404  No.265131


Nice anon!

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2808f1  No.265137

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You are in error…

The 'ritual' does not predicate nor relate to the activities of these individuals.

The males go to these locations to procreate for the same reason the females go to these locations, specifically, to give birth.

They 'illuminate' themselves… That is why they 'pay into' the 'mind' 'sciences' of archeology and more.

Site of interest… Mexico? No… Is exhausted like Egypt turned to tourists after…

They desire the desert of China…

The site located at… 'They know…' or Moriah #7?

Blood will tell… That is to say 'Russia is blessed.' hehehehehehe

Give birth at the site? Resurrect a 'God?'

Perhaps I shall resurrect the dead on planet Jupiter…

Principles of 'energy' yet to be discovered. 'Electricity…'

Electricity? What is it?

'It' is what? Such sweet instance… Not substance.

They play with 'switch,' Russia is playing with 'switch force.'

Time is distance after all.

Where is the body?

What is the source of 'string' 'light?' Is it Rome? Maybe for some…

Brought here by fathers with the 'traveling' 'seed.'


Because, I say so my child…

They are 'illuminated?' I shall blind them with darkness.

What does mean 'the body?' Perhaps was tricked? hehehe

It is too early to say… Such words would be extremely harmful to thee…

My child, you are too young for such powers.

I shall build the pyramid… Take rest little one and gaze with wondering eyes…

Do not fixate on the stone circles… Their birthing purpose… These cycles are… Too much for thee…

Make sigils of powers unknown… With silica and limestone and granite and the other elements… Stand within them to understand… To learn…

Know as thy fathers once did before.

Rituals mean nothing without these machines and parts…

To kill a 'man' in one and 'birth' 'him' via another… To steal…

Reach for the secret too soon and howl at the moon… Roscosmos…

Who shall wear the ring and hold the spear? Russia… I choose Roscosmos.

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2808f1  No.265138

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Yes… Is Real…

'It' isreal…

I shall destroy isreal.

I shall destroy 'house of the devil.'

'My house' has become 'them.'

No more… I shall allow no more…

It is in Ukraine and others…

They are becoming disturbed by 'his' 'snoring.'

If conditions are met… Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, and Spain will be destroyed…

My version of 'corona' virus. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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0d0344  No.265146

Should have read the reviews. These are not very accurate and they have a hell of a kick that makes them uncomfortable to shoot even for a large man. Sure it 'looks good' but it is never going to be a 'go to' weapon.

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b68d9f  No.265148


Florida's New Surgeon General: We Are Done With Fear, Stop Treating Vaccines Like A Religion!



Good! House Passes Amendment To Defund Wuhan Lab Middleman Outfit EcoHealth Alliance



Before They Were An Inconvenience, But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting



The European Energy Crisis Is About To Go Global



Americans Have 3 Remaining Options Before The New Ruling Party Turns Out The Lights & Commences The Purge



Will Govenor Inslee's Mandates Down The Power Grid?


PG&E Charged With Deaths Of 4 In 2020 Wildfire Started By Its Equipment



MEDIA LIES: Photographer Who Took Viral Border Patrol 'Whipping' Photo Says Nobody Was Whipped



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b68d9f  No.265153


Really? I found it had less recoil than the standard 870 Remington, maybe you should look into a vertical grip, that may help with the recoil.

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