Here it goes.
Contains many vaccine reaction photos
Videos and diverse content on vaccines
Contains many videos on vaccine reactions
Varied content on covid flu
Varied content on the scamdemic
Here you will find:
> Studies on covid.
> Vaccine reactions of varied kinds.
> Religious exemption material.
> Vaccine data.
> Ivermectin data.
> Data about remedies for covid.
> Potential fake vaccinations.
> Shawn Skelton videos/s
> Tiffany Dover video.
> Vaccine cards (for educational purposes)
> Doctor testimonies.
And much more.
The material provided is for merely educational purposes and I do not hold myself accountable for the misuse of that given material by third parties.
Download it. Share it on Facebook groups and the private box of some Facebook boomers.
Be aware that there is no use to have a knowledge if you only share it to your own circle.
Also: Know that apparently Baron Rotschild call this situation a distraction, so possibly there are things prepared to happen in future in which we should be more concerned, like Digital Passports and climate change bullshit. And we should prepare ourselves for it and alert people.
May this material serve to end up that whole covid discussion and enable the people to focus on another issues like the ones I mentioned. Use this material to awaken people and use against every shill that wants to subvert people here.