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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 703d2db79a22209⋯.png (548.79 KB, 644x800, 161:200, coronapill.png)

9f67b9  No.264623

Here it goes.

Contains many vaccine reaction photos


Videos and diverse content on vaccines


Contains many videos on vaccine reactions


Varied content on covid flu


Varied content on the scamdemic


Here you will find:

> Studies on covid.

> Vaccine reactions of varied kinds.

> Religious exemption material.

> Vaccine data.

> Ivermectin data.

> Data about remedies for covid.

> Potential fake vaccinations.

> Shawn Skelton videos/s

> Tiffany Dover video.

> Vaccine cards (for educational purposes)

> Doctor testimonies.

And much more.

The material provided is for merely educational purposes and I do not hold myself accountable for the misuse of that given material by third parties.


Download it. Share it on Facebook groups and the private box of some Facebook boomers.

Be aware that there is no use to have a knowledge if you only share it to your own circle.

Also: Know that apparently Baron Rotschild call this situation a distraction, so possibly there are things prepared to happen in future in which we should be more concerned, like Digital Passports and climate change bullshit. And we should prepare ourselves for it and alert people.

May this material serve to end up that whole covid discussion and enable the people to focus on another issues like the ones I mentioned. Use this material to awaken people and use against every shill that wants to subvert people here.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

412c1f  No.264632


Evergrande Set To Default On Insolvent Debt (Capitalism? Heaven Forbid!)



Doctor Explains How Hospitals Are Killing Patients & Rigging Deaths As Covid


More Evidence They Know Covid Vax Is Killing And Maiming People And Yet They Continue Their Death Program



Get Ready For A Mass Die Off In America, Despotic Governments Want Us Dead, One Way Or Another


UN Agenda 21: Israel & Big Tech Wants To Monopolize Meat Industry With Fake Meat



Despotic Third World French Government Is Arresting Doctors Who Don't Push Clot Shots



Despotic Third World Australian Government Shuts Down Melbourne Construction Sites Amid Protests Over Clot Shot Mandates



Despotic Third World UK Government Tells Brits Not To Be Prepared



Truth Dies In A Kingdom Of Lies | Steve Quayle on The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 9/23/2021

Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann discuss the state of the national and the world as people are being targeted for certain death.


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392440  No.264637


Wow, good job OP. I have a friend who took a trip to a blue State, Illinois (uh!), to see some of his old friends and relatives there. I would say funny, but it's really not so funny. He said once you got from Missouri (a red state) over to Illinois (a blue state) you could completely notice a shocking difference. It goes from Missouri (almost no one wears masks, everyone still outdoors having fun, small towns booming mad you know hopping)… then to Illinois (most are wearing masks, very few events outside, few people outdoors having fun or walking around, crazy regulations and all kinds of covid signs all over the place…. creepy as fuck!) True: near the river that separates Missouri from Illinois, there was a small town (don't know the name of it) but it was right along the river on the Illinois side. Well it turns out that small town of people all moved to Missouri! Literally, they all packed up, abandoned their few shops, maybe sold their homes nearby (?) and got out and that old town is a little ghost town in Illinois now lol. It's really scary how certain states are normal and others total fucking shitholes!

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6cb272  No.264640

File: 5c75d7927d7e6d5⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 592x594, 296:297, you_are_the_carbon_they_wa….jpg)

File: 74a55368284b2b3⋯.png (143.51 KB, 1218x1467, 406:489, Vaggots.png)

File: 5a2c0129b08cfae⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1452x1206, 242:201, 1620405275699.png)

File: 8e0dc83e36862b3⋯.png (561.62 KB, 1491x713, 1491:713, 1627979632891.png)


Good Morning, Killcen! Out here in WA our governor is such a faggot that in many shops in our town they don't even have the "Masks Required" signs that by law they gotta have one. Instead, they say "Inslee Says to Wear a Mask" (and no one does.) One town over they have gone full Inslee, and there are hardly any businesses complying, even with their own city mandates, because there just isn't any compliance from the populace. Employees don't want to confront folks, businesses want to retain customers, and EVERYBODY knows the masks are bullshit anyway. Just a sign of compliance. A security blanket for fear-porn addicts. Like the poor sops in the cities; and no, they are not "thriving" on it.

As for pics related…

Just putting 'em out there for interest's sake.

Not recommending anyone do anything stupid.

(Like putting yourself in a position where you have to take an unwanted or unneeded vaccine, or you need to show vaccine status!)

When did we, as humans, decide that Freedom just wasn't worth all the Responsibility that went along with it, so we were willing to settle for Slavery (as long as it was dressed up like old Granny Safety & Security)??? I mean, the vast majority are so willing to settle…

And off to the slaughterhouses with them!

I mean, they are literally lining up to get in.

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0b8477  No.264642


I just made this new thread for (You) and your new friend: >>264641.html

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

359986  No.264643


LOL. Most of Illinois is actually pretty cool in rural and small town country, been there myself a few times too before. Even visited Chitcago once, long time ago! Anyhow, us country folks don't take too kindly to the control freak bullshit going on. It's really aggravating to see how the city and big government folks want to impose their shitty lifestyles on us, not fair at all. Anyway, that's what that new shotgun you got is for right? To keep them off your back!!!

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