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1c75e4  No.263457

An Example Of A Real Buddha Power Through A Strategy That Help The USA Clear Debt Within 24 Hours

too long, full article and source at:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

inalsavior . aimoo . com

If you wonder how powerful a real Buddha who have obtain the nirvana state of life is, then I will give a clear example through a some special policies/strategies that will help the United States of America easily clear their debt within 24 hours.

First, I do not really care about the groups holding major gold/silver of the game or who behind the current financial system and their believe about life.

Secondly, I will act as an US President who calling the shot for major policies, plans and strategy to help America remove the trade deficit, debt and truly improve people life in US land, the time line is now, in the year of 2020s (more specific is September 2021).

Analyze the current situation

– Advantage: USA have only the big land and an immigrated nation status.

– Disadvantage: do not holding gold or any natural resources (major source of the current economy), example is many technology devices now require special rare chemicals and metals.

– The majority of the budget is coming from 2 programs: Health Care and Social Security.

Once you can some how clear and remove those 2 programs, the mission impossible is done !

If you treat the United States of America as an corporation, then the problem of that company is they do not have new product to collect new income but keep increase their spending. All what they are doing now is waiting to receive loans from others. You can say they are still using old mindset of living.

Policy 1: Open new states with special rules of living

Policy 2: Create new type of money called as happiness money/note.

too long, full article and source at:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

inalsavior . aimoo . com

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