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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ad6496b0282c030⋯.png (656.42 KB, 643x868, 643:868, elder_kike.PNG)

ae234a  No.263320

(((Larry Elder))) lost. You kikes couldn't even use the vax scare to drum up enough support to defeat Newsom LMAO

Stay defeated.


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729ad4  No.263329

>My totalitarian governor is better than the one naming all the BS.

Kys commie kike.

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ae234a  No.263331

File: da5d77df09589d0⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 498x289, 498:289, konductor_of_kvetch.gif)


oy vey not muh accelerationism!

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dd825c  No.263344


O vey you are fucking retarded. Probably talking to me the other bread like the retard you are.

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d0defe  No.263356

>Republicans get assravaged about mask mandates in 2020, mass exodus out of California

>Democrats shrug, mask up, stay behind

>Democrats now outnumber Republicans in California nearly 3 to 1.

>Larry Elder, a die hard Trumpist, loses hard.

<it w-w-w-was riiigggggeeeddddd!!! D: D: D: D: D:

Watching the Trump Train derail in slow motion is the best thing I've seen in decades.

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