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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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17cdaa  No.263127

We are $30 trillion in debt

Much of the country in poverty.

We spent $8 trillion fighting Israel's wars caused by their false flag.

We subsidize their free healthcare and free college.

Much of our healthcare and college is a thinly veiled swindle.

On top of that we give hundreds of million to countries all over the world as long as they're not white.

That's our money and they are supposed to work for us.

It's treason on a massive scale.

Vote every single incumbent out of office regardless of your political beliefs.

Geez I hope it's still legal to criticize Israel.

Check that yt channel, there's some good stuff.

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d922b0  No.263175



there's only 3 people in here…

and we all want you to go away

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d922b0  No.263177


nobody cares about your irrelevant political beliefs

go back to 4chat

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83961e  No.263183


This is not the only way they are plundering White nations.

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