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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ceece8780b3c458⋯.png (1009.25 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C149A58F_4062_4050_9BDB_1B….png)

d07b34  No.262802

jim watkins is rusty shackleford

john mcafee, roger stone, donald trump, jim watkins, and 8other people including 3 journalists form an elite council called “Q” which oversees a secret paranormal “men staring at goats” paramilitary agency operating within the domain of the state department using entirely black book cia funding sources to organize all political and other supporting factors for the breadcrumbs.

The purpose of Q is to reveal, disarm, destroy and disable the (one of several such factions) secret government faction that assassinated kennedy.

The organization was founded by kennedy’s son and several of his long time friends.

The Q faction is weak and must operate in darkness utilizing psychological operations and plausible/deniable means to wage war on the (dominant).

The question, as in the “Q” is a dog whistle. It could refer to the jewish question or another philosophical trope like the ultimate meaning of life.

The frequent references to media like movies and music from previous eras by Qanon are not merely as clues but actual time traveler influence indicators with buried messages(but only messages proving the existence of time travel).

the ultimate goal of Qanon is to shift thought and thus reality because the past cannot be prevented, attempting to do so only leads to catastrophe.

am I good so far?

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d07b34  No.262803

oh, also:

john mcafee ran the Qanon account

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82c305  No.262806

Cults be cray cray, yo.

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e5ef04  No.262830



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86dd5f  No.262949


They are hopelessly cray cray.

They only hope to benefit themselves and no one else as well.

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ac8881  No.262953

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Trust_Agents_2.jpg)

Qanon is an Israeli/Russia 'trust' operation.

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