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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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b06f63  No.262564


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b06f63  No.262566

I heard Sally threw a temper tantrum, angry at his mommy for serving him FAKE JUICE

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7c017f  No.262587


In his defense, I am also getting mighty tired of all the "Fake Juice" sold in the supermarkets nowadays.

In fact, the Supreme Borephaeus' mother and I were having a conversation about this in the supermarket just the "other" day!

> inb4 Killcen touts the benefits of Whiskey

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91dfdc  No.262590

no one makes fake jews kvetch harder than sally. were you up all night doing this? lmao

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a865a6  No.262774


lol or lemon & honey

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