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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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d50ae3  No.262501

In Scotland, there varies three definitions.

The region of Scotland in Britain, the northern heights, still considered British, the Anglo-Saxons having been defeated by Longshanks, the Gonzugua, William Wallace cowed and merged into British bloodlines by a stolen child. This is Elizabeth Lennox II, House of Tudor.

The people of Ireland banned from drinking, the anti-Semites, attempting mathematical commodity despite not imbibing alcohol, the disorganized thinkers of Northern Ireland, the poor landing zone, created by Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone.

The Scottish in Camorra terms, a volunteer to become a false Jesuit, a spree killer, a famous monster, in New Jerusalem, America. The Camorra are the guardians of the Jews, using lockpick logic, the protectors of safes and locks and chains, with the Jewish press as the ally, smuggling Jews to Israel and America through canvasses, the artistic movements outside of German genocides, caused by interlopers in the politics of Germany, the poverty steward of all peoples.

So if you're Scottish, you're from Scotland, you're an Irish traitor, or you're volunteering for a Camorra beating.

Scotland is for British, the Scottish can't drink, and the Scottish regret Veronica Lodge's fate as a Holocaust survivor and volunteer for the noble honor of a famous monster.

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2a301e  No.262537

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