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868968  No.262488

The New Special Happiness Money Will Lead The Life Evolution On Earth

Original Source:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

finalsavior . livejournal . com

finalsavior . forumotion . com

finalsavior . aimoo . com

In real life, you have the sun energy and moon energy, the male and female.

But in real society, you only have one type of money issued by the Government to the public in an absolutely force way.

That’s lead to chaos and trouble of life, that’s lead to trade war between nations, between the people as well.

In order to solve that’s conflict, there must be new type of money in life to balance the current one.

I call is as the Happiness Money.

Some special feature of that new money like:

+ Using rule: only for donation, give away others at free will of each people for various reason like bring joy, bring fun, make them happy, etc. not allow to buy/sell/trade.

+ Print, issue rule: print by each national government but the amount of happiness money will decided in the most fair way depend on each nation, but there are two major way:

– All the people at certain age (or meet certain requirements) will receive same amount of money every month or year.

– The people will have equal opportunity to “draw” the amount of money in an range quantity like from $1 to a million by physical dice box and/or machine technology.

+ Exchange rule: people can only exchange the happiness money to the current fiat paper money via official national government channel, all kind of black market or people to people are not allowed.

The exchange rate could be either fixed rate or flexible rate or event using “luck draw” by people as well.

That’s some basic example feature from me, the full details will depend on each nation.

The benefit of the new happiness money:

– Create a new massive giant industry to educate, to learn, to “make” people joy, happy and “make” the happiness money as well.

– Help people live a life with more moral, more joy.

– End the trade war between nations because now the real price of each products won’t be fixed but have an additional random factor as well.

– Educate people about unseen life knowledge and many other new things.

The current system is outdated because the people in the authority who made the call of how money will issued based by gambling style, by feeling and not in the “correct” way or divine way.

By having new happiness money, you will able to make life more balance, more fair and fix that dictator problem, since the luck of life the wealth will now also depend on “random” divine factor.

That is the way to end to on-going conflicts between nations in the survival battle of life.

You guys can think, can analyze this solution for whatever amount of time you’ve like.

This special idea and invention belong to me the savior Messiah Buddha.

If your nation, your government want to use this idea, you need my special permission.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Original Source:

ultimatesavior . wordpress . com

finalsavior . livejournal . com

finalsavior . forumotion . com

finalsavior . aimoo . com

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5bb1ca  No.262536

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