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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: f46d6acb8436d02⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 892x1024, 223:256, 1631162904230.jpg)

c30c5c  No.262458

Fuck off back to your incel-containment websites and the /r9k/ board, you fucking incels, and stop drastically lowering the quality of this board with your probably endless and most certainly pointless complaining about your persistent inability to romantically bond with women, nobody here requires the daily dose of your pathetic arguments and idiotic delusions you so readily provide to us day after day.

The fact you are lonely has nothing to do with anyone here and should not be a point of concern for any person browsing this board; your devastating failure is only a result of you being a poor, ugly, smelly, mentally unwell, unbelievably boring and fully aromantic loser without any ability to flirt with women and most certainly a loser heavily lacking in the field of self-improvement capability.

You waste the remainder of your lifetime here, wallowing in your pathetic, miserable self-pity; it is a fact you'll never change the way your life has gone, but you're such a sore loser you cannot even admit it and simply go past that unfortunate defeat of yours, you instead have decided to sit on this board and poison everybody else's minds with the utterly irrelevant issue of you not being able to breed.

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4005a9  No.262465

>muh safespace!

stay mad incel troon

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5b8526  No.262539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b8526  No.262540


So paranoid, you think I'm creating every thread

I already live rent free

in a SUPER nice place

not interested in living in your tiny mind

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