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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d5ea7388004dc84⋯.png (3.73 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Patriot_Truth.png)

47e1f5  No.252029

You, true patriot, may have visited us. But did you UNLOCK the HIDDEN LAYERS? https://www.patriottruth.net

“My motives must remain in the depository of my own breast: my arguments will be open to all and may be judged of by all. They shall at least be offered in a spirit, which will not disgrace the cause of truth.” - Alexander Hamilton Publius | October 27, 1787 | The Federalist Papers (No. 1)

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683536  No.252037


That quote is Hamilton talking about his affair with a married woman, idiot.

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9dcb3f  No.252059



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40130d  No.252060

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)


Reverse shilling.

This anon is attempting to tie the (((Q))) movement with white interests. But acting like an idiot whom we'd all oppose and he links his own behavior with this political opinion; if this idiot is an idiot and he opposes Q then Q must be legit.

Typical low IQ shilling.

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9dcb3f  No.252140

File: 896093125a657ba⋯.jpg (435.26 KB, 1917x1080, 71:40, PicsArt_07_30_10_30_56.jpg)



anding that debt based economies cause severe ecological damage by assessing values tomorrow that don't exist today.

A swindle.

d the curtain, when in fact it is the curtain itself.

ace when one considers that act of preventing a hypothetical scenario is the mechanism that causes it to happen.

ance, after which they sank the paper navy.

Those events started way back in September of 2022.

ence that led to advancements in material science and made ecology and environmental upkeep a nonissue.

nt effort to advance metals research while China pushed forward with advancements in chemicals.

our primary blocks with sectarian violence. Thanks to intervention by the Euro-zone interim stability was achieved as well as the transfer of relevant technologies.

The UN still provides aid to the war-torn regions of the United Stat

espite pacts signed 5 years ag

>>458 Solid State

Supposedly yet to be known?

The navy is the only 'early warning system' that you have.

Those weapons cannot be seen by any other means.

-On the matter of 'the pipe.'

I'm going to break that pipe.

I can feel it.

I can feel the weakness.

I am locating it.

I can sense their unease in the situation.

I can sense the fear.

The fear calls me to higher powers.

The fear gives me the strength to push the buttons, change the valves, throttle ignition.

I am reaching out from the pipe to draw the objects to me.


I shall use the power to draw the debris towards it's time by separate reactions and collisions yet to happen.


I shall interrupt the system and spill his coffee.


I shall create a delay in the phone call.


I shall cause her to enter the wrong number.


I shall cause a delayed ignition.


Gravity is the way.

Gravity is the future.

Gravity is the wave.

Gravity is the death.

Gravity is depravity.

Gravity is slaughter.

Gravity is a broken pipe.

36 miles per second.

36 nightmares per second.

36 provocations per second.

36 predications per second.


I shall tear them out and fuck them like an animal.

You are strong, but I am far beyond any measure of strength.

I will not allow those experiments to continue.

I will not allow the further transfer of those clandestine technologies.

I will not allow these manipulations.

I am become death and I have come for you.

He prays.

That is the weakness.

He supposedly prays to supposedly God, but it is I who listened. I am the devil…

You ask for salvation?

I will fuck them to death.

I know the filth.

I know about the slaughter and the experiments.

I challenge you to test my power in public.

Challenge me… I want them to see and know fear. To spread and spill me further into the greater population.

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9dcb3f  No.252141

File: 5945ce78b765551⋯.jpg (161.71 KB, 1200x772, 300:193, PicsArt_07_30_04_13_57.jpg)

File: e2490360517bbf6⋯.jpg (352.76 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, PicsArt_07_30_03_56_09.jpg)

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9dcb3f  No.252152

File: 5904c20fb046f06⋯.jpg (418.56 KB, 1200x1484, 300:371, PicsArt_07_30_03_23_18.jpg)

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40130d  No.252154

File: f65628024981d87⋯.png (601.84 KB, 1366x2420, 683:1210, Neptune_Zionist_Shill.png)

File: 1939224c382fb5d⋯.png (276.12 KB, 1327x524, 1327:524, Neptune_Zionist_Shill_2.png)


See? The Jew's impotent kvetching verifies my claim. But let us look at another source:

>pic related

On 8kun, Johnny Neptune is an anti-white, anti-Hitler, pro-Jewish, liberal-minded shill. But on 4/pol/ he's a pro-Hitler, pro-Cucker Carlson, pro-white shill.

Ask yourselves why.

Is he schizo or a paid shill?

Who exactly are you shitposting with, anon?

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40130d  No.252161

File: 9475eb3787658de⋯.gif (962.99 KB, 500x432, 125:108, Hitler_takes_a_bow.gif)

Not only is he defeated…not only are his personas defeated…not only is his network defeated… but they entire strategy is defeated. It's laid bare in front you to see! How scandalous.

I have done what your BO, Jim, and mods failed - no, refused to do…

Silence Johnny Neptroon.


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98a0d5  No.252174

File: d70c362fa4b64c9⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, YOU_are_effeminate.jpg)


>I have done what your BO, Jim, and mods failed - no, refused to do…

>Silence Johnny Neptroon

Really amazing job you've done there, femboi! Impressive.

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9dcb3f  No.252176

File: 908fb5d2faeb644⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1366x2420, 683:1210, PicsArt_07_30_08_12_28.png)

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9dcb3f  No.252177

File: 545ba25cd1742b6⋯.jpg (680.83 KB, 1726x1080, 863:540, PicsArt_06_25_04_05_02.jpg)


How's that SILENCING thing working out?


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9dcb3f  No.252178

File: e58077d7e75aeab⋯.jpg (231.62 KB, 1080x1417, 1080:1417, PicsArt_06_09_12_14_15.jpg)

"Hey, Sexy Antichrist !!"

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9dcb3f  No.252179

File: 7824029e5150d57⋯.jpg (424.86 KB, 1227x1635, 409:545, PicsArt_03_18_12_56_47.jpg)



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9dcb3f  No.252180

File: c80088a6e2e5f03⋯.jpg (252.96 KB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, PicsArt_07_27_07_39_42.jpg)

File: 221c21245ff95db⋯.jpg (193.93 KB, 1080x1275, 72:85, PicsArt_07_27_07_17_36.jpg)

File: 70ed5c81c907b35⋯.jpg (447.8 KB, 2300x1018, 1150:509, PicsArt_07_27_05_47_28.jpg)

File: 9a96ce011eaa742⋯.jpg (244.03 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_07_27_05_06_15.jpg)

File: a42edb8c5a59a63⋯.png (704.25 KB, 1487x1080, 1487:1080, PicsArt_07_27_04_54_55.png)

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9dcb3f  No.252181

File: 32eaa4c5b4ba4ec⋯.jpg (264.14 KB, 2051x1022, 293:146, PicsArt_07_26_08_40_56.jpg)

File: 8652f0c208baba4⋯.jpg (265.44 KB, 1438x1080, 719:540, PicsArt_07_26_02_38_59.jpg)

File: 5bd2284ac15295d⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1698x1080, 283:180, PicsArt_07_25_01_37_51.png)

File: b8d912a00288417⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1441, 1080:1441, PicsArt_07_25_10_56_48.png)

File: aa23377107dafa5⋯.jpg (185.2 KB, 717x1024, 717:1024, PicsArt_07_25_09_15_28.jpg)

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9dcb3f  No.252183

File: 701586842b7fb47⋯.jpg (393.08 KB, 1642x1080, 821:540, PicsArt_07_30_08_29_27.jpg)

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9dcb3f  No.252185

haha !!! that one made me laugh

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9dcb3f  No.252186

" I challenge you to test my power in public "

lol I've been drying my nuts with you


this entire time

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40130d  No.252187

File: 98fbf8a6c8a9bb7⋯.png (399.19 KB, 1338x558, 223:93, Neptune_Says_goodbye.PNG)

File: df1302eab2ecdbe⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Goodbye_and_Stay_Defeated.gif)

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9dcb3f  No.252188


Goodbye ?……..

You're Running Away AGAIN ?…..

I'll be right here


drop in anytime you'd like

and we'll chit chat some more

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9dcb3f  No.252189

you OBVIOUSLY haven't figured this out


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9dcb3f  No.252190

File: 25828526f79ebe2⋯.mp4 (299.7 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ezgif_4_43c40c7a2d39_02.mp4)

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40130d  No.252192

File: 3361318f03c1996⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 300x300, 1:1, yfw_its_real.gif)

>when you're so demoralized by your opponent that you aren't sure if he's Hitler's reincarnation, the anti-Christ, or moshiach

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9dcb3f  No.252193

File: 4c1584d55be6389⋯.mp4 (421.05 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ezgif_4_43c40c7a2d39_04.mp4)

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9dcb3f  No.252195


OPPONENT ?……. hahahaha

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9dcb3f  No.252198

File: a6c3e221fe8897c⋯.mp4 (437.59 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ezgif_4_d6d45b4eddca_00.mp4)

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40130d  No.252200

File: bc96e2832e1fc25⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1393x2924, 1393:2924, Silence_Maymay.jpg)


I did give you moar credit than deserved but if you want to beat yourself up over this defeat I guess that's fine. Look: I even defeated you on the Psychic plane. There is no winning for any of you and this is clearly evident. Why not humble yourselves and try to see things my way? I've humbled myself and have view the world through your eyes (and many others) plenty of times. I don't ask anything I haven't or wouldn't do myself. You may either ascend or stay here spamming shitty /leftypol/ memes all day, I really don't care. You and I - our game…. at this stage though.. it's all over, buddy boy.

Now… you have my permission to kvetch.

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9dcb3f  No.252202

File: 5d8dbc0b78f8cbe⋯.mp4 (247.36 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ezgif_4_d6d45b4eddca_03.mp4)

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9dcb3f  No.252204

File: 9e907377d10d425⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1594x1080, 797:540, PicsArt_07_30_09_14_54.png)

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9dcb3f  No.252205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9dcb3f  No.252206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9dcb3f  No.252207

hint :

these delusional moments are EGG ZACK LEE™ what happens when certain people "believe competition exists"


salve for the insecure

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9dcb3f  No.252208


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9dcb3f  No.252209

YOURbelief that you "win" or "lose" means NOTHING

only to you……

and as you know,

your perceptions

and beliefs are a


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9dcb3f  No.252210

and YOUR problems don't matter to anyone but YOU

don't flatter yourself that much

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9dcb3f  No.252212

File: a58c48657955289⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1367x1080, 1367:1080, PicsArt_07_30_09_34_25.png)


but you're not cool

and that could be be cured

if you simply BECAME cool

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9dcb3f  No.252215

you would actually be a pretty cool dude

if you were cool

if you BEHAVED cooler, then you'd probably be

a lot of fun to go party with and raise hell

but as it stands, I'd be worried we'd

meet a couple hot "art college chicks"

and you'd open your mouth…………….

and ruin everything

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9dcb3f  No.252217

And I Shit You Not, Sir……

I could almost imagine going out

and raising hell and hitting on chicks

and telling people to EAT SHIT…..

right to their fucking faces

if the need arises

because I think you'd be good at that….

but NO SHIT dude, I'd be worried

that we'd meet a couple cool chicks

……like two hot friends out for a drink

and I'd be worried you'd start up with

some roleplay "Magical Wizard" alter ego

or the Antichrist Competitor Nazi Warlock

or whatever……..

and the chicks would be like "UHHH WEIRD"

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9dcb3f  No.252218

or even better yet………….

I'd be worried you'd start

assigning numbers to the girls names


while you waited in their living room

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9dcb3f  No.252219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9dcb3f  No.252220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we are getting up way as shit to work on the garden before the real heat wave rolls in

be well, everyone

you too, Marshmallow

have a good night

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9dcb3f  No.252221

how did autocorrect think I typed WAY ?

I typed EARLY

. what about EARLY looks like WAY?

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9dcb3f  No.252222

File: aa36a99cb38529a⋯.jpg (309.04 KB, 1280x2560, 1:2, 20210730_171355.jpg)

Dinner tonight was flatbread with sundried (from the garden) gobstopper tomatoes, sweety tomatoes and garlic, with legitimate extra virgin olive oil

(even when it says olive oil, it's NOT… but this was)

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9dcb3f  No.252227


………..you really delivared tonight………..

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9dcb3f  No.252228

Guten Nacht !!!

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9dcb3f  No.252230

I'm in bed now, and tomorrow after you wake up (around 4:30 because your mom will be home all weekend) I'm going to tell you about Sonya, Shanna, and Katherine….

they were the three friends I was fucking the EVER LIVIN' DOG SHIT out of…

Three hot as fuck 16 year olds…….

I'll tell you all about it tomorrow

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9dcb3f  No.252231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Btw I'm the one that turned ZZ on to The Jerky Boys….

They walked around repeating the lines for days

in the voices of the jerky boys

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9dcb3f  No.252234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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