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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d45f9008f8d6439⋯.png (24.57 KB, 649x729, 649:729, Flagbearer.png)

8147db  No.251847

Lol if you talk about Patriot Front on 4kikes you get banned.

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78bc5b  No.251848


Yeah. Everywhere is cracking down on Nazbols LARPing as a American nationalists. Once these kikes and commies are out of the way we can fill that vacuum with something truly horrifying.

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8147db  No.251851

File: d82acc0da0d64c2⋯.png (357.95 KB, 1509x709, 1509:709, lolhero.png)


Well I was arguing that we should meme them into mainstream with rightwingers since they'd be most receptive to them, and we could see some real action towards a functional de-kiked society.

You'd never seen such ZOGbombing. Demoralization, calls for inaction, scripted bots that ran the same posts word for word and pic for pic. Wild shit. After about non-consecutive day 4, wham! banned across all boards.

I know 4kikes is a honeypot so I imagine that if they're banning discussion of these guys they probably dont have their hands in that pot and dont want them getting too big.

Thoughts on it? Or do you think I'm overthinking it?

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78bc5b  No.251855

File: 024c45b7181f3ef⋯.mp4 (498.41 KB, 720x450, 8:5, patriot_front_pussies.mp4)


I think these people are controlled opposition. Like Richard Spencer getting hit by a shit eating cuck, or Andrew Anglin and Weev LARPing as stereotypical low IQ neo-Nazis… they exist to control the opposition and dissipate it. None of their efforts amount to any real change. If we want to make a difference then decentralized truth-telling (propaganda) is the way forward. When enough normal people reject the Left VS. Right, NatSoc VS Nazbol, false dichotomy then a real movement can easily form and sweep through the nation for total domination

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24314a  No.251858


Which is horseshit since i've seen threads on them, but jannies don't banny you for posting it.

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8147db  No.251862


started today

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bf9d32  No.251865


you cannot use 4chan if you are on at&t phones. it's mostly Chinese on there, pretending they are Americans and Britta brits.

anyeay, up off your ass NOW! learn Teeline shorthand, it's the best single way to bypass AI-based censorship. Teeline is for humanity, not ai bot censors.

basically write URL and info in Teeline on images. ocr does not work on it, so they can't auto ban it, they have to use humans, this puts us back on a level playing field.

>Teeline replatforms us

Teeline, because it's easy, memorable, polymorphic, educates in diverse shorhand strategies without overbearing, it's alphabetic - works easily with urls and data, it can't be canceled (it's not an app, it's in libraries, bookstores, pdfs), its style is easily hidden in eg cartoons, it's no easte of time since you'll write faster in 1 month.

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bf9d32  No.251866


thanks for the info. Teeline. fukin learn it. get the pdf Teeline Fast by sexmuffin Ann Dix (yes, really)

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8147db  No.251867



What the fuck, this is a whole ass written language

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bf9d32  No.251868


it's just english.

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bf9d32  No.251869

the point is that AI can't read it. the main thing you do is drop inward vowels. common words have common short versions.


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bf9d32  No.251870


doing this in text is pointless, because ai can overcome it pretty trivially.

normally, in Teeline you shorten words like that, but you don't have to necessarily, this is one reason Teeline is polymorphic ie many forms ie one word lots of "characters" result.

basically Teeline turns English into something that's as hard for ai as chinese characters, but still Teeline is just mostly the alphabet.

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bf9d32  No.251871

James Hill invented Teeline, and this is why Jamrs Hill is more important than Edward Snowden.

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bf9d32  No.251872

Basically, it's like evolve or die.

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8147db  No.251873



Huh! holy shit. I've missed some shit since I've been gone from here.

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bf9d32  No.251874

Dieing is always an option, and wothout Teeline it is guaranteed.

(there are like 4-5 lesser and harder shittier alternatives)

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bf9d32  No.251875


my friend, i've been preaching this shyt, i am but so far as i know a lone voice in the wilderness as of yet.

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bf9d32  No.251876

(lone schizo)

but every few months it's getting more obvious. like ppl getting b&on telegram (you get doxed signing up, even w/ a burner the graph outs you and other metadata)

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bf9d32  No.251877

what i am unable to get into ppls brains is that the left is rolling the tanks on free speech, it's a blitzkreig incoming

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8147db  No.251878





So wait, what are we using this for exactly? non-digital communication? or sneaking it into images?

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bf9d32  No.251879

everything so far is not ratcheting up, it's testing for resistance before rolling on everyone and everything.

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bf9d32  No.251881


just draw urls and facts in images. you can just use a cheap stylus on your phone.

as with all things viral/memetic, it takes the right conditions + the perfect spark for it to take off and catch on.

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8147db  No.251882


Understood. Going to bed now, but I have the PDF downloaded, and opened. Tomorrow me and my wife will learn a fun new skill.

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bf9d32  No.251884



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8147db  No.251885


Thank you for the assist, brother.

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eeec74  No.251886

From now on we are going to be seeing child porn distributed with weird Teeline scrawls on it instead of english.

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bf9d32  No.251888


feds will be feds

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8f469e  No.251894


came to check this.

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