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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: f2e4ae7028faf58⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 4000x1824, 125:57, IMG_20210730_002309.jpg)

8027c5  No.251725

Compare this from a racist white supremacist reading the Quran dictated by a white Muhammad VS reading a jewish brown man jesus jewish worshipping nigger feet kissing bible

die for isreal yet goyim?

so much being said about the tactics of the jew in just 1 page

>inventing gods/books for their own benefit eg jesus and 20 different christian versions and books

>pretending to be religious to poison people and the religion from inside, pretending to be your allies as you die in their wars goyim

>the jealousy of the jew over us

>the profit and riches they have that they sacrificed their soul for

pick up a Quran read bit by bit i DARE YOU. ill read any bible any day it is nothing in comparison.

blacks browns etc are your enemies, this is precedence for your survival in modern times and the game has changed, and you must defeat your enemies as the book itself says. its a different war/time

do not be confused, white does not belong to a certain religion this is beyond that.

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8027c5  No.251729

OP POSTING AGAIN god himself instilled racism in to you as a survival requirement

do not get confused this is natural and natural behavior like drinking water god puts it there into you for a reason ad you know this!

the bad racism is the one where you attack your own eg Russian vs English etc you are of the same tribe but not for long as we know the replacement is happening

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374a2e  No.251730


So now you're claiming Muhammad was white? How deep does your "we wuz" rabbit hole go?

“There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.” - Muhammad (pbuh)

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8027c5  No.251731


Muhammad was white fact do your research, and there is no superiority but there is a filth like you niggers

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8027c5  No.251733


>except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness

precisely tongue my anus nigger

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374a2e  No.251734



Tell me you've never read Qur'an without telling me you've never read Qur'an.

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8027c5  No.251735



tell me i use buzzwords because i have no intellect without telling me you have no intellect

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374a2e  No.251738


You know nothing about Islam, you have never read Qur'an, and you reject the words of the Prophet (pbuh).

YOU are the one we are warned about. YOU are pretending to be religious in order to poison people.

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8027c5  No.251740


YOU are an infidel of shaitan and YOU will burn in hell, you like the jew strike while you cry in pain

you know nothing of islam dajjal traitor infidel we were warned about the traitors and fakes like you.

I was born muslim and you clearly know nothing about the quran or islam or have done no research, jewish pig

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374a2e  No.251742


You are clearly mushrik and I have no more words for you. If you think you're so correct, why are you scared of /islam/?

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8027c5  No.251745


haven no more words but proceed to contradict yourself, you should be scared traitor you know what you people have done and poisoned the religion like the jew before you turning your ack on Allah

striking while you cry in pain, same tactics different traitor ive sat amongst you many years,

judgement and hell waits for you i promise this ignorance if you have which you have not read the quran is no excuse

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8027c5  No.251760

my word i have stories i can tell about these fakes for years and years

No racism, but kill those white people

No racism but when they see a black you hear the worst insults about smelly nigger monkey ape kaffir etc

attack blacks in the middle east and now in europe too

and blacks just attack anyone who isnt black white browns asians etc

No racism but attack whites whenever get the chance and many other disgusting insults.

ive sat with these people

the fakest stories about what people have done to them

but then turn around to reality and they attack whites when they get the chance in the most horrible ways.

ive watched these brown and black fake muslims follow every step the jews before them have

i strike you down while i cry in pain.

literally doing the exact same as the jew before him, traitor to Allah.

constantly attacking whites wherever they can

i know who my enemies are i know who has jealousy of me and who is attacking me

white muslim is the new chosen thats a fact, you cant behave like these fake jewish pigs and pretend you are still the ones they are traitors to Allah

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3a5624  No.251774

File: 458a52976e9d97c⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 330x245, 66:49, jews_are_dead_lets_eat.gif)

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