my word i have stories i can tell about these fakes for years and years
No racism, but kill those white people
No racism but when they see a black you hear the worst insults about smelly nigger monkey ape kaffir etc
attack blacks in the middle east and now in europe too
and blacks just attack anyone who isnt black white browns asians etc
No racism but attack whites whenever get the chance and many other disgusting insults.
ive sat with these people
the fakest stories about what people have done to them
but then turn around to reality and they attack whites when they get the chance in the most horrible ways.
ive watched these brown and black fake muslims follow every step the jews before them have
i strike you down while i cry in pain.
literally doing the exact same as the jew before him, traitor to Allah.
constantly attacking whites wherever they can
i know who my enemies are i know who has jealousy of me and who is attacking me
white muslim is the new chosen thats a fact, you cant behave like these fake jewish pigs and pretend you are still the ones they are traitors to Allah