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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 5cb53d8936750fd⋯.png (28.01 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, video.png)

15526f  No.251323

>The Anti-White Agenda


I think it would be useful to have this video hosted on youtube, odysee or rumble. I'd do it myself but these site require text verification. You can download the video here:


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003580  No.251329


>white people too lazy to upload a video

And you wonder why you're losing the war.

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15526f  No.251332


It's really not a matter of being lazy. I don't want to give those sites my phone number. If an anon already has then they should consider reuploading the video.

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6aef0f  No.251347


Any sites that inquire a phone number are not worth the risk and are likely honeypots, even if they are alternatives that allow most content.

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dd3daf  No.251451


you're already on a watchlist, dimwit

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16c53a  No.251452


I am going to go out on a limb here and speculate that 8kun is the ultimate watchlist.

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dd3daf  No.251453


lol @ your STUPID VIDEO and transparent fear

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4d5082  No.251461


Why is it a stupid video? Many people would deny that such attitudes exist.

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16c53a  No.251463


You should move over to another platform that will allow you post the entire video. People post things all the time at the Big Show but I am too busy to actually watch them.

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6a6f5b  No.251509


It's a shit video, over half of it is a silent slideshow of /pol/ memes.

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928fd5  No.251709


>pol memes

Screenshots of real articles are not "/pol/ memes". Obviously the point of the video is to educate the viewer that this attitude against whites is widespread and gaining support by those with power rather than to entertain.

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