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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 76e1e12b1c57425⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 810x540, 3:2, Wins.jpg)

File: 8369c39beac3736⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, COVID_19_VACCINE_PFIZER_V_….jpg)

d67068  No.251015

Do you get vaccinated or not?

Do you get the Pfizer or Moderna or wait for Novavax?

Here's the answer.

Pfizer made their vaccine too weak anticipating a booster shot. 30 micro grams of vaccine per shot

Moderna made theirs too strong 100 micro grams of vaccine per shot.

So what you want is half a dose of Moderna (50 micro grams) for your first and second shot and add an extra week in between doses.

Tell em Winston sent ya.

So pretty please, with sugar on top, Get fuckin vaccinated.

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a10ad9  No.251054

File: b76c32186fcb6bb⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 315x315, 1:1, url.jpg)

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a10ad9  No.251056

File: 118db4674ff4393⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 420x240, 7:4, istock_000014986932_medium.jpg)

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a10ad9  No.251057

File: 7210f28fe99b1f8⋯.png (75.25 KB, 773x265, 773:265, 29_290633_dragon_horns_png.png)

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d67068  No.251138


Nice people

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eec25e  No.251142


Stick to cigarettes Winston! At least you know what you're getting and they ain't half as bad!!!

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eec25e  No.251144

*singing along to the old commercial*

Winston tastes goooood, like a cigarette


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d67068  No.251444

Winston here, I want to talk to you about these spike proteins that supposedly make the once smooth cell walls rough. Lets think about that, if there's really forty trillion in a single dose of Moderna.

If true that's fuckin insane, i'd be surprised if there's that many atoms in a single dose. Half that dose for sure but i'd argue if the spike proteins are that small then they'd make an incredibly smooth surface, think having forty trillion grit sandpaper.

So we need to look at the possibility these vaccines smooth your circulatory system and increase your life span, can you say winning.

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a179b6  No.251490


> Pfizer made their vaccine too weak

obviously. Just look at all the survivors!

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51082b  No.251501


If that's "winning", then your faggot ass can have all the doses. Do you really believe your own shit, or are you just a shill?


Anybody who gets that fake vaccine deserves what they get.

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0e4acf  No.251512


Got vaccinated back in March, soon as my age group was allowed. Got Moderna. No side effects.

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a179b6  No.251574


> Anybody who gets that fake vaccine deserves what they get.

unfortunately most seem to be getting less than they deserve

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0c8400  No.251578

Comes here a year and a half into the game asking stupid obvious question about something we dealt with thoroughly ad nauseum, playing the naif.

Posts pics of two jews from a depraved jew movie with a pedophile director.

At this point you should be preparing for the inevitable appearance of police at your door with public sanitation medical officers insisting you take lethal injection of Covid 19 vaccine or go to the concentration camp where you will be starved to death.

OP is a fucking stooge and a cretinous shill.

Pls die.

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98ac16  No.251583


>At this point you should be preparing for the inevitable appearance of police at your door with public sanitation medical officers insisting you take lethal injection of Covid 19 vaccine or go to the concentration camp where you will be starved to death.

This. But I doubt these despots would go that far, they would spark massive rebellion and too many standoffs / shootings to make it semi-successful. What they are more likely to do is what CNN has been pushing for: 'you don't get vaccinated, you can't shop at stores or eat out at diners or restaurants anymore.' How they will police this nationwide remains to be seen but for sure not everyone would go along with it, I'm sure many smaller businesses would refuse to enforce such policies. So don't just be prepared to defend yourself, also be prepared with some backup essentials like extra food and water storage too. Be able to get by for at least a few weeks while looking for another source for food and other products. Hint: farmer markets and rural flea markets! And make personal contacts (exchange info with them) NOW while you can.

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d67068  No.251588

Winston here

A little birdy told me the health insurance companies are going to deny coverage to the unvaccinated.

Might as well get vaccinated now because they have more than enough leverage to make you comply.

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0e4acf  No.251609


>Anybody who gets that fake vaccine deserves what they get.

What I get is to sit back and eat chips while watching you unvaccinated faggots die of Delta. Cope.

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0e4acf  No.251610


Or just get the fucking vaccination, you idiot.

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98ac16  No.251618


I'm not putting poison in my body because a bunch of jackasses on power trips tell me it's safe and the only solution. How about these despots do what they think is right for their own bodies and leave other people alone to make decisions for themselves. If your vaccines worked you'd have NOTHING to worry about if your already vaccinated. Obviously it doesn't work, does it?

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98ac16  No.251619


Then I'm not going to the hospital or paying for any medical bills and if I die someday that money will be handed directly to my family. Meanwhile, enjoy the enormous lawsuits and hate from the Western world, you communist scumbag.

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98ac16  No.251623


<Pretends like the immune system doesn't exist to fight off sicknesses and viruses

<Ignores the fact that millions have built natural immunity to covid WITHOUT vaccination

<Doesn't even know Vitamin C & D boosts your immune system significantly to fight coronaviruses (even lab-made ones!)

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0e4acf  No.251723


You must take great comfort in finally finding a place that won't ban you for being the biggest retard on the planet.


>don't worry about that polio, goy. just eat an orange!

They pay you too much.

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d67068  No.251762

I think i speak for everyone, if there's a hundred dollar reward for getting vaccinated. We'll be there in a NY minute, sleeve rolled up and everything. All of a sudden all these antivax bitchute doom and gloom doctors will fade away into the dust bin of history..

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38e54d  No.251844

File: b71b84434936df4⋯.png (3.76 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>What I get is to sit back and eat chips while watching you unvaccinated faggots die of Delta. Cope.

<*Blood instantaneously curdles into pic related whilst in the brain, causing a stroke which leads you to choke*

<*To death*

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0e4acf  No.251880


I got the vax back in March. Never felt better. Nobody believes your fear mongering anymore.

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569719  No.251893

File: ad8dfb418e831b5⋯.png (77.89 KB, 1814x217, 1814:217, kikel.png)

File: ddea6ba61b70470⋯.png (52.48 KB, 2278x187, 134:11, shabbotino.png)

>Tell em Winston sent ya.

Gulp Friction op.

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e8300f  No.251941

The Vax is 100% effective in letting me go to work and not wear a mask.

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92af7a  No.251988


>I think i speak for everyone

Oh sure you think that, just like MOST ARROGANT SNOTTY POLITICIANS! Hint: you don't speak for everyone! You certainly do not speak for me!


Double mask and vaxx for all I care. I really don't. I am a homesteader living rural and out here no one gives a fuck who gets vaxxed or not or wears masks or not. Not one time have I ever been stopped or nagged, because people out here are cool traditional hard working down-to-Earth freedom-loving Americans!

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3d7261  No.251991


No, I don't want and will not take any of them. Fuck you.

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d67068  No.252021

File: 930c4ec1faea4e1⋯.jpg (109.47 KB, 1067x775, 1067:775, LetsOpentheFloodgates.JPG)


You don't meet the diversity quota.

Hahaha meet your new roommates. They'll move in you teach them everything they need to know then you sign your property over to them and you'll like it.

White people owe black people for eternity, that's a fact. At least thsat's why the next generation will believe hahahajh

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92af7a  No.252027


I have no intention of giving up my property peacefully, ever. I am armed and rural 4 life nigga. And if they want some of us white niggaz with 5.56mm rifles and 12G shotguns to welcome them us hilly-azz-billies would be down wit dat 2, dig nigga!? And that really goes for anyone around these parts, watch where you step.

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0e4acf  No.252038

File: 4cca1b8966ea138⋯.jpg (129.59 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, a_10_thunderbolt_ii_011.jpg)


>5.56mm rifles and 12G shotguns

vs pic related

You gonna die, cracka.

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dd38b8  No.252433


Oh Moishe, nobody believes your inbred ass is black anymore than they believe that the holohoax is real. The military is becoming "diverse", which means the airforce will be an airforce of niggers. Good luck with that.

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