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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 51a77fea9501152⋯.png (756.31 KB, 879x703, 879:703, biden_war.PNG)

e6f2f9  No.250882

We're being prepped for war. This likely won't manifest under Biden but by 2030 we should have World War 4. Unlike the first two wars the global masses are learning the truth and coming together – it will be a war of the People VS. the kike. It's going to be such a psychic release! Are you ready to fight for glory, anon?

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f0d737  No.251005


At this point if the government goes to war I'm staying the hell out of it, it's their wars so let them fight them. And you underestimate the kike, nearly all governments today "are kiked" and are not worth dying for. As a matter of fact the best thing that could happen is for these corrupted-to-the-core governments to collapse so we could restore common sense policy, individual freedom and Justice once again.

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f0d737  No.251006


>shooting war

As long as they stay away from me and my property, I'll have no reason to shoot them.

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e8e764  No.251084


I agree. I will defend my family and Whites but that is the extent of it.

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e77e4b  No.251087


i can't start threads, start one on the lying cop who claimed a giel in a pink maga shirt called him the n word. never happened.

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63b05b  No.251273


we've been "being prepped for war" since the beginning of time

modern technology hasn't changed anything

we've ALWAYS been on the brink of war

and thinktanks are continually planning for more and more and more contingencies….

but those thinktanks don't know WHEN or WHICH contingency finally becomes the game plan

and neither do you…. or me….

2030?…… maybe…. probably not

mathematically speaking

eventually? Of course…. this shit will continue

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63b05b  No.251274


AGAIN : I already told you that I saw the video of her and her friends yelling "nigger" shit at the cop

if that's the video you're talking about, yes I have seen it

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63b05b  No.251275


actually, I know you better than that……

you'll defend THE INNOCENT

you're not going to divide it by race

because deep inside of you is an

embedded sense of justice & fairness

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63b05b  No.251276



when the shit actually DOES hit the fan?

when it gets down to the nitty gritty

I have you pegged as more of a patriot than a white supremacist

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63b05b  No.251277

if the opportunity arises………….

you'll defend the INNOCENT

no matter who they are

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63b05b  No.251278

and anything else in here is mere roleplay

melodramatic vampire dungeon master hitlers

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63b05b  No.251279


because the truth is……………….

you're actually a very good man

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91ab86  No.251336


>we should have World War 4

Surely you mean WW3, right anon? I mean, two world wars in less than 9 years?

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fe5d83  No.251606


Help protect your immediate local community, aka your neighborhood, those you trust living nearby you, but don't go out of the way or put yourself in harms way when SHTF to save a stranger. Not everyone is going to survive and it will be a very dangerous world out there. Another tip is to buy some big black blankets to cover your windows, you don't want marauders to be able to see you and snipe at you while you are in your home from a distance. You'll want all entry points secured and covered up so no one can see inside the home!

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4cfd81  No.251727


Right-winger fear porn is hilarious. You go on and live in your bunker, though. The rest of the world doesn't need you.

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e6f2f9  No.251728

File: 987ba77cee90bce⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ww3_information.jpg)


We're in WW3 right now. Your choices are to either sit this one out or dedicate your time to spreading the truth with the same dedication and ferocity as you will not doubt express in WW4.

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e8e764  No.251785


I agree with this. Fourth generational warfare. It is the war for the hearts and minds. Whatever side you end up on will be the side you fight on in WW4.

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3319a5  No.251787

File: 6550c53639a8f6e⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 720x536, 90:67, biden_and_aoc.jpg)


lol this dumb fucking boomer doesn't know shit about the internet.

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feeeaf  No.251840



We haven't even had CW2, let alone WW3.

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e6f2f9  No.251845

File: 87d3f09d87052ad⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 827x675, 827:675, how_to_spot_a_shill.JPG)


yup. if you aren't engaging informational warfare then you'll be a casualty when WW4 arrives, not knowing who is truthful and who a clever liar.

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