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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 62fb7ab523ddaea⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 630x630, 1:1, merchant_screeching.jpg)

6a6866  No.250839

JERUSALEM (AP) — Human Rights Watch on Tuesday accused the Israeli military of carrying out attacks that “apparently amount to war crimes” during an 11-day war in May against the Hamas militant group.

The international human rights organization issued its conclusions after investigating three Israeli airstrikes that it said killed 62 Palestinian civilians. It said “there were no evident military targets in the vicinity” of the attacks.


Dumb fucking Jews.

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740ff8  No.250841

File: 9a96ce011eaa742⋯.jpg (244.03 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_07_27_05_06_15.jpg)


I bet your girlfriend is outraged over this, huh ?

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740ff8  No.250842

File: d37f12dc6496376⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 634x793, 634:793, f3a290c700b9d44936b94f1e29….jpg)


what ?…………

you're joking, right?………..

well, how old are you?

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740ff8  No.250843

File: 22cc194e9b1b905⋯.jpg (315.68 KB, 1091x1286, 1091:1286, PicsArt_07_22_01_32_47.jpg)


In that case………

I bet your mother's really pissed off about the "apparent Israeli war crimes in Gaza", huh?

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740ff8  No.250844

File: aff9ca8e3b787bb⋯.jpg (329.57 KB, 1497x1080, 499:360, PicsArt_07_22_01_17_50.jpg)


I bet if your mother would only buy you that gaming video card, you'd finally be able to do something about these God damn Jews, huh?

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740ff8  No.250846

File: f64f6bbf34ee51d⋯.jpg (350.52 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, PicsArt_07_22_01_20_31.jpg)


That goddamn bitch! She's the only thing standing between you and world domination

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740ff8  No.250847

File: aa23377107dafa5⋯.jpg (185.2 KB, 717x1024, 717:1024, PicsArt_07_25_09_15_28.jpg)

You're a real force to be reckoned with, that's for sure!!

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740ff8  No.250849

File: 3e99dd00fd45834⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1686, 180:281, PicsArt_07_19_10_46_50.png)

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740ff8  No.250850

File: 484889025f21124⋯.jpg (666.08 KB, 1230x1600, 123:160, dd01.JPG)


You are an extremely intimidating Nazi Dungeon Master

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740ff8  No.250851

File: 9c3a41739480442⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 584061487029661f008b4c81.jpg)


AGAIN :exactly HOW OLD are you?

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740ff8  No.250853

File: 9492cf85e2501d4⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1483, 1080:1483, PicsArt_07_26_02_51_22.png)


the intimidating Nazi… who masturbates while mommy does his laundry

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740ff8  No.250854


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740ff8  No.250855

File: 8652f0c208baba4⋯.jpg (265.44 KB, 1438x1080, 719:540, PicsArt_07_26_02_38_59.jpg)


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6a6866  No.250856

File: d80d1b8fae21308⋯.png (98.28 KB, 307x363, 307:363, jew_tears.png)

mmmm yes cry for me, moshe

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740ff8  No.250857

File: 221c21245ff95db⋯.jpg (193.93 KB, 1080x1275, 72:85, PicsArt_07_27_07_17_36.jpg)


Mommy's sheltered little Dungeons and Dragons sissy boy

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740ff8  No.250858

File: a42edb8c5a59a63⋯.png (704.25 KB, 1487x1080, 1487:1080, PicsArt_07_27_04_54_55.png)


Mommy's little role play Nazi

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740ff8  No.250859

File: 21ae93ca233a8df⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1197x1080, 133:120, PicsArt_07_27_04_49_22.png)


2 years ago you were role-playing as a two-headed monster from Ankrahnahthrakahm…..

And now you role playing as Mommy's little sissy Hitler

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740ff8  No.250861

File: b38bf9b763373ce⋯.jpg (25.38 KB, 390x280, 39:28, lonely_man_looking_hope_ho….jpg)


I thought that computer was supposed to help you get a girlfriend……

How did that work out for you?

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740ff8  No.250863

File: b16845bf9926ddf⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 236x354, 2:3, 1238ac5fcad3eb4181be5d58fc….jpg)


you're a tough guy, aren't you?

you're making a difference

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740ff8  No.250864

File: 498707462d97625⋯.jpg (239.74 KB, 800x563, 800:563, 61872995.jpg)


why won't you answer me ?


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740ff8  No.250866

File: 93931757d7e7eef⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x843, 1280:843, 20210727_192907.png)


what's wrong ?……

are you not telling me how old you are because you're embarrassed about not having a girlfriend at your age ?

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740ff8  No.250867

File: 172d362019d6664⋯.png (994.35 KB, 1280x762, 640:381, 20210727_192948.png)


don't be embarrassed, Himmler…

you're not the only 15 year old who hasn't figured out how to get pussy

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740ff8  No.250869


What's that ?……

you're older than 15 ?…….

WTF YOURE IN YOUR 30s ???!!!?

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740ff8  No.250870

File: 85fe8ceade00992⋯.jpg (36.62 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 72424023_sorry.jpg)

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740ff8  No.250873

File: c80088a6e2e5f03⋯.jpg (252.96 KB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, PicsArt_07_27_07_39_42.jpg)


Exactly how long you intend on continuing this exploitation of your mother?

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740ff8  No.250874

File: 1268ecf7e95a2f5⋯.jpg (256.64 KB, 1604x1080, 401:270, PicsArt_07_22_09_32_18.jpg)

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740ff8  No.250875

File: b9898822645b323⋯.jpg (56.47 KB, 565x810, 113:162, HzYhIEVPUKivqah_xQl2iRzQ2n….jpg)

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740ff8  No.250876

File: 41cbfeeab71065d⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 336x400, 21:25, sf.JPG)

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ce7e94  No.250880


I'm curious :

Which role play got you more pussy :

Dungeon master or neo-Nazi ?


yeah……………… I didn't think so

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