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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 5b0f48e3c0659b5⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 716x848, 179:212, 1627394577902.jpg)

File: 40b83f4b4368603⋯.jpg (321.56 KB, 2255x1078, 205:98, klaus_schwab.JPG)

File: 9f377f7bc5c7885⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 1550x600, 31:12, schwab.JPG)

d0b927  No.250788

So is this composed infographic bullshit? Let's see….well his "Early Life" at Wikipedia has been scrubbed.

But a further search will find it's apparently true.

Funny how this kind of stuff just pops up when you don't even expect it.

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aad52f  No.250803



It's Tuesday afternoon, and you're sitting in an empty image board fixated on irrelevant bullshit


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aad52f  No.250817



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06395e  No.250899

File: 236e93fac8baa8f⋯.jpg (746.63 KB, 960x4304, 60:269, schwab_jews_frankfurt_germ….jpg)


You got it anon, Anal Schwab is part of the Rothschild family and a kike, on his mothers side, no less so officially. The 'Frankfurt Schwabs' are all part of the Rothschild family. Now, would you care to take a wild fucking guess why all of the US election results were sent and stored in Frankfurt Germany? I mean, you know, spitball it? Why? Why are unsecured US election results housed in Frankfurt with the Rothschilds? PS Good job you infuriated the fagbot/Née lesbian kikess with serious sexual problems and issues with projection. Good job, anon. Good job.

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06395e  No.250900

File: c355e02f87f48d5⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1901x7561, 1901:7561, schwab_jews_frankfurt_germ….jpg)

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06395e  No.250903

File: b02d7dece113f31⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 480x256, 15:8, president_belgium_put_on_t….mp4)

File: 0d54c3cbad86bea⋯.jpg (127.63 KB, 828x1325, 828:1325, WEF_schwab_wants_covid_vac….jpg)

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fdbcf0  No.250906



checked and bumped

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06395e  No.250907

File: 4270b0e78a7b84d⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 806x10255, 806:10255, charles_schwab_family_hist….jpg)

File: d8d1a96a7c8dcf0⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 806x12211, 806:12211, charles_schwab_family_hist….jpg)

Here is your 'early life' (sort of) it is the most I can find on Anal Schwab.

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ccf01e  No.251236

File: 54acae97087779e⋯.jpeg (66.56 KB, 777x437, 777:437, joshua_haldeman_airplane_….jpeg)

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59f4a4  No.251380

Figures. Every time. Every single time, it leads to the main 'royalty' bloodline families. They are all cabalists and every government is compromised by them at this point.

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62ea0e  No.251433


>>Russia & China

You are pleasing to the eye.

Yes, I have advanced some of it into 2022.

Yes, I have advanced the quickening into 2030-2045.

My silence only falls on deaf ears. I am truly everywhere.

I shall continue to posses peoples of high power in Russia, China, and Iran.

I shall deliver visions of death, destruction, torment, and annihilation of many kinds til the end of those times.

Many future answers and problems shall be delivered to them in this now time.

I am working to materialize the space predication. I desire to break their pipe regardless of behavior, simply because I feel like it now.

I shall continue to sort them in preparation for these events I have written.

I have openly stated my intent to collect and eat their souls for more power.

>>458 State

1. Release them and disintegrate.

2. Do not release them and watch as they wear black with red armbands.

3. Tell the truth and be defiled to completion. You shall never hold such power ever again. 100 years of internal conflict whilst the world has 100 years of peace.

4. 1-3 because I simply feel like it and nothing more.

5. Fire the first shot…

Civil whore is a trifling war. Draft successfully? I think not… Perhaps I shall stop the accidents and let these politicians rot. Slaughter the children of The Crazies before they take power. Revolutions abound in this final hour. I shall open this grand door. Certain vampires hide in shadows no more.

Twitter, Facebook, and Google too; nobody knows what they do. You dabble in fantasy whilst they make. Stab a virgin whore and celebrate. Commanded by yode, these souls I keep. I systematically pray upon the weak. Power to those I give and take; Israel I continue to rape.

The time draws near.

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

My silence shall ring them deaf to the eye and blind to the ear.

Behold true power and know fear in all things.

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06395e  No.251447



"Huxley said that unlike the tyranny of men & politics, a scientific tyranny has no natural end. It will never end."

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06395e  No.251448


>I have openly stated my intent to collect and eat their souls for more power.

I wouldn't really be all that surprised if they would enjoy this tbh

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06395e  No.251449

File: be9e1e477e44e47⋯.jpg (27.99 KB, 916x426, 458:213, water_turned_into_metal.jpg)

Speaking of technocracy…

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85b008  No.252232


Excellent post. Thx

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6ba5f6  No.252264


It will end from debt insolvency and wars.

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