If all you get info from is sources like the Daily Stormer you are only prohibiting yourself from seeing the whole reality of this very complex corrupted world. There are many sources I provided that have gathered enormous amounts of info from mainstream and alternative sources to even leaked govt documentation and emails…. if you are too stubborn to look at anything other than cringe sites like Daily Stormer; (not that there is anything wrong with some of the content they provide); you will not understand this corruption took place under BOTH Obama and Trump administrations, US taxpayer money was laundered for the funding of coronavirus 'gain of function' research to China, that Fauci and Daszak committed felony crimes and cover-ups laundering US taxpayer money to create coronaviruses in China, and their connections to Bill & Malinda Gates' "ID 2020" vaccine passport agenda for covid that was planned BEFORE the pandemic hit (to which Europe is rebelling against right now!), the relationship between them and EcoHealth Alliance and much much more criminal conspiracy!!!
But no, instead you complain that's not sourced from Daily Stormer! So my question would be this: why didn't Daily Stormer cover this bombshell criminality and outright kikery? If they did, then you should source it yourself. Otherwise, no need, because nearly all the criminality is in full within those links I provided!