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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: fca2b73fa8aa661⋯.png (137.64 KB, 638x479, 638:479, 3234900912.png)

ff473b  No.250721

I have always believed that "equality" is a zero sum game, one side has to win and the other side has to lose; one of the most enlightening ways my beliefs manifest in reality is the theory that explains the actions of faggots and why they do, say and promote what they do in terms of politics.

If we are to accept that gender is not a binary but a spectrum and not just one spectrum but multiple spectrums then heterosexuals simply cannot exist because if there are multiple spectrums then no point on a single spectrum can ever truly have an opposite point and even if there could be opposite points male and female wouldn't necessarily be opposite to one another. This means that:

>Homosexuals can exist because they are attracted to the same gender and don't have to travel to a non-existent point on a spectrum to find someone they are attracted to

>Bisexuals can exist because they are attracted to two genders that aren't necessarily male and female

>Pansexuals can exist because they are attracted to all genders

>Transsexuals can exist because science says so, bigot

>Heterosexuals can't exist

>Monosexuals can exist but heterosexuals can't adopt this as a label that encompasses them and them only because if heterosexuals are monosexuals than homosexuals are also monosexuals

This is, of course, all non-sense and most faggots would deny that they believe that heterosexuals don't exist while homosexuals do if asked but that is simply optics, deep down they have to believe this to be true if they wish to remain logically consistent. My point is that "equality" is a lie, there is only revenge, and discrepancy in this world.

If you wish to map this model onto race relations than while most black activists believe race to be a social construct, blacks think that they are allowed to celebrate being black because they are supposedly oppressed while whites don't get to celebrate being white because whites aren't oppressed, in essence, blackness is created via oppression and whiteness is the absence of race effectively meaning that blackness is at a higher plain of objectivity than whiteness effectively meaning that, in a way, black people exist but white people do not.

Again this is all nonsense designed to erode away all that is descent and to ensure the destruction of the white race.

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f00cdc  No.250742

Go away faggot. I am 100% heterosexuals. Not a 'spectrum'.

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f3fd2b  No.250755


in imageboards, basically all of you (98.9%) are faggots


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f3fd2b  No.250756


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f3fd2b  No.250757


so many words, yet NOTHING WAS SAID….

let's try the opposite :

saying the truth with a few words……


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f3fd2b  No.250758


while other men your age were out there fucking girls, you sat in front of a sissyboy videogame

and your mother coddled your infantile effemininity when you were a child

so you were enabled into continuing

the sedentary effeminate childish behavior




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f3fd2b  No.250759



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f3fd2b  No.250760


the way an artist becomes talented : practice


the way you became a sexually failed faggot


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f3fd2b  No.250761

File: d215e1a360fc8ec⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 800x480, 5:3, shutterstock_78528943_800x….jpg)



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f3fd2b  No.250762

File: 732452a2b665a4b⋯.jpg (136.12 KB, 1114x1500, 557:750, little_boy_playing_video_g….jpg)

…..is how you becameTHIS

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f3fd2b  No.250770

File: 579810f12017461⋯.jpg (227.94 KB, 1114x1500, 557:750, PicsArt_07_27_08_14_19.jpg)


sissyboy for life, thanks to VIDEOGAMES

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f00cdc  No.250778

On the plus side, thanks to your OP we can all see how totally easy it is to rope the jewish faggot into projecting his insecurity on the world. lol This should be a Friday night staple for 'rope-a-doping' that faggot.

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8ed171  No.250791


…..says the unemployed sexually inept adult male

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8ed171  No.250792


…."projecting", says the videogame imageboard sissy boy with no girlfriend, TO THE MARRIED MAN

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8ed171  No.250793


On the PLUS side :

you don't have a job PLUS you live with your mother, PLUS you aren't capable of paying your own bills, PLUS you're a Dungeons and Dragons faggot, PLUS you never get any pussy, PLUS you spend your existence role-playing Neo-Nazi in an empty image board PLUS you actually have repressed sexual feelings for other men

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8ed171  No.250794


PLUS even if you were sexually attracted to females (which obviously you aren't) not even the fattest ugliest most disgusting woman on Earth is willing to be seen standing next to you, out of fear somebody might misinterpret it, and think she was your girlfriend…

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8ed171  No.250795


It's Tuesday July 27th 2021, 1:00 p.m. Eastern standard Time

And you don't have a job……..

You're not paying your own internet bills, but you spend everyday sitting in an empty image board hoping somebody thinks you're intimidating….


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8ed171  No.250796


PLUS your mother is a washed up mop bucket hand me down thrift store parking lot trick, who your father used up, impregnated, then discarded like a piece of trash (while also discarding you, because you are exactly like your mother, so of course you made your father nauseated)

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8ed171  No.250797


Q : what father would be proud of a "son" who's effeminate, lazy, refuses to work, plays video games like a little child, has no sexual attraction for females, and prefers to spend his existence surrounded by other similarly sexually failed adult males in an imaginary role play neo-Nazi sissy boy image board, and relies on his mother to pay his bills and supply a roof over his head instead of simply standing up like a man?

A : not yours

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8ed171  No.250799

Obviously not yours………

Which explains a lot about your shortcomings, actually

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