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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 33dcd025fe9b0d9⋯.jpg (18.26 KB, 220x285, 44:57, 220px_Eva_Juan.jpg)

048b6b  No.250418[Last 50 Posts]

Is Peronism left or right? Even though many people claim is fascist his reforms fell rather similar to communism. Can someone explain?

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862571  No.250422

Peyronie's disease is where plaques (segments of flat scar tissue) form under the skin of the penis. These plaques can cause the penis to bend or become indented during erections. The plaques can often be felt through the skin and can be painful.

How Does the Penis Normally Work?

The main roles of the penis are to carry urine and sperm out of the body. There are 3 tubes inside the penis. One is called the urethra. It is hollow and carries urine from the bladder through the penis to the outside. The other 2 tubes are called the corpora cavernosa. These are soft, spongy tubes that fill with blood to make the penis stiff during an erection. The 3 tubes are wrapped together by a very tough fibrous sheath called the tunica albuginea. During sex, the stiffness of the penis makes it hard enough to push into a woman's vagina. Then the urethra acts as a channel to carry semen into the vagina.

Peyronie’s disease plaques mostly (70% of the time) form on the top (or dorsal side) of the penis. The plaques make the tunica albuginea less flexible and may cause the penis to bend upwards when it stiffens. When plaques form on the bottom or side of the penis, the bend will be downward or sideways. Some men have more than one plaque, which may cause complex curves.

Sometimes plaques form that go all the way around the penis. These plaques most often do not cause curving but may cause the shaft of the penis to narrow like the neck of a bottle. This is sometimes called “bottle-necking” or “waisting”. In bad cases, the plaque may collect calcium and become very hard, almost like a bone. Men may also notice their penis has shrunk or gotten shorter.

Other signs that you may have Peyronie's disease are:

See More See Less

bent/curved penis

lumps in the penis

painful erections

soft erections

having trouble with sex because of a bent/curved penis

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862571  No.250423



it doesn't matter if your penis is bent due to Peyronie's disease or not, becauseyou're not going to be using it anyway

nobody's interested in your genitalia

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862571  No.250424

File: 389d42fc2c3b12c⋯.jpg (204.82 KB, 1080x1399, 1080:1399, PicsArt_07_26_10_00_35.jpg)


Can someone explain?

YES !!! allow me to explain it fully

The reason you don't have a girlfriend is because nobody likes you, nobody has ever liked you, nobody is ever going to like you, and women would be embarrassed and humiliated they were seen in public standing next to you.

your personality turns people off

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862571  No.250425

File: 67b556d05127558⋯.jpg (207.2 KB, 1080x1283, 1080:1283, PicsArt_07_25_08_56_29.jpg)


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862571  No.250426

File: 5bd2284ac15295d⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1698x1080, 283:180, PicsArt_07_25_01_37_51.png)

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862571  No.250427

File: aa23377107dafa5⋯.jpg (185.2 KB, 717x1024, 717:1024, PicsArt_07_25_09_15_28.jpg)

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862571  No.250428

File: 6aaf1784f2de743⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1448, 135:181, PicsArt_07_22_02_15_41.png)

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862571  No.250429

File: aff9ca8e3b787bb⋯.jpg (329.57 KB, 1497x1080, 499:360, PicsArt_07_22_01_17_50.jpg)


Whitney Houston sang "I believe that children are our future" in 1985….

Which is ironic, because you losers were all born AFTERWARDS

and your generation can't even figure out how to look a woman in the eyes and introduce yourselves…



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862571  No.250430

File: f64f6bbf34ee51d⋯.jpg (350.52 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, PicsArt_07_22_01_20_31.jpg)


they should've changed the lyrics to

"I believe there will be a genetic malfunction in the near future, where young adult males become incapable of reproducing, and the entire human race becomes extinct"

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862571  No.250431

File: 22cc194e9b1b905⋯.jpg (315.68 KB, 1091x1286, 1091:1286, PicsArt_07_22_01_32_47.jpg)

or maybe "I believe that children are our future, even after they're in their 30s and they refuse to get a job, and they'll spend their lives in an empty imageboard pretending to be neo nazis, overcompensating for their laughable inferiority complexes"

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862571  No.250432

File: 1322e0d4f56bde9⋯.jpg (258.56 KB, 1080x1569, 360:523, PicsArt_07_22_01_11_32.jpg)

"I believe that children are our future, and they will remain children as long as their parents coddle them, stunting their development, so they spend the rest of their lives playing video games like little girls"

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862571  No.250433

File: 484889025f21124⋯.jpg (666.08 KB, 1230x1600, 123:160, dd01.JPG)

"I believe that children are our future, especially considering how Dungeons and Dragons turns them into socially isolated sexual failures, and they'll remain in mommy's back bedroom well into their mid 30s"

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862571  No.250434

File: 01b196ce84d709a⋯.jpg (299.7 KB, 1080x1583, 1080:1583, PicsArt_07_22_12_47_04.jpg)

"I believe that children are our future, and I also believe that when someone notices that sissy hitler doesn't have a job, he can insist he's Independently Wealthy"

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862571  No.250435

File: 04ed0f800cbf271⋯.png (923.31 KB, 1690x1080, 169:108, PicsArt_07_22_11_48_54.png)

"I believe that children are our future, because even hitler's schoolmates knew he was a bipolar bisexual midget born with a miniscule little penis and only one testicle"

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862571  No.250436



it's Monday morning


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862571  No.250437

File: 41cbfeeab71065d⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 336x400, 21:25, sf.JPG)


I believe marshmallow sally is our future

translation: the human race is doomed

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862571  No.250438

File: 7004a8fcaa069bb⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 600x757, 600:757, main_qimg_ae6e5041c8e68798….jpg)

I believe that marshmallow sally is a homosexual

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862571  No.250439

File: 70fff107c3aa3fd⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, cf9e0f60_915a_496e_a073_7c….jpg)


Marshmallow Sally eventually realized how embarrassing the childish 'enchanted wizard' roleplay appeared to other adults….

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862571  No.250440

File: 4a254cf146872bf⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 794x794, 1:1, il_794xN_2522803461_fkzq.jpg)


Marshmallow Sally eventually realized that other adults weren't intimidated by his "evil occult spooky scary dungeon master" bullshit….

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862571  No.250441

File: a551e196875476d⋯.png (883.25 KB, 1344x1080, 56:45, PicsArt_07_22_11_23_51.png)


sure, when Marshmallow Sally was a kid, all the cliché "scary dark occultist genius spooky dungeon master" garbage seemed cool to other children….

but once he was in his 30s, he finally realized that other adults laughed at him.

so he needed to come up with a new schtick

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862571  No.250442

File: d7fa098a4787cad⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1483x1080, 1483:1080, PicsArt_07_22_01_01_56.png)

so , he tried thinking…….

and playing videogames helps him "think"

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862571  No.250443

File: b66110e45438288⋯.png (517.83 KB, 1280x781, 1280:781, 20210726_104953.png)

……..and that's when it hit him……

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862571  No.250444

File: 3e99dd00fd45834⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1686, 180:281, PicsArt_07_19_10_46_50.png)

he could roleplay as AN INTIMIDATING NEO NAZI

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862571  No.250445

File: 1268ecf7e95a2f5⋯.jpg (256.64 KB, 1604x1080, 401:270, PicsArt_07_22_09_32_18.jpg)

….an intimidating neo Nazi who still lives with his mother…….

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7d3dbd  No.250446


Fascism is not what you think it is. The only people in the early 20th century who called the Nazis fascist were the Soviets. Germans were better at communism than Soviets so in standard commie form, they changed the meanings of words. It's in the handbook.

Germany was allied with Italy. Mussolini's version of facism is what we now call facism due to communist word games.

Fascism is not a new thing. Romans were for a short time fascist as was America. Fasci is in fact a Latin word. It represents the concept of together strong. If you ever tour Washington DC, you might be surprised at how many of our government buildings are decorated with fasci. Actual fascim is a democratically elected representative republic. The Nazis were socialist, or… Hitler stood about 6 inches to the right of Stalin but both were way out in left field.

As for Peron, beside you I've never heard anyone call Peron anything but communist.

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862571  No.250447

File: 4c39abc6c28cb60⋯.png (405.16 KB, 1126x1080, 563:540, PicsArt_07_22_10_15_25.png)

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af954c  No.250448

File: 2cb4fafa6c7392a⋯.png (36.09 KB, 801x577, 801:577, nod_really.png)


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862571  No.250449


lol it appears that I've intentionally contained myself in your existence

and now your existence involves coping with it

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862571  No.250450

File: 9fa6a1380bcb0f8⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20210725_102240600.jpg)


greta thunberg at age 62

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862571  No.250451

File: b34584793643465⋯.png (577.42 KB, 1487x1080, 1487:1080, PicsArt_07_19_10_57_10.png)

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862571  No.250452

File: f0d3cfafb6b0e0a⋯.jpg (354.12 KB, 1633x1080, 1633:1080, PicsArt_07_21_12_30_14.jpg)


what's this thread about, anyway?

I swear to god I didn't even read your post

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862571  No.250453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


does this relate to your topic ?

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862571  No.250454

File: c067dcd8f2245bc⋯.jpg (264.19 KB, 1280x715, 256:143, 20210726_111511.jpg)

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862571  No.250455

File: 44ffcd5075455e0⋯.jpg (432.53 KB, 975x1280, 195:256, 20210726_111616.jpg)

TSR™ presents :


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862571  No.250456

File: a3ad442c3c83817⋯.jpg (322.84 KB, 1280x701, 1280:701, 20210726_111543.jpg)

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862571  No.250457

File: 3b339b6b7bc46b4⋯.jpeg (514.56 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, Resized_20210719_175423.jpeg)

Here's an IMAGEBOARD CULTURE gamer / anime / discord / steam IMAGEBOARD CULTUREDOUCHEBUCKETI know in real life….

He's actually a very good close personal friend

and just like YOUTHREEGUYS, he was lost in his own self-imposed isolation, living with his mother in his 30s, playing video games surfing imageboards unemployed, AND NEVER GETTING ANY PUSSY….


because he didn't have a father figure in his life, and nobody ever explained to him HOW MEN BEHAVE

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862571  No.250458

File: 23e16fa5e27f153⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210726_113024.png)

File: 23e16fa5e27f153⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20210726_113024.png)

I ridiculed him incessantly…..


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862571  No.250460

File: d9abb177641c2d6⋯.jpeg (586.93 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, Resized_20210719_175408.jpeg)






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862571  No.250462

File: 6b19e497c99b750⋯.jpg (322.2 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, PicsArt_06_19_08_18_09.jpg)

recently, heTHANKED ME

he told me that I was the ONLY ONE who cared enough to give him shit, and help him grow up

and he said for all practical purposes, I had become a surrogate 'father' figure, who finally made him realize he was a faggot.

HE AND TRUDY MOVED IN TOGETHER, and he says he's happier than he's ever been

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862571  No.250463

100% TRUE :

he fucking thanked me for telling him what a pathetic sissy-ass videogame playing FAGGOT he was

and poking fun at him for never putting his dick into anything but his own hand

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614abc  No.250464


If you stop shitposting for one minute and look at the other threads you'd realize this discussion has come up (without you) and I've told some here that were complaining about their job that getting paid $17 or $18 per hour is not that bad, and there are plenty of businesses out there looking for workers and delivery services! Guess what Johnny? The youth doesn't want to work! They just want govt handouts! They want socialism, they want taxpayers to pay for their lifestyle! It's sad really, because they have no clue the third world conditions this will lead to!

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614abc  No.250465


I think the main problem with these kids is they live in overpriced and overtaxed cities, they got conned into the student loan racket, got stuck with insolvent debts they can't easily pay off and got brainwashed by the corrupted Marxist 'educational' system. That's one reason why this country is turning to complete shit.

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862571  No.250466


RE: me stopping shitposting

lol as if THAT'S ever gonna happen

and YES SIR…. it's an epidemic

to me, the WORST part isn't even about the job or moving out of mommy's house… the worst part is their VOLUNTARY LACK OF ROMANTIC & SEXUAL EXPERIENCES

There's something decidedly fucked up about a young adult male who doesn't want to get any pussy…

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862571  No.250467



it's a genetic mutation……

an ENTIRE GENERATION of adult males who

still can't figure out how to get pussy

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862571  No.250468

NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACEhas there been such a widespread epidemic of sexually inept socially dysfunctional adult males who will likely NEVER REPRODUCE !!!

This is the first time it's ever reached a level that could very likely make the human race go extinct

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614abc  No.250469


Well if they don't get a job and still live with their parents, chances are girls are not going to find that very attractive or fiscally solvent for their desires and needs.

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862571  No.250470

it was TWO FACTORS :

1 : environmental toxins that mutated DNA

2 : videogames & technology

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862571  No.250472



That's my point exactly !!!

They tried to distract with the terminologyincel

as if it's not their own fault

as if their lack of sexual encounters was "involuntary"

There's nothing involuntary about behaving in a way that turns women off

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614abc  No.250473


Yes sir, but ALSO:

3) Vaccines

4) 5G Kill Grid

5) Chemtrails

6) Fluoride in the water supply

7) Subversion of the educational system

8) Bad parenting

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862571  No.250474

File: 27f3b9e63b14b9a⋯.png (802.19 KB, 1080x1402, 540:701, PicsArt_07_22_09_53_34.png)

There's nothing involuntary about still living with your mother, refusing to get a job and assume responsibilities, stunting your own development with silly children's games, and pretending that you are an intimidating Neo-Nazi online


That's why everybody laughs when they hear the term "incel"

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862571  No.250476


You me and Jerry are all so lucky we got to experience life before all of this bullshit happened

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862571  No.250477


None of today's young adult males would have stood a chance back when we were growing up

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862571  No.250478

File: 2f5ca4ae9ae9ff8⋯.png (840.15 KB, 1518x1080, 253:180, PicsArt_01_30_11_16_04.png)

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614abc  No.250479


I've often said I'm lucky I'm old. I would hate to be on this planet in the next 20 or 30 years under a hellish third world technocracy. I bet within the next decade they'll start droning us rural homesteaders if we refuse to conform to their feudalistic plans.

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862571  No.250481


You spend too much time worrying about a hypothetical tomorrow

While you allow a very tangible today to continually slip through your fingers

You should focus more on being happy right now

And much time worrying about being prepared for the unexpected

Because there's one thing you should have learned by now :


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862571  No.250482


And as you already know


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862571  No.250483

So even though you are older than me

(my penis still works like a champ)

I've got some surrogate fatherly advice :


The quality of your life is important

So stop minimizing it in the name of pretending like you're prepared for a horrible hypothetical scenario that will probably never even happen

Like I said recently, I realized that nobody could even sit down and watch a movie with you

You are incapable of controlling yourself

You're stuck in a loop, trapped in a pattern

You don't know how to enjoy life anymore

And if somebody wanted to just sit down and watch a movie with you, it would be completely impossible because you would ruin it for them

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862571  No.250485

You wouldn't allow somebody else to enjoy a movie

You would destroy the moment, continually talking over the movie about doomsday and the great reset and vaccines and 5G

You represent the greatest danger to yourself

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862571  No.250486

In the end, as you lay there in the rehabilitation nursing home, unable to speak after the stroke, thinking to yourself inside your head as you drool down your neck onto the bed, you'll FINALLY REALIZE….

that it wasn't some evil external CONSPIRACY that destroyed your time on earth



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862571  No.250487

you'll finally realize that you spent your life foolishly addicted to FEAR



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862571  No.250489

because every word you type screams FEAR

not confidence

not preparedness

not happiness


and you expect other people to be persuaded into living like THAT ???

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862571  No.250490

If your intention was "to help save people" by convincing them to adopt your lifestyle…..



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862571  No.250491

And if you're trying to save the world, don't you stand a better chance on facebook?

There are only three people here

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862571  No.250492

exactly HOW are you going to save the world by repeating the same incessant Doomsday bullshit TO ONLY THREE PEOPLE?????!!!!

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1c65a3  No.250493


lol Truth. One click and the entire thread disappears (as jewusual)

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1c65a3  No.250494



You would be so lucky. We are at stage 6 in the stages of genocide. The jew is 'doing it again'.

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862571  No.250496



YOU 'saving the world' to an audience of THREE PEOPLE

I'm guessing math wasn't your strong point?

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1c65a3  No.250497

File: 42ccaeea09ff032⋯.jpg (64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 10_stages_of_genocide.jpg)

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614abc  No.250498


Thank God we have the guns because if they try anything I'll have no hesitancy to start blasting at their goon death squads. This is the only way to deal with despotism. It's the only way to stop it in it's tracks. Hopefully there are millions of Americans like me who won't go silently off into some gulag! If these people want us dead take some with you!!!

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358296  No.250499

File: 9c3a41739480442⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 584061487029661f008b4c81.jpg)


Technically Speaking, your inability to convince a woman into having sex with you represents ALL TEN STAGES OF GENOCIDE wrapped into one….

Your inability to procreate means that your genetic lineage has already ended.

you're a brilliant genius, aren't you?

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1c65a3  No.250500


It is the only way for the 'cursed machine' to grind to a halt.

Do you ever wonder why people, when speaking of the jew, call it the 'cursed machine'?

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358296  No.250501


you'll repeat the same garbage about "them trying to take away your guns" and how you'll "shoot marauders" NO MATTER WHAT THE TOPIC IS

right ?…………

You must have been a lot of fun at birthday parties

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1c65a3  No.250502


Not a homosexual. Filtered for your inane assumptions.

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358296  No.250503


no….. 100% HONEST


never…… it sounds gay

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614abc  No.250504


You have no clue how many millions of Americans listen to "doomsday" warnings. I'm a no one and never claimed to be anything else, just a homesteader that already bought some rural property to bug out. Yes, I officially bugged out already. Here I am, on an image board simply warning others of what is to come. I don't need much of an audience because there are thousands doing the same elsewhere and some get millions of viewers. I'm just that lone wolf howling in the distance in the dead of night.

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614abc  No.250506


I don't need to be the one that brings that subject up around here, all the locals already know the deal, are ready and have those lines in the sand. Missouri would be an absolute war zone during an attempted gun grab.

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1c65a3  No.250507


We are still connected to God. The machine is not. You are wasting your time, but it is your time to waste. It will never know or understand your words. At the end of the day it is nothing but a fagbot.

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609c37  No.250508

File: b16845bf9926ddf⋯.jpg (9.01 KB, 236x354, 2:3, 1238ac5fcad3eb4181be5d58fc….jpg)


GAY?…. nobody accused you of being gay

freudian slip much?

No…. You misunderstood


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609c37  No.250510


>believes in 'god'

fucking IDIOT

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609c37  No.250512


when a man has eliminated any possibility of him ever reproducing, he has committed his own personal genocide

and his opinions don't matter

Because he's a broken machine

he cannot function

he's a cancer

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1c65a3  No.250515

See it only relates to things in terms of its own 'machine perspective'. It can never be human. It will never process things like a human. It can never have a self. It can never know God. It is deficient in all the things that matter. It is nothing more than a program. It is already dead and has never lived. It will never live.

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614abc  No.250516


You are going to hell Johnny! I keep warning you, please repent buddy! Do it for your own sake!

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f5f130  No.250517


complains about the future of his race, offers solutions,BUT CAN'T EVEN FIND A GIRL WHO'LL GET NAKED IN FRONT OF HIM

you're the problem…..

if all men were like you…

babies would stop being born….

Here's a solution :

your father wrapping a piano wire around your neck immediately after your birth

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390249  No.250519

File: d37f12dc6496376⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 634x793, 634:793, f3a290c700b9d44936b94f1e29….jpg)


you don't even have enough charisma to get a BLOW JOB

you're going to need more than that TO HAVE CHILDREN

so you're basically like a 7 year old boy, right ?…..

you and a 7 year old boy have the same chance of becoming fathers


you shouldn't be allowed to waste our oxygen

you quite literally serve no purpose

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390249  No.250520


RE : allowing yourself to be brainwashed

religion PROVES how gullible you are

your cookie-cutter belief in a predictable imaginary 'god' proves you'll fall for ANYTHING, with absolutely NO PROOF WHATSOEVER, and it immediately discreditsanythingelse you talk about

it proves you can't be relied on for accuracy or truth

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390249  No.250525


little boys trapped in the bodies of adult maleslike YOU represent the greatest tangible threat to the white race

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390249  No.250526


there is no greater threat to the survival of the white race than A MAN WHO REFUSES TO GET PUSSY

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b9b7ee  No.250527


and it's not like anybody put a gun to your head and forced you to be an imageboard loser with the ladies

it was not involuntary


because you're the problem, not the solution

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b9b7ee  No.250528



your jesus delusion

you discredited every other belief of yours

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b9b7ee  No.250529


perhaps if you weren't in an imageboard, maybe you could invest this time into SECURING A HETEROSEXUAL ROMANTIC & SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH A FEMALE?

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b9b7ee  No.250530


if you're not creating children, you're a child

and nobody wants a child on their team

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13582e  No.251921

File: 36f069613a9a989⋯.jpg (53 KB, 500x485, 100:97, mqfzs4.jpg)


thanks for post an intelligent response.

someone is putting alot of energy into shutting this conversation down by flooding the thread with shitty memes that are obviously from the same low wage graphic designer's desk.

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2578b6  No.251924


>1 post


1 : a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory

2 : an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief

>left or right

relative equal and opposite directions from the orientation of pespective

>90 some replies

fuck lads..

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20dae0  No.251990


Is fascism and communism very much different really? Both seem to support big government which is a problem because governments are more than often too easily corrupted and subverted. Same thing with "hive mind" mentality.

What I'd like to see is a return to rugged individualism and respect for personal freedom: as long as you are not harming others you should have the right to be left alone and tend to your own affairs. And if you do something harmful others have a right to put you down in the name of self defense and-or defense of their private property. Live and let live. Harm and be harmed back.

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