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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: fc5c4bf7f803c82⋯.png (622.83 KB, 713x1013, 713:1013, 1339805_explicit_artist_co….png)

850e19  No.250196

i absolutely HATE NIGGERS

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5b580e  No.250198

File: f58c3524aab9bd3⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x960, 2:3, hitler_racism.jpg)

oh look. more hate propaganda courtesy of a self-loathing fake jew.

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320280  No.250202

File: 69f35366caa4e27⋯.jpg (103.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1626203503208.jpg)


take your meds schizoid

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5b580e  No.250203

File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, schizo_take_your_meds.gif)


The (((DailyStormer))) and (((TRS))) forums are so dead you come here? 4/pol/ is no longer buying your bullshit either, are they? Piss off.

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cffd13  No.250207

theyre just pawns

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d303a1  No.250226

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49c25a  No.250613

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d41b86  No.250645

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32902c  No.250648

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32902c  No.250649

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32902c  No.250650

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32902c  No.250651

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d41b86  No.250664

File: a12e2b8ae785ce7⋯.png (3.67 KB, 254x192, 127:96, 04733214.png)

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e9edac  No.250749

File: 21f981d60a406b5⋯.jpg (173.09 KB, 1212x745, 1212:745, Smugglici_the_smug_clown.jpg)

File: d5286acda754de4⋯.jpg (138.41 KB, 772x495, 772:495, youwoulddownloadmolochther….jpg)

You want to know the real reason? Its kind of black mirror-y, or should I say Red Mirror-y…

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but me and my pals have figured out a little cheat code in reality. A life hack as the kids say these days. We've started to…

Eat out of the trough!

You know!

Like Pigs!

See, there's this thing called Q-Anon and I'll be the first to let you know, its complete LEGAL fraud! Anyone can join and just commit !!!FELONIES!!! for FREE! I would know,

I committed at least theft over a $1000, and got away scott free, basically right in front of the police! You GOTTA get in the know, if you follow my rabbit hole, you'll find out I'm one of the original users of the tripcode! Not only that, but I'm also in touch with David Goldberg, from PizzaGate! The whole thing is a trough built for us to pig out on! Its filled with over 40 year old white male boomers with way too much money, their daughters are fucking dogs, sons mongrelizing, and they ALL got molested as kids.


Like foster kids floating around in the system, we're robbing them blind! They'll believe anything, as long as you project Straight White Maleness! Best part, due to Trump and Flynn picking it up, they can't prosecute any of us without taking down all the whole operation! Trust me,


have been playtesting this for the past 5 (haha get it? 5 dollar Indian!) years, both online and offline! No one is safe from us, not even Patrick Bateman (More like Plastic Shaman!) It's so easy! Just hop on cock.li, get a profile from this person does not exist, and get scamming kid!

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