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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: dbaed3ff6499182⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 1125x944, 1125:944, E7HPAiPUcAESmsY.jpg)

5f7188  No.250184

I love how you faggots are all about "murrika! fook yeah!" but not a single one of you care how we are fucking dominating at the Olympics on day 1.

You don't care about America. You only care about Trump.

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5f7188  No.250186


Even your beloved Shitler saw the value of the Olympic games and not one of you are paying attention?

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0c3a94  No.250187

I don't care about sports. And I don't watch TV or listen to the radio anymore either. My time is spent reading news, shitposting and preparing for SHTF.

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6a0f09  No.250188



white genocide is real. i dont care about your games at this time.

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5f7188  No.250189


>I don't care about sports.

Fatties never do. Enjoy your diabetes.


Being fit and winning will save us. What have you done besides post memes?

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5f7188  No.250190

Whatever, faggots. Just go suck Trump cock and pretend that makes you a patriot.

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6a0f09  No.250191


I whistleblow regarding Zio-Bolshevik PSYOP conducted on U.S. and European soil. I expose and dox those responsible until they've lost credibility. I engage this present Hellscape of a reality head-on. As a result my life has been threatened. I've been stalked. And there was a point when I wasn't even functional due to the amount of stress involved with simply telling the truth. You call it "memes" but I know it as "Information Warfare." I'm sure Boomshequa and Pedro did some pretty jumping or stone throwing, though.

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69190f  No.250195



I eat healthy, non-GMO certified organic vegetables and good quality meats (grass fed/free range) from local farmers nearby. I also homestead which involves some work outside. Therefore diabetes is not an issue for me, even though I can be heavy drinker.


No one here said anything about Trump but YOU. If you are patriotic you would care more about what is going on around the country and the world and much less about sports these days. People like you are going to wake up someday soon and find out you were living in one big facade pipe dream and reality will hit you harder than your mind will be able to handle.

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2c71a5  No.250278


>or listen to the radio anymore


you are not listening some of your favorite music anymore? i am listening few radio stations which are broadcasted without any commercials and all of what they are playing is rock n roll 24/7

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2c71a5  No.250280


let me guess, and you were revealed that info without proxies or tor service?

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2c71a5  No.250281



>rent free

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6a0f09  No.250283

File: 05277123879cf2a⋯.png (60.67 KB, 854x512, 427:256, badass_maymay.png)


Of course. I don't hide from no motherfucker.

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842257  No.250284


It's not just Trump. This took decades and decades of systemic corruption, bad foreign policy, subversion of the public educational system and nationwide fiscal insolvency to un-glue and shatter the American Empire. Someone stated it best recently, as this comment was also directed at MAGA supporters as well:

"Could the Roman Empire be made great again, the Persian, Mongolian, French and English for that matter? Of course not. Empires sow the seeds of their own destruction with the accumulated debt of enslaving and murdering and exploiting for generations. They forsake the very human qualities that could have made them great and do not take notice. They mistake conquest with greatness, delusion with truth, sin with virtue. In the process they change into a degenerate and unworthy society, a violent parasitic peoples destined to the dustbins of history. Only feared by their contemporaries, loved by no-one, their ignonomous end celebrated by mankind."

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2c71a5  No.250285



im not saying anything for hiding, all of what i want to say is if you gonna do this shit in the near future, than you should protect yourself. imagine what could happen to you or to your family if those loons who were threatening you came to your place?

i don't know man, but you should watch yourself, after all, we are living in insane world today, where everything is turned upside down. heroes are blamed and labeled as terrorists, villains are praised as heroes.

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6a0f09  No.250289

File: c49394fa2afa348⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, nobody_stalked_1.jpg)

File: 4a36765763bace1⋯.png (139.57 KB, 1038x290, 519:145, nobody_stalked_casino_1.PNG)


>came to your place?

They have. Even rented an apartment above mine and posted screenshots of a local poker room I frequent. These people are Russian-Israeli loyalists. Once you get over the stress it's good to know what your enemy is capable of. Then it's not so stressful. But you're right about self-protection. Anons should use a condom.

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ac1d0e  No.250296


This. Protecting your identity IS a big part of security these days. Same reason someone packs heat around their private property. You don't know what kind of crazies or criminals might show up at some point.


Did Johnny Neptune stalk you? I recall him posting that picture before.



I think it's important to include something, I don't really want to see America end completely, I'm not anti-American at all. I'm anti-Empire. I'm pro-freedom, pro-responsibility and pro-justice. I want equal Justice for ALL, no matter who you are or how wealthy you are. Same goes with freedom and being held responsible for your own actions. America today has been destroyed by subversion and corruption, mostly from within. Jews (dual-citizens) are much to blame for sure, but there are many other traitors to blame too. We need to accept the fact our country is bankrupt, it's insolvent and we need to forgive all debts (a debt jubilee) and abolish the central banking system (like we abolished the first two central banks generations ago). Let the economic collapse happen already, stop the bailouts and allow a reset and rebuild from there. Jail the corrupted politicians and officials who were enriched at our expense. Jail the central bankers for engaging in systemic fraud at our expense. Ban dual-citizenship and impose term limits for ALL politicians (local, state and national) and prohibit any form of lobbying / bribery (re-defined as treason) whether it be cash, gifts or job offers. Get out of all foreign wars and start using our own resources again to re-build our local economies. THAT is how America will be made great. Until then, it's broke.

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6a0f09  No.250297


im not entirely sure. dont think it really matters anyway. just the fact (((someone))) is so threatened by a random anon telling the truth is proof that random anons have power if they tell the truth. it all worked out.

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f68aae  No.250316


The fagbot is an absolutely compulsive liar. Do you think it eats meat as well? Would not surprise me in the slightest if it was a psychopathic murderer of animals as well as a compulsive liar given how it has behaved around here (that spate of kike induced tranny porn spam that it flooded the site with a while ago).

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6a0f09  No.250328

File: 9b594384d5cbfa9⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 500x280, 25:14, Johnny_Neptune_circa_2030.jpg)


lel im really not sure. but i know zio-bolsheviks rely on intimidation and when that doesnt work they fuck off because theyre pussies.

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f68aae  No.250329


lol that is probably a rl pic of that fag

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6a0f09  No.250333


mebbe another day i'll make a post about neptune and his "anti-semite hunters" crew. they have a child porn network on 4chan and global mods are involved. pretty spicy stuff.

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f68aae  No.250336


How semites have deluded Whites this entire time is something I am having difficulty wrapping my mind around tbh. They need to be excoriated from the planet.

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6a0f09  No.250338

File: 6001f9010542738⋯.jpg (81.82 KB, 466x566, 233:283, mfw_content.jpg)


many will die in prisons. the remaining "vetted" to be shipped not to their own state but into a containment area and governed over by one of their enemies. thats #110. then, not long following, they're tossed into the abyss. that's #111.

or we annihilate all human life. either way it's a win.

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f68aae  No.250354


wait anon? Vetted for what?

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6a0f09  No.250359


I'm of the mind that there are no good Jews. However, the danger level of any given Jew tends to vary. For example, the Jew bagging my groceries at Wal-Mart probably doesn't have much geo-political influence. His ability to do harm is through social media and offline interactions among his own peers. He's not a threat but a potential threat. He must be removed from good society and prevented from running propaganda. Yet he isn't a criminal and doesn't belong among them.

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9ec02d  No.250376


this reads suspiciously like a threat

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24771f  No.250377


>love America

you can't love an idea lol

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ff581c  No.250511


They are an endosymbiont. They can never know self. They need to be killed no matter how 'harmless' one appears as a unified alien they can never be allowed to live. If you let any of them live you will simply be repeating the same cycle.

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ff581c  No.250513


This is also true of the fragmented DNA mongrels. The one drop rule applies here 100%.

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6a0f09  No.250523


The Jewish Problem only persists because of the past's inability to properly record information.

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803c41  No.250798



Hitler should have taken all the fucking money he wasted on that pointless shit show and spent it on more subs and advanced aircraft development.

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