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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 4ed5a9b9a13cd7e⋯.png (833 KB, 815x494, 815:494, Qui_3.png)

afba41  No.250094

Mass protests in France. Nobody is calling for deportations except the handful of Zio-Bolshevik shills. Instead, Jews will be displaced from power, then without the law to restrain, Zio-Bolshevik shills are hunted in the night.

Coming soon (enough) to America.

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afba41  No.250095

File: 3afcbccbfe1b037⋯.jpg (49.24 KB, 479x640, 479:640, Qui_live.jpg)

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afba41  No.250098

File: e274cd80228b0cb⋯.webm (2.07 MB, 640x480, 4:3, qui_live.webm)

Europeans have failed to abandon America in favor of Russia and China. Instead, the Western World is uniting in their desire to subdue the Qui.

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afba41  No.250099

File: aadc0795824bf08⋯.jpg (1008.99 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Qui_bird.jpg)

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afba41  No.250100

File: 0b4050c95ed7879⋯.webm (1.63 MB, 1006x1078, 503:539, qui_found_out.webm)

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96e132  No.250111


They're protesting the mandatory vaccine passports that were just passed into law by kikes!

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afba41  No.250116

File: 6386133c588e595⋯.jpg (606.06 KB, 1199x989, 1199:989, Qui_Jews_1.jpg)

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247296  No.250145

I know people here hate Zero Hedge because it is likely owned by a Jew, but they have some great footage coming out of the European protests:


The UK protest is HUGE! Holy cow, after seeing this you know the vaccine statistics are a massive LIE!!! I do not doubt governments are completely LYING about how many people are really vaccinated anymore! I bet it's really 20% to 30% rigged at least! If they say 50% are vaccinated it's actually much much lower! No wonder these spooks are freaking out and having goons go door to door to promote this toxic crapola!!!

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afba41  No.250146


Are you paid to shill (((ZeroHedge)))? Fuck off out of here.

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b77c92  No.250148


No, it's one of my go to news sources that actually covers events and issues such as this. I think it's great as long as they continue doing so.

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afba41  No.250149


piss off

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ef48d5  No.250163

It's weird. Nothing on halfchan about the protests at all. Had Huge revolving threads last weekend. Looks like it's been blocked completely. >>250094

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afba41  No.250164

File: 4e3647555dc94f8⋯.jpg (753.58 KB, 2171x1587, 2171:1587, _Moot_.jpg)


As fake Jews lose control of the narrative it's impossible for (((them))) to not expose their cards.

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fc6b7c  No.250236


Protesting is going to have the same results as all the other 'protesting'. The only solution is Anarcho Homicidalism. Every man, woman and child must be prepared to utter destroy anyone who tries to have power over them. This is the only way to deal with jewish (((government))) and its democide and destruction of civilization. The right of personal self defense from foreign terrorists must not be infringed.

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fc6b7c  No.250237


Damn it. I should have known just by his personal stance on the invaders.

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13ea9a  No.250248


Sadly this is the state of affairs and the reality we live in. It's not going to end well when push comes to shove.

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afba41  No.250249

File: 772857ac2e9af44⋯.png (596.53 KB, 677x1002, 677:1002, facebook_redpill.png)


Yeah, man. Most large social networks, especially chans, were created by Israeli agents within the U.S. government. Same is true of VPNs and proxies services.

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42885a  No.250251


That may be true but then again, what isn't at this point?? No matter what site you visit or link to you always get shit no matter how detailed and cross-referenced the content is. No matter how mainstream or independent the sites may be. I gave up trying to please anons for this very reason. It's up to each anon to draw their own conclusions at this point.

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afba41  No.250252


Very true. As the illusion of safety breaks for anons we'll find them first backed into a corner and then taking to the streets.

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207e9b  No.250256


The people who live in major cities will be taking to the streets. The rest of society will be fighting one another over their resources and preps, as well fighting governments who attempt stealing or land grabbing them. The war for America will be completely unconventional and much of it decentralized suburban and rural guerrilla warfare. There will also be extremist groups that get together with arms and supplies who intentionally target people of influence and public/govt infrastructures too. Those clashing in the streets won't matter as much, as they have already been drained of resources and left to die. Those with some resources and property ownership better prepare for war because that is coming.

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afba41  No.250257


i just want to 360 noscope ziobolsheviks. doubt it'll get that bad though. these people are complete cowards who will capitulate upon realizing it's actually over. or we'll get to snipe commies. either way it's cool, man.

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afba41  No.250258

File: 28d69bbfa535aea⋯.jpg (324.29 KB, 2048x1148, 512:287, qui_1.jpg)

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83491c  No.250266


You may get your chance, but just remember most who survive this will be the ones ready to defend themselves while trying everything they can to hide and avoid the chaos. The adrenaline rush may be a great feeling when the shooting starts (it will help vent frustrations) but that can end very quickly because of the millions around you who also own guns and who will also be unloading magazines. It's a 50/50 chance you'll get to kill many enemies and survive yourself to see the end of this domestic war. Just remember it's not the average American who got us into this mess, most too are stuck in a rut helpless while watching the demise of this nation. The ones who are guilty most are policy makers and policy enforcers.

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afba41  No.250268


True. You're right. And propagandists. Never forget the propagandists.

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d469cc  No.250411



The despots won't give up and protesting is not doing any good so far. This needs to turn into mass strikes and tax revolts. They need to simply refuse to work for the corrupted system anymore and squat inside their homes. Crashing the whole national economy and governmental funding would make a much stronger statement.

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70d5a5  No.250412


ZOG's enforcement won't need to be vaccinated, but they'll be forcing it on others for sure:


I have no sympathy when these pigs get killed anymore. They only exist to serve their dictators. Remember the French are unarmed, they cannot fight back. In America, we can still shoot these fuckers in the face if they try to enforce this against us, and should be.

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