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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: a3ea3921dfb6787⋯.jpg (124.15 KB, 1014x736, 507:368, jesus_strikes_back.jpg)

1babb5  No.249944

niggerfaggots BTFO

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dcee68  No.249994


the reason you can't get any pussy is because you are an overgrown little child trapped in the body of what appears to be an adult male…

You're an infantile, inexperienced, naive and sheltered little sissy, who has spent your entire life playing video games like a 7-year-old boy…

You are inferior on every level

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dcee68  No.249995


If you're anything like the other two losers who frequent this empty board, (like marshmallow Sally for instance) then you live with your mother and you don't have a job and you don't pay your own bills and you have no responsibilities and you don't have a girlfriend and you sit isolated all by yourself in front of a computer 24 hours a day masturbating and surfing image boards and hoping nobody realizes what an empty existence you lead

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dcee68  No.249996


……. Your life failure is exactly what makes it so ironic that you continually try to reassure yourself of your alleged imaginary superiority……

Exactly what is supposed to be SUPERIOR about an adult male who lives with his mother, doesn't have a job, can't pay his own bills, relies on Mommy to do his laundry and cooking, plays video games like a little sissy boy, and wallows in a laughable inferiority complex because of his transparent inadequacies?

if there was anything even moderately Superior about you (like even a simple discernible talent OR skill that doesn't involve clicking a mouse on a computer) then certainly you would have at least one female to validate your claim…

if you were moderately Superior you would have a handful of girls in your life

Even complete losers get laid

but not you

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dcee68  No.249997

VIDEOGAMES = it'syouwho's the faggot and the nigger



Not even a fat ugly girl will fuck you

Not even the ugliest fattest disgusting pig woman on Earth is interested in you because you aren't good enough for them


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dcee68  No.249998



Apparently it was YOU who got btfo, because that's the reason you are in here trying to convince yourself that you aren't a loser, that you are superior to other people….

You actually come into an EMPTY BOARD to see reassurance that other people are inferior to you

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72a208  No.250001


Would you just shut the fuck up and try not crying like an absolute woman for FIVE minutes of your pathetic life, you colossal niggerfaggot?

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f5255d  No.250002



Apparently it was YOU who got btfo, because that's the reason you are in here trying to convince yourself that you aren't a loser, that you are superior to other people….

You actually come into an EMPTY BOARD to see reassurance that other people are inferior to you



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f5255d  No.250003


shouldn't you be playing a videogame right now?

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f5255d  No.250004

File: d4a77ee738a7f4b⋯.jpg (569.03 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, 20210723_134650.jpg)


apparently, you've been BTFO by females

and you got BTFO by employers

and you got BTFO by life

hence, your existence

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f5255d  No.250005

File: 121f53cae7d2ce3⋯.jpg (233.43 KB, 1268x1280, 317:320, 20210723_140030.jpg)

Gee….. I "wonder" why you turn girls off

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f5255d  No.250006

File: ab000e863677ca6⋯.jpg (283.63 KB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, PicsArt_07_23_02_06_04.jpg)


I wonder why girls are turned off by video game douchebags..

That's really too bad, considering the Life choices you made

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3922d9  No.250009

File: 4c49461b9def014⋯.jpg (26.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Gear_Scuf_Infinity4PS_Pro_….jpg)

File: 6c664276f673fc2⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, a9ede956fe013a4cd2c0cbc8e8….jpg)


Q : which of these have you actually seen right in front of your face in real life?

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3922d9  No.250010


RE : crying like a woman

how wouldYOUknow how women behave ?

the only woman in your life is mommy

so, your mother cries a lot?

we don't blame her

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3922d9  No.250011

File: 180f72fe3c4254f⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 691x850, 691:850, 20210310_134758_20210310_1….jpg)


you've gotta start SOMEWHERE, right?

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04c7a2  No.250020

Stop watching porn. Don't be a coomer

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450328  No.250056

File: 860ab4b9988e14f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 2034x1337, 2034:1337, 1625782037721.png)


Someone is sperging out again. I'm making the containment thread

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