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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ab84510da87caa9⋯.jpg (908.5 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1449799563315.jpg)

f5e6d4  No.249782

I heard Fauci say years before the pandemic that to make a disease deadly enough to extinct humans was virtually impossible because of the difficulty of adapting a disease practically. What about making a disease like Rabies more transmissible? Am I missing anything because this is a genuine concern of mine.

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796346  No.249783

It's mostly all about mind viruses these days. If Jews want to exterminate the human race why go through the bullshit of developing a biological virus that may or may not kill half of your own Ashkenazim population? It's easier and safer to create a mind virus, or several, such as turning non-white races against the single white race and dominating it.

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796346  No.249784


>human race

I mean "white race." Not a slip, I'm reading multiple things.

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adf48c  No.249806


who controlls the media


- Elon Musk

As much as i don't like him, he said something important for every single normalfaggot and none of them comprehended Musk properly, even if they are Musk's fans.

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1179f9  No.249811

I knew an army officer who showed me all the manuals he'd been given on various forms of warfare they'd been trained in. Crowd control was 2/3 of their training according to him and his manuals.

There was a manual on biological warfare. The lesson to be learned?

Fear the marburg


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796346  No.249853

File: 80ddfd49a59a056⋯.jpg (144.65 KB, 926x847, 926:847, elon_musk_zionist_4.JPG)


Zionist Jews like Musk always play-off the Diaspora Jews.

>Media Jews bad!

>Israel good!

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872425  No.250173


Of-course the glow niggers dare not speak this truth. It's forbidden! Shhhhh!



























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872425  No.250174

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bb85f9  No.250178


I heard Fauci say that if you saute the mushrooms just a little, their flavor will come out better when you add them to the casserole.

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41f853  No.250182


To the point. Yes, it is hard to create a very deadly virus, although they can still do that. The problem: the collateral damage could cost them their own lives, lifestyle luxuries and positions of power. For example, if they were to release such a deadly virus, these "elites" would be forced to quarantine themselves from the global population. Think about that for a second…. no more Bilderberg orgies…. no more buying narcotics and coke with highly paid prostitutes… no more boating vacations…. no more public swimming and boozing….. they're whole lifestyle would have to change like a doomsday prepper's lifestyle. Just ask any rich elitist yuppy control freak if they want to live like Killcen does. Fuck no. They want endless sex, money, drugs and power. If they released such a deadly virus all that goes away. They'd have to hide in an underground bunker somewhere offshore rationing their supplies. Worried that angry infected citizens were going to hunt them down.

Since the covid agenda did not work out so well (at least for America), they are taking other avenues now, as warned here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acL4Y-QYcuw

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bf5a7d  No.250341

In a fascinating interview with Stew Peters of “The Stew Peters Show,” Dr. David Martin blew the lid on Tony Fauci and Peter Daszak, both of whom committed treasonous acts of domestic terrorism against the entire world with their coordinated release of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Now that we know for a fact that the Chinese Virus came about thanks to Fauci’s illegal gain of function research, which he was funding with American taxpayer dollars at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, truth-seekers are diving even deeper into the scandal to uncover the depths of the evil that has taken place.

During the interview – you can watch it below at Brighteon – Dr. Martin explains how the release of the Fauci Flu was coordinated with the mainstream media, Big Pharma, and corrupt government entities to generate massive profits for Bolshevik Jews while killing off millions of people.

Not only that, but the so-called “vaccine” that was created in response to the plandemic has inflicted even more harm into the bodies of people who have been deceived into believing that it provides protection against infection, which it does not.

“When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death,” Dr. Martin explained. “And you cannot sit there and hide behind the diaphanous fig leaf of going, ‘well, we’re doing it in the public interest,’ when you know, not have a hunch, that it is in fact lethal in many instances.”

“Pfizer has even stated that they have an ‘acceptable death rate.'”


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14380f  No.250342


If despots can't get their way expect them to release the real deal next time around, and they'll be in their luxury silos underground while the masses start dropping dead. Don't even put it past these war criminals. They want a new world for themselves and the old world with most of us gone for good. Most of us are no longer of use as they see it. In their new feudalistic world you will either accept being a disarmed labor slave who owns nothing, or outright killed. That's the goal.

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