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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: c3367ebbbe94f36⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1434x3840, 239:640, Essential_Films_Pol.jpg)

b0944a  No.249678

I wonder how many of these films any of you newfag nu/pol/ retards have seen.

Film/Doc Thread Also.

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49604a  No.249679

File: 91a6ab4799b214f⋯.jpg (168.06 KB, 628x1024, 157:256, movies_to_watch_2.jpg)

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8c6352  No.249682

Only one good movie in there. If I have to explain why kike made movies to "red pill you" are bullshit, then you are beyond redemption.

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a4c71b  No.249693




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509710  No.249694


im certain you've had plenty of free time to have watched all of those movies,considering the fact thatYOU DONT HAVE A JOB, and you mooch off your mommy.

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509710  No.249695

File: 7a73a2efae4af19⋯.png (125.46 KB, 923x1280, 923:1280, 20210720_184649.png)

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509710  No.249696


since your mommy doesn't mind you mooching off her instead of you going out and finding a job, tell her I want $500

just tell her whatever excuse you use….

like how I am "making big progress" in here

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b0944a  No.249708

File: f3dd6ab31c246b7⋯.jpeg (794.5 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, B6EEB76C_3178_4006_BA09_2….jpeg)


Are you actually retarded?


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8c6352  No.249724


You're right. I don't have a job and I'm not a wagie as I am independently wealthy. I don't live off my mom, she's been dead for 20 years.

Blowing out your ass seems to be a problem for you.

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8c6352  No.249725


I have three degrees in engineering and you're a gibbering monkey who has no logical argument. >>249696

>I believe in kike movies.

Go jew yourself.

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b0944a  No.249729

File: 9e6f8611c7bfb51⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_hollywood_is_control….jpg)


Three separate degrees in engineering? Fucking community college jew-interest-debt-monkey who can't spend more than a minute without using the word jew. I got a chemical engineering degree while you got a master's in fucking 'environmental engineering' or some 'Information Technology' pseudo-degree you fucking flaming faggot.

An audience is malleable, and those kikes in Hollywood know this. Goebbels knew this as well, and made the greatest films I've ever seen. Hans Westmar is one of my favs. The visual basis of der kino gives it a universal power of communication.


So you're just some fucking NEET born in some rich crypto-jew dynasty?

You guys are the fucking retards that sound like the fucking navy seal copypasta. None of my films are jewish propaganda. So you write them off due to some schizophrenic accusations that they are such. I hope you all are bound the unyielding fiery ice of Hell.

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8c6352  No.249737

Kike gets caught farting posts out of his ass, and immediately starts a new attack given new information.

What a stupid shtick.

This is another reason why white people don't like jews. There's no winning with a kike and they value a good lie.

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7d67f2  No.249744


you're lying again…….


larping is your undoing, bum

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7d67f2  No.249745

"independently wealthy" HAHAHAHAHAHA

lazy fucking MOOCH

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7d67f2  No.249746

File: f0d3cfafb6b0e0a⋯.jpg (354.12 KB, 1633x1080, 1633:1080, PicsArt_07_21_12_30_14.jpg)

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7d67f2  No.249748

MARSHMALLOW SALLY relies on mommy for food, housing, and internet pornography

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7d67f2  No.249749


1 : they spend every day seeking false reassurances from sexually & socially failed losers in an empty imageboard

2 : they suffer from overwhelming inferiority complexes, and overcompensate with textbook "superior self" garbage

3 : no woman will be seen standing next to them

4 : they can't get pussy

5 : they live with their mother

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7d67f2  No.249751

in April 2018, INDEPENDENTLY WEALTHY MAGAZINE said the best way to spot an independently wealthy man is Him Saying He's Independently Wealthy in an empty imageboard after you call him out for not having a job and mooching off his mommy

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2509d9  No.249804



I'd like to reccomend from the list only three movies as a must…

The corporation (2003)

Network (1976)

Citizenfour (2014) <if you appreciate what Snowden has done so far.

The rest of the list is more or lass fiction, but it is really well written fiction.

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2509d9  No.249805



Is total egomaniac who has nothing better to do in life than to burst his/hers own ego when searching from other anons to give him/her some value in their own opinion. I'd say it is also big issue with insecurity in themselves.

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777bbf  No.249877


Most of them

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ea2e3e  No.249910



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dd1ec7  No.249929


Many of these are worth watching. The most essential is Wag the Dog. I would also add "Land of the Blind" to this list.

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