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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 7f04e044cefea22⋯.png (593.19 KB, 1158x1280, 579:640, 20210719_190528.png)

3e7fd6  No.249501


he has no job…. he has no girlfriend…

he still lives in mommy's house, and she pays a the bills and buys all his food.

he is not self-sufficient… he's not even a "man"…

he's the equivalent of a 10 year old boy…

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3e7fd6  No.249503

if I'm not mistaken, Hitler lived writh his mother until he killed himself like an overly dramatic schoolgirl

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eac952  No.249506

File: ee3f257e91da169⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 1101x720, 367:240, vibin_in_the_neet_man_cave.jpg)

did wagie have a bad day at work or something?

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5e3582  No.249511

File: 09ce56a832fbdaf⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, While_UR_Down_There_Autism….jpg)


Speaks the guy whose "wife" and the US Taxpayers pay all his bills.

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3e7fd6  No.249515



fucking comedy gold, Himmler

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3e7fd6  No.249516

File: a8ad14451a4a65d⋯.jpg (502.42 KB, 1274x1280, 637:640, 20210715_144013.jpg)

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3e7fd6  No.249517

and NOW we finally know why he behaves so much like a bitter, divorced, middle aged woman

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eac952  No.249518


Who hurt you?

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3e7fd6  No.249519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eac952  No.249520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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180d2f  No.249521

you should walk into the living room right now, and tell mommy that you're "making big progress" on the computer she paid for….

that way, she will stop dropping hints about you getting a job and finding your own place…

Little Hitler, what you doin'

Is the passion inflamed again, again

Little Hitler, where you goin'

Is it go go night again tonight

Ever searchin' for the action

But the action don't want to know

I said all along you're a tough one

(Little Hitler)

Little Hitler, what's the matter now

Can't you settle for the center of attention

Little Hitler, now I'm serious

Let me guess why you knocked me

Off your guest list

As the world turns

At the edge of night

And the seed is shot and sown

I'll make a Little Hitler of my own

(Little Hitler)

When the goin' gets tough

The tough get goin'

Every now and then

L can see 'em runnin', runnin'

You can talk with them

You can be shot with them

But you'll get no change

Only shootin' at 'em long range

See you someday soon (Little Hitler)

Selfish pleasure, yeah (Little Hitler)

With the one I love (Little Hitler)

Now you're not alone… yeah (Little Hitler)

With the one I love (Little Hitler)

Little Hitler of my own (Little Hitler)

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180d2f  No.249522


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180d2f  No.249524


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180d2f  No.249525

you're a marshmallow because you're SOFT AND WEAK

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180d2f  No.249527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You're soft and pudgy and swollen in the middle from inactivity

You're sedentary and lazy and unaccomplished

Most 19-year-olds have accomplished more than you, and Dave already moved out of mommy's house

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180d2f  No.249528

The lack of a life companion must be like sandpaper to your soul

Of course you spend your life pretending like you are cavalier and nonchalant, like it's all water off a duck's back….

But that's all bullshit.. that's a defense mechanism you've been using for years….

The truth of the matter is it really bothers you…

The loneliness tears away at you…

You don't have anybody in your life other than your mother…

You're in your mid 30s, getting older with each passing day, yet you don't have a life companion

You're not going to get a life companion living in mommy's house

Because you are lazy, you have literally let life slip through your fingers, all in the name of not having to go get a job and live like a Man

That's extremely Superior of you

you're literally a pathetic nigger

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180d2f  No.249530

The one thing you've accomplished in your more than 30 years on this planet is the ability to pretend like you're "laughing it off", to pretend that you don't care…

You've gotten very good at pretending

Pretending that you're Superior, pretending that you're better than other people, pretending that you are more intelligent than other people….

And when somebody stumbles along and notices your transparent inferiority, you pretend like it doesn't bother you…

But you're easily bothered….


It bothers you that you haven't accomplished anything, which is really weird because the only reason you haven't accomplished anything was through your own laziness and refusal to finally get on your feet like a man….

And that's the reason why your inferiority complex has manifested in a false "superior self" of a twisted child's misinterpretation of machismo and masculinity

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180d2f  No.249532

Because you're not a man….

You're a 30 something year old soft out of shape little boy, who spends his life sitting in a chair

You're the farthest thing from masculine I can possibly think of him, and the reason you're never going to find a girlfriend is because you're still living with your mother…

What woman is going to invest her life into a lazy NIGGER BUM with no job who lives with his mother?

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180d2f  No.249533

So you can try your predictable routine of "laughing it off" all you want….

But it's not fooling anybody…

Deep inside the loneliness is tearing at your soul

Life is literally passing you by

And you don't have anybody to share it with

So go ahead and laugh

Because when you're sitting there by yourself, frantically masturbating to pornography in the back bedroom of your mother's house, wondering why you can't find a girl, you're not laughing

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180d2f  No.249544


Everything he says online is the complete opposite of the truth

He says he's Superior to others

While he mooches off his mommy

He claims other people are inferior

But he lives in his mommy's house

He claims to be a part of a big movement

But he is too lazy to go get a job

He posts endless laughing reaction pics

But deep inside he's not laughing

He's not laughing because he's a miserable little child with no girlfriend

He's not laughing because his mommy makes the rules

he's not laughing because he's a NIGGER BUM

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180d2f  No.249549


you're actually LOWER than a nigger

niggers actually accomplish things

niggers have MONEY

niggers get tons of pussy

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0a60db  No.249560

File: 7325eea3f8e04f0⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB, 210x210, 1:1, 03f3be1d_a329_4dc4_a3aa_c….jpeg)


> you're a marshmallow because you're SOFT AND WEAK

I think you are being unfair.

He's not marshmallowy all the way through…

And he gets chicks.

> pic related

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0a60db  No.249561

File: 3f1894e14a4b1cc⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 125236_07_brachs_marshmall….jpg)


But he actually exhibits a somewhat hard exterior, giving him an almost glazed appearance… "Glazed", like pottery. Or like Brach's Marshmallow Eggs..

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0a60db  No.249562

File: 069256c44f37ccc⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 125236_01_brachs_marshmall….jpg)


Yes, that is more accurate…

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0a60db  No.249564

File: c38939efe550d89⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 125236_04_brachs_marshmall….jpg)


Soft, like an old marshmallow, on the inside; brittle, gaily colored and crumbly on the outside, leaving a sickly sweet chemical taste in one's mouth that only a mother could love.

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0a60db  No.249565

File: b2ae3ede1adc10b⋯.jpg (22.67 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 125236_05_brachs_marshmall….jpg)


Yes, I think this could almost be his Candy Avatar…

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0a60db  No.249566

File: 0f87a7c256ac0e4⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 125236_03_brachs_marshmall….jpg)


There could be moar

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0a60db  No.249567

File: 28f928341d7abc9⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 125236_02_brachs_marshmall….jpg)


But it's a "small /pnd" for such big fish to be fryin', and the candied fish-bowl is only so big…

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180d2f  No.249568


you're actually LOWER than a nigger

niggers actually accomplish things

niggers have MONEY

niggers get tons of pussy>>249560







okay, I actually LAUGHED OUT LOUD

pretty funny….

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180d2f  No.249569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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180d2f  No.249570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm currently working on sequencing a remake of one of my favorite songs

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8f1eef  No.249571

File: be60a44eb973082⋯.webm (4.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ali_Bee_You_will_never_ne….webm)

This sounds like another crazy tranny tr00n thread. Men can never be women.

>You will live and die a man, sure sucks to be you!

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180d2f  No.249574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this isn't the song I'm working on, but it's a great fucking song

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180d2f  No.249577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this isn't the song I'm working on either


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b854a1  No.249590


So give more attention, maybe he can be a big strong"man" one day !! Keep working the head till he's as hard as you op you faggot

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bdceb6  No.251837


>racketeering about irrelevant literal who faggot drama when COVID vaccines are out in full force

Christ you niggers are irrelevant.

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