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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 7bb2e97457c6e0c⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 556x652, 139:163, CUFI_rekt.jpg)

ff27bb  No.249420

Why have Jews started losing so badly? This is a recent phenomenon. What in the HELL is going on?!

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ff27bb  No.249421

File: 7807b4acf656ec5⋯.jpg (325.54 KB, 667x1024, 667:1024, michael_black_and_gold.jpg)

Seriously.. what's going on? There is absolutely NO anti-Zionist lobby influencing Christians, especially not Evangelicals. There has been no NO large-scale propaganda or outreach program. There has been NOTHING as far as anyone can tell. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Christians of all denominations are constantly bombarded with Israeli propaganda with apparently NO push-back from opposing groups.

So what's going on?

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54e3f8  No.249424



Israel's attack on Palestine back in March pretty much shifted the narrative. Even fucking Ben and Jerry's has stopped selling ice cream in occupied Palestine.

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ff27bb  No.249428

File: 61111f551c65c64⋯.gif (5.47 MB, 480x269, 480:269, yummy.gif)


>jews ruin everything and blame everyone else

makes sense. i love ben and jerrys ice cream btw

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816f14  No.249758

I sensed that the Kaykl of which all Jews are bound by is about to hit the Shoah mark about 2 years ago. The life cycle of the Jewish diaspora culminates in a Shoah where a lot of kikes die. It is mathematically impossible to subvert goyim forever,

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816f14  No.249759


cycle = kaykl

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770411  No.249772



>There has been no NO large-scale propaganda or outreach program

kek what do you think Q was? this is why the lugenpresse were frothing at the mouth over it

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ff27bb  No.249773

File: 5e33b6ca2bad963⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 1600x2033, 1600:2033, Qanon_Trust_Agents_2.jpg)



go failtroll in another thread, kike. no one here cares about your dimwit nonsense.

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816f14  No.249781


controlled kike opposition. Fox is also lugenpresse.

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bde1f2  No.249935


only commies spam that

only a kike would save a disgusting meme like what you posted. you're trying too hard chaim, take a break.


another commie identifier is they think everyone who isn't a hard left progressive watches foxnews.

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adcec4  No.249937

File: 86912c9f3af75fc⋯.jpg (154.79 KB, 1170x1184, 585:592, E1nMszcXIAQ_MsP.jpg)


>What in the HELL is going on?!

Jignats have been playing for the short term and making bad long-term moves. Imagine allying with the human punching bags that are the GOP.


There's lots of generic Leftwing anticolonialism out there, and some of it even specifies Israel as the oppressor of the innocent POCs of Palestine. The Left always wins, the Right always loses, and Israel miscalculated.

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041a4f  No.249941


If you're not making your own ice cream from scratch you're eating disgusting sludge, chemical filth.

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4b4e87  No.249942

File: 4141ae7cae40fa9⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 1084x769, 1084:769, nw60f6b6b6.jpg)


Obviously the internet and increasing awareness and activism from the deepest and dankest denizens of such.

I think they seriously underestimated how well their entire modus-operandi would become understood and the crude attempts to regain control of the narrative simpy expose them furthur, so it becomes a race against time to shut everything down.

There are deeper issues regarding the end of the Christian Aion and the collapse of that control narrative also and the new developing Aion being entirely outside of their control, their plans never really extended beyond reubuilding a Bronze Age Temple.

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6fabe5  No.250049


I hate the people that run Ben and Jerry’s but God damn it’s good stuff

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eb38a4  No.250074


yeah, it's sugar.

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eb38a4  No.250075


but why don't you want to know who q is?

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eb38a4  No.250076

it's interesting the nsa can leak tucker emails but not the id of q…

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54e3f8  No.250085


Ron Watkins is Q, slowpoke.

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eb38a4  No.250087


no chance.

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961d91  No.250156

controlled opposition. What makes you think they are losing?!

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ff27bb  No.250159


I'm watching the world turn against Zionism and Communism at the same time. Jews have always slithered to the Left or Right in order to escape the iron hand. Where will they slither now?

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f31b2e  No.250168


>Jews have always slithered to the Left or Right in order to escape the iron hand. Where will they slither now?

To the center.

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54e3f8  No.250169


That's because you don't know Ron. He is Q. He made all the "drops" and now his dad makes mad bank selling Q merch to your grandma. This is well documented and Ron admits it on camera for the world to see.

Good job buying into the cult, though. We all laugh at them.

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ff27bb  No.250170


>To the center

We are the center. We're the middle. If Jews slither to the center it's our own fault.

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f31b2e  No.250175

File: 991e43cf6edffb0⋯.jpg (103.43 KB, 594x479, 594:479, 1544091585661.jpg)




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53b977  No.250238


kaykl = Kike Kill phonetically.

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53b977  No.250239

File: 6c4579db81b51db⋯.mp4 (11.77 MB, 1922x1080, 961:540, fox_nigger_media_COVID_vac….mp4)


No kidding. FOX is a bunch of disgusting brown faggots. Even the Whites on it are foul beyond measure and need the rope ASAP.

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