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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: feba3d5c37e2dc7⋯.png (339.32 KB, 680x680, 1:1, SxJXeTT.png)

28281c  No.249249





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e128da  No.249262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've been fucking my wife for the entire day

playing these old unknown MUSICAL GEMS

SMASH HITS that you've never heard before

nobody's familiar with them

(unless you lived at the Raves back in the 90s)

THIS song is fucking amazing….


it's perfect to fuck to…

we played this song like ten times tonight

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e128da  No.249264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e128da  No.249266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peeling the skin back from my eyes I felt surprised

That the time on the clock was the time I usually retire

To the place where I cleare my head of you

But just for today I think I lie here and dream of you

I've got you under my skin where the rain can't get in

But if the sweat pours out, just shout

I'll try to swim and pull you out

A howling wind that blows the litter as the rain flows

As street lamps pour orange colored shapes, through your windows

A broken soul stares from a pair of watering eyes

Uncertain emotions force an uncertain smile

I've got you under my skin where the rain can't get in

But if the sweat pours out, just shout

I'll try to swim and pull you out

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e128da  No.249269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One Down, Two To Go….

that's how I see /pnd/

I've already boxed you in

and there's only two left

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e128da  No.249276

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you're the ONE down……

and the other two are next

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e128da  No.249277


goodnight, princess

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cec082  No.249352


lmao fagbot is CONTAINED

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7092bd  No.249368


while my wife and I have been doing "what adults do", you spend your empty existence contained in your sexual ineptitude, wallowing in imageboards.

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7092bd  No.249369


for all practical purposes, you live the life of a 10 year old boy

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7092bd  No.249370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we're all 'contained' here on planet Earth.

but that's not an excuse for being a faggot

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