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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 9ea785c75de265c⋯.png (76.25 KB, 1731x940, 1731:940, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….png)

d227c8  No.249203

So this is why there's so much anti-Christian shilling.

This is why (((Freemason))) pedophiles infiltrated the Church.

This is why..

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f1ae29  No.249208


The age of consent is too high dumb shit. Radical traditionalists would know that.

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d227c8  No.249211

File: d49ac03f1fba21c⋯.jpg (176.47 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, milo_pedophile.jpg)


fuck off milo

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dfdc6f  No.249215


since when did 70 million christians become anti-semitic

why didnt I hear about this?

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f1ae29  No.249217


You're going to lose. You talked about radical traditionalism. It's a fact there was no age of consent or it was low. Period.

Throwing up a homo is irrelevant asd a nonsequitor.

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d227c8  No.249219

File: a3df63744632202⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 2580x2588, 645:647, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity.jpg)


We have a long and proud history of rekting the Jew.


You came here talking about pedophilia, retard.

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f1ae29  No.249222


>You came here talking about pedophilia, retard.

You're the retard. This is a traditionalist issue. Zioshits and radfems are on your side if you are against it. Only a low iq brainlet will ignore all these details and fail to understand the point.

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d227c8  No.249227

File: ea5adec75ccc28d⋯.png (655.55 KB, 1198x923, 1198:923, Why_Jews_Hate_Christianity….png)


LOL you saw a good thread redpilling anons on why Christianity is attacked by kikes and IMMEDIATELY came here talking about pedophilia. Go kill yourself, fake Jew.

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678cca  No.249252



Fags are bad because loose assholes. When fags stol fearing something they know isnt real, they stop repressing bad behavior. The religious, but mostly christ cucks are why we are in this mess.

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d227c8  No.249258


>were in this mess because of a religion that condemns homosexuality

>it's totally NOT the kike's doing

kys jew

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f1ae29  No.249268


Don't call me jewscum again you fucking dip shit. I'm starting to think you are the jew, now.

I wouldn't have posted if you had talked about pedophiles in op. You redpill nothing when you aren't against jewscum and radfem increases on the age of consent to bring down birth rates and separate them from white males as much as possible.

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f1ae29  No.249282


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4ede21  No.249286


lol jewscum

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