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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ccca3b97849f0e8⋯.jpg (173.16 KB, 1015x1024, 1015:1024, 1531615576727m.jpg)

abf18b  No.249178

Zioshits and their collaborators such as transniggers (who work in the fbi) are targeting individuals for a series of bombarded attacks across sites, with slanderous, libellous lies spread about that person. They did it to me here on 8kun not so long ago. USA included for handing off authority to do it.

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abf18b  No.249179

And Trump is being offered as an alternative. He is surrounded by Zioshit.

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abf18b  No.249182

Btw Propedo is necessary. This does not mean 4yos.

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2733ef  No.249186

>They did it to me

post proof.

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abf18b  No.249213


here is a sample. says i upload CP there and spams it.



Also https://kohlchan.net/int/res/12553280.html



Then on 8chan.moe I am getting bans with cross site awareness


(you have to browse to the thread)

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abf18b  No.249214


>(you have to browse to the thread)

from the root.

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ceeee8  No.249243

File: ccc706a695d6524⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Seethe_More.jpg)


> They did it to me here

(You) should start a Banner Contest Thread, OP!

> pic related is for (You), ziopip…

(You) can use it to start your Banner Contest Thread.

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abf18b  No.249272


Proof was posted.

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abf18b  No.249281


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84b24e  No.249287


you deserved it. kill yourself.

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abf18b  No.249295


No I did NOT.

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abf18b  No.249296


More proof.

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c5de5b  No.249315


>>surrounded by Zioshit

Whenever I see Jared Kushner's face I am compelled to shout with rage. Nobody else does this to me, not even close.

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abf18b  No.249358


someone has to deal with zioshits criminal coordinated harassment of people on the internet. this targeted criminal harassment is designed to create reactions such as Paddock.

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