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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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3083fc  No.249075

complications from Type 2 Diabetes

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3083fc  No.249078

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009e40  No.249129

The Yo Gabba Gabba crowd is stunned.

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491d76  No.249144


literally who?

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009e40  No.249151


You're so cool and hipster and must have a 12 inch penis that all the boys love to suck because you pretend not to know who someone is on the internet.

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56b3d8  No.249153

Why is this news here? Fuck off kike.

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b33fe9  No.249180

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lol @ you being the ONLY douchebucket who didn't find something magical and charming about the amateurish nature of JUST A FRIEND

you're SUCH a loser….

the reason WHY the song was great :

because Biz Markie COULDNT RAP….

he was extremely imperfect..

and that why his song became so iconic

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b33fe9  No.249183


Unlike YOU, he wasn't pretentious at all

he KNEW he was a talentless fuck up….

he was very humble about it,

even though that song made him a ton of money

he maintained his humility…

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b33fe9  No.249184

He was well aware that he couldn't sing, and he couldn't rap, and he had a slight speech impediment, and he was big and fat and ugly and stupid looking….

He was very aware that it was just a fluke

A fluke that the world latched onto….

And that song became an historical musical hit

It appealed to people because it was so imperfect

You're convinced that you are perfect….

That you are somehow Superior and your life represents I'm a legend perfection and mastery

You spend your life compensating for your inferiority bye continually trying to convince yourself that you are superior and you deserve to look down your nose at the rest of the world

It's kind of strange that you live such an isolated lonely existence, with your imaginary perfection and superiority….

and Biz Markie was loved by hundreds of millions of humans for his imperfection and humble nature

it's really surprising nobody ever asked you to be in one of the Men In Black movies

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b33fe9  No.249185


Neither you nor Biz Markie have any discernable talent…..


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5aca79  No.249194





Say, can you stop posting like a schizo, is that possible?? Do you really need to shit into almost every thread? Eternal September…

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