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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: ae9f411e8cf77dc⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 850x537, 850:537, JPEG_of_a_Thunder_Cunt.jpg)

866c79  No.249059

Greece has announced "unvaccinated"people are not allowed inside bars and resturaunts

Jen Psaki, who yesterday said the Federal Gov't is flagging posts on Facebook for removal, today said she wants people banned across ALL platforms for "spreading misinformation."

Joe Biden message to Facebook: "you're killing people."

Even Janet Fucking Yellen said lockdowns should return to "low vaccination areas."

Do you understand what is going on here? What are you going to do about it?

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155e9e  No.249087

File: 1dcb0b276c8972a⋯.mp4 (11.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, proud_boys_uncensored_on_g….mp4)

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155e9e  No.249088

File: 2c1dc5651879014⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB, 480x256, 15:8, vaccinations_violation_of_….mp4)

It is a violation of HIPPA to ask medical questions. Violation of privacy rights. 25,000 fine.

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6fb164  No.249131


Tell me you don't know dick about HIPAA without telling me you don't know dick about HIPAA.

Me asking you if you're vaccinated is not a HIPAA violation. You telling me whether or not you're vaccinated is not a violation of HIPAA. Me telling your neighbor whether or not you're vaccinated is not a violation of HIPAA. Me posting on Twitter whether or not you're vaccinated is not a violation of HIPAA.

You're an idiot. Sadly, for you, there is no vaccine against being retarded.

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fe62f7  No.249132

>Jen Psaki, who yesterday said the Federal Gov't is flagging posts on Facebook for removal, today said she wants people banned across ALL platforms for "spreading misinformation."

Oy vey but what about the JIDF, Chinese, and Russian propagandists?!

>Joe Biden message to Facebook: "you're killing people."

This is anti-Semitic! Zuckerberg is a good man!

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1fbd08  No.249134


Actually it is a violation of HIPPA, suck it faggot.

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6fb164  No.249155


No, it isn't. And it's HIPAA, not HIPPA. You've obviously never actually looked at it. Health care providers and insurance companies are bound by HIPAA, not me.

You are under no obligation to answer, but I am 100% allowed to ask you if you're vaccinated and I can take your refusal to answer as a "No" and not let you in my business, on my property, or near my children.

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3abf83  No.249190



While asking another individual may not, (so long as it's not for the purposes of deciding employment) requesting actual documentation can, and has lead to both civil, and criminal cases.

I don't see how vaccination would be any worse than a contagious skin disease at a massage clinic, so while this hasn't been litigated the odds are certainly in favor of the anti-vaxer here.

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ef81fa  No.249255

File: 233fa44a4a3703e⋯.png (277.04 KB, 588x441, 4:3, ee88d7b5_23fd_47f8_85c2_f0….png)

Drink beer in my underwear. This is a clown world. There is nothing that can be done. Just watch it burn. Youll die eventually and so will the pain

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21df29  No.249259

File: 42dc6a227eca41a⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Untitled_2.jpg)

I'm betting the people that want me vaxxed and the suckers that got vaxxed will die horrible deaths long before I ever accept their vaccine or die of old age myself. There might be a couple unpleasant years of solitude but you know what? I like solitude so suck my smelly filthy shit you communist faggots.

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6fb164  No.249288


You're allowed to ask medical questions for the purposes of deciding employment. "Are you capable of lifting 50 pounds?" is a medical question, but valid for certain employment.

Health care workers and insurance companies are bound by HIPAA. Nobody else.

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6fb164  No.249289


>I bet in 90 years, all these vaxxed people will be dead lololololol

Nigger, I'm 49 … yeah, I'll be dead in 90 years whether I'm vaxxed or not. Do you idiots think humans are immortal or something?

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d29908  No.249354


>Bake my cake bigot

And in my private business I can ask you if you're a homosexual, and if you answer in a way that is against my religious beliefs I can deny you busine- Oh wait Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

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3ac848  No.249355


polarizing language. i was vaxxed, and i don't recommend it. it's risky, you have to weigh the odds. we now know if you are skinny and young it's best to get sick actually.

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6fb164  No.249356


"Gay" is a protected minority.

"Anti-vaxxer" is not.

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