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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 1bf6089c627cb8a⋯.jpg (256.16 KB, 1919x908, 1919:908, nuke_israel.JPG)

260dda  No.248562

All Jews are bad.

TEL AVIV — A former top Mexican official accused of compromising the investigation of a notorious mass abduction has taken refuge in Israel while the extradition case against him is mired in a diplomatic tussle over Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, Israeli and Mexican officials say.

The Mexican authorities have accused the official, Tomás Zerón de Lucio, the former director of Mexico’s equivalent of the F.B.I., of abduction, torture and tampering with evidence in the investigation into the disappearance of 43 students in 2014, and of embezzling about $50 million in state funds in another case.


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941fad  No.248588


Who cares? Children deserve rape. Especially white children.

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260dda  No.248589


too obvious. had to sage my own thread. expect this low brow b8 on 4/pol/.

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941fad  No.248591


>thinks sage is a downvote

You have to go back. Nobody here cares about white children.

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260dda  No.248604


>if you dont hate white children you belong on reddit

how does this line of shill reasoning even work? it doesnt. there's no actual payoff, meaning no one is going to agree with your position. It's just failtrolling and impotent kvetching. Neptune is that (((you)))?

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941fad  No.248621


If anyone here cared about white children, they'd be out there making them. So, go the fuck back to your normieverse and never post here again, faggot.

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260dda  No.248626

File: 62765a2e0d10ddc⋯.jpg (232.6 KB, 754x585, 58:45, Merchant_Speaks.jpg)


>failtrolling is winning

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941fad  No.248627


>uses meme with wrong color scheme

You have to go back.

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260dda  No.248630

File: 9181a8cf9a8617a⋯.jpg (100.76 KB, 640x640, 1:1, _awoo_.jpg)


>appeals to chan culture to hide the fact he's terrible at upsetting communities

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260dda  No.248648

File: 02c4888b0d0fe8c⋯.png (29.19 KB, 1667x166, 1667:166, mod_bumps.PNG)

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941fad  No.248657



If I were a mod, I'd ban you, you stupid kike faggot. You don't know how this place works. You're a tourist, an immigrant, trying desperately to change a culture to fit his own. Just go back to your own fucking country.

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260dda  No.248663

File: bcf9ca77ed95bd9⋯.png (949.65 KB, 1457x641, 1457:641, 8chan_compromised_dailysto….PNG)


You're a (((DailyStormer))) mod bumping all the old threads. Prbly Chris Hansen.

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941fad  No.248672


Chris Hansen is a global. All they do is delete CP and bot spam when it gets reported globally. Otherwise, they don't do a damn thing. You want to find our BO? Look in the log for the last time someone changed the board settings. Only the BO can do that - not the Globals or anyone else. You'll find we've been rudderless, modless, and basically /b/ for months. People have sent emails to the admin to be made BO, but no answer is ever given.

Now stfu and go rape a white child. They deserve it for being white.

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7a912c  No.248674


I bet it's a glownigger. Almost guaranteed. That's what they tend to do.

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260dda  No.248675


>there are no mods

>but there are mods who moderate the site globally

>i am not one of those mods even though i bump old threads at the beginning of my shift daily

You're garbage. Too dumb to even post. Should just lurk and acquire intel like the others. Even Neptune gets a rise out of people sometimes. You can do better.

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941fad  No.248678


>mods have shifts

>doesn't understand how globals work

>still pretending this is 4chan

What you're saying here is that you're so pathetic, not even white children want you to fuck them.

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260dda  No.248680

File: b1ccb49d12c066c⋯.jpg (81.62 KB, 703x688, 703:688, my_sides_3.jpg)


>get btfo

>appeal to chan culture and failtrolling

oooh youre so edgy you gonna spam the thread with gore next, moshe?

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941fad  No.248683


>posts 4chan memes

>uses 4chan buzzwords

>accuses others of appealing to chan culture

Damn, son. Even niglet babies don't want you. When you livestream your suicide, be sure to give us a shoutout.

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260dda  No.248685


>all memes are from 4chan

>im obsessed with 4chan

>it's like a popular 8kun

>but it's also filled with white people

>so im here

>shitting on the white people

>why can't i escape white people!!!!!!?!


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941fad  No.248695


>acts like a nigger

>pretends to be white

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260dda  No.248698

File: 23178e00b26fbd1⋯.gif (499.85 KB, 500x264, 125:66, mfw_demons_are_so_mad.gif)


>acts like a jew

>pretends he isnt a nigger

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941fad  No.248700


>posts taylor swift

nigger confirmed.

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260dda  No.248703

File: 5a35a9e957b7ae2⋯.png (363.04 KB, 733x866, 733:866, taytay_israel_3.PNG)


Here's a thread archive of Chris Hansen, the anti-white "kill white children" global moderator not only banning anons but associating CP posts with their IP address and then banning them for spamming CP. He was sloppy and was busted by multiple people in this thread:


Now he's running damage control because he's dumb as a brick.

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260dda  No.248705


And here's the original thread with all replies. Notice the mod deleted files proving what I claimed here and that other anons pointed it out.


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260dda  No.248739

faggot mod got quite lmao

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941fad  No.248753



Still proving you're a nigger.

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260dda  No.248769


>correcting spelling

still proving youre defeated and left without argument.

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260dda  No.248794

File: e00e079762b3647⋯.jpg (759.96 KB, 3008x2000, 188:125, bump.jpg)

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260dda  No.248821

File: ab58fb64a3bc7e7⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, slide_it_2.jpg)

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260dda  No.249000


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